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10913679 No.10913679 [Reply] [Original]

I'm torn between XRP and XLM. Shill me

>> No.10913687

xrp is superior in every aspect

>> No.10913692

None, go to EOS faggot

>> No.10913696
File: 146 KB, 505x589, 1521077714682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be just bought both and stop thunking about it

>> No.10913714

xlm logo is better

>> No.10913724
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do you really want to hold this?

>> No.10913779

If If It wasnt for the 20XRP needed to start a wallet I would hold both
How much XLM are they going to use for themselfs. I know XLM is supposed to airdrop exrta XLM over time.

>> No.10913941
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if you can't pay 20 xrp for a wallet you probably aren't holding too much, so just keep it in a exchange, what is the worse that could happen?, it's not a big stack
we know that they airdrop xlm "held by the foundation" (not to be confused with inflation airdrops)
but the founders hold 59% of the circulating supply, (not held by the foundation)
so it't not clear what is going to happen to those 11 billion xlm

>> No.10913967
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You'll lose more of your money quicker with XLM than you will with XRP. Depending on if you want a slow burn or quick death.

>> No.10914002

I decided to buy XRP, i bought a little over 3000 of them so I'm going ot keep them in my cold wallet.

>> No.10914014

Xrp is a security and coinbase won't touch it

>> No.10914017

you could have waited for a better entry tho

>> No.10914040

XRP has Ben Bernanke, Bill Clinton, and fucking Snoop Dog at their events. Nobody has even heard of XLM, and it probably won't even exist in five years. Take your pick

>> No.10914072

Stellar is the best stablecoin. My holdings haven't made any gains or losses in so long lmfao

>> No.10914925


XRP clearly has the technical advantage. It has advanced features like escrow and payment channels, a more decentralized network topology, better token distribution, and improved security (see invariant checking).

XRP is also closer to gaining real world adoption. Why? Because Ripple is well on their way to supplanting Swift as the standard for cross-border payments, signing up over 2 FIs per week in Q2. The ability to bridge payments with XRP will be made available to the whole network. There are also companies like Coil working on streaming micropayments, and the built-in exchange on the XRP Ledger already has many times the trading volume on the Stellar exchange.

On the other hand, look at the approach being taken by IBM/Stellar. They are trying to force the use of their public blockchain on every transaction. Not only are there insurmountable privacy concerns when you do it this way, but many FIs will simply not be willing to hold XLM to pay transaction fees. It's going to be a major struggle for them to build a respectable amount of liquidity. The end result will be minimal adoption and a network that is completely useless to the few customers they do have.

IBM/Stellar are essentially mimicking Ripple's approach from 2+ years ago, while completely ignoring all the feedback that convinced Ripple to abandon the on-chain approach in favor of interoperability (Ripplenet and ILP). They can only succeed if they manage to take over the whole world with their singular blockchain. Good luck!

>> No.10914946


>> No.10914983


>> No.10915196
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xrp 50%, xlm 30%, dgb 10%, nano 10%.

>> No.10915251


Look at the performance over the last year.

XLM wins hands down

>> No.10915274

>Past performance indicates future performance

>> No.10915280

>tfw random shitcoin #2438583324 is a better "store of value" than buttcoin

>> No.10915283


>better token distribution
>Chris Larsen owns 15% of all XRP himself

>> No.10915293

xrp cant get commercial banks to use their product
xlm is having central banks launch cbdcs on their product


>> No.10915292

>supplanting Swift as the standard for cross-border payments
Do you actually believe this? Yeah Swift still uses outdated dinosaur tech from the 1970's, but they are too firmly established to go away that easily. If anything, they would partner with Ripple, or just straight buy them out, before losing their position in the industry.

>> No.10915295


>long term established trends changing for no reason


>> No.10915305

XRP is centralized
XLM isn't and factually increasing in value compared to XRP

>> No.10915312

Kike coin or sjw coin,same same but different. Just buy link. 1000$ eoy

>> No.10915336
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>XRP is centralized

>> No.10915348

Anybody who thinks XRP isn't centralized is either a shill designed to counter any 'FUD', such as the word centralization when it comes up, or just a poor normie who can't do simple research

When does a for-profit company owning 60% of Bitcoin not make Bitcoin centralized?
protip: it does

>> No.10915355

He personally holds something like 5-7%. Much of that is going to charity.

