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10913445 No.10913445 [Reply] [Original]

ICX will reign supreme, you have been warned. Buy in or stay poor, this is the only warning I'm giving you fags.

>> No.10913452

Hyperconnect mah dick.

>> No.10913466

Serious question: why no mention of ICX in yesterday's Link news?

>> No.10913511

How was it related to ICX, are they planning to use the Icon network?

>> No.10913527

Well ICX advertised a joint venture with LINE. Do you even ICON?

>> No.10913681

I have heavy bags. I'm ready sirs

>> No.10913816

Yes, but I dont know the spesifics. There has been a ton of good news lately.

>> No.10913824

All in, fren.

>> No.10914814

all in at 2700 icx, goddammit im looking forward to eoy

>> No.10914920


Good question... Although it's obvious ICONLoop built the LINK blockchain.


The pleb still hasn't noticed yet...

>> No.10914939

So LINE basically paid ICONLOOP to build their blockchain for them. ICONLOOP got paid as a company. But this won't actually help ICX's actual coin value because its all going to be their own.

>> No.10914962

My fear exactly. Thank you for wording it in a biz friendly way

>> No.10914974

Do you think they at least built a c-rep or are we fucked?

>> No.10915032

I would assume Samsung and LINE are C reps. If it's just their advisor friends and all that, then we got gooked

>> No.10915054

Yeah, some clarification on that would make a huge difference desu desu

>> No.10915133


... You don't know much about ICON, don't you ?

ICONLoop's technology is loopchain, as you may already know.

By definition, loopchain are built as compatible out of the box with ICON protocol. LINK is a loopchain-based blockchain. Which means LINK will be connected to ICON.

For your information, ICON is itself a loopchain-based blockchain.

>> No.10915143


LINE will be C-Reps for LINK blockchain once it is connected.

We don't have any information about Samsung blockchain connected to ICON. They only use Chain ID (which is an ICON dApp) in their phones so far.

>> No.10915148

Are you sure LINK is loopchain based? Do you have a source from line stating this?

>> No.10915164

Because if the Japanese smell a chon company they won't use it.

>> No.10915203


From the LINK whitepaper itself :

Read that if you don't understand the relationship between Unchain and ICON :

It was confirmed from Hyun itself (AD4th CAO) today :

>> No.10915208

Yes actually I know a lot about ICON. I get what you're saying, but the idea of all these blockchains being connected to ICON is what they are saying and the vision of "hyperconnecting the world", but we have yet to see any usecase.

The idea is yes, LINE, and the Korean customs, and all these insurance/hospitals/companies will connect through ICON Nexus and be connected together. Yes that is the idea. But nothing of that nature has been shown to us yet at all.

So we can only assume LINK will be connected to ICON, but we don't know.

As far as we know, the only way LINK and ICX will be connected is ICX's DEX release allows you to swap coins. I mean, Ok cool if that is how it is connected. But this doesn't affect the ICX token.

Are you saying that every single dApp on LINK and every single transaction through the LINE app will be on the ICX Mainnet because they are connected? No it will all be on their own mainnet, because why would they need ICON? LINE is a legit company way bigger.

The only reason this isn't pumping the price is because nobody can understand how this directly affects ICON's ICX value. Saying they are connected is great and all, but if they are connected because of a DEX, then so what?

>> No.10915285


> we have yet to see any usecase
There are usecases already, loopchain is used by 30+ securities firms already (not a PoC but a service and support *today*), furthermore ICON is born from the demand of these firms that wanted to connect to eachother. But I agree it takes time before we see it implemented and running.

> nothing of that nature has been shown to us yet at all.
It takes time

> LINK will be connected to ICON, but we don't know.
We know : https://twitter.com/hslife/status/1035734482089701376

> The only way LINK and ICX will be connected is ICX's DEX release allows you to swap coins
No, it's not - LINK will use the interoperable protocol (SCORE) in order to communicate with other blockchains, as ICON is supposed to do

> why would they need ICON?
Why would they sign a *JOINT VENTURE* with ICON ?

> LINE is a legit company way bigger
But they don't have a 3+ years blockchain developpers team with 100+ developers.

> The only reason this isn't pumping the price is because nobody can understand how this directly affects ICON's ICX value
I agree with that. There are so much misunderstanding around ICON. But it's fine. The value will increase with the product value, as it is supposed to be. Fuck the speculation. Fuck the "muh 100000TPS blockchain", we don't give a fuck about technology under Apple products, why would we start to care about blockchain's ones?

>> No.10915334

I liked the medium article but once again it is not clearly stated that link is loopchain powered and that link will have a crep. Why do we need breadcrumbs (SCORE, LFTconsensus, unchain) to make these conclusions? Might be that icon and line venture will just be used to incubate dapps

>> No.10915349

By didn't see usecase, I should have said we haven't seen the product release. We can see the usecase (from understanding blockchain and how it can benefit industries), but as you said, it takes time.

And I think it will take time to see how the JV unfolds. Right now, it is all speculation on how it will directly affect ICX price. So LINK will use loopchain tech for blockchain and SCORE w/ smart contracts. But unless it affects actual token, most people won't care. The medium post of ICON releasing dev portal barely got any likes compared to others, when dev portal release is actually HUGE.

The truth is, in crypto, that is mostly what matters to most speculators. ICON has stepped up marketing lately and been active with tweets and youtube. So that is good. And the source code release is great too.

The question is, can ICON really market to non korean developers to build on their platform? How can they attract developers to ICON instead of EOS/ETH (beside programming language of choice)

But we will see how ICON and LINE JV unfolds. As more releases happen, it will be more clear if it affects ICX coin price. Truthfully, what it appears to me is ICX will do their thing with their mainnet, LINK will do their thing with their mainnet. And then both will have dApps that either run on LINK or ICX, or both. And that creates a "synergy" where they co-op with eachother. that's what it appeared to me (and I'm assuming others).

>> No.10915356

Is this true?

>> No.10915384


Right, it's not stated clearly, but please read between the lines :

- Unchain (ICON+LINE) started developing the blockchain in *June* this year. So very recently.

- How do you think LINE came up with a high performance blockchain technology in 2 months ?

- How do you think ICON would accept developing a blockchain that isn't based on their technology ?

- Why is there no technical details in the LINK Whitepaper ?

There's only one answer : LINK is a loopchain-based blockchain that is meant to be connected to ICON, as stated by Hyun.

>> No.10915399
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peepee poopoo haha

>> No.10915409
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> How do you think LINE came up with a high performance blockchain technology in 2 months ?

intradasting..hmm that's true

>> No.10915462

Don't get me wrong, I drew the same conclusions you did. I just would like to understand why they are not willing to disclose it. It doesn't make sense

>> No.10915542


Simple : NDA.

>> No.10915551

I like how ICX threads seems to be the only threads where people actually civilly discuss the technical side of the coin.

>> No.10915565

Well let's hope so.
> relying on breadcrumbs
The fucking LINK curse

>> No.10915678


If you still have doubts :


Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9C8AJHgfEI

>> No.10915756

Looks good. Thanks fren

>> No.10915760

lmao at all the typos. It was Friday and he just wanted to go home

>> No.10915773

Dead in the water

>> No.10915958

Yeah... such a shame

>> No.10915969
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>> No.10916506
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Staying poor is the biz tradition!