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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10920453 No.10920453 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 100M HOT
>tfw bought in April on IDEX

>> No.10920479

im jealous, you will make it, must be a comfy life

>> No.10920494
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i'm actually pretty lonely and depressed as hell, thanks though. I'm hoping it gets better. Only thing that keeps me from killing myself is the support of my parents that love me unconditionally.

>> No.10920533
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it's hard to be a feel boy in this world. All I think about is finding a woman who will fill the void.
pretty sure you have to make moves in live tho if you want to get off the depression. I just got in college and I want to kill myself (buisness admin thinking about switching to psychologie). I know that I have to get involve in a sport and start socializing since it does help but I have severe social anxiety so its a vicious cycle.
only 5m here, still gonna make it obviously so i'm not worried.

>> No.10920547
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>> No.10920552

you'll make it but you can do better than business admin and psychology
stay in business and go for accting or statistics

>> No.10920557

I have 100m+ HOT too. Want to bro up and party after we cash out?

>> No.10920567

OP I wish you the best, when you are sitting on your yacht you bought with holo gains just remember it was you alone who made it.

The depression is a phase and you will beat it, use your depression as fuel to create the path in life you want to walk down.

I wish I had even 1 million holo but I was dumb and bought Chainlink and ZiL followed by UUU.

T.no holo

>> No.10920591

I have a profound interest for psycho but i know that buisness is the safer degree.
it always was this same dilema for me; gor for the money degree or follow my passion. not an easy choice.
i will likely go for accounting if i stay in buisness. i heard its x2 salary

>> No.10920593
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should have listened

>> No.10920632

Im looking at the order book on binance for btc pair. First time Ive seen an order book like this. Must be from the large supply? 145 bTC buy order.

>> No.10920712

Business degrees help only extroverts / chads. Psychology is good for introverts (esp INFP) and will earn you good money given mental deseases will magnify many times in future. Open a stress management & mental health clinic and you are done.

>> No.10920743

im def an introvert and ur post is really making me think about switching.
But im curious, why INFP precisesly?

>> No.10920762


Free tip if you're interested in psychology: that INFP shit has nothing to do with actual psychology. Actual psychologists literally laugh at it.

>> No.10920785

I understand, but is myer briggs or w/e its called really that bad? Theres still a lot of theory behind it even tho a brain cant only be made of 4 diffenrent dimensions. id like to read the litteratures that "laughs" about this theory