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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 83 KB, 1509x615, eoseth2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10903054 No.10903054 [Reply] [Original]

>He actually believed the reddit FUD
>He still thinks EOS won't flip ETH by the end of the year

>> No.10903084

I bought at 0.81 and keep buying. Newdex is amazing.

>> No.10903140

It’s awful. No one is buying this shit apart from complete newfag desperados. Wait for the huge dump incoming when everyone realised they bought empty promises of a blockchain built on lies.

>> No.10903191

Have you used newdex? There are only 200 users so I doubt it. The experience is *better* than binance, because you immediately get your coins on trade resolution.
It's one of many dexs coming out.

>> No.10903199

Is EOS the new Neo pretending to be the next Eth?

>> No.10903378

No. EOS has more dapp transactions than eth. And they cost zero gas. https://dappradar.com/eos-dapps

>> No.10903490

Yeah it's a pretty amazing feeling to be able to trade directly on the chain. No signups, no KYC, no worrying about holding your coins on an exchange.

EOS won't be the next ETH because it's going to actually deliver on its promises (and already is).

>> No.10903585
File: 196 KB, 1242x2208, 6617D8CA-678C-4D89-B818-404FE16691D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn’t you post the chart since mainnet?

>> No.10903591

>21 nodes
>steals your shitcoin

>> No.10903612
File: 9 KB, 213x237, brainlethelmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's literally a subset of the chart I posted

>> No.10903631
File: 108 KB, 1505x914, eoseth3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad, wrong chart. Why didn't you post the chart since the ICO launched?

>> No.10903664

So it only did 2x since ico. What a shitcoin, trim is way better that actually pulled an 17x

>> No.10903676


>> No.10903682

Jesus this board is filled with so many low IQ pajeets trying to sell their useless shitcoins it boggles my mind. It never used to be like this.

>> No.10903684

is EOS the bcash of eth?

>> No.10903736
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1519642192799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Dan reveals Steem 2.0 with an actual decent UI end of september, theres gonna be a rush to buy EOS. The leddit fud is typical and prevented me from bothering to check out EOS until this year and whos behind it.

>> No.10903790
File: 81 KB, 1137x620, Screenshot_2018-08-31 Steem (STEEM) price, charts, market cap, and other metrics CoinMarketCap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staked total: 548 305 610.76 EOS 60%
No miners that have to dump coins like on ethereum.
It's a setup for a *possible* pump that makes holders ecstatic (but they won't sell, they are only going to masturbate to paper wealth) while new people are even more priced out. New projects should be cheap to distribute ownership.
EOS is going the way of steem. Pumped worthless transactions and extremely concentrated ownership.

The real value difference between eth and eos will become visible once eth goes full PoS

>> No.10903836

Wow amazing. Almost like using any 0x based DEX on Ethereum apart from its not really decentralised like Ethereum.

>> No.10904258

pinche gráfica por la verga

>> No.10904299

Only problem is if you don't have a fucking account it costs money to get one, and how the fuck do you even get one?

>> No.10905215

>No miners that have to dump coins like on ethereum.
What is inflation

>while new people are even more priced out.
Once REX comes out everyone is going to stake their tokens to collect muh dividends, and the token price will be detached from network resource costs so that devs don't get priced out or have to take on investment risks to use the platform. It's a pretty genius system if you think about it.

>The real value difference between eth and eos will become visible once eth goes full PoS
I'll have died of old age by then, not going to worry about it. That said, investing in ETH is like investing in oil. It makes no sense from an economic point of view.

>> No.10905398

>What is inflation
neither BPs not stakers have to dump because their costs are negligible compared to their revenue. Miners on ethereum are barely profitable today and have to dump nearly 100%
>That said, investing in ETH is like investing in oil
Eth was the most used cryptoCURRENCY in 2017. All those ICOs priced in ETH. Now ICOs craze is over and use went down, but it's look like we may on the verge on a game boom that also use ether as a currency.
Hopefully security tokens in the future.

>> No.10905401

>Yeah it's a pretty amazing feeling to be able to trade directly on the chain.

Sorry your chain is currently paused.

>> No.10905452
File: 43 KB, 1371x304, eostransactions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neither BPs not stakers have to dump because their costs are negligible compared to their revenue.
The costs of hosting a fully fledged datacenter are not negligible, and where else would they be getting revenue from if not inflation?

>Eth was the most used cryptoCURRENCY in 2017. All those ICOs priced in ETH. Now ICOs craze is over and use went down, but it's look like we may on the verge on a game boom that also use ether as a currency.
Actually STEEM was the most used crypto in 2017, and in 2018 it's EOS. Ethereum has had 3 years and still hasn't proven its use aside from being a glorified ICO launcher.

Sorry your chain is being hard forked because our dictator didn't like one of the transactions

>> No.10905484

>A conglomerate of 11 ppl is completely different
Fucking brainwashed

>> No.10905499

Got stopped out yesterday out of the pump and see it keep pumping. Don't want to FOMO back in. fugggg

>> No.10905502

*21 independent organizations that are voted into power and can be voted out
You're projecting. You've been reading too much r/CryptoCurrency. Be advised, it's not good for your health (or your portfolio)

>> No.10905573
File: 278 KB, 317x462, dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only 8 dans left

>> No.10905812

EOSBet 285tx/day/person
EOSKnights 67tx/day/person
Deos Games 109tx/day/person
is there info anywhere how many different accounts were active in the last 24h?
>The costs of hosting a fully fledged datacenter are not negligible
Each BP is getting $5k/day. BP could run on a normal pc, although with 96GB of ram. There's no way they are paying more than $5k per month.
>Actually STEEM was the most used crypto in 2017
these transactions are worthless if you couldn't tell by the price, they don't translate into token demand in any way

>> No.10905867

>is there info anywhere how many different accounts were active in the last 24h?
It literally shows that information in my screenshot

>BP could run on a normal pc, although with 96GB of ram
You honestly have no idea what you're talking about. These BP's need to be able to handle tens of thousands of transactions per second without noticeable latency, they need backup systems, they need power/network outage protection, and they need continual maintenance. Just go look up some of their specs, such as: https://www.eosnewyork.io/tech

>these transactions are worthless if you couldn't tell by the price, they don't translate into token demand in any way
You're making up arbitrary rules. Whether or not the transactions translate into value, STEEM was still a more used platform than Ethereum by a long shot.

>> No.10905926
File: 77 KB, 648x595, 1533458613965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BP could run on a normal pc
>96gb of ram

>> No.10906013

it doesn't, it counts these dapps only, not eos
Yesterday there were 17319 active accounts on eos. Ethereum was at 357.79k. So even at free transactions the difference is big
>You honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
LOL they are on 4 instances on google cloud. Based on specs that's probably n1-highmem-16. The cost $0.2/h. That gives $460/month.
Add load balancers, bandwidth and storage, I guess $700 per MONTH tops.
Hosting is really cheap today.
>You're making up arbitrary rules
I can spam my own private blockchain with 1000TPS, that doesn't make these transactions anything
I have 64GB ram. Desktop PC motherboards top up at 128GB ram, only higher are server parts needed.

>> No.10906030

>LOL they are on 4 instances on google cloud
ok that's in two locations, so make that $1400/month

>> No.10906055
