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10900915 No.10900915 [Reply] [Original]

How can a country so rich in natural resources fuck their shit up so badly?

>> No.10900938

A mirad of reasons;
>context history
>political idiocy

>> No.10900971

What do you mean demographics

>> No.10900980


>> No.10901168
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I am Venezuelan and years ago I invested and mined Bolivarcoin, now I'm a Bolivarcoin millionaire, I can't complain , I can buy toilet paper and meat, while I see many people eating from the rubbish, I'm lucky and smart at the same time, I think we deserve this communism, I'm moving to Argentina next month, can't wait to leave this shithole

>> No.10901223

Go back to /pol/

>> No.10901249

I think the president spend all their money on lavish parties. At some point the treasury is empty and down the shitter it goes

>> No.10901252

B but the Argentine economy is literally collapsing right this moment.

>> No.10901268

Comunism the leaders always exit scam on the people
Theyblive like kings while the population starves

>> No.10901273

socialism and drop of oil prices together

>> No.10901275

Joys of socialism

Promise poor people free stuff, the political elite steal everything. Everyone ends up broke

>> No.10901280

then he has to move on after mining some argentcoin

>> No.10901298

For decades they relied solely on their oil, so they imported everything and didn't build anything for themselves. Then the oil price went down and thus they don't have the money to important everything anymore. Now they are poor af

>> No.10901317

You and I both know this is just a shithole country with a corrupt government has nothing to do with socialism. Next thing you gonna tell me North korea is a democracy because its in the name.

>> No.10901324

Because they're commies, they hired everyone for the national oil company. Now they have double the people to do half the work. It was fine as long as oil pricw was sky high, but when it dropped they easily became unprofitable. Now a lot of people are employed by the state and in order to keep paying wages they have to keep printing currency.

>> No.10901325

US capitalism is to blame...socialism otherwise would work well there

>> No.10901369

this but unironically but only partially because the venezuelan government really is retarded and corrupt, though not as corrupt as burgers think they are. it's mostly incompetence and being targeted by a long lasting trade war and psyop war by the US.

>> No.10901395
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This is the real reason why

Buy Petro


>> No.10901414

Unironically this. Spics have extremely low IQ

>> No.10901853

I want to know what coins you snowflake faggots are holding. My bets are on LTC, NEO and TRX you fucking cuck.

>> No.10901875

THE FUCK are you talking about

Literally EVERY single interaction with a government employee involves a necessary bribe just to get the to actually DO their job!

Ever actually try getting a passport, or a passport changed?


>> No.10901904

Socialism first and low IQ population second. The smart ones that weren't plundering in the gov left the country years ago.

>> No.10901944

How fucked up is the situation over there?

>> No.10901959

SOCIALISM. Soon coming to a western nation near you!~

>> No.10902034

Resource curse, look it up.

>> No.10902051


>> No.10902054
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>> No.10902087
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Awww, is plebbit upset their socialistic dreams always turn into disaster?

>> No.10902113

left wing


>> No.10902245

It's burgers fault

South America is the greatest continent in the world

They hold 7 miss universe titles

Be thankful you ugly fkn piece of Armenian african burger

Just look at KARDASHIANS and their offspring

Yes burgers are better

>> No.10902897

He's right. Spics tend to be politically retarded.

>> No.10902969

Socialism itself is a corrupt ideology, there is no such thing as an incorruptible socialist government

>> No.10902995

Socialism, petrol based economy, non-whites, and American interference. I think that covers it.

>> No.10903000

>back to pol

Stfu, pol autist are always welcome here

>> No.10903028

Basically making oil their sole export product. When the oil price drops they get JUSTed

>> No.10903042

IQ has little to do, otherwise Chile would be in rubble still

>> No.10903044

No they fucking aren't, go back faggot. We don't want your kind.

>> No.10903057

Yes yes blame it on the fact that you lost a customer ten years ago.

Socialists blaming their own customers! Go figure!

Your business methods sucked so here you are and it's your neighbors fault for not buying your inferior product.

Maybe if you had more to offer, like more the saudis and our own oil reserves combined then you'd still be in business.

