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10905226 No.10905226 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get through moments of anger, hatred and envy when your mind is full of doubts about the future of the market and how you may be wasting your life trading these internet coins whilst normies grind jobs for their strange but flashy lives?

I think this market is having a serious affect on my mental health, making me resent normal people more and more each day that i'm not making it. Can anyone relate or give advice?

>> No.10905392

Here's some thoughts. not sure if helpful

>How do you get through moments of anger
It will pass

>your mind is full of doubts about the future of the market
Normal, this crypto shit is highly speculative
it should be a small portion of your investment portfolio
if it doesn't pan out, no problem.

>think this market is having a serious affect on my mental health
maybe you're overinvested

>how you may be wasting your life trading these internet coins
if you are learning new skills, that's okay.
do you want to work in finance?

>whilst normies grind jobs for their strange but flashy lives?
don't compare yourself to others
you're only seeing the good bits on instagram. Holiday pictures in the sun. you're not seeing the days where they sweep the floors or punch in numbers in excell sheets or whatever normies do for work.

>making me resent normal people more
not their fault you haven't made it yet

>I think this market is having a serious affect on my mental health,
Do you honestly need to be rich to feel good about yourself anon? That's not healthy man. Figure out why you think this is true. it's not.

>> No.10905415

as far as you described yourself you're a 10/10 pleb.
you won't make it.

>> No.10905606
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Channel it into coding lifting studying reading meditation health etc

Won't make you a Chad but it's either that or just fucking kill yourself faggot . Be a fucking man

>> No.10905724

you have your life with it's maybe Anger and depression
and then to add to that you've taken on the stress of this bearmarket
Of course that's difficult!

>give advice?
>I think this market is having a serious affect
the problem is not the market

(from your one single post I think Maybe) you have some fantasy of making a million after selling your coins but that's not where you are now, today.
what a strange thing to feel bad about.
it doesn't matter, what does matter is that you're out there trying shit

Figure out what you want from life.
independent of financial success.

>> No.10906062

How does a man have such skinny arms?

>> No.10906259

thanks for all of your replies, will do some introspection this weekend

>> No.10906272
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my arms look like that, mfw