>> No.10915365

Both of them are unironically horrible investments long term. And I’m not saying this to shill you some other coins. Probably the worst investments in the top 20. Even Bloomberg believe they are going down 99% long term.

>> No.10915407
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>XRP isn't centralised

>> No.10915413


xrp more decentralized than bitcoin and eth

>> No.10915436

Yes, I think the odds are good and getting better every day. If you had asked me a few years ago when Ripple pivoted to this plan, I would have told you they had lost their minds. But they have now accomplished imo the most difficult part, getting their foot in the door and gaining a reputation as a legitimate alternative.

I don't expect Swift to disappear immediately, but as Ripplenet grows there will be less and less reason to put up with their shitty tech. I think they are too arrogant to partner with Ripple. At least not before the writing is on the wall. And there is no reason for Ripple to agree to a buyout. The upside for them is orders of magnitude higher (b/c of how much XRP they hold) than anything Swift could ever offer.

>> No.10915468

Welp that proves it then. Thanks anon

>> No.10915486

You do realize that XRP isn’t needed for Ripplenet, right? The over-valuation of XRP is a result of brainlets who think Ripple/Ripplenet = XRP.

>> No.10915522

ripple is a scam, look at its creators tons of jews, also backed by clintons

>> No.10915523
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The absolute state of ripple

>> No.10915532
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>> No.10915556

You do know those nodes in Ripple are only there BECAUSE the company Ripple approved them right?
How much of a brainlet can you be?

It's called a closed loop centralization group governed by your very own Ripple company (where the owners themselves not only own Ripple stock BUT Billions of XRP themselves)

>> No.10915568

Operation of the ledger is more important than coin ownership. In any case, you can't complain about Ripple's XRP holdings when the SDF holds an even higher percentage of XLM.

>> No.10915586

SDF is non-profit and the foundation isn't obliged to make profit off it's share

Ripple's XRP holdings are purely for-profit nature
Funny enough, Ripple doesn't need XRP to be profitable, kek

>> No.10915598


>> No.10915599

that is false, anyone can join the network, some community members have their own validators

>> No.10915603

Exactly! That's the great thing about it. Why would you force someone to use a crypto when they aren't ready or when there is not yet enough liquidity? Ripple is building out the network and removing all technical barriers to use of XRP. When it makes sense to do so, anyone on Ripplenet will be able to begin bridging through XRP.

>> No.10915613

I'm not a psychotic leftist. I don't care if a company makes a profit.

Your "non-profit" foundation is run by a known scammer.

>> No.10915683

Anyone can join the network, but you need to be approved by the Ripple company to be on their unique List

>I'm not a psychotic leftist. I don't care if a company makes a profit.
kek right... keep shilling for a for-profit centralized shitcoin then and keep thinking about YOUR bags/((((profit)))))

>Your "non-profit" foundation is run by a known scammer.
oh gee if only there was a court that put this scammer behind bars. OH wait. It was all bullshit? Yeah that happens every time in courts
Jed had like what, 1 trial with that Mark Karpeles guy who destroyed MTGox?

Funny enough, Ripple company has over 10 lawsuits and counting because of security issues and committing fraud against their community by pumping and dumping their shitcoin

Ripple company is a legit group full of kikes who wanted to go from millionaire status to billionaire status off one crypto pump and you normies are just the poor bunch who got attracted to the same idea


>> No.10915766

>You do know those nodes in Ripple are only there BECAUSE the company Ripple approved them right?
your initial statement is wrong, do not try to change it to appear to be right
anyone can join the network and that is what matters

>> No.10915779


>> No.10915811

>Jed had like what, 1 trial with that Mark Karpeles guy who destroyed MTGox?
Where court documents were released showing he manipulating the price of BTC. And for the record, Jed created Mt.Gox, all of its security flaws included. I guess you can give him credit for selling after bitcoin began to be stolen.

