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File: 108 KB, 1024x768, 1534246622066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10896434 No.10896434 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin CASH
>tfw chad billionaire entrepeneur coder inventor
>tfw not afraid to fuck another man in the ass because you're not homophobic
>tfw not afraid of centralization
>tfw not afraid of 2GB blocks
>tfw patents
>tfw some chink miner owns 1 million of your coin
>tfw corecucks fix your spaghetti code for free
>tfw your boyfriend is creating ICOs for your coin after the ICO bubble popped
>tfw chink bagholder is afraid of Satoshi's vision and calls you a blockstream spy
>tfw neckbeard corecuck helps you implement SATOSHI'S VISION
> https://github.com/bitcoin-sv/bitcoin-sv/commit/74922dd1f7b802755c158cb448205aac150579b4#commitcomment-30346598
>tfw 0.077

>> No.10896490

Obsessed much? lmao

>> No.10896503


>> No.10897699
File: 304 KB, 770x775, mr.bear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twitter is freaking out as people are starting to realize CSW is Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.10897723
File: 266 KB, 1600x1200, satoshi_sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but unironically

>> No.10897775
File: 324 KB, 996x2141, 73071BF7-9C92-41E9-96B1-4EDDED685781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw chad billionaire entrepeneur coder inventor
Not so sure about that.


He proved he could code by copy pasting.

>> No.10897782

Is he gay

>> No.10897790


Next level trolling.

>> No.10897810
File: 363 KB, 1125x966, 66386346-D2B8-4D26-A044-3FF4A5DA8851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only pretending to be retarded
Or he’s a con-artist and compulsive liar.

>> No.10897821 [DELETED] 

Looks at open notepad++ tabs, files are named "virus-sim.js".
He is clearly fucking with you brainlets.

>> No.10897828

He’s certainly a fuck

>> No.10897836 [DELETED] 

Looks at open tabs on notepad++, files are named as "virus-sim.js".
He is clearly fucking with you brainlets.

>> No.10897845
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, DkKBBupXgAAWm00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you stop posting here, please? *gives you no time to talk* Okayyy Thank youuuu *closes door*

>> No.10897847

Look at open tabs on notepad++, files are named as "virus-sim.js".
Clearly fucking with you brainlets.

>> No.10897857
File: 347 KB, 1125x1613, 2949C5C5-A176-450C-A023-5EB28A19C717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn’t be the first time he copy and pasted.
>Craig Wright asserted via Twitter that it was the job of the “professional academic editing company” who vets his work to check sources and citations. Since Wright failed to mention Wen Liu and Jinting Wang’s paper, however, the editing team would not have known to acknowledge this.

>> No.10897884

delete this

>> No.10897908

Getting hung up over a missing citation in a paper generated in real-time to rebut an on-going debate with major economic implications is frankly ridiculous. More damaging to the credibility of his opponents than to CSW.

>> No.10898000

If it was an isolated event it wouldn’t matter but he regularly lies and passes others’ work off as his own, most famously Bitcoin itself. He should have no credibility after his Satoshi proof was irrefutably proven bogus and it’s absurd he’s gotten even a single moment of attention since then.


>1) By presenting an existing Satoshi Nakamoto transaction signature as a newly generated signature, Wright has ensured that his signature verifications are valid. Unfortunately for him, discovery of this fact (reuse of an existing signature), reveals that he does not provably own any of Satoshi Nakamoto’s private keys, and why he avoids signing new messages – the standard and most trivial proof.
>2) Publishing his verification script has revealed his digital slight-of-hand – his script can be fed information other than that which it pretends to verify, and thus produce a verification that appears valid.

He’s a con man.

>> No.10898869

Bitcoin Cringe

>> No.10898942

>Is he gay

hes tongue kissing a dude what the fuck do you think

>> No.10899000
File: 560 KB, 642x568, 1531190054910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw HIV positive

>> No.10899022

>He proved he could code by copy pasting.
i love how he says i thought it...implying he know all about it...Hope this fag gets AIDS, can't belive god left us with the shitiest btc creator if he ever was one...the fact that he is still alive means he must be worthless if he was a co creator...

>> No.10899027


>> No.10899038

if he wrote differently he would have been ridiculed for inefficient or superfluous or childish faggot code. i know that because it's what i would have done. there was no way for him to get out of this fine.