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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10913847 No.10913847 [Reply] [Original]

How does pol feel about bitcoin vs bitcoin cash?

The more I research if the more I feel that BTC has been take over by them.

>> No.10913848

Gonna drop

>> No.10913849

boomer here
you kids can keep playing with your toy computer coins, but it will never amount to anything. The only currencies that matter are the ones that are government backed.

>> No.10913850
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Based and redpilled

>> No.10913851


>> No.10913852

True - but BCH is not a safe bet right now due to a potential fork (Fake Satosh - most probably imo - vs ABC). But, BTC was definitely crippled, deliberately. Blockstream received ~$67M in funding from the banking sector and the most probably reason for it's pump to ~$20K USD was to prevent mining power from shifting to BCH after the scare in November where miner hashrate started favoring BCH.
Encourage cryptocurrency adoption - it's the Final Solution to the banking aspect of the JQ. And probably support BCH, but don't invest in it right now with the expectation of gains. Anything could happen. The same team that destroyed BTC is working hard to destroy BCH also, using similar means that they did for BTC (albeit, refined - overtake development, split consensus, fork into a million little pieces).

>> No.10913853

Great post bro, I know what you mean about them trying to destroy the bcash community now with the new fork coming. yeah I wouldn’t be buying here with it up 10% on the day, I did pick up a few in the 500-550 range so sitting comfy with a stop loss to protect some gains should it dump hard.

>> No.10913854
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>It can only go up.

>> No.10913855


>> No.10913856

>Merchant spotted

>> No.10913857
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>> No.10913858

Those bcash memes were the most coordinated thing ever. Too bad only poos want to buy crypto just to get rich and afford vegene.

>> No.10913859
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GTFO Joanposter

>> No.10913860
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Joanposters get the rope.

>> No.10913861
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>> No.10913862
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>> No.10913863
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>> No.10913864
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>> No.10913865

On-chain scaling is never going to lead to de-centralization if you want it to actually have a chance to replace fiat.

>> No.10913866

Hi blockstream shill!

>> No.10913867

back to /biz/ containment board

>> No.10913868

I already know how biz feels about bcash, it’s a divided community figured I could get some better answers from pol

>> No.10913869


Nice try, faggot.

>> No.10913870

Said the kike.

>> No.10913871

Spacing. But regardless, present a rational response for why blocks shouldn't have been increased to 2MB, Moshe.

>> No.10913872
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>> No.10913873
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>/pol/ is for politics

What in politics didn’t you understand. If you want to ask whether cryptos should be banned, fine. But some general q on one shitty crypto vs the other?

Jesus, anything that can just do 12-14 transactions per second.... globally... when we need around 1 million transactions per second for a global currency, is bs.

>> No.10913874
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Stop politicizing the crypto scene please.

>> No.10913875
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> they think they can escape our monetary control

>> No.10913876

>Jesus, anything that can just do 12-14 transactions per second.... globally... when we need around 1 million transactions per second for a global currency, is bs.
Paypal processes ~250tx/s. ~50MB blocks. Visa/Mastercard approx 2500tx/s = ~500MB blocks. The former is currently quite feasible, the latter is not as easily feasible - but will likely be in the near future (given adequate adoption and, hence, increased value/investment)
The whole intention of it was, originally, political. It was intended to displace the Federal Reserve. Artificial capping of transaction capacity lead to the creation and exploitation of "alt-coins" due to the constraints deliberately imposed upon BTC. (((They've))) tried to turn it into a buzzword-scam industry.

>> No.10913877
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which fake internet monies will make me lambo rich?

>> No.10913878

>Visa/Mastercard approx 2500tx/s
You need 1 million transactions per second peak for a global currency. This can simply be calculated by taking all adults on Earth and checking out how many transactions they perform per day on average... and then do a peak analysis. This is 100,000 times the capacity of the Bitcoin network. And yes, it requires about 100,000 times the computing performance.

>> No.10913879
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Bitcoin CASH

>> No.10913880
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>> No.10913881
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>> No.10913882
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>> No.10913883
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There are certain thresholds to conquer. If a BTC is more valuable than gold it wins the game.

>> No.10913884

You aight leaf boy

>> No.10913885

It has far less to do with computing power and more to do with the inefficiencies of the BTC concensus model. The amount of computing power used to mine BTC could easily cover 1kk tps but there are strict limitations in the number of blocks that can be solved over a certain amount of time regardless of the computational power provided to the network.

>> No.10913886


>> No.10913887
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>> No.10913888

What I've cited is to match Visa/Mastercard. If it reached "global currency" level (above any current transactional system), then the value of a single coin would be astronomical to the point that what I've listed could be amplified many fold. As to your figures there, I'd like to see an actual calculation as to how you've reached it.
There are alternatives that could be implemented (off-chain, for example) to accommodate the load that you're citing, but this is generally undesirable, particularly at this point in time when it's still very feasible to handle everything in a decentralized, simplified manner on-chain that matches the two most largest payment processors on the planet.

>> No.10913889

Nigger, of course bitcoin has been taken over by them. It's literally traded on the stock market in the US now. Literally all of our feds have every name of every person who's ever bought it on any exchange. I've told you dumbfucks this since 2015. It's not 2009 anymore where it's some obscure freeman's anonymous money. If you notice, the shit goes down precisely when the US stock market dips, it used to be the opposite. Crypto's been kiked since 2014 at least. Those who were in on the ground floor made quick money and got the fuck out.

>> No.10913890
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>> No.10913891


Why does anybody take this crypto kike stuff seriously?

>> No.10913892

fuck off roger ver

>> No.10913893
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>> No.10913894

Is trash.
I was trading that shit this time last year.
No point in holding that shit just flip it and buy it back lower.

>> No.10913895
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Who here ((((((/whale/)))))) ?

>> No.10914463

No one wants to centralize Bitcoin, they just don't want to sacrifice utility under the excuse of "maximum decentralization" that in reality provides no benefit to the network.

Would you rather have a network that anyone can use that is decentralized across the globe with thousands of relevant economic and mining nodes, or a network that only the rich can use with hundreds of thousands of nodes doing nothing but relaying transactions from the significant nodes?