Let's not forget that he dumped XRP in an effort to sabotage his own project before starting a copy/paste competitor. Then he violated his newly reached XRP sales agreement with Ripple by having family members dump in his place. Seems like a real stand up guy. The kind you can trust to create bulletproof multi-sig transactions holding the entire of the supply of XLM. Did he hire his know-nothing girlfriend for that job too?

>Funny enough, Ripple company has over 10 lawsuits and counting because of security issues and committing fraud against their community by pumping and dumping their shitcoin
That's bullshit and you know it. Well-known companies always have a target on their back. Ambulance chasers are falling all over themselves to get at Ripple, but sadly they are all going to get shutdown.

>Ripple company is a legit group full of kikes who wanted to go from millionaire status to billionaire status off one crypto pump and you normies are just the poor bunch who got attracted to the same idea
Go back to pol.

>> No.10915827

>your initial statement is wrong, do not try to change it to appear to be right
It only seems wrong because you want it to seem wrong.
Another way to put it cripple bagholder is this way >>10915532
all the GREEN nodes WERE APPROVED By Ripple Company
all the RED nodes were DISAPPROVED by Ripple Company

You are correct. ANYONE can 'Join'.
But not everyone will be INVITED to THE 'club' because they have to be approved the Ripple company first.

Why the idiot shill tries to put an image of Stellar nodes and explicitly highlight the part where it says 'node is not synced with the network' truly shows the intellect level of you cripple bagholders and how much you can understand with the amount of information you read; 0%

>> No.10915849

The green means they are running version 1.0.1. Get your facts straight. There is no such thing as "approved" or "disapproved". There is also no "invite" and no need for Ripple's permission to do anything. You don't understand what a UNL is, or the fact that Ripple can only make recommendations. Each node operation has complete control of the validators they choose to listen to.

>> No.10915850

>And for the record, Jed created Mt.Gox, all of its security flaws included. I guess you can give him credit for selling after bitcoin began to be stolen.
Hahah what?
So if you start a company for completely different reasons and sell the code to someone else which then gets into trouble with whatever they were doing, your first instinct is to the blame the developer that sold it to some crook years ago?
Kek, you're absolutely retarded.

>et's not forget that he dumped XRP in an effort to sabotage his own project before starting a copy/paste competitor. Then he violated his newly reached XRP sales agreement with Ripple by having family members dump in his place. Seems like a real stand up guy. The kind you can trust to create bulletproof multi-sig transactions holding the entire of the supply of XLM. Did he hire his know-nothing girlfriend for that job too?
>the post

>That's bullshit and you know it. Well-known companies always have a target on their back. Ambulance chasers are falling all over themselves to get at Ripple, but sadly they are all going to get shutdown.
>the post

>Go back to pol.
kek, im pretty sure 99% of cripple bagholders came from pol

>> No.10915871

Bitcoin was stolen from Mt.Gox under Jed's watch. He created the shitty environment where that was possible. Karpeles deserves blame for not fixing anything, but Jed was the mastermind.

Nice arguments. REEEEEEEE always wins.

>> No.10915891
File: 485 KB, 1609x762, nodes in xrp network.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that damage control
you know nothing
the color of the nodes means they are running updated(green), beta(blue), older(red) versions of the software

>> No.10915917

>Why the idiot shill tries to put an image of Stellar nodes and explicitly highlight the part where it says 'node is not synced with the network' truly shows the intellect level of you cripple bagholders and how much you can understand with the amount of information you read; 0%
to show that the xlm network is highly centralized and there is a lot of nodes that are not synchronized with it, thus rendering them invalid

>> No.10915956

>Bitcoin was stolen from Mt.Gox under Jed's watch.
Kek now you just like to making shit up.
He sold it before any hacks happened you cripple conspiracy theorist.
>He created the shitty environment where that was possible. Karpeles deserves blame for not fixing anything, but Jed was the mastermind.
Kek, so Jed should be fined for what exactly?
You do realize that Jed himself said to Mark that in order for the exchange to be a legit exchange, he'll have to spend more time and money on it right?
How is it Jed's fault for Mark's inadequate planning to protect its clients?
To even remotely bring up MtGox and Jed and call Jed the scammer is literally proving to everyone that you are a normie newfag who has no history of knowledge but what he gets from cripple forums and pajeet blog websites.