Maybe you should have considered building an infrastructure on anything besides oil reserves?

Maybe there should be blood in your streets instead of oil?

But yea, usa did it and whatever.


>> No.10903070


>> No.10903150

>land of monkeys
>led by a chimpanzee
Gee I wonder how

>> No.10903182

>unironically thinking that crypto isn't a right wing psyop
Stupid faggot. Based Satoshi (Szabo) is redpilled as fuck.

>> No.10903246

There is no such thing as an incorruptible government either.
Socialists surely are worse since it's nothing but a scam for votes, though.

>> No.10903515

be hispanic

>> No.10903914

they are not a sell out to the US like the fucking saudis therefore they are sanctioned from doing business with most countries hence bad economy

>> No.10903933

Spic here. Can confirm most normie spics are dumb. Autistic spics are somewhat better but not nearly enough to make it better

>> No.10904090

with 7 titles of MISS UNIVERSE

>> No.10905011

ok so your country is good for prostitution. amazing.

>> No.10905051

women arent the only things we make well, men too which is the main reason white manlets are dying off to brown latin lovers. sucks to suck.

>> No.10905093

being insecure sucks, doesn't it?

>> No.10905309

Big difference is that dumb chileans don't pretend they are smart and let the High IQ individuals calling the shots. Unlike all the other Southamerican dictatorships during the cold war in Chile the military asked the CEOs and entrepreneurs what where the conditions needed to upgrade the countrys infrastructure and maximize profits, and they did exactly that. Meanwhile in the rest of South America dumb dictators squandered the public money on stupid things without thinking about the economy.

>> No.10905416

1) over a decade of economic blockades / sanctions actively attempting to destabilize their economy and destroy their currency
2) multiple regime change attempts by the US (so that they can hand over oil reserves to american corporations) leads venezuela to resemble a police state - even worse than the US police state

>> No.10905664

US involvement.
USA does not benefit from left wing, independent or strong Latin American Countries.

>> No.10905797

several reasons. the biggest reason is communism however. chile and columbia do much better since they are more capitalistic.

>> No.10905880

National IQ is a determining factor in national wealth.

>> No.10905946

Chicago Boys, baybeeeee~

>> No.10905975

Yeah, and during the Pinochet's reign more than half of the populace tanked into poverty, economic growth didn't last and soon the economy was in recession
It wasn't until he was deposed and leftists-centrists took over that Chile grew

>> No.10905978

This is bait

>> No.10905982
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hispanics are mostly terrible at self-governance

>> No.10906035

Their oil is shit quality.

>> No.10906068

What you people don't understand is that in cases like Venezuela and Argentina is not that they don't know what they're doing, the government just has to support like 50% of the population that don't do shit and receive a government check every month, and the only way the government can pay for that is by printing loads of money.

They really don't have much of a choice, because if the checks stop coming the chimping out would be so big the whole government would collapse.

>> No.10906090

No Latin American country has a welfare program as widespread and wide ranging as the US

>> No.10906091
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so spics need to be smarter so they can produce more than cocoa leaves?

>> No.10906152

The US doesn't give a fuck if latin america is left wing or not, the cold war ended 30 years ago retard.

>> No.10906186

Tell that to the millions poured in Venezuela through USAID

>> No.10906283

Venezuela has more than double the percentage of public employees than the US, and a much higher proportion of their population depends on the the government. Also latin americans countries can't export inflation like the US does. Don't talk about shit you don't understand retard.

The US main export by far is colored papers, at least cocoa leaves are actually useful..

>> No.10906836

Hell no... Oil prices in the late 90's we're about 10-15$ per barrel and Venezuela worked quite Well

They just stole everything as good comunists.

>> No.10907055

>Venezuela has more than double the percentage of public employees than the US, and a much higher proportion of their population depends on the the government.
Public employment isn't welfare

>> No.10907063
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KEK dickhead stop talking shit

>> No.10907083

Concerted effort of the world's banking system. We put sanctions on them like they are North Korea.

>> No.10907113

Oil workers are counted as government employees