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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10925751 No.10925751 [Reply] [Original]

What coins are the smart biz autists actually buying right now? So many good buys at these current prices. So much shit on the market.

Any honest folks still left on biz? Let's have an actual conversation to make each other some money.


>> No.10925761

Republic Protocol.

The implications of being decentralized is not only is it a more secure method of exchange, it means that the dark pool is provably fair to all parties. With a centralized dark pool or OTC, you have to trust that the dark pool provider is matching your orders fairly and not providing extra advantage to certain players or HFTs for example in their offering, there is no way for you to verify this. With the Republic dark pool, no nodes have any extra advantage over anyone else using the dark pool and hence is a transparent and fair market even though the market is ‘dark’.

People are insentivized to lock up 100,000 REN tokens and run nodes to facilitate matching orders. They recieve a fee for doing so which can be paid in btc eth or ren. Traders before entering their trade must enter into a bond of ren tokens and it is hefty to prevent from spamming fake buys or sells. The bond is returned back to the trader after the trade is finished.

Institutional money is coming to crypto very soon. Not only will these guys want bitcoin and eth anonymously they will also want all erc20 tokens. Republic protocol has support for all erc20 tokens, btc and eth trading pairs. It will utilize atomic swaps and lightning network to make these trades instantaneous with zero slippage as it's an atomic swap taking place.

>> No.10925766

skycoin is one of the only original ones with a hope for something revolutionary

>> No.10925775

And what will that "revolutionary" aspect exactly entail and look like?

>> No.10925788
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The smart ones are waiting for their Conventment access


>> No.10925791

I think there's some solid projects out there, maybe that won't be "revolutionary" long term, but can def make some money over the next 12-18 months. Cardano chart looks decent for a long play, seems bottomed out, 10x+ to previous ath. These prices are too good to pass up. Had to throw 5K more fiat in this past week. Trying to decide where to throw it.

>> No.10925797
File: 155 KB, 713x447, 495E0594-E093-4792-912A-8D6A1D5219D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Conventment because they basically admit the token is for investment purposes as well as special access to some sort of B2B thing. It goes into further detail in the whitepaper.

Pic related along with Zerynth’s twitter account following them is what turned me on.

>> No.10925803
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pic related
t. from 2k to 6 figs in 8 months by buying early chink projects

>> No.10925805

what the fuck
I already started a thread


>> No.10925821
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I never actually read the whitepaper but this makes me drool a little bit

>> No.10925827

Decred. Brilliant devs. No bullshit. Actual working product with more developments on the way. Monero is another good one. Incidentally, tacotime helped found both Monero and Decred and the teams are pretty friendly with one another.

>> No.10925830

0xBitcoin is already finished and can never have its code edited, so it's a good token if you're looking for something you can fully inform yourself about and not have to worry about the end result working the way its supposed to.,

>> No.10925865

havent heard much about this, will definitely check it out today. Those scammy chink projects def pump hard.

>> No.10925876

this is looking interesting to say the least.

>> No.10925888

good looks my friend, If btc can have a major run, some of these newer projects will get their day

>> No.10925916
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0xBTC is one of those projects I happened to stumble upon, glad I did.

>> No.10925917


>> No.10925927
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>> No.10926089

I've thought about BNB, just feel like there will be better exchanges rolled out. Idk.

>> No.10926092


Check out EFX.

>> No.10926162

alot of small cap coins being shilled, any established projects that people think would be a good long (1 year) play?

>> No.10926843
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>> No.10926852

We're not fucking around when we hype Chainlink, anon, it ticks literally every box.

>> No.10927119


>> No.10927138

Some faggot posted something about a chain called veriblock and it looked faggy......but interesting

>> No.10927156

$MAN or $HPB

One will moon

>> No.10927158


>> No.10927252

imagine being this much of a Russian scammer

>> No.10927265

No relex mention till now. Sad.

>> No.10927279

TRX, 0.09$ eoy 3x times profit. Working on increasing my stack rn

>> No.10927286



>> No.10927299

NEM/XEM is solid too.

>> No.10927331

MFT - had its ICO dip and a little pump but it's a solid project not a chink scam.

>> No.10927371


>> No.10927375

skycoin was good months and months ago, now its shit, too many ppl are in on it.

>> No.10927392

thats one of the main reasons i have 45k 0xBTC spread across several wallets

>> No.10927421
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Here's the blackpill for you: when you have a project like holochain that literally renders 99.9% of the shitcoins obsolete, your question doesn't even make sense. With very few exceptions, everything else is a shit by comparison.
Now my top tier advice here will go unnoticed by you for the following 2 reasons:
1. you can't read code, so the only opinion you can form is based on what others are saying
2. this is already heavily shilled on biz to the point that it sounds like a borderline scam

DYOR and also KYS for not seeing the opportunity earlier.

>> No.10927475

nice guy lol

>> No.10927786


>> No.10928037
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>> No.10928058

>renders anything obsolete
>literally zero security protocol, the exact reason blockchain is taking off
There’s money to be made in Holo for now but if you think there’s a long term future here or it will render anything obsolete other than itself you’re fucking brain dead.

>> No.10928087


Both of those meet the precise definition of shit. And Chink shit at that....

>> No.10928167

we're not buying your bags anon. link is going to zero

>> No.10928175
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>literally zero security protocol

>> No.10928435


real nigga portfolio

>> No.10928682

what the fuck is KEY?

>> No.10928698


>> No.10928707


>> No.10929069

if you don't know you don't know