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File: 92 KB, 850x1190, chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10899973 No.10899973 [Reply] [Original]

How to cook Chicken? Learning to cook good Chicken is one of the best financial decisions of your life.

So biz how do you cook your chicken? Also general food budgeting thread.

>> No.10899989
File: 158 KB, 1600x1200, Picture 1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you make it.

>> No.10900013

Obviously not using chicken "no flavour" breast you prole

>> No.10900433

The trick to eating cheap is learning to make a variety of foods, in large batches, with a small inventory. Flour, yeast, egg, salt, butter, milk. Start here. Always have them. Learn to make bread, pastry, pasta. Bread can be varied simply by adding a few extra ingredients. Add egg, or butter, or milk and you've enriched your dough and halfway to dessert. Add seeds, an egg wash, and sea salt. Boom, you've got a totally different bread. Make in large batches as bread (inlcluding pasta and pastry) freezes brilliantly. Pasta is obvious as it takes as simple as an addition of a cheese to transform a dish. Parmigiano is the best to invest in because it is a hard cheese. It'll be difficult for mold to penetrate the cheese, so it's fine just to scrape it off if any forms. Olive oil is another obvious one. Do your resesrch and get a nice one. I prefer those with notes of arugula and black pepper. They pair wonderfully with fresh bread, too. I could go on, but this is a good place to start.

>> No.10900443

By the way, animal protein is a meme. Plant protein is abundant and available at a fraction of the price.

>> No.10900453

>animal protein is a meme.

You obviously don't lift otherwise you would know that it's definitely not a meme. Plant protein is shit tier

>> No.10900494

>animal protein is a meme

Show pics of your twigs you call appendages. Animal protein is far more sustainable than plant protein.

Grilled on cast iron in butter or on a gas grill. Usually with salt, pepper, garlic powder. Or other seasonings. Overnight marinades of BBQ sauce or Stubbs marinades. Or i make a thai curry with fresh vegetables over rice.

>> No.10900506


Two ways I like, so it stays healthy:

>basted with olive oil, then seasoned with rosemary, thyme, salt, and freshly ground pepper, then roasted

>coated in a homemade dry rub of paprika and brown sugar, mostly, with small amounts of salt, pepper, ground mustard, and garlic added for flavor, then smoked on a grill for 2 hours at 225-250 F. If you don't have that kind of time, butterfly chicken breasts and roast them at 350-400 F for 10 min.

Boomer BBQ chicken is delicious, anon.

>> No.10900512

Oh boy, you must be new to weightlifting. And severely undereducated about plant protein. To build muscle, you need a certain combination of amino acids. Plants often don't contain them all in a single package, so if you're not dumb you'll mix them. Hemp protein is a complete protein, and arguably one of the best. In any case, weightlifting isn't cheap. If you can afford such a luxury, you wouldn't be budgeting or cooking your own food.

>> No.10900570

Brined for 24 hours in salt / brown sugar. After that do whatever you want with it.

>> No.10900601

I lift and spend $50 a week on food. I just have a ton of spices, chicken, vegetables, oats, and sometimes brown rice.

I can make dozens of different stir frys so i never get bored with what im eating.

My roommate never cooks and spends upwards of 15 to 20 dollars a day on food. He always makes fun of my stir frys, what a fucking idiot

>> No.10900628

Follow the snake diet. I literally spend $10 worth of food a week and feel great.

>> No.10900644

Poverty stir-fry. I need to learn how to make this.

>> No.10900664

Oil, chicken, vegetables, a little onions sauce and spices like red pepper flakes, pepper, salt, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder.

Curry powder is cheap, curry paste and coconut milk is cheap. Its so easy to eat cheap. I used to do it, but now i make enough to be able to eat out or buy finer food products.

>> No.10900672
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Don't eat meat, just fucking don't. There's a reason m*atcucks are so short.

>> No.10900678

whats that? catch and eat a snake every day?

>> No.10900681

eat it raw like a real man

>> No.10900698

If meat cucks are short, why am i 6'9"

Checkmate manlet.

>> No.10900713


Lol what a retard, if he was smart he'd pay you $50 a week and get ez delicious healthy food

>> No.10900720

>dreams of being vegetable eating chad, but too stupid to figure it out
>overcompensates lack of vegetable eating by forcing meat religion on others

>> No.10900722

And I'm 8'. Meaningless without proof

>> No.10900733

chicken raises estrogen level you faggoty basedboy. chickens are raised on onions grain. It gets to you through meat and eggs, lots of studies show that it's getting really bad.

>> No.10900739

idiot 4chan filter lol. they are raised on onions grains

>> No.10900752

jebus. S***nofilterdie*O,die filter: Y not fking onions

>> No.10900760

>Amerilard """meat"""

>> No.10900770
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Prove it Wadlow.

>he doesn't enjoy the primal feeling of grilling meat
>he thinks plants are a sustainable resource for the general populace

Berrypicker as fuck.

>> No.10900771
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>> No.10900772

Ya ya let's see those veggie gains with timestamp. Got none? Yeah right, that's what I thought.. plant protein = shit

>> No.10900774

Buy a whole bird.

