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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10916626 No.10916626[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10916636

He’s right, though.

>> No.10916642

fuck you kike

>> No.10916661

How isn't he right? The publishing industry has proved itself to be monopolistic and anti competitive at every turn, to the point of straight up siphoning money from authors without any compensation and even authors that died hundreds of years ago

>> No.10916677

It's true, as a philosophy major I can confirm that all the knowledge you need is freely available through online courses.
The only book worth purchasing is one that teaches you critical thinking.
I'm saying this because it's the most valuable knowledge you will find out there.

>> No.10916712

>Muh publishing industry
>What are free books


>Philosophy major

Stopped reading right there. Reading a few snippets of Plato's republic doesn't make you a major in folosophy kid

>> No.10916739

Found the kike

>> No.10916749
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>free pdfs

>> No.10916759
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>Everything I don't like is Jewish

>> No.10916775

>free shit
Yeah, either propaganda or paid by the state
ie. (((free))) or """"free""""" books

>> No.10916793

>he doesnt put free pdfs on his overpriced iphone/ipad

>> No.10916803

Found the kike

>> No.10916814

>not majoring in math

>> No.10916816

But its true
Everything I dont like (circumcision, communism, kosher meat) is tied to the jews

>> No.10916834

Didn't MIT post all of their undergrad materials online for anyone to read?

If you don't have a computer our taxes are paying for public libraries with all the same shit and internet access you just have to be autist enough to study it for no degree

>> No.10916836
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>A downloadable pdf version of Mein Krampf is Jewish
>A downloadable pdf version of Aristotle's politics is Jewish
>A downloadable pdf version of Keynes - The general theory of employment, interest, and money is JEWISH

Face it. You and all the other posters in this thread shit on books because you have a double digit IQ. Where did you mouthbreathers come from and WHY are you shitting up my board?

>> No.10916904
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full of fluff tho amirite?

>> No.10916925

>status symbol

Holy shit, the state of this board.

>> No.10917052

This is funny because I legitimately have a certified very high IQ, certainly bigger than yours, and find books to be a complete waste of time and resources. Although I know someone like you wouldn’t believe me, but I don’t mind.

>> No.10917073

>read philosophy and other humanities trash
>I'm so smart guyz

>> No.10917095
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>I cheated on an online IQ test once

>Anything that is too complicated for me to understand is trash

>> No.10917097

he's right, based and redpilled.
Books are for cucks, internet is for chads

>> No.10917113
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>I legitimately have a certified very high IQ,
>legitimately have a certified very high IQ
>have a certified

By who? your mom?

>> No.10917120

Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, buddy. As long as you stay comfortable in you little bubble.

>> No.10917122

lol retard

>> No.10917127

Books are alright. Well, I don't have time for them, though.

>> No.10917171
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You seem upset lad

>> No.10917173


Kek. I love when low IQ plebs get rustled.

>> No.10917174

This is why this board will never make it

>> No.10917179


Low IQ: the posts ladies and gentlemen

>> No.10917189

Pretty bad bait unless he is actually medically retarded.

>> No.10917209
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>he unironically believes people are honest when it comes to IQ scores

there is no hope for this board anymore

>> No.10917213

Mr. Noseburg, I like reading books because sometimes i dont want to stare at a fucking screen all day like a NEET cunt. Fuck off you filthy kike

>> No.10917218

Kike detected

>> No.10917220

KeK, I love when Mensa posers reference test scores, instead of addressing an argument's merits.

>> No.10917240

It's unironically true. Sit down one day and try to write a 10 page book of whatever topic you like as an exercise. Not an entire book but just 10 pages.
Now after doing that, remind yourself that no one buys 10 page ebooks and that you must now stretch the text to a minimum of at least 100 pages to justify the average $10 price tag on amazon. This is basically what books are and have been since it became a business. Sometimes capitalism and relying on "making money" alone as your motivator of doing something isn't actually as good as people make it out to be and the product may suffer greatly in quality just so its profitability is maximized, and sadly that's about 99% of modern books

>> No.10917255

Okay bookfags. Tell me one thing I could find in a book that I couldn't find on the internet.

> inb4 anon's diary

>> No.10917262
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>I can't find myself to write more than 10 pages so no can either ergo books are a scam QED MUDDAFUGGA

>> No.10917291


omg. So this is true; /biz/ is really that retarded...

>> No.10917316


these are the people telling you what to do with your money my friend

>> No.10917641

It's pretty obvious that OP is talking about printed books absolute retard, and downloadable shit it's even more jewish if it's DRM'ed
Fuck off back to plebbit absolute brainlet
Padding shit doesn't increase actual content
A point for bookfags it's that it's pretty hard to find non US/English content on the internet