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10897536 No.10897536 [Reply] [Original]

If the professors at college are so smart, why are they professors at college?

Is college actually a meme?

>> No.10897543

They just read off a slide, a monkey could do that

>> No.10897550

those who can't do, teach

>> No.10897552

They're complacent wagies.

>> No.10897559

because they love teaching silly

>> No.10897562

they are smart IN THEORY
but not in practice

>> No.10897565

Peter Thiel said it correctly that college degrees are career insurance for the middle classes. Having a good degree means you won't be a complete failure in life, but it doesn't guarantee success.

>> No.10897575

This might seem shocking to you souless neetfags but some people actually do things because they want to try and make the world a better place

>> No.10897579

if they're at a decent university they're most likely conducting research, teaching out of obligation, and hating every minute of it

>> No.10897610

>get tenure
>work 15 hours a week
>if you have research grants, get nearly unlimited time and free labor from slave students, able to claim discoveries as your own

>> No.10897625

>For every professor there are 10 phds
>for every phd there are 10 RAs/TAs

academia is basically a ponzi scheme

>> No.10897668

This. But I don't see why it is middle class specific, how do poor and richfags guarantee success?

>> No.10897680

Everyone knows college is a meme. The only reason I'm in college is for the roasties and parties.

>> No.10897718

This guy gets it. Too bad i didn't learn how to pull roasties till i was 30 so it was just a big waste of my parents $

>> No.10897754
File: 270 KB, 1024x683, F2302941-5974-4817-B962-02B6B16BC583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teaching is just their side hustle. Professors work at universities on research as their primary occupation.

For example: Dr Jordan Peterson taught Psychology at the University of Toronto, but he also regularly published papers and saw patients in his clinical practice. The teaching gig was just a really cushy revenue stream.

And that’s the case for most professors. Like an archaeology professor might be teaching throughout the school year and then also work on newly discovered sites or whatever.

>> No.10897758

Don't forget college professors can also write off vacations on their taxes as academic research sabbaticals

>> No.10897863

The saying goes..
Those that can, do
Those that can't, teach
Those that can't teach, teach college

>> No.10898011
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>77.5% multiple guess
>not a meme

>> No.10898035


>> No.10898040


What are you implying? That doing research is for stupid people? Professors are at the top of the IQ pyramid on average, especially STEM professors.

>> No.10898264

poorfags don't, richfags have money and connections

>> No.10898322
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>because they love teaching silly


>> No.10898329


quite alot of them end up patenting some shit and rich as fuck, or write textbooks and rich as fuck. the head prof of my uni donated a million dollars recently

>> No.10898369

Oh you mean like Indiana Jones. Got it.

>> No.10898375

Because they want to feel superior. They are deprived of any self esteem and so want to feel in control of their lives by controlling the lives of others. And the easiest people to control are kids who HAVE to give all power to another person.

So, sure they are smart. But they are weak.

>> No.10898404

textbooks are the ultimate product

•Captive Market (Many textbooks are mandatory for class)
•Abundant Market (There will always be more students)
•Planned obsolescence (Due to the physical nature of the information storage & eventual obsolescence of information)
•Morally & Ethically acceptable product as a tool of Education in modern society
•Inexpensive production for a high profit margin

Consumer Benefits:

•Physical storage of information
•"Truth" or "Perceived Truth"
•Some resale value

the profs aint stupid

>> No.10898475


Pretty much this. Every semester get raked over the coals by your professors, robbed blind by the college administrators after another quarterly 10% tuition increase, then go to demonstrations yelling that Trump is ruining your life. It just werks.

>> No.10898484

>he goes into debt for a sheet of paper that confirms he is competent enough for an entry level position

Lmaoin @ ur life rn

>> No.10898504
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>Go to college for Computer Science
>Professor in 200 level class doesn't know how to use a computer
>Struggles using both a GUI and console
>Largely confused by a web browser

>>B-b-but anon:
>>Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. - Edsger Dijkstra

Yeah and you show me an astronomer that doesn't know how to use a telescope and I'll show you a worthless astronomer.

>> No.10898519

When they were a lecturer in the graduate program they realized how ridiculously easy teaching is compared to the private sector, but they didn’t have the willpower nor the patience to deal with k-12 students, so they built connections with the college and schmoozed their way into a position and got tenure.

Though tbqh I’ve found that anyone who teaches business classes have real world experiences, community college professors/lecturers usually do too and are just using the job for ez money & healthcare to hold them over until retirement.

>> No.10898977

Ever occurred to you that some people are so autistic they don't care about the money but rather about knowledge and research?

>> No.10899918

I'm like that but too dumb and/or lazy to become a professor

>> No.10899927
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Well computer science is a theoretical degree after all. Maybe he was more like a mathematician or something.

>> No.10899971
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professors are neets who are paid to tell future wagies how to pay taxes and vote for more neetbux

>> No.10899974

a meme?

>> No.10899976

No, you are just a greedy failure on /biz/

>> No.10900899

Professors get paid 6 figures and it’s a dream job for autists that don’t want to work in the real world. Only like 2/250 or some insane number of graduates end up becoming full fledged professors.

But sure, just act like teaching is a silly job they picked because they couldn’t find anything else.

>> No.10900916

*that number is for grad school graduates in the humanities specifically iirc