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File: 485 KB, 1920x1236, CapitalismVsSocialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10907729 No.10907729[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's post anti-capitalism memes.
This thread is only for Marxist. No capitalists allowed.

>> No.10907739

>anti capitalism
>on a business and finance board
>literally the definition of capitalism
fuck off back to >>>/pol/ you parisitic commie

>> No.10907756
File: 894 KB, 1094x782, seize the means of reproduction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arnold is great socialist. much revere in old russia. here picture him seizing means of reproduction for proletariat. chers to you my comrade from CCCP (i call this it)

>> No.10907762

Why don’t you move to Argentina OP? They’re having a fun time with Socialism over there. Ya fuck.

>> No.10907773

>Argentina is socialist
>But ignores Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden
Stay cucked, so.yboy.

>> No.10907780

holy shit please tell me this isn't shooped

>> No.10907783

>Marxism General
>too dumb to trade
>REEEE! Lets ban money!

>> No.10907796


are you telling me you like all-white countries? you racist fuck

>> No.10907804

Maybe this makes me a brainlet but I think both Capitalism and Socialism can work extremely well but the issue is that there will always be a group of people that deform it by taking over. Both systems would make it a paradise to live in for different reasons but only if the people all had strong morals and character. As soon as someone who I'll call bad for lack of a better word comes in that person can manipulate both systems well and destroy what made them good. I don't know if this is just human nature and we'll always be stuck in a loop or if there's a way to stop it for good.

>> No.10907807

>But ignores Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden
typical fucking american that has never been to those countries. I grew up in Denmark. It is literally shit there. Just filled with a bunch of mediocre people who all have 1 car, live in a middleclass neighbourhood and work a 9-5 until they are about 60 and retire. This is how literally EVERYONE in the country lives. No fucking ambition whatsoever.

>> No.10907810
File: 74 KB, 962x665, отец и брат.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shop. shop seized. but here is picture of father and brothers during glorious CCCP. they are play game

>> No.10907880

Those countries are doing ok. But socialism doesn't work with open borders. It's all just a matter of time before it fails you know this right? Socialism has been around how long in Those countries?

>> No.10907893

This is how it is here in Canada. They just don't fucking get it.

>> No.10907910

I’d rather not starve to death.

>> No.10907925


/pol/ --->

>> No.10907962


have to agree with this lad

the only non shit country with semi-socialist policies is singapore

>> No.10907985

>All white
He mentioned Sweden

>> No.10908012
File: 101 KB, 318x395, ive only ever killed communists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10908080

starve build character
best socialist all starve
except meat day when there is meat at store
good day is meat day

>> No.10908280

>businesses didn't exist before capitalism


>> No.10908369

>anything to do with business


>> No.10908416

>before capitalism

Capitalism identifies phenomena that existed before the term, that doesn't mean it wasn't capitalistic behavior.

>> No.10908434

dear god is this what communists really believe?

>> No.10908479
File: 273 KB, 729x945, third.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No capitalists

What about NeetSocs? Reminder that class division is heavily rooted in biology & racial divisions, the Capitalist class are the (((Capitalist))) class (protip: parentheses include more than ethnic Jews exclusively, although they certainly are a large percentage of it), blank slate theory & lysenkoism are proven dead ends, and being pro-globalisation & the mass import of lumpenproletariat masses from the third world to assist in the creation of a permanent slave class for the megacorporations means you're literally selling out ALL varieties of socialism and making Marx cry. Also a reminder that through the use of automation and technology AnCap (and in terms of the internal economy most NatSocs are pretty pro-free market) will achieve all the end goals of communism without all the coercive faggotry through incompetent regulation or the entrusting of the economy to an unaccountable class of bourgeoisie academics and political parasites.

>> No.10908492

Right pic is wrong. Should be a starving malournished family.

>> No.10908498


It's >>>/leftypol/, they aren't from/pol/ kek.

>> No.10908539

> we'll solve the problem of human greed and consolidation of power this time!
> we will do this by changing from capitalism to communism, because we prefer to get fucked over through bureaucratic dictators instead of oligarchs
> we will ignore the dozen historical examples we have of this
The biggest enemy of communism is actually human nature. The only way it will ever work is if you went Brave New World and brainwashed / mentally castrated everyone. Your average commie probably wouldn't object to this either since they are already there anyway.

