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10898622 No.10898622 [Reply] [Original]

>live in Czech Republic
>4€ / hour is average pay here
>costs of food and other necessities are 1/2 of the costs in other european countries

What's the best move for a 19 y/o student? Should I move to another country to make more money?
Or try freelancing for clients from other countries so I can take advantage of both low costs and high pay?

>> No.10898839

If you move somewhere else generally the pay and cost of living are going to even out. You might make 3x as much but you’ll be paying 3x more.

I’d say just freelance. That way you can charge Western European prices.

>> No.10898843

Czech those dubs

>> No.10898879

Yeah, true. With freelancing my costs will be the lowest they can be and I'll make as much as I can given I charge my own price, thanks for help!

Kek didn't even notice

>> No.10898967

dude you got the most based country no niggers you can own guns hot girls (tho they are huge whores). you got it made kamerad just make money online and enjoy living in a based white country i would never leave if i was you
>t. jelly germanfag who cant get into czech language and is doomed to live among niggers and shitskins

>> No.10899051

Yeah I know, everything is optimal except pay, that's why I am looking for ways to solve it so I can stay here

danke mein Freund

>> No.10899088

yeah if I was you I would do whatever it takes to make money online. you speak english so youre pretty much good to go. get some skills going and work remotely for western companies or learn online marketing and build your own business. then you got the best of both worlds you live in a great country and make a nice western wage.
stay based my czech friend dont let them fuck up your country like they did with us.

>> No.10899093
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Don't move to another country anon, we have it pretty gud here. Mostly white population, best gun laws in Europe, nice cities. As someone who travels a lot I don't know where you're getting the 1/2 cost for food figure. Wherever I go it's usually more expensive than here or same price. However if you can get a job in Germany and still live in Czechia then you would have a comfy life.
I was thinking about moving too originally but I realized quickly that other countries are mostly liberal shitholes with no ability to own guns and while they're average pay is much higher, so are their housing cost so you'll be mostly the same.

>> No.10899155

true, hopefully czech stays the way it is now

and I am sorry for your country's loss against multi-culti

I meant that food in other countries is much more expensive. I was in France and Germany recently and basically all grocery stores are 2x more expensive than in Prague

I think the best option is to get paid from western european companies but live in Czech

>> No.10899156

howmuch would a small house cost in your county?

>> No.10899193

yeah this. I lived in prague for a cpl of months back in 2012 and I loved it. czech republic is one of the best places to be in europe IMO. it just sucks that you raised the taxes on freelancers I was considering to move back there. also the language is impossible to learn. but once they start rounding up white males in the streets and we get state enforced homosexuality here in germany, Im fleeing back to CZ and arming myself to the teeth. Im legit super jelly that I wasnt born in a based country like CZ or poland

>> No.10899205

>also the language is impossible to learn
it's just a slav language
as hard to learn as any other slav language really

>> No.10899221

Outside of capital city? Around 100k

>> No.10899226

>live in Bulgaria
>same average pay, same average costs
>earn €12 per hour net and more due to bonuses >10% flat tax rate, ceiling on social security charges at income levels as low as €1330 per month.
>working on new business in AI/IoT with potential for EU-wide/middle east adoption (leveraging lack of developments in my industry). Wouldn't even be on the table to offer my idea if I was working for one of the industry leaders in Germany/USA.

It kind of sucks that we lack more people who are better than the majority left here due to Western Europe's brain drain. Still, if you stick to your shit and become great at what you do you can have a great life.

Of course, that's true as long as you're not learning medicine/psychology/teaching or other professions connected to social services. Society doesn't have the money to reward those professions properly.

>> No.10899229
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I want to go to Czech

Signed disillusioned amerishit

>> No.10899255

If you go further east it's not unusual to find a small house for around $50k. A small flat is usually $15k outside of big cities.

>> No.10899557

Hows the health insurance in czech?

From Austria, been in Czech a few rimes, its wonderful. No niggers, almost no muslims - perfect.

My only problem: having a chronic disease and meds cost ~5k € each month. Most insurences outside austria will not cover that.

Im trapped in this muslim shithole

>> No.10899616

expect the same coverage as in austria, you should be fine here
t. pharmacist in czech rep.

>> No.10899631

me being a pharmacist, if you do not mind to list here your medication, I can check the exact ratio of public coverage/ personal contribution

>> No.10899634

DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT come to the Netherlands to work for"week&ik" it's a fucking disgraceful scam. I'm working with many people from Czech republic, they are all getting treated like animals, animals who are also being scammed. I can go into detail if you want, but DO NOT come here.

