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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10919303 No.10919303 [Reply] [Original]

> be coder
> still wageslave

Any /biz/ millionaire has tips on the best way to use my coding skills to make money and stop being a wageslave ?

> ib4 make an app

>> No.10919378
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>Fork bitcoin
>Name it Nigger-coin, Faget-coin or Trump-token
>Shill to based incels
>Exit scam

>> No.10919414

I thought there was good money in that?

>> No.10919449

Freelancing making websites and cms dashboards. Go to upwork and fiverr (no not all fiver jobs are $5)

>> No.10919459

start your own business lol

>> No.10919468

define good money.

>> No.10919479

> want to stop being a wage slave
> recommends freelancing and fiverr

>> No.10919502

That's where people hire pajeets at $1-3/hr.

>> No.10919519

Oh, you didn’t want to work at all, not even for yourself.

Okay new approach. Use your programming skills to save up enough money to buy a gym membership, steroids, pua bootcamps, plastic surgery, and men’s groom materials. Then find a 50 year old divorcee to just give you money.

>> No.10919524

you're a fucking loser. how about you create a crypto currency and exit scam?

>> No.10919562
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>> No.10919620

Go into database you fucking idiot

>> No.10919705

What’s a better freelancing site then?

>> No.10919726

You create a portfolio, dumbshit.

You can program, you create an automation center.

That's what business is all about.

>> No.10919777

How would you shill a coin without any marketing budget ? I dont think /biz/ is that stupid to buy yet another shitcoin.

>> No.10919862

Seems like a potentially lucrative specialization could be merging the study of law and computer science for the creation of smart contracts for companies and individuals

>> No.10920042

Make crypto but don't actually exit scam on it. Create your perfect envision of what a coin should be and pray that your own community doesn't turn against you and scam themselves.

>> No.10920288

I pay my devs like $20-$40 from upwork.

OP why aren’t you making apps? I’ve got 50+ of them.

>> No.10920311


>> No.10920330


>> No.10920382

what kind of apps do you write?
i'd figure the space is crowded

>> No.10920392

I hire devs to make them. I just come up with ideas. Literally types, I have apps in every category in the App Store.

>> No.10920407

$20 pajeets or $20 per hour?

>> No.10920424

$20-$40 an hour for a developer. No Pajeets. Ukranians and Russians only.

>> No.10920452

Go black hat, or make something of value. Or you can keep slaving away as a code monkey making things of value for someone else

>> No.10920488

How much are you pulling in monthly?

>> No.10920561

I've tried making apps.Any worthy app will take at least a few months of full time development.

Released two, each took about 3 months and didn't make any good money. Again its hard to get noticed when you dont invest in marketing.

>> No.10921008

Apps make money? The app market has always looked to me like you either make nothing or become a billionaire with no in between. Too much shovelware obscuring anything you put on the app store.

>> No.10921031

sadly that's the way many developers approach app development, its all about throwing as many shitty apps as possible hoping that one of them sticks and makes enough to fund the next ones.

>> No.10921047

Blockchain development you dumb nigger. What are you good at? Rails, node, go?

>> No.10921161

make an app


if you're into C# + intelligent + have good work moral we can talk though


>> No.10921213

OP if you're good with Node.js I have the perfect opportunity for you.

>> No.10921305

get into ai

>> No.10921328

make one of those ETH scam sites granting 10x returns

>> No.10921497

this isn't what you do

you do the otherside of it

you make the SJW coin and market is to the left as the way they break free from corporate banks and how it'll help refugees

THEN you exit scam

>> No.10921510

Make your own crypto currency.

>> No.10922186


>> No.10922198
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You people don't understand. Coding was supposed to be our way OUT of this hell.

>> No.10922327

I'm a programmer as well, it's a fucking dead end.

I made a 500% gain on crypto then cashed out close to the peak. I think the next time there's a recession there will be another opportunity like that. I wouldn't chase the ticker.

The only way out I see is selling shit on Etsy while wagecucking. I'm probably wrong.