Do a French roast a la Julia child’s. After you get good at it you can vary it up with all your own favorite ingredients.

After your delicious dinner, pick the meat.
Make a broth with carcass.
Use broth and picked meat however you want, it’s your broth and meat.
Soup, chili, rice, whatever, it’s your leftovers.
You should be able to have three-four meals for 2-3 people off one 5-10$ bird.

>> No.10900775

My store has them on and off but chicken livers are really cheap, they sell for maybe 2 to 3 dollars for a little container. If meat gets too expensive they are nutritious and you can add to any meal for extra protein.

>> No.10900805

You can also use some to catfish. Bingo Bango-surf and turf.

>> No.10900812


>> No.10900830

Be a strict carnivore or herbivore is the absolute state of bullshitting yourself.

>> No.10900843

any meat you can buy in a grocery store is garbage. No beneficial nutrients, tons of harmful compounds. The veg also doesn't have worthwhile nutrient density but at least doesn't have harmful shit in it.

You will never make it unless you have a personal connection to your food production. Make a farmer friend.

>> No.10900853

>he has no discipline or structure in his life

>> No.10900867

>praises the benefits of vegetable only protein sources
>only one weight lifter does it
>99% of the others eat meat and are more successful.

Vegetarian and vegan diets are a meme. Americas issue is we are addicted to processed foods and simple carbs. We push the cholesterol is horrible for you meme too. So we have a whole society of diabetic retards who refuse actually healthy foods because doctors are paid to lie or arent even taught proper nutrition.

>> No.10900873

Lots of truth here...
Every year I get two deer off my land and buy two lamb from a friend. I have an enormous garden to boot. No clue about nutrients v store bought, but it surely tastes that way.

>> No.10900878

This thread is gay.

For fuck sakes men. Women are supposed to cook for you. FFS!!!

>> No.10900879

t. farming jew that charges 3x as much for the same shit

>> No.10900888

And I CANT BELEIVE someone actually posted a Julia Child recipe. FUUUUUUUUUCK


>> No.10900894

I get shit cheaper from local farmers markets than I do at grocery stores. Or just grow it yourself.

>> No.10900909

Why no vitamin B-12 tho?

>> No.10900913
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Good goys

>> No.10900949

no you don't

>> No.10900990

Trust me I know. I love good food though. Big on hunting, fishing, gardening, and foraging. Single dad reporting in with full custody. It hurts, trust me, but my little girl has to learn how to take care of herself one way or another.

>> No.10901001

Tell that to the Cajuns and you’ll be a spit before you finish your sentence.

>> No.10901122

>he's an amerifag

>> No.10901152
File: 614 KB, 487x556, 9cd4f4fb47315faf01e6477b861cae37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Succulent and simple chicken breasts.
>Pan, high heat.
>2 tablespoons of sesame seed oil. In.
>Breasts, salt and pepper. In.
>Get some colour on those breasts. No colour? No flavour.
>Add a few generous slabs of butter to the pan.
>Throw in some thyme, rosemary, and a few roughly chopped garlic cloves.
>Smell that? Those fragrant herbs. Wonderful.
>Once the chicken is browned on both sides, turn regularly whilst spooning the melted butter and sesame seed oil *over* the breasts, locking in the moisture.
>5 minutes longer, done. The key is not to the overcook them.
>Now you've got some tender, moist chicken breasts. Delicious.

>> No.10901161

Not hard to make chicken breasts flavoursome, see >>10901152

>> No.10901176


>> No.10901180

Came here to say this.

Doesnt matter how you cook it if its not brined. Brined = moist

>> No.10901202

>Doesnt matter how you cook it if its not brined
see >>10901152
Alternatively, once browned place in foil covered oven dish for 12 minutes. Moist, succulent.

>> No.10901337

I roast a whole chicken and make stock too. Otherwise I buy thighs which are incredibly cheap.

>> No.10901352

Bread and pasta are cheap and unhealthy. While making your own might taste better it is still scrub tier food.

>> No.10901373

>he thinks flour is unhealthy
lmao never change /biz/

>> No.10901639

wheat flour isn't healthy or any grains for that matter

>> No.10901769
File: 59 KB, 608x607, patrik_2D00_instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strictly vegan champion world record holder weightlifter right here. The other weight lifters don't do it because it takes effort to watch what you eat. Vegan weightlifting isn't mainstream yet because there is such a stigma against it. Guess what, all the animals you eat have crappy vegetable diets. When you eat them you get the leftovers of their crappy diet.

>> No.10901846
File: 177 KB, 700x467, chickencake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, amazing how unappealing delicious chicken is if you keep the neck and head

>> No.10901884

it’s a euphemism. the “snake” diet is kneepads and blowies for protein and zinc, and then $10 on chewable vitamins and some pasta and greens

>> No.10901895

I cook chicken by going to walmart and buying a whole freshly cooked lemon pepper chicken for $4.98

My alternative method is going to chipotle and ordering four sides of chicken for $8.60

>> No.10901897

I've been eating meat my whole life and I'm 6'4"