I feel really bad for these people

>> No.10899635

pizzafag here, Austria is beautiful and it's no way near as bad as Germany. Also you got a good government right now, if I were Austrian I'd be pretty confident

>> No.10899637

Are Czechs slavs like Russians?

>> No.10899650

Get a job in IT and you'll be saving more than in Germany

>> No.10899659

Czech here. Get into software development or IT ops and get a job in Prague. Probably one of the best ratios of net earnings / costs of living in Europe.

Save at least 50% of your salary per month. Buy Bitcoin and hodl.

>> No.10899668

Fuck you OP, no way average pay in Czech Republic is same as in my eastern european shithole. On google it says that it's 1k euro. So don't look at mcdonalds or toilet cleaning prices.

>> No.10899689

Remicade 300mg/month

I know, but the overall development sucks hard. In my town muslim gangs rob you in daylight. No place where I want my children to grow up.

>> No.10899712

Also, don't spend money and time on thots. Just get really good at your job, whatever you do, build up a nest egg, lift weights and enjoy being free. Thats the advice I wish someone gave me 10 years ago.

>> No.10899770

how is the situation in prague these days? back in 2012 there were literally no niggers except the drug pushers on wenceslaw square and I dont recall ever seeing a muslim. is it still like that? germany is going downhill and Im getting sick of financing these animals with my cucktaxes. if it wasnt for the language barrier and for the fact I dont know a single soul in CZ, Id be living there right now

>> No.10899782

>In my town muslim gangs rob you in daylight. No place where I want my children to grow up.
Same as over here in England

>> No.10899788
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I wish I was born a europoor instead of a burger

>> No.10899821

czechs and slovaks are western slavs (culturally, morally quite close to germany for example), russians are eastern slavs, culturally and morally alien to us. czechs and slovaks consider russian nature, morality and values as alien and repulsing. no similarity whatsoever beside langiages stemmibg from same family really

>> No.10899830

Situation is still the same, except the real estate prices went up something like 80% since 2012 thanks to low interest rates and low unemployment. Luckily rent prices are somewhat lagging behind.

>> No.10899849

it would be 3086czk per 100mg from your pocket, the rest is covered by insurance. So your worst case would be to contribute around €350 for 300mg of remicade per month. But I am quote positive there is a monthly ceiling on personal contribution, so you may end with like €250 per month max.

>> No.10899854

Im currently in Bulgaria and its dirt cheap. Beer is like 0.12€. Nature is beautiful, people are cool. Will probably spend the winter here.

>> No.10899877

czechs are a lot more close to germans than slovaks in every way. i kind of agree that we're both closer culturally/morally to western europe than russia but i wouldn't necessarily say that their culture and morality is alien/repulsive to us. a lot of the animosity comes from history anyway, and rightly so.

>> No.10899899

>real estate prices went up something like 80%
that is insane you should leave the EU. at least you were smart enough to not get the EUR and take in immigrants but youre still getting fucked by the bankers.

>> No.10899906

Thx for your research bro. Not that bad, but still more than here (basically free)

>> No.10899944

1k euro maybe for the really top jobs, average is around 600 euro

>> No.10899962

>cheaper COL
>based politicians who wont let in shitskins
>thicc slovak and khazak bishes
>gorgeous architecture
>no shitskins
>no shitskins
holy shit Im moving back to prague. whos couch can I crash on?

>> No.10900017

no problem mate. remember that I listed the most expensive scenario. It significantly depends also on the severity of your condition - you can be eligible for further discounts like have a legal status of partial health disability which would bring you to 30-60€ er month

>> No.10900103

In Sofia?

>> No.10900134

Thanks sir
I will migrate there sir

>> No.10900172

Nope, in Varna.

>> No.10900440

Is it hard to buy an apartment there as an American/foreigner? I earn around $2k/mo passively through an online business and I'm sick of wage cucking. It's not enough money to live comfortably here but sounds like it would be there. Be my real estate agent anon.

>> No.10900456


>> No.10900490

that are prices like in germany anon, thats nuts. how do any of you czechbros afford real estate if the prices are exploding like that?

>> No.10900514

>no niggers
Yeah, right. You should visit Prague.

>> No.10900545

Much higher than expected. My question was more about how hard it is to get a visa and buy real estate if you're not a citizen. Do they make you jump through a lot of hoops?

>> No.10900692

We don't

t. still living with parents at 23 in Prague

>> No.10900743

Realistically it's 200-400k. In smaller cities it's 120-200k.

>> No.10901411

>I earn around $2k/mo passively through an online business and I'm sick of wage cucking.

boyo just move to thailand or ukraine/bulgaria/romania and live like a fucking king while you take sort stuff out.