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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10906028 No.10906028 [Reply] [Original]

I just went all in on this. Am I stupid?

>> No.10906033

>Am I stupid?


>> No.10906039

Pfffffg gghh fffff pfffffhhh heeeeee pffffff

>> No.10906054
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>> No.10906382


Not if you want to ride it up 1000%.

>> No.10906411

this is the ultimate plebbit normie coin. it will never moon again, it had its day

>> No.10906432


That can be said about every cryptocoin.

>> No.10906447

gonna get mozzarella'd

>> No.10906465

I just went all in on some yummy mozzarella monsieur

>> No.10906502

I never saw the problem w them going to a restaurant. You think Sergey doesnt do the same?

>> No.10906596

Did the same at 19 cents


>> No.10906653

I bought 200k at 500 sats 2 weeks ago, already 66% up, but I ain't selling until 10 cents at least

>> No.10907034

Sitting on 50k myself, half bought at .19 and half at .04.
I'm gonna ride this YCombinator bitch to either a new ATH or 0, whichever happens first.

>> No.10907427

bought 15k at .30
I want to drok another 2k on REQ but I want to go in at 3 cents not 5. :(

>> No.10907443

same, but look at the chart, the 3c train is leaving. In two weeks we'll be at 7c

>> No.10908331

The most deluded reddit community.

>> No.10908343

Seriously. REQ is a shitcoin. No volume, thing is basically dead.

>> No.10908412

No smart investor would be caught dead investing in something with such low liquidity.

>> No.10908779

$306,768 USD
this is more money in than you ever had in your entire life shut the fuck up
also we went from rank 160 to 139 in probably one month so this guy is officially either trying to fud or really fucking stupid im guessing both

>> No.10908881

REQ is relatively safe IMO because the team still has tens of millions of dollars in runway and they are working on apps that are necessary for crypto adoption. My worst fear is a project running out of money and disbanding, and that doesn't seem to be a possibility here for a long time.

>> No.10909269

this is correct

>> No.10909278

$300,000 is nothing.

>> No.10909287

lol it went from rank 160 to 139 in like a week

>> No.10909531

True, it's not a lot, but the volume in REQ itself has been constant (just that it's now worth 95% less, lol)

I own a lot of REQ but I don't see a pump coming until there's tradeable news. Almost all the trading right now is arbitrage bots -- there's almost no reasons I can think of for a human to be buying or selling REQ right now...

>> No.10909565

So you're telling me right now...We wn't see 1400 sats anytime soon?

>> No.10909633

fud. its happening his

>> No.10910583

you are stupid- stupidly rich if you manage to hold onto your reqs until 2020

>> No.10910597

Any news on the rebrand?

>> No.10910672

Is there anyone not all in on REQ yet?

>> No.10910684

It’s a stupid meme, that’s all. REQ is still one of the few legit projects out there.

>> No.10910689

Just buy half now and half later on. Maybe you get lucky, but even with current prices you'll have averaged down a lot

>> No.10910706

Why would make such a fucking useless comment. REQ is one of the worst performing coins of the past few months, everybody fucking hates it.

>> No.10910729

It went down like every other coin and now has the opportunity for great returns. Constant updates of progress being made. Biz would rather speculate than see work being done.

>> No.10910731


>> No.10910749

I don't understand you people that rationalize being 95+% down from January by saying "oh every coin went down". REQ only kept 5% of it's value while most other coins in the top 200 held value 2 to 6 times better than REQ.

>> No.10910757

It also pumped more than others. See you at $1.

>> No.10910760

Wait, you're not all in?

Lmao what a faggot hahahahahahaha

>> No.10910773

LOL wut
It did a 20x. Most coins did way more than a x20. And REQ is worth less now than it was before the bullrun even started.

>> No.10910777

Digits confirm REQ $1 by EOY.

>> No.10910788

That means there is more opportunity. If LINK makes it back to the highs, congrats you made 3x.
If REQ makes it back to the highs, congrats you made 20x.
only question is if you think has a shot at recovering or not

it's a similar situation to NANO. nano got rekt harder than any other coin in the top 100. then it did at 4x after being beaten down so hard. Req's r/r is the best in the top 200

>> No.10910821


>> No.10910860
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>> No.10911039

That's why I'm gambling right now...I sold all my linkies for REQ.

I'm hoping it does a 3 -4X in satoshi value

>> No.10911107


What don't you fucking retards like you understand about token economics. I've been saying this time and time again that req is being suppressed for a reason, to increase token burn during adoption, which in turn makes long term gains increase substantially.

It's not that fucking hard to understand this, its just basic common sense.

>> No.10911132

That reminds me of what I told people about DBC when I was trying to trick them into buying it to boost the price. That it was being artificially suppressed by whales.

>> No.10911158

req went up 2700% from just November dumbo

>> No.10911196

yes, sorry

>> No.10911206

Nothing but Green for REQ these days. FOMO will be a bitch. At least pick up some for insurance purposes.

>> No.10911331

This is what I did as well after riding it up from .20-.30

>> No.10911360

Whales don’t bother with low liquidity investments. Quit being delusional.
Also, no one is using Req so your token burn is irrelevant. There’s no sign that Req will have any usage for a long, long time.

>> No.10911377

as if other cryptos have more usage other then sending tokens around

>> No.10911380

>I can’t PnD, wahhhh.

>> No.10911821

Smart lads.

Link is already up like 2.5x in vitaliks since it's bottom, always good to shift profits to other solid tokens that are still undervalued

>> No.10911864

>Nothing but green
>Bleeding for 8 months and well, well below ICO levels by all accounts
>Shit tier trading volume, even worse than complete shitcoin scams on binance

>> No.10911870

I laugh at your piddly boasting. $300k is nothing to me.

>> No.10911959

Crypto isn't a big market... 300k volume is fine for this type of market.

>> No.10911961

Of course rajeeh

>> No.10911977

req could have a 100m cap right now and no one would really question it since they could justify it with their partnerships and such

crypto is weird

>> No.10912037

You're obtuse. Of course nobody is using it right now you sped, it's not a finished product. What don't you get that this is a long term hold and will stay low and slowly grow when burn rate increases once PwC starts rolling out the finished product to their clients? You better pray its still low then when it starts because you'll make tons more $ in the long run with substantial token burn in the infancy stage. I swear im talking to a group of teenage virgin neets.

>> No.10912109

Aha abstract tornado reveals himself again, you fat fuck.

>> No.10912123


>> No.10912178


Im not abstract you dumbass.

>> No.10912650

>He thinks $300,000 is a lot.

I have that in my pocket right now you stupid zoomer.