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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10901354 No.10901354 [Reply] [Original]

If capitalism is about making money then why hire all these retards?

>> No.10901363

>proudly bipolar

>> No.10901364

because they make the company money

>> No.10901371

Same reason businesses “donate” to starving children or promote going green.

Better public image creates more profits.

>> No.10901376

They're smarter than you

>> No.10901381

>posts pics of their political affiliation or their sexuality
code doesnt give a fuck about any of that. if you write good software, you make good money. reason why there are so many people like this in tech, is because they get treated as outcasts by society and found solace in programming then became autistically good at it.
now go back to

>> No.10901382

>sjws in crypto

>> No.10901408

This looks exactly like a pol false flag thread... but it's all backwards.
Is this the fabled sfw false flag?

>> No.10901410
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>just another gay communist site reliability engineer

>> No.10901434

Disgusting, literal subhumans.
There's no way people who purposely made themselves mentally ill like this can bring more good than bad to any professional environment.

>> No.10901437

I’m a minority, why won’t google hire me? Do I also have to be gay?

>> No.10901447

>reason why there are so many people like this in tech, is because they get treated as outcasts by society and found solace in programming then became autistically good at it.
no, its because of fucking diversity quotas and IM A FAGGOT AND IM PROUD being a great way to get a job at a modern multinational corporation apparently.

>> No.10901452

It's not your decision sweetie

>> No.10901469

>underpaid retards
Free labor is always great

>> No.10901512

learn to read before posting, then kys

>> No.10901564

imo he's based and redpilled.

>> No.10901678

Tax incentive.
The government generally reduces taxes for hiring more "diverse" cast. Including LGBT, the mentally ill, tannies, women.

>> No.10901736

Capitalism? What capitalism?
Even if we did have capitalism, people don't care about diversity, and are not going to prefer a company because they exclusively staff trans communist gays who claim to have eight genders. I also find it hard to believe that a group of people who are mired in a swamp of total delusion have a greater potential for excelling at any objectively productive task than a group of people who study the same field and are mentally stable.

>proudly bipolar
holy fuck dude

>> No.10901772
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Please conjure up these fabled tax incentives. People espouse this bullshit withouta shred of evidence to back it up.

>> No.10901829

Businesses get tax credit for using minority/female suppliers, hiring excons, etc. If they are a government supplier affirmative action applies enterprise-wide.

Even with all this most companies want to avoid uncle sam and employees fucking them with discrimination lawsuits so they overcompensate in their hiring practices.

t. Accountant that's been at two fortune 100s and a fortune 500.

>> No.10901847

I highly doubt diversity hires hold any qualifications. They're just filling seats to meet quotas

>> No.10901849

Oh and search up the "work opportunity tax credit" while you are at it you ignorant fuck.

>> No.10901877


Is a specific tax code section that deals with that situation? I'd really like to read up on it because so many people make this their core talking point in meritocratic industries where if you can't do the work, you don't get hired. It's simple-as. Standards aren't magically lowered for diversity hires at Google despite what /pol/ wants to think.

>> No.10901922

Google is swimming in money they can afford to hire these retards, plus the government regulated market incentives employing these people directly and indirectly.

>> No.10901924

Bro government contracts LITERALLY have qualifier categories you get special access to if your gov't contracting company has a 51% CEO who is female, minority, a disabled veteran, or any of the above.

>> No.10901941


>Helps ex-cons
>helps military veterans
>helps people on SSI/Food Stamps/Long Term Unemployed
>Physical/Mental Disability Patients on approved plans

Do you actually read this shit?


>> No.10901943

Questioning their coding abilities is a red herring

>> No.10901960 [DELETED] 

quotes have been ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court

>> No.10901967


>> No.10901982

t. Coping about people not meeting your personal moral standards being more successful than you

>> No.10901987

The best programmers are weirdos. I have an autistic pedophile cough medicine abuser that I met on DOTA that does coding for some of my stuff, he's worth at least 10000 pajeets on upwork.

>> No.10901991

I never said it was. I stated a fact. Not that I expect you to have any reading comprehension.