>> No.10908545

>are you telling me you like all-black countries you racist fuck?
>are you telling me you like all-Asian countries you racist fuck?
>are you telling me you like all-Arab countries you racist fuck?

No double standards at all. Totally not a war on Western values to help your corporate masters erode the last remaining obstacles to slavery.

>> No.10908589


Yep. Look at where we are in currentyear, Huxley nailed it.


The retarded part is we went through this already only a few years ago, they could just go ask an Eastern European over the age of 35 what it was like. Absolute insanity.

>> No.10908606

"Capitalism" is just a term we made up to describe the already-existing practice of voluntarily exchanging goods and services. Whatever you hate or claim to hate is probably corporatism, or crony capitalism.

>business will exist under communism

>> No.10908612

Capatalism was created the first time some dude offered a hand full of berries to dump his seed into some woman's snatch.

>> No.10908677

Argentina has a right wing president but he just can't get rid of the social spending of the past governments or half the population would chimpout and overthrow his ass

First world socialist countries survive because they keep competition from more competitive cheaper countries out but sooner or later the global markets will catch up with them, especially with the rise of crypto

>> No.10908678
File: 235 KB, 2696x1372, 1535741229920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here (you) go

>> No.10908749

Who pays for all the free shit? Im losing almost 300$ off my pay A WEEK in tax so some deadbeat cunt can get centrelink (ausfag welfare) amd maintain their jobless drug taking lifestyle. Fuck you, you fucking cunt. Id love to smash you in yhe fave with a VB stubbie for being such a spineless cunt. Faggot

>> No.10908904

wasting your time with these burgers buddy, the cold war left a big imprint and they can only see themselves as the good caps, hell it works right? they have kicked ass all last century. The rest of the world is a shithole. The soviets are all socialism is and its all bad, despite having allied with them in the war to defeat the true socialists, that based on race

>> No.10909049
File: 52 KB, 480x475, 6467C514-6880-4A71-AEF8-53D985C9A562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever noticed the only people who talk badly about Capitalism are not very good at it.

>> No.10909192
File: 147 KB, 1446x748, 1531382412994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give up your culture
>give up your land
>give up your people
millennial or 70-year-old boomer detected
with good intentions, granted

>> No.10909227

Free market can work without spending debt.
You're talking about issues relating to the concept of "credit," and the way money enters the system through the Federal Reserve, Gov't, and Banks.
Those are two different issues entirely.

>> No.10909257

It may has well been, but the phenomenon the term describes is one that is very recent in human history. The preceding state prior to capitalism was feudalism which also had it's share of anti-capitalist reactionaries. You can call the last 400 years of this peculiar mode of production (i.e. markets, private property, wage labor, etc.) whatever you want, capitalism, cronyism, w/e.

>> No.10909272

funny thing about capitalists is that even though there's enough for everyone, they'd charge for air if they could get away with it
they'll be the last barrier once technology makes socialism feasible

>> No.10909314

And those who do well in capitalism say that communism is stupid? We can play this stupid name calling game all day.

>> No.10909356

The people already own corporations dipshit. Business owners are people. Go start your own business, if you can figure out how it works. Maybe if commies were as knowledgeable about capitalism as they say they are, they'd be rich instead of middle class pretentious hipsters.

>> No.10909380
File: 72 KB, 543x768, 1535246128223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>denmark, finland, norway, iceland, sweden are socialist countries
good bye

>> No.10909678

The argument itself is broken
> Have you ever noticed the only people who talk badly about asphyxiation/backstabbing/pyromania are not very good at it.