>> No.10922750

Coding does not give you a competitive advantage business-wise except few cases such as “network effect”.

So if you want to wageslave go learn all bleeding edge stuff- React / Node / Rust / Raddish / Brocolli and developer zero functional knowledge.

Use your coding skills to move to techno-functional areas via enterprise software such as SAP /SAS / Oracle Financials. They are boring but they don’t change often keeping your cortisol level down.

Leverage that stability to develop a side business (ecommerce or whatever). Keep trying and its’s not easy. Invest via Index fund and some controlled exposure to selected cryptos. Start with a business with low risk and low cap requirements. As you build up capital move a substantial to your index fund and use credibility to loan for your next business with higher risk and higher cap requirement (franchise / car-wash etc)

>> No.10923332

That's the worst advice possible. Especially the index fund bullshit.

>> No.10923764

That's still chump change for a software dev - in the USA slightly experienced devs are more in the $60-90k and seniors well into 6 figures.
Stop being a cheap faggot & pay people what they are worth - it's fucking up the economy

>> No.10924071

this. I got into coding because I wanted to create cool shit as a kid. After that I realized coding could make me rich and if I played my cards right I wouldn't have to wageslave again but that obviously hasn't panned out yet.

I earn more than 75k a year which is not poverty level but again its nothing to be proud of.

Problem is that coding has become very popular the last few years, there's a lot of people becoming coders these days after doing a 3 month bootcamp, which is going to drive wages down a lot.

These bootcamps even offer courses on AI / Data Science. Its really depressing for those who have degrees or have been coding for years to see a mom or dude with 3 months of dev experience getting hired to work alongside after doing one of these courses.

>> No.10924093


>> No.10924123

make a trading bot which trades the bitmex heikin ashi candles long short on 5 min timeframe

>> No.10924138

dude wtf

>> No.10924153

Nigga, coding is wageslaving - the job.

>> No.10924194

Here you have it code monkeys. Your one ticket to easy cash

>> No.10924246
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i would actually do it myself, but i cant even set up the fucking gunbot i bought...
just look at it, you wont miss a single trade and if you want to filter out the failing ones, just go on 15 min

>> No.10924276

Just be yourself

>> No.10924279

so what indicator are you going to use?

>> No.10924366

no indicators, change bars to heikin ashi and go long when the first bar gets green and short when it gets red
if anybody gets rich with this you can leave a donation there:

>> No.10924388

100k a year

>> No.10924396

AI is a fucking meme

>> No.10924410

>see a mom or dude with 3 months of dev experience getting hired to work alongside after doing one of these courses

Ya but you should already know that when the fuck up you have to come in and fix it. Maybe specialize in that.

>> No.10924417

you're actually retarded

>> No.10924423

create a shitcoin, pay exchange listing fee. Buy up some bags with your own funds while its still unknown, probably get some trusted friends to help you out do it slowly to not make it suspicious, then hire some pajeet marketing to pump your crapcoin and dump it on biz

>> No.10924448


trading is gambling to me. If you lose everything you are left with nothing and 0 experience.

If you start a business and it fails you at least have the experience and can try again.

>> No.10924473

I need a website to be coded using crypto API, if you can do that I can pay you.

>> No.10924491
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Is an online business a hopeless endeavour?

>> No.10924492

Can you buy a lambo with 100k a year?

I thought this was /biz/

>> No.10924506

pretty much this, you could even spam it to biz and create "partnerships" that don't exist.

>> No.10924510

online business is where its at. you gotta pick your niche very wisely though which is the hard part, not coding the site.

>> No.10924535

you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10924540

How do you find them? To hire? Without getting scammed? What's one of your apps?

>> No.10924545

> develop automated tool to create shitcoins every 2 weeks
> bot will crawl the web and shill the shitcoins 24x7 using powerful memes
> exit scam
> buy lambo

>> No.10924565

>He doesn't think Crypto nodes have API
Stop trying to act smart it's not working

>> No.10924574

sounds like an easy project. you can hire any pajeet to do that for you my friend.