>> No.10901993

quotas have been ruled unconstitutional. they're illegal.

>> No.10902009



>> No.10902017

i deleted the other post because there was a typo

>> No.10902020


Another thing: these people had to apply for the job and go through the interview process just like anybody else. Whatever asperger's ass dipshit that was in charge of hiring + human resources must have found these people capable and agreeable enough to warrant the process and spend money on them. I guarantee more then half this thread would not make it past first round of Google's interview process, and that includes me.

>> No.10902063

If capitalism is about making money, then why not hire people who make money instead of giving a shit whether they trigger /pol/ or not?

>> No.10902071

Google's hiring is based on two things. Technical interview and personality. The emphasis on personality is actually a little unusual in the software space, but Google insists on it anyway.

HR at Google is infested with SJWs so they go out of their way to find these people.

>> No.10902102

>blacks and whites get convicted at the same rated
>blacks and whites use government assistance at the same rates
You are actually incapable of thinking in the triple-digit IQ range. At the same time:
>No about AA
>No response to vendor tax credits
k. 4/10 for the responses I guess.
>The Department of Commerce certifies businesses as "minority business enterprises" under the requirements specified in S.560.036(2). This certification qualifies minority-owned businesses for special employment consideration and allows companies using the certified firms in contracts an opportunity to apply for special tax incentives, when available under the contract.

>> No.10902131

And yet they make more money than I do, so there's something about that strategy that is correct.

>> No.10902211


>Conviction rates
>Gubbinmint assistances
Yes, poor people fucking suck. Black, white, brown, green. Death to the poor.


It exists and accounts for tiny amount of hiring. Anyone getting blown out by AA in this labor market 1) Is skimming the bottom of the barrell 2) Can find gainful employment pretty much anywhere especially in Tech

>Vendor tax credit
Is that not what WOTC Is? Are there more? What are they?

I want to know more, anon.

> S.560.036(2)
I'm only getting Wisconsin, got a link? I want to read more.

>> No.10902248

They didn't get that way by hiring idiots like these. Google's early staffing was exclusively white men and Asians from top tier schools. They've only been letting the cattle in in recent years.

>> No.10902258

>we live in a capitalist society

>> No.10902282

>on /biz/
>thinking anyone reads anything
you have to go back fag

>> No.10902286

If we don't purge all these degenerates, china is going to destroy us technologically.

>> No.10902300

because google has a defacto monopoly that is performant independent at this point, and the next step to improve profits is to actively promote the destruction of society as to reduce possible competitors taking their throne
same reason they hire actual talent from other companies just to keep them twiddling their thumbs with busywork, same reason they finance european government funds for "press freedom" through shell corporations, and so on

typical african-tier concept of time. successful businesses put a ton of work at the beginning with no results, then results come later once a dominant position is attained. retards mock companies during the work phase then claim it's all luck once the fruits are mature
try to replicate 2018 google results with 2018 google hiring practices in your newly made startup and let us know how far you get

>> No.10902345

You're all retarded and lack anything meaningful to say and you need to go back to /pol/.

>> No.10902358

You re not there at all.

Google HR policy is 'diversity above all'.

If you get employed at google, you have many 'benefits', like free sex-change surgery, free abortions..

Moreover, the more 'diverse' you are, the more chances tou have to be employed there.

Basically, if you re a cis-white male, it s extremely hard to get employed at google.

>> No.10902388

based and redpilled af. maxists btfo

>> No.10902395

>Google's hiring practices are the antithesis of /pol/
>most SJW friendly corporation in the country
>still the most successful company and 4channer probably gobble Google's dick on a daily basis

top kek. If you use Chrome, Android, Google web search, etc. you're being cucked by these trans queer shim/xer overlords, you fucking cucks. All the losers in this thread crying about SJW's probably don't have the balls or know-how to switch to better products and will continue being cuckolds for eternity.

>> No.10902435

>>still the most successful company
they are riding the coat tails of being the end all be all search engine.
They constantly burn cash on pet projects that lead nowhere.
This won't last forever.

