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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10886437 No.10886437 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder

>> No.10886481

Highest chance of mooning to gentlemen levels of any coin shilled here

Already way undervalued. Market cap should be 20 million

Mining difficulty adjusts in a month so less sell pressure.

>> No.10886527

Shill me on this token

>> No.10886544

opening a short now thanks

>> No.10886551

It’s the world’s first POW ERC token. It is based on the distribution mechanism of bitcoin but is much more fairly distributed.
It is also capable of interacting within smart contracts and acting as a store of value on the Ethereum blockchain:

Market cap is only 1.5 million$

It is very undervalued, market cap should be something like 20 or 30 million for a brilliant invention like this, so buying here is an easy 10X to 30X just like the old days of crypto.

I believe 0xBTC will usher in the golden alt bull for minable tokens

>> No.10886600
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very undervalued

>> No.10886629
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triple dubs. thanks kek!

>> No.10886639
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>> No.10886648

>useless token of a useless platform


>> No.10886783

>thinks Ethereum is useless
>doesn't realize the revolution smart contracts will bring
never going to make it

>> No.10886816

The Great Revolution of ICOs of useless tokens.

>> No.10886861

I agree, most of them are useless, but the ones that make it through this purge will absolutely soar.

>> No.10887041

>the ones
Not any single one will survive in the long term. Sorry.

>> No.10887053

at least shitskins are losing money on this

>> No.10887065

bitcoin is to crypto what ethereum is to smart contracts. either "smart contracts" are a dud, and never go anywhere, or ethereum ends up in a dominant position like bitcoin for programmable blockchains.

its a pretty simple bet to make.

>> No.10887080

> Daily reminder that there are people who are worse investors than you.

Thanks guys.

>> No.10887097

I know you all probably think TA is FUD but this coin is on its way to even lower levels, starting at $0.30's and making its way down until it reaches a new bottom. Since the volume is fairly low, this will probably take shape in the form of a slow bleed.

>> No.10887136

>up 600% from April
>bad investment
I'm sure you've done a lot better in that timeframe

Ethereum, yes, ETH, no. 2nd layer solutions will overtake ETH as the native currency of the Ethereum network.

>> No.10887188

I don't care if it was up 1 million %. I don't know what you are bragging about because this is not a good thing for a coin with low volume. Fact of the matter is it is going down now and for the foreseeable future until it reaches a new support. If it is like you say, "up 600%," then it will likely be returning to those levels for support.

>> No.10887196

**pre-600% levels

>> No.10887268

>I don't care if it was up 1 million %
So you're not here to make money?
>it went up, so it will definitely go down to that very same price
When Bitcoin $1?

>> No.10887310

I am, and I can read a chart. You all are joyfully talking about a coin that is clearly on the the decline to its old levels and no one is talking about selling.

Oh and what a stupid statement. I can't believe I have to tell this to someone in the crypto scene.. Bitcoin has VOLUME. 0xBTC does NOT. People WANT to buy Bitcoin. People do NOT want to buy 0xBTC. And this is just using publicly available data on the charts.

>> No.10887362

No argument there, very few people currently want 0xBTC and the liquidity is quite low. A single $5,000 buy pumped the price 30% a couple of days ago. It is very unknown currently, and new exchange listings are on the way. This is the point of maximum financial opportunity - before everyone else gets on board. All projects start out small, I don't see how 0xBTC is bad solely because it's new.

>> No.10887411

Well if you are going by /biz stats. 95% of coins shilled on biz (multiple posts day) are scams and have lost people A LOT of money. Abrosus, FUN, DBC, BBN, INT, REQ to name a few.

Everyone looks out for themselves and their own personal gain. It's human nature. It's pretty obvious that you are trying to spike interest in your coin so that you can dump them on biz, so don't give me the "all projects start out small" bullshit.

>> No.10887466

Pretty much everything has been shilled on /biz/ from Bitcoin to Bitconnect, and while many people have lost money blindly following shill posts here, then many have also earned money. I do not assume people will read my posts and immediately start buying 0xBTC fist over hand, I just hope to make them aware of its existence and direct them to do their own research on it. /biz/ is the first place I saw it myself as well, and after doing quite a lot of reading into it, I decided it is one of the most innovative cryptos on the market currently.