If you want to talk about facts cripple boy, you should first understand the cripple software enough.

The UNL is completely designed to have a closed-loop list of validators in order to maintain speed. Ripple company knows this.
You need to make it on the Ripple list in order to even be used by any other validators.
Ripple company is pretty much the only thing that will have the big say if you can stay or not.

What does it matter? The nodes 'running' HAVE TO APPROVED
Why do you brainlets keep dodging the real fact?

>> No.10915992

>The nodes 'running' HAVE TO APPROVED
that is a lie
>anyone can run a server, anyone can run a validator

>> No.10916027

Again, you are completely clueless.
>Shortly after the handover, Karpeles became aware that Mt.Gox had already been hacked at least once and was missing a substantial number of bitcoins—a total of 80,000 to be precise.

>The UNL is completely designed to have a closed-loop list of validators in order to maintain speed.
Get it through your head - every single node operator has complete control of their own UNL. Ripple provides a default list that they recommend others use. If it is in their best interest to do so, they will. If not, they will change. Ripple can't force anyone to do a damn thing.

Whether or not your validator is on another node's UNL, no validator is prevented from verifying each transaction, voting on fees or amendments, or from broadcasting their validations. No one has an inherent right to force other nodes to listen to them.

>> No.10917071

nothing make sense


>> No.10917268


>> No.10917296

why do you care if a company gets rich as long as you get rich too?

do you not own any stock you fucking brainlet?

>> No.10917299

Both will be obsolete in 6-12 months.

>> No.10917333

How does one get on 'Ripple's recommendation UNL' list then?
That's right.

If that article wasn't so biased in its report (don't FORGET, it's just 1 article who could have been written with malicious intent by the author), then it would have sufficed to actually find the solution to WHERE That 80,000 Bitcoin really went.
Did Jed really steal it? Was it double spending? Was there a hack?
Nothing even says in that article you are debating but clearly make more doubts in the end:
>Did the thief who took them take hundreds of thousands—worth hundreds of millions of dollars—more? Someone did, in the heist of the century, and to solve it, the police need to make a case that depends on more than coercion and confession.
More doubts, nice kek
Keep panicking in doubt while you have no facts.

>> No.10917391


>> No.10917443

it's not /thread if he never responded >>10917333

>> No.10917464

>How does one get on 'Ripple's recommendation UNL' list then?

trying this hard

Wahhh the president won't let me on his good boys list. CENTRALISATION

>> No.10917491

Well... the company Cripple DOES recommend A LIST
So, how do you get ON that list was my original question.
Nice ad hominem, btw

>> No.10917504

I like your style.

>> No.10917509
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Buy both...1/2 and 1/2 of what you where going to spend...or just put all in BTC if you want to actually make money.

>> No.10917583

>How does one get on 'Ripple's recommendation UNL' list then?

By showing you can run a reliable validator with high up-time and a high rate of agreement with other validators. By proving you are unlikely to collude to attempt stopping forward progress of the network. By following good security practices, meeting recommended specs, and committing to maintaining that validator over the long term. There are now 3 community members on Ripple's list because they followed all of the above.

>C E N T R A L I Z A T I O N
Ripple has no special authority to recommended a UNL. Others are just as capable of providing lists of attested validators, and they almost certainly will in the long run. Within a few years it will probably be unnecessary for Ripple to maintain a recommendation themselves.

If most nodes use Ripple's recommendation for now, it doesn't mean the network is centralized. It's just evidence that Ripple is currently acting in the best interests of everyone. They can be kicked to the curb if it ever becomes necessary.

>If that article wasn't so biased in its report
The article quoted an email from Jed himself stating that 80K bitcoin was lost. I'm not claiming that he stole the bitcoin himself, but he did intentionally hide the fact during the sale. And he covered his ass with the clause below:

>And it included an article of indemnification: “The buyer agrees to indemnify Seller against any legal action that is taken against Buyer or Seller with regards to mtgox.com or anything acquired under this agreement.”

>> No.10917603

XRP >>>>>>>> XLM

It's a nobrainer, bigger gains, bigger partnerships, better connections, XRP is the CHAD jew coin