>> No.10902447

What web browser are you currently using, my guy

>> No.10902459
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>being this much of a useful idiot

>> No.10902490

>they're riding their own coat tails!
You're such a brainlet you're practically an insect, kys.

>> No.10902499

>likely still uses Google products

You're the one supporting the very thing you hate by being a cuck, dipshit. The only thing I use is Google search and I'm actively trying to switch to Duck Duck Go. I also try to ween people off of Google and Apple products every chance I get but it's nearly impossible, because they're cucks like you.

>> No.10902517

Why do you assume I, a complete stranger you know nothing about, use google products?

>> No.10902553

>I also try to ween people off of Google and Apple products every chance I get
So what type of smartphone OS do you use?

>> No.10902558
File: 58 KB, 601x489, 67625461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goes both ways. If you write good code and have badthoughts keep them in the /pol/ closet or good luck finding a job in SV. But sharing pic related is safe. Not saying these guys can't be good, but this puts pressure on hires and retention of jobs.
Maybe a more relevant question even if not addressed by OP, strict border enforcement brings
a) Higher wages
b) Lower wages
c) There's no effect, it's the free market, go back to /pol/ commie soiboy.

>> No.10902570

>I guarantee more then half this thread would not make it past first round of Google's interview process, and that includes me.

Well of course they wouldn't because they aren't diversity hires only recruited to meet quotas.

Make no mistake, those human wrecks are only hired to meet quotas.

>> No.10902649

back to twitter u little dicked>>10901452
cia nigger.
are u paid leftist women?

>> No.10902702

The absolute state of (((google)))

>> No.10902707

Jesus, you "go back to /pol/" people are the worst fucking cancer around here. Why do you even come here if you are such a s o y filled bitch?

>> No.10902748

b a c k t o / p o l /



>> No.10902790

All these people are a threat to the workplace atmosphere and they're probably shit and take triple the days off for bullshit reasons.

>> No.10902923

Looks like you BTFO the useful idiot drones, so they will do their best to ignore your post from now on and keep attacking the low hanging fruit

>> No.10902936

It would honestly be fun to work with these types if you are good at manipulation. Lots of keks to be uncovered

>> No.10902957

U said literally nothing meaningful here moron

>> No.10903472


angular - coded by cis-white slav male
gmail lead dev - oh shit white male again
chrome founder - damn danish white male
android - white male

diversity hires are part of shorting google

>> No.10903659
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>> No.10903718

Good luck finding normal people with a CS degree

>> No.10903901

Simple, it requires an autistic fucktard to complete a STEM course while surrounded by Stacies you can never fuck.

>> No.10904001
File: 377 KB, 800x527, 1524867495057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The furry is the worst. I'm old enough to remember the time we made the furfags go off the internet and return longcat to us, we didn't have that affirmative furfagction shit back in my day.

>> No.10904126

It's been pretty clear that good companies don't hire the best people, they hire people who work well together

The snowflakes are the ones who complain, so the snowflakes are usually veiwed as the victims. This leads to good workers getting fired for triggering people

>> No.10904253

Found the asian/nig/roastie.

>> No.10904276

and everything that's illegal never happens
case closed

>> No.10904284

I'm a white programmer. And also a pedophile.

>> No.10904302

rakyll is the only one worth of respect here since i also like golang. everyone else is irrelevant

>> No.10904311
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They must have been cute kids

>> No.10904326

pretty much this, they don't make any money off of anything past ads

>> No.10904330

> Communist
> works for Google

>> No.10904335

I want to fuck Michelle OC.

>> No.10904350

Profit stopped being their purpose a while ago. Their true purpose is white genocide.

>> No.10904355

none of these people are on serious money making coding
they're a front for PR/ marketing

>> No.10904457

conservative christian white males are the only group in america where you can openly hate and threaten to kill and you will be applauded for it

>> No.10904859

I am also mentally ill and I know some html5 and css, why am i not hired by Google yet?

>> No.10904891

As someone with type II bipolar, I can say that person is out of its mind. Almost like reading "proud to have AIDS".

>> No.10905018

these aren't the people that made google what it is today. they're siphoning off of the prosperity of the early creators.

