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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10912521 No.10912521 [Reply] [Original]

If you had the capital to start any company what would you start to make the most frofit?

Hardmode: no vr or big data

>> No.10912528

something with smart contracts in it mb

>> No.10912534
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>Richfag trying to steal my business secrets
Nigger just get dividend stocks

>> No.10912543

astreoid mining

>> No.10912637


real / weird answer (i'm going to ignore hard mode)

i'd start a company that makes VR/AR games and try to be the first to create immersive, massively multiplayer, persistent alternate realities

undoubtedly, the big thing in the 21st century is going to be persistent alternate reality overlays on real life: at some point, we're going to use AR/VR, 5G communications, and the blockchain to add world of warcraft / skyrim on top of normal reality and we'll get everyone to play (and they will because it's escapism, allows them alternate paths to status, new opportunities for socializing, and in the end being a mage is more fun than just being a wageslave) -- imagine fighting an AR dragon in the woods with 40 of your friends on a weekend, or turning your local bar into an AR Thieves Guild, or imagine the possibilities of having the AR game interact with the real economy (e.g. your local brewery's new craft beer is considered a mana potion)

the first company that creates a self-sustaining alternate reality will be massively profitable for the next century

>> No.10912687

I hated that Pokemon go faggotry

Build a medium to high end gaming phone. Think Alienware phone. Retards already stick their phone into Google cardboard vr gayness. They'll strap a phone to their faces for AR next gen. Everyone made fun of Google glass but zoomers don't give a shit about how they look or what boomers make fun of them. That shit will sell. Especially if I use blockchain tech litterally anyplace you fags will shoot loads for it

>> No.10912702

If I'm lazy I would dump it into ETFs and blow it all on speculative trading.

If I'm not lazy I would buy a place and make wooden furniture for a living. I do love woodworking.

>> No.10912717

If I had infinite capital, I'd start a cloudtop colony on Venus. We would harvest the methane and use it to fuel massive lasers with which we would secure our sovereignty against the United States Space Force, as well as propel interstellar probes.

>> No.10913170

10/10 business plan anon

>> No.10913197
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Build robots. Please no steel idea.

>> No.10913201

Real Estate.

>> No.10913207

I would make a company that monetizes API data, possible related to blockchain and smart contracts.

>> No.10913217


>> No.10913243

Soundproof sleep chambers for apartments and condos.

>> No.10913293

I want to find ways to make humans immortal. Use it on myself and sell it for gazillions. Use money to interrupt anyone else who tries to obtain or replicate immortality and keep the business going until literally the end of time

>> No.10913552
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>hopless beer with genetically engineered yeast that produces the flavors to substitute the hop
>electrical impedance tomography brain computer interface

>> No.10913761

Private Equity and just hire a bunch of consultants, investment bankers, and other PE people to do all the work while I get all the credit.

>> No.10914057

Patent holdings corp

>> No.10914259

>If you had the capital to start any company what would you start to make the most frofit?
space craft manufacturing company if i had the money for it i would start that. first step would be to set up the orbital infrastructure and the harp guns that put the raw materials into high orbit.

>> No.10914334

Subtle shilling. I like it

>> No.10914688
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With sufficient capital, private equity/consulting/insurance is an optimal answer.