Everyone needs to stop being so married to words like this or we just get into the autism of
> Actually that's not marxism, that's anarchism
> Actually that's not anarchism, that's racism
> Actually that's not racism, that's socialism
> Actually that's not socialism, that's state capitalism
> Actually that's not capitalism, that's crony capitalism
> Actually that's not crony capitalism, that's social capitalism

The mental block happens because people want to argue about the definition instead of the aplication. The arguments should be about markets, taxes, citizens... and almost start from zero every time because the definition someone else has is probably corrupted with regards to yours. That can get somewhere, but dickwaving about my team smart, other teams dumb, like pic in OP gets replies but it's pointless. Abandon all branding, there's no free anything and most of these decisions are about deciding who gets fucked and someone is going to, what we all want is a harmonius beautiful society but someone's going to get fucked. Duties and obligations and information and reality and personal independence and the collective. Lots of shit to juggle.

Oh and once we find the proper thing, also find how to implement it. It's probably going to be a little less than perfect in some sense in the end but without power to make it real it stays on the chalkboard. I know I haven't presented an argument myself but I'm going to sleep fuck this.

>> No.10909715

>Completely ignoring evidence that doesn't suit you

The fact is most people who are supporting communism are those who the uneducated and ignorant masses. You want to put these people in power?

>> No.10909838

>middle class wins
the proletariat wins shitstain. middle class gets shafted as it should

>> No.10909870

>most people who are supporting communism are those who the uneducated and ignorant masses
I wonder how that came to be? We've had decades of increasing literacy and proliferated standard education that covers everything ranging from civics to arts to mathematics and science. Well, half of these are going away soon since the needs and values of capitalism means trimming down the "unessential" and "unproductive" activities. Marx was probably right but not in the way he intended. Capitalism necessarily creates it's own internal and inherent opposition by creating the wage laborer who have their own survival at stake amidst the worsening working and living conditions which we see today taking in the form of worsening education, creating these very same "uneducated and ignorant masses", all under the charge of neoliberalism.

>> No.10909880
File: 652 KB, 875x984, 1535780779572~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxists are the people who will die childless or fuck up their offspring by through race mixing and terrible parenting to the point where they will be gay or otherwise won't breed. You can't win.

>> No.10909883


>Those countries are doing ok.
>Highest standard of living.
>Highest overall happiness index.
>High wages.
>Lots of vacation time.

>Doing ok

>> No.10909887
File: 30 KB, 255x236, communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I don't like crony capitalism, it's infinitely better than socialism. Just ask anyone who has ever lived in a socialist country. My grandpa risked his life escaping communist Hungary under Stalin's rule only to spend the next 60 years watching Canada slowly turn into the very thing he was escaping from.

>> No.10909893
File: 23 KB, 554x380, communismautisticscreenching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now for some anti-communism memes

>> No.10909900
File: 85 KB, 1024x439, communismreal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10909904
File: 114 KB, 960x949, communistjokenotfunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10909905

Engels was a successful capitalist. Meanwhile you're just a wannabe capitalist wasting his years on an internet forum.

>> No.10909912

I feel you've misunderstood everything I've said but maybe it's me that I'm sleepy.
> Completely ignoring evidence that doesn't suit you
What I'm saying is argue (with all the evidence you want to provide) about for example, markets. And that's when you go, what's a market? I like to start that as "people looking for incentives", And from there, unravel. Capital? Maybe you can bring human capital, but break the programming.

> The fact is most people who are supporting communism are those who the uneducated and ignorant masses. You want to put these people in power?
If I could have my way I would put myself and you would all eat shit but I have to compromise. Gift them the power of learning, explain things in a way even a children can understand where you're coming from for the most part and let them mull over it on their own lonesome.
That's a thread where I try to explain a bit the idea of interest and usury. And someone else later explains better how Fiat affects social mobility. I didn't feel like going into detail but I liked a lot how he explained it. What I'm saying is bring some kind of concept to educate if that's your purpose. If they're just uneducated, then it's fine, maybe someone gets a good idea and if there's a disagreement maybe you can talk in a common language. If you just jumpstart from dispersed knowledge or whatever, then sure, you'll probably start talking to a wall because nobody follows but people get the idea of prosper society even if they've never met one in their lives and similar for risks and rewards.

>> No.10909914

If Canada is socialist, how come America hasn't dumped money into Canadian death squads and helicopters?

>> No.10909916

>I don't like socialism, but capitalism is ok

>I hate being fat, but I love gorging on pastries

>> No.10909964

>this fag is a bigger fag than this fag
literally the same shit