Search for "white american family" in google images, all you will get are niggers. They're fucking with the results just to spite /pol/. What's the point of a search engine if it doesn't give you what you want?

search for "asian divorce rate" and you'll get "interracial" results instead.

and i've actually reviewed rakyll's code on github, 90% of her commits are looking for grammar or spelling errors in comments and fixing that. most of her work is of no value

>> No.10905069
File: 13 KB, 399x400, frog meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>b-but it wasn't the SJW's that made Google successful!

Doesn't matter dipshits. You're supporting their agenda by supporting Google. You guys refuse to adapt because you've been suckered into their trap, and now you can't stop supporting them by using all their products, supporting Google ads/Chrome/search/etc.

I don't by into the whole retarded /pol/ world view, but I despise Google and I don't like companies having the ability to censor me or track my every move online. I do not support companies I don't like. However, the /pol/ cretins in this thread continue to give their attention and money to Google because they're flat out lazy. You're worse than the people you hate.

>> No.10905097
File: 109 KB, 1080x1080, ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck google.

>> No.10905110

i've actually switched most of my searches to ddg already.

>> No.10905128

holy shit, are you some kind of autistic pedofag bot? you are all day posting girls with ff.jpg

>> No.10905138

CEO gabriel weinberg
Try again kek

>> No.10905144
File: 166 KB, 720x960, 1503036005653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, not a bot. you are too much of a brainlet to see why what I say and post is the answer to today's woes.

>> No.10905209

Enlighten us on your high IQ secret message pedoposting then

>> No.10905330

Ever since a hundred or so years ago in the US there has been gradually more Jewish influence and women related movements. Before that time there wasnt such things as pedo hysteria to the degree we have it now, men also married women when they were younger and age of consent laws weren't absurd like now (as low as 8 in some states).

Marrying a younger girl and growing with her is the absolute best way to subvert the slimy kike and nigger influence of public institutions and culture.

>> No.10905359

Capitalism is a terribly inefficient economic system that relies on psychopathic behavior and environmental depletion.

>> No.10905486

This, Google now is more like an institution than a company, most of their employees are just code monkeys maintaining already existing software.
There is no real need to be lean and ideologically infected HR is free to hire those freaks.
You will find this not only in Google but in many big companies where nepotism, cronyism and overall networking play a far bigger part when it comes to be hired than actual skills because the company is in such a dominant position the leadership would have to take a rapid succession of terribly bad decisions to change the situation, the entertainment industry is a good example.

You just have to look at successful start-ups and you will realize that you never find those freakish profile, in 99% of the cases it's a bunch of young white men with few asians and once in a while a woman (almost always doing PR or sales) who are nerdy but not crazy.

>> No.10905560

this is some freaky shit

>> No.10905567

You are rationalizing your pedophilia with jewish and roastie subversion.
Nature decided the beginning of women's fertile life. Not shlomo and not podesta either.

>> No.10905585

And what do you think that age Is retard? Younger than the aoc we have now, and you can be with a woman a before having kids you don't want to always immediately jump straight for that. You can enjoy each other a bit before.

>> No.10905691

I'm not burger so fuck off.
It's 15 years where I'm from
Age of menarche in US is cca 13.75, 90% CI, so waht the fuck you sperg about. Get a 17 yo virgin, no problem. Pop 8 kids and that's it. Instead you rage at shekelberg on basket weaving forum.

>> No.10905703

Because I don't want to have kids the year I meet someone idiot. Also average start of puberty is 11, but not menarche.

>> No.10905722

the explanation is simple. google is a monopoly. being inoffensive is how you keep your monopoly. read peter thiel zero to one. these employees have no impact on their bottom line. none of their employees do anymore.

>> No.10905733

>I don't want to have kids the year I meet someone idiot.
not gonna make it then, cuck
plenty of time for kids no need to hurry goy

>> No.10905750

and they're also political tools used to pad diversity numbers, which are funneled into marketing campaigns to attract more brain dead consumers to...make the company money.

>> No.10905760

Wow I wonder why I want to start early?