>> No.10924588

Sure you can
A 1985 diablo

>> No.10924591

Im thinking of giving it a shot but aside from upcoming christmas/halloween/blackfriday related stuff idk what sort of niche to get into.
I think i'll take a course first but i doubt that if i create a site in a month it will rank next month in time for when people start searching for shit to buy idk.....

>> No.10924602


Honestly, just make a successful DAPP.

The DAPP ecosystem at the moment is just like the mobile app space was years ago, only far more lucrative.
If you know how to code, and you're not learning the dog shit that is solidity, then you're doing yourself an incredible disservice.

You might say to yourself 'why would I try and make anything as there are so many ICO companies out there working away in nearly every sector'.
Well, the answer to that is that 99% of those companies are using blockchains for entirely the wrong purposes. Always remember, blockchains do two things extremely well at the cost of all others: 1. Censorship resistance (in the case of open public chains), 2. ABSTRACT value transfer.

Build a DAPP that leverages those two things, and you have a chance of making it.

In a few years we will be looking back at the failed remnants of the ICO companies that tried to utilise blockchains for all the wrong reasons, and kicking ourselves for not doing what the 16 year old (now millionaire) kid did in his bedroom, which is make a really simple product that ACTUALLY utilises what blockchains are good at.

In fact, blockchains could not have come at a better time. Have you seen how hated the big tech companies are becoming for all their censorship lately?
A decentralized news network would not get a lot of hits now because it would look shit and be really slow, but what about when the EU are cramming copyright filtering and taking news sites down for 'Hate Speech'. It's then that Blockchain DAPP are going to come in to play, and people WILL pay tokens for uncensored news sources.

We are just entering the plateau of productivity in the Gartner hype cycle now.
God Speed Anon.

>> No.10924603

I went on fiver to find a pajeet but none of them would take the job. All they want to do is setup a square space website which is just drag and drop bullshit.

>> No.10924652

I've dabbled with DAPPs in the past. As you say the market is very new and it might be years before people adopt crypto for anything else besides making money.

The majority of the interest in crypto is people who want to make lots of money and cash out to fiat at some point.

>> No.10924657
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Pls respond. What is thine wisdom?

>> No.10924688

Dildos and sex sells

>> No.10924708

>I went on fiver to find a pajeet but none of them would take the job

try upwork or offer more money. Also it's in your best interest to use an easy to use platform so you can modify the site afterwards if you need to. Maybe use one of those drag drop sites and request a custom plugin developed that does the work you need.

>> No.10924715
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Fucking hell another sleepless night of trying to figure out a niche that will be profitable instead of a complete and utter failure.
I'll probably kill myself if this doesn't work out.

>> No.10924746

Its hard man. The majority of people making money online have been doing it for years. It takes a while to pickup, so its better to start sooner than later.

Gotta have patience and try to grow a tiny bit every month, don't expect to make money in a while unless you have funds to invest.

>> No.10924750

Protip: go into an area you know something about. That's contingent upon the success of ALL companies, that the creator knows the field beforehand.

>> No.10924761
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Fuck this then. Im off to the casino wish me luck.

>> No.10924813

u have to stick to something for a while and create the best experience you can have for users. Cannot be jumping around niches all the time.

Say you picked dildos, create the best goddamn dildo site in the world, after you launch the site give yourself 1 year to make it a profitable business. If it doesn't quite work then move on to the next one and sell the dildo business.

I have never actually tried to do a site for myself but thats how I would approach it.

>> No.10924991

What about making a white label apps/sites for a certain demographic (e.g. startups with a platforms)? This way whenever someone has an idea like >>10920392, they can just come to you and you can charge them a premium for wanting your services (which once you have your white label product, should be just a matter of redesigning a couple things and sending it to them). And then add options/modules for things like data analytics and whatnot else?

>> No.10925059

>market is very new
>ignores the poster’s entire point
You’ll never make it with that mindset OP

>> No.10925073
