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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 300x225, eth-1-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10919933 No.10919933 [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm all in ETH right now, bought at $280. Was this a good idea? It seriously looked like the bottom

>> No.10919937

Never go all in on a coin m8

>> No.10919962

Absolutely retarded. Literally started shaking my head when I read this. For your sake I hope this is a LARP.

>> No.10919984

this is my plan. but ethereum is not same old ethereum. it looks like useless.

i think just bitcoin has a real value in crypto world.

sory dude :(

>> No.10919999

FUD is at an all time high. Always do the opposite of what these /biz/ retards say.

>> No.10920002

You will make it, dont listen to chinkcoin shills and eos retards

>> No.10920010

this. You will at LEAST triple your money by EOY. block rewards going down in October too.

>> No.10920017

I sold all my ETH today at $300. I also bought at $270ish. It doesn’t mean it’ll go higher or lower but it made me a couple thousand dollars today. Take it for what it is.

>> No.10920024
File: 165 KB, 355x307, megawhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you suggest diversifying in? I'd like a lower marketcap coin, but still a relatively safe and established one. I like AMB, ZIL, not sure if LINK is just a meme or not, REQ even though there's been a lot of hate for it, BNB...IDK there's a lot to pick from.

>> No.10920050


nice pic and digits

Devcon 4 is on the horizon

>> No.10920112
File: 291 KB, 512x512, vitalik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLO unless you're a literal brainlet who can't comprehend how it's literally the next ETH

>> No.10920119
File: 213 KB, 512x360, trump.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start here: https://medium.com/holochain/beyond-blockchain-simple-scalable-cryptocurrencies-1eb7aebac6ae

>> No.10920356

Enlightened men are never debated. They are only ignored.

>> No.10921272
File: 94 KB, 600x300, paki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice ID street shitter, no thanks though i was in boomerchain ico and got my 12x

on a serious note though when ETH is being fudded a lot that means time to buy

>> No.10921354

Ethereum is dead, no scaling for 2 years.

>> No.10921367

eth will be huge after 2020
if the ecosystem gets adopted

>> No.10922286


>> No.10922967

Ethereum has the brainpower. Best and largest dev team in crypto. They are Amazon/Google. After the dotcom bubble, only a handful of companies survived, but it paid off to invest in them. Insane returns for decades.

>> No.10923014

You did good, kid.

>> No.10923016

Yeah it lags a bit but finally unwound, if it was going any further it would have done so, in sats anyway, it's still fairly well coupled to king like everything so dollars could keep bleeding for years, no real risk it gets left behind if prices ever actually start increasing again

>> No.10923018
File: 311 KB, 1021x999, F4FBB86B-A69B-4898-8133-1EAAC24013AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eth Heavy, but this is the portfolio to make it by EOY.

>> No.10923135

Christ, you're gonna make it buddy. Slowly accumulating to get on your level.

>> No.10923160

I sold at 330 the other week and wish I had bought back in at 250. I'm only interested if it manages ro break 300 again otherwise double digit shitcoin

>> No.10923312

I'm in the same boat, bought at 270 and 280. Im disappointed by the recovery performance desu, but lets see. So much FUD is usually a good sign.

>> No.10923322

Checked and correct. Chart looks good for bullish reversal.

>> No.10923325

Might as well risk a little potential profit and trade 280 - 300, sell then buy the low again. You'll likely make more money than simply holding. (Risk of missing out --/- Risk of holding a shitbag)

>> No.10923461

portfolio goals, seeing this always motivates to accumulate

>> No.10923480

ETH gets no scaling for 2-3 years. Vitalik fucked all ethereum holders.

>> No.10923485

Eth btc link holo nano xrp ont bch
Put more into the more popular. Btc is the most solid one. All of them will return gains but will vary.

>> No.10923786

Listen faggot, there is this little voice inside you that initially tells you what to do. This is called a gut feeling, and you always go with it. Don't listen to any of the street shitters here.

>> No.10923958

>Literally started shaking my head when I read this.
thanks for the play by play faggot. OP just made the best decision of his life.

>> No.10923982

my gut told me to go all in on link and i honestly do not think i shouldve listened

>> No.10923998

It's not wrong but I believe it's gonna range around 300-ish for a while. Patience is key.

>> No.10924878
File: 68 KB, 1066x600, Brainlets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all going all in anon

>> No.10924888

Your gut was manipulated by the local pajeets.

>> No.10925743
File: 26 KB, 223x237, 1530406156140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10925920

the bottom is 150. you caught a falling knife m8

>> No.10927338

T-those digits....I only have 36ETH....what a fool I was.