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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10922788 No.10922788 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that no matter your earnings you always have to commute with blue collar garbage on your way to work?

I'm convinced this detail is literally the worst part of modern life. Having to spend an hour or more a day sat on a seat covered in food and literal human shit next to people who are disgusting and giving you diseases is fucking awful.

How do we solve this problem?

>> No.10922803

>using public transportation

>> No.10922810

Not travelling in the first class carriage, not gonna make it

>> No.10922813

Work from home

>> No.10922818

Most cities these days are unlivable unless you use public transport, what with the congestion charging, paying for parking and the fact you spend 3x longer than you actually would on public transport.

No first class on metro systems and busses unfortunately.

>> No.10922831

ausfag detetected, 1hr up and 1hr back each day :))))

>> No.10922851

Live in the city you poor faggot

>> No.10922932

IBM killed that trend fren
Now we must pretend that vpns dont exist and that brick and mortar institutions are the future.
>probably because you all shitposted about it too much too.

>> No.10922946

I bike on the road, get sun and cardio. I win. If I get hit, boom hella insurance money. No gas, no worries. Bike costs like $20 per year to maintain.

>> No.10922991

This. You also get to exercise too. How are you plebs not getting this?

>> No.10923035

Lice close enough to bike or walk, probably save more money even with higher rent when factoring in transportation costs

>> No.10923066

Fuck that. I live in a city of 30k near a mountain. I was born in a city of millions. Miss the culture, but I can visit easy enough. That many people suck. My commute is five minutes.

>> No.10923081
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I also drink a couple shots of vodka before work (horrible habit, but makes work and biking more fun/easier), but I least I get sun and roast the calories

>> No.10923140

Okay but if you bike to work for let's say 20 miles in one hour each way, an average commute for basically the entire USA then you'd be burning about an extra 1600 calories per day, which would cost a minimum of $5 to replace for a few people and about $10 to replace for most.

So realistically this isn't very feasible for most people, save for the fact that you'll possibly without guarantee have less breakdowns.

But yea it's cool to have an opinion on things, however useless i guess.

>> No.10923145

Major flaw with biking to work is the exhaust pollution. Long term studies do not paint a bright future for cyclists and joggers. They conclude that the negative impact offsets the cardio gains. No fucking winning unless you work from home.

>> No.10923152


>> No.10923167

Please be real

How did you started this habit? How often do you drink

>> No.10923177


Umm isn’t this evidence that you are literally no better than your fellow human beings that happen to work in a less distinguished field?

>> No.10923229

Step aside
Not a bad set up but I wear a suit to work and no way I'm wearing that shit then biking a few miles to my building. I'd show up sweaty and rekt.
Not to mention I dont need to be pushing my body hard when I'm on that clear girl Crystal during work.
Thus my Honda civic works perfectly, with not much spent on gas

>> No.10923260

I live in NYC and literally everything you said does not apply to me. It really depends on the neighborhoods you live and work in though. Public transit is for plebs and I will never go back.

>> No.10923274

...you are doing ice at work? Did I understand that correctly?

>> No.10923363

>if I get hit I get a big insurance payout
>oops instead I got a DUI

>> No.10924179

be happy you only have to commute with them at your way to work. i ahve blue collar garbage as family.

>> No.10924219

>sweating after a few miles of biking

i think you need the exercise.

i just keep my suits at work and change in the company gym

>> No.10924317

>not riding your red ducati 1299 panigale s to work
>not lane splitting, speeding and riding on the shoulder
>normie cops know they can't catch you and don't bother chasing
>normie girls cream their panties when you arrive
>normie boss accepts you as his alpha
>never late, even if you leave late
Take the motorcycle pill anon.

>> No.10924408

>get to work drowned in sweat assuming I actually get to work at all (chance of being killed by a bus almost 100%)
Sounds convenient.

>> No.10924453
File: 1.90 MB, 2880x1800, 2880-1800-crop-alfa-romeo-giulia-quadrifoglio-c273102032017031005_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not driving in a Guilia Qaudrifoglio (four-leaf clover), the official car of /biz/

>> No.10924483

i work from home, it still wagecucking.

>> No.10924568

>$10 for 1600 calories
Anon please don’t tell me you eat food prepared by others for every meal.

>> No.10924571

Wait wait wait. You don't use the company showers before penis inspection? Where the fuck do you work that allows this?

>> No.10924585

That car looks like a cross eyed chink with one tooth, anon.

>> No.10924624

>bike car or bus
I present you commuting master race
>It costs half as much as a car
>little money needed for maintenance
>uses a fraction of gas of what a car needs
>cheaper insurance
if you aren't retarded you won't kill yourself on it

>> No.10924654

>he doesn't employ a full time driver

>> No.10924663

I totally see it now. Saved.

>> No.10925179

hell yes