Now, full disclosure, I do obviously own 0xBTC, so it is indeed in my financial interest for others to buy it, but that is not the reason why I talk about it here. I talk about it here to get my beliefs and views challenged, since 4chan is one of the few places on the internet where you can be sure that people will talk shit about anything. So far, no one has been able to deliver a valid criticism of 0xBTC, which is a tremendously good indicator in my opinion. The most talked about points are how it has "low volume" and "no one uses it". But if that's really the only thing "wrong" with it, then why shouldn't I be on board, waiting until the day it will eventually no longer have low volume?

>> No.10887521

It's the whole economy of the coin. It makes sense why people would mine it but why would people want to buy it? Hint: they won't.

The way mining is handled is very common to air drops. People want to sell their coins as soon as they get them. So this creates a one way channel of sellers.

I think you may be getting caught up in the fact that it has BTC in the name. You can copy Bitcoin, both physically and with a name, but you cannot have the same power that Bitcoin carries (trading pair on every exchange, the one non-alt coin, everyone's entry coin). Point blank.

With this in mind, you essentially have a token that gives members with graphics cards free air drops. That is 0xBTC in a nutshell, no technological buzzwords, this is what your token does. People don't want this.

>> No.10887601

>you essentially have a token that gives members with graphics cards free air drops
That's just not true, your computing power is tied up when mining and you have to contribute electricity and hashpower to get the tokens. It is exactly like mining BTC and has nothing to do with airdrops.

>People don't want this.
Yes, a very small amount of people currently want it, the demand is low and, accordingly, so are the prices. But that doesn't mean it will stay like this forever, as I said, this is the point of maximum financial opportunity.

The value proposition of this token is essentially this:
>Bitcoin is good and useful
>smart contracts are good and useful
The first part has already been proven to be true, now it's only betting that the second part becomes true as well. Owning 0xBTC is basically a bet on smart contracts. If they start getting wide scale use, then people will want a version of Bitcoin that can work with smart contracts.

So in summary, you fundamentally misunderstood mining and once again said that 0xBTC has low volume currently. Doesn't seem like you have any meaningful criticism of the project. Good luck trying to make it with top 10 coins.
Goddamn, this is the comfiest hold of the century.

>> No.10887870
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>> No.10887885
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>> No.10887897

I want to buy more but don’t want to use Mercatox. When Coinbase?

>> No.10887900
File: 48 KB, 550x309, 0xbitcoin-charts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon brother, soon

>> No.10887902

buy on idex or enclaves

>> No.10887904
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>> No.10887907
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>> No.10887912
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>> No.10887915
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>> No.10887917
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>> No.10887922
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>> No.10887928
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>> No.10887933
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>> No.10887938
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>> No.10887943
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>> No.10887949
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>> No.10887954
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>> No.10887960
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>> No.10887967
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>> No.10887968
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I was thinking about buying a little for insurance, but the pajeet tier discord memes really put me off. I also don't really care about smart contract interactivity, when instant fiat conversion will exist. What future do you guys see for this coin?

>> No.10887973
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>> No.10887980
File: 1.87 MB, 1964x2822, 0xbtc-distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10887988
File: 609 KB, 931x525, 0xbtcfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10887994
File: 508 KB, 800x2000, 0xbtc-infogfx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10887997
File: 98 KB, 474x596, 0xbtcjesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10888001
File: 418 KB, 1403x1745, 0xbtclava.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10888009
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>> No.10888011
File: 172 KB, 476x453, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10888016
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>> No.10888019
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>> No.10888031
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>> No.10888065

The pajeet-tier discord memes are just that - memes. There isn't a single Indian that I've noticed on the Discord, even though it has almost 3k memebers. Don't take my word for it, check the Discord for yourself:
https://discord.gg SLASH JGEqqmS

>> No.10888391
File: 15 KB, 320x320, 0xbtc infernal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10888423

>then people will want a version of Bitcoin that can work with smart contracts
But its not a version of bitcoin?

>> No.10888432

Okay, they will want a crypto with all of the features of Bitcoin that can work with smart contracts. Is that better now?

>> No.10888503

0xBitcoin does have all the features of legacy bitcoin tho.


>> No.10888506
File: 101 KB, 1280x757, 0xbtc-singulatiry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and subsequently 0xBitcoin does work with smart contracts

>> No.10888508

It's 100% bitcoin's original code ported in a fucking smart contract on Ethereum blockchain. Are you really that FUCKING RETARTED? Or are you trying to buy back for a lower price?

>> No.10888551

ID: pEeakQtm

>peak quantum

based and redpilled

>> No.10889219


Good one bois.

>> No.10889271

>implying the whole market isn't dropping
>implying I even care about the price
>implying it's not all about the fundamentals
>implying I haven't already deleted blockfolio

>> No.10889273

It is NOTHING like Bitcoin mining. You are mining for **distribution* ... not *consensus*. Big difference. Distribution = Air Drop.

OK since this will have the same value as Bitcoin. Can't wait for: Coinbase listing, 0xBTC pairings of all alt coins on all exchanges, 0xBTC mentioned everyday on CNBC. Get real. If you don't understand that you can't just copy Bitcoin (or any coin) and expect the same value, you've got a lot to learn about cryptocurrency.

Get the idea of "exact copy of Bitcoin" out of your head. Care to explain why the code for both are completely different?

You will NEVER receive any volume with your shit coin, especially since its core value involves, and I say again, air dropping coins to members with graphics cards (not consensus). There is no reason for miners to do shit except sell these coins.

>> No.10889280

> Trying to forget that I was called out for my TA earlier saying this was heading south, namely to new lows.

>> No.10889284


>> No.10889297

The entire price movement of this thing is literally wash trades on mercatox. The spread is literally 14% of the price and the bots just trade with themselves at random prices inside the spread, it's not real price action

>> No.10889316

I'm not going to repeat myself. Click on my ID and look for my earlier post.

>> No.10889320

nailed it, not interested

>> No.10889331

What happend to this board

>> No.10889333

>itt anon successfully predicts a "price movement" created by a bot's random number generator

>> No.10889365

>It is NOTHING like Bitcoin mining
To mine Bitcoin you need a GPU and electricity. While mining, your computing resources are tied up and you are spending electricity to create cryptocurrency.
To mine 0xBitcoin you need a GPU and electricity. While mining, your computing resources are tied up and you are spending electricity to create cryptocurrency.
An airdrop is when you get some shitcoins for filling out a form. Which model does 0xBitcoin seem to resemble most?

The consensus part of Bitcoin PoW is actually a drawback, not a feature. It means that it HAS to be mined forever, otherwise it's useless. 0xBitcoin is already secured by the Ethereum network, meaning that mining can stop when the total supply has been mined out. When Bitcoin mining stops, then Bitcoin becomes unusable. 0xBitcoin a first of its kind 2nd layer PoW currency on a soon-to-be PoS platform, which means it combines the benefits of PoS consensus and PoW distribution, while avoiding the drawbacks of PoS distribution and PoW consensus.

>OK since this will have the same value as Bitcoin
No it won't, and I never said it will. But it doesn't have to overtake Bitcoin in order to generate massive gains, seeing that it's at a $1.5mil mcap.

So you knew the market would crash? I'm hoping you backed up your words in that case and went 100x short.

>> No.10889434

It got better since 0xBTC argument threads started happening


>> No.10889708

>I don't see how 0xBTC is bad solely because it's new.
I can't hire hookers or buy drugs with it

thats the measure

>> No.10889740

I’ll suck your dick for about 600 0xBTC

>> No.10889819

shit, son, for $60,000 you better suck some mean dick.

>> No.10889833

I will put my heart and soul in to it.

>> No.10889847

>I decided it is one of the most innovative cryptos on the market currently
Literally only a smart contract, innovation is something else

>> No.10889925

>Literally only a smart contract
This is almost the same as calling bitcoin "literally only a blockchain". Smart contracts are a dime a dozen, but this is the first PoW-mineable currency that does not need to be mined in order to function and that can interact with smart contracts. There have been previous attempts at creating a native currency for Ethereum (like eBTC for example), but all of those have failed since they were stock ERC20 shitcoins that all started out in the hands of one person. 0xBTC is the first ERC20 that is not controlled by any one person - it is controlled by the smart contract, which is immutable and trustless. If you can't see the innovation in that, then you're not paying attention.

>> No.10890015

Dude, its a token just like any other, just because you slap a different distribution mechanism on it doesnt mean that it's better than the other tokens, fucking moron. Other tokens usually do something or claim to do something, all you guys rave about is "UHH MUH DISTRIBUTION" as if its somehow magically gonna be fairly distributed forever. Its a fucking shitcoin and as soon as big money comes in they could literally buy 40% of the supply cuz guess what, ITS NOT WORTH ANYTHING, AND THEN YOUR COIN DISTRIBUTION WOULD NOT BE FAIR ANYMORE YOU FUCKING IDIOT

>> No.10890039

You don’t have any idea how markets work

>> No.10890080

>You don’t have any idea how markets work
>But I do because I have this shitty token and it's gonna make me rich dude, just buy it lol
What about it is good?
>Its fairly distributed and its bitcoin, with smartcontracts!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its a Ethereum token and as soon as big money would move in it wouldnt be fairly distributed
>Lol you just dont know

Typical conversation with you brainlets

>> No.10890145

It's not a token like any other, it's the first one that follows EIP918. All cryptocurrencies only have two basic aspects to them - distribution and consensus, so it's hard to say that distribution is not important. Bitcoin uses PoW for distribution as well as consensus, but that is simply a necessity, not an ideal situation. 0xBitcoin uses PoW solely for distribution, while the soon-to-be PoS Ethereum network handles consensus, creating a synergy that combines the best sides of PoS and PoW.

Bluntly put, Bitcoin HAS to be mined, 0xBitcoin CAN be mined. That's a fundamental difference and a huge leap forwards for PoW currencies.

> as soon as big money comes in they could literally buy 40%
That's such a retarded argument I don't even know what to say. Why didn't big money buy 40% of the Bitcoin supply? The largest exchange for 0xBTC only has 25k of it available at the moment, and even buying that relatively small amount would pump the price over 1000%. Not to mention that 85% of the total supply hasn't even been mined yet.

>> No.10890148

Well, that's what you get in any free market. Bezos could buy every btc pn the market if he wanted. What's the point again? Thought 0xbtc was more about how it can be created then distributed. Also, how the fuck do these threads never die. Haven't hopped in one in weeks but they just keep going onnnn n onnnn

>> No.10890182

up 1 million % on 1k daily volume would be a few grands of profit at best
600% is already pure pump and dump territory while you homosexual shills have been spending the thread claiming intrinsic value. which one is it? because it can be either one or the other, and the moment someone calls you out on shit investment and you spin to muh insane profits, you've given up any pretense it's a serious project. schizophrenia is not a convincing argument

>> No.10890205

discord pajeets are generally white burgers, just the kind of loser low middle class fat fucks who are essentially pajeet in spirit. it's worse in a way: it's people who've had all the opportunities and squandered them

>> No.10890225

>Why didn't big money buy 40% of the Bitcoin supply?
Because bitcoin was fucking meme internet money at first and its barely recognized as a legitimate currency today either. But at least crypto is on the radar for people now so thats fucking why you brainlet.

>It's not a token like any other, it's the first one that follows EIP918
You are fucking delusional if you think mining is anything but a fucking retarded way to distribute/create tokens, no one today even looks at mining when they go about creating new coins do they? Why not? Because its retarded. Doesnt matter that the token can make use of Ethereums consensus itself because so can any other fucking token on ethereum, 0xbitcoin does nothing, its a fucking meme and any other token can do the exact same thing

>> No.10890231

>how the fuck do these threads never die
Because the fudders keep playing stupid and repeating all of their refuted speaking points and I've got nothing better to do than to keep refuting them. I don't hope to actually convince any of the retards who think that an open-source immutable smart contract is somehow a scam, but responding to them keeps the thread alive and visible to other people who might do their own research and see the massive potential this project has.

>600% is already pure pump and dump territory
It pumped in May, when is the dump coming? Sure is taking a long time.

>> No.10890266

So what real world use cases can this be used for? This doesn't sound interesting desu..

>> No.10890279

>discord pajeets are generally white
do you even know what words mean?

>Because bitcoin was fucking meme internet money at first
And so is 0xBTC currently, do you really not see how you're undermining yourself? Also, I can't be bothered to give you an economics 101 lesson in 2k characters, but look up the meaning of the word "slippage".

>no one today even looks at mining when they go about creating new coins do they? Why not?
Because if you create a stock ERC20 shitcoin, then you can press a button and receive the total supply yourself, which you can then sell off to idiots actually stupid enough to buy your shitcoins that were created out of thin air. The cryptocurrency space was taken over by get-rich-quick scams in 2017, but fortunately all of those are collapsing under the weight of the bear market now.

>any other token can do the exact same thing
Name me one (1) other ERC20 token that was distributed in a trustless manner. Just one, that's all I ask.

>> No.10890283

Trading, hodling and being sent within smart contracts and making bitcoin obsolete

>> No.10890383

It will be the main currency on the Ethereum chain if Eth goes POS. Everybody will want it as a currency, every major exchange will