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10896117 No.10896117 [Reply] [Original]

>talking to my dad
>joke about blowing my brains out
>tells me to put my mom as the beneficiary on my health insurance and keep him out of it
I should just do it at this point lmfaoooooo

>> No.10896124


weak faggot

>> No.10896141

Yeah I am weak. Most I could do is die on my own two feet like a man at my own hands.

>> No.10896146

ur dad hates what he sees as weakness and there probably is plethora of reasons for it.
on more serious note, don't be a faggot and take your goddamn meds

>> No.10896168


Suicide is the opposite of "dying like a man", also it would help if you described your living situation.

>> No.10896191

At least wrap a fucking towel around your head before you do this selfish shit, rather than make a mess of the house and stick your parents with a $1,000 bill to clean your brain matter off the shower walls.

>> No.10896366


Why are you depressed and/or want to kill yourself, OP?

>> No.10896456

I work for a call center doing IT work it pays really well and i busted my ass to make it there. Recently I found out my dad is dying from kidney failure. My mom is bedridden and I have two disabled little brothers. I grew up in poverty, isolated, and abused by a therapist. I'm a 24 year old kissless virgin. Also tons of stress at work. I recently had to talk three coworkers out of suicide and while I put on a brave face none of them really know how fucked I am because I lie about being happy and it drained me each time. Recently I lost 80 pounds and started doing web development. I'm in better shape than I have been for years. I spent my college years unloading trucks 40 hours a week on top of college full time on top of studying IT certifications to get the job I have now on top of taking care of my grandparents who were more my real parents than my own at the time who died recently. My dad is unemployed and I'm pretty much the only person who can hold a full time job and more in my family on top of doing extracurricular things to continue advancing my career. A back injury from unloading trucks fucked up my back and I only could start getting back in shape now because of kratom.
I'm tired of always having to work to support others and getting nothing in return but continuing to do so because my family is on the line.
I'm tired of pulling other people's weight at my job and getting no recognition.
I'm mad I lost out on my childhood because my family made me see a therapist that mentally abused me for years and forced me to go to a private school where everyone hated me for reasons put of my control.
I'm not even ugly or lazy I'm just tired of never having fun or feeling appreciated. I can't take it anymore.

>> No.10896494

I live on my own. My parents would get insurance money making me more valuable dead than alive. I only talk to my dad because he's picking me up from work while my car is being repaired.

>> No.10896517
File: 61 KB, 1228x1502, TQfmuGu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm tired of always having to work to support others and getting nothing in return but continuing to do so because my family is on the line.
>I'm tired of pulling other people's weight at my job and getting no recognition.
>I'm mad I lost out on my childhood because my family made me see a therapist that mentally abused me for years and forced me to go to a private school where everyone hated me for reasons put of my control.
>I'm not even ugly or lazy I'm just tired of never having fun or feeling appreciated. I can't take it anymore.

that's some heavy shit anon

why don't you just abandon your family, take what money you have, move and start over, even if you have to stay in a halfway or something

men do this "going to get a pack of cigarettes," it's okay, you did your best, just cut your losses and start over

also i apologize for the pic not really being in keeping with the post, this is the chillest meme i have in my folder (it's mostly cp), i don't feel like downloading another right now

>> No.10896549


Unfortunate story man. But I don't think KYS is the solution here. What do you do in your free time after work? Don't stress so much about your family and spend more time for yourself. Their problems will continue regardless of how small or big you worry about them.

I see that your family depends on you a lot. Just leave a portion of your salary on the side for them and forget about it. Don't get overly emotionally attached to their problems. Family is important, and I'm sure your disabled brothers appreciate what you're doing for them in their own way. Try to talk to them about your pains if you can. Just make sure to always treat them with care and love.

I think you should hit up some dating websites also desu. Or take a vacation to another country, maybe? The shitty thing is there's so many fucking roasties on dating websites, but a good woman wouldn't mind your family's issues.

>> No.10896560

Medication is fucking useless

>> No.10896572

Outside of work I just study and work out they're the only things I know how to do.

>> No.10896580


This, honestly. Meditation or nature therapy (aka just walking around in nature or going hiking) is way more effective at managing your mood and thoughts than (((meds)))

Although, you SHOULD use them if you're severely fucked up, but the aforementioned solutions are way better

>> No.10896595


wow you want to kill yourself when you're the only actual useful person out of your whole family, they sound like leeches

>> No.10896616


Try asking your coworkers to hook you up with dates. If you fuck one up, doesn't matter. Just try a different girl. Until you find one you share good chemistry with.

Just on a side note, I really think your biggest issue is that you seem to be getting too emotionally attached to everyone's problems and you're not caring for yourself enough. That's why you seem so resentful at life. Just book a day off for yourself and go hiking or something (maybe you can go with a group on meetup.com?)

You need to heal your mental status, basically.

>> No.10896654

Do your best to slowly and gradually separate from the issues. Finding a good woman might help, but she has to be the right one, having someone that cares about you is really important.

>> No.10896674

Your dad sounds based and red pilled

>> No.10896690

One of the coworkers I talked out of suicide was an cute autistic weeb girl. She tried quitting on a whim recently and I snapped at her for throwing away the career she worked so hard for and now she resents me. It fucking sucks because I spent months talking her out of wanting to die when she has legitimate reasons to be fucked up. I think we almost dated. At least she didn't go back to being a NEET.

>> No.10896753

wish i could help you OP, stay strong. you are more valuable to yourself than you know right now.

>> No.10896783


Nice dude. Resents you is probably too strongly worded. That's what you're imagining.

How about you make amends by inviting her out for a coffee and apologizing for snapping at her? Be pleasant around people and talk about positive or fun weeb/autistic stuff, too - that's important.

Then you can get to know her again and maybe build a relationship together.

>> No.10896804
File: 297 KB, 1936x1296, mouthhuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joke about blowing my brains out
who the fuck does that to their parents, at least wait until your mom & dad die from old age before you take suicide. have some decency.
alternatively, buy BCH and live like a king in few years. money doesn't buy happiness but it buys things that'll make you less sad.

>> No.10896902

Anon is right. Stay strong OP.

>> No.10896921

Your dad is based kek. Prolly shit posts.

>> No.10896972

dont do it man be good

>> No.10896982


Well said

Boomers had the last good run with our sweet planet. It's really just downhill from here.

Our only hope as a species is that we vastly improve space travel or a major event wipes out 90% of human life

>> No.10897091

>I'm just tired of never having fun or feeling appreciated. I can't take it anymore.

Then change your life. You're going to die anyway. What's stopping you from moving to some other country and starting a new life somewhere nobody knows you.

If you're going to kill yourself, least you can do is get a giant fat loan, donate the money and then kill yourself.

>> No.10897289
File: 708 KB, 774x979, wojak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my family situation definitely isnt as bad, but i was in a similar boat not too long ago OP.

take some time off work, if possible. or if you get christmas bonuses at your job, quit at the start of the new year (thats what i did). live off that for a while, and just find something you enjoy.

you dont owe anybody anything. just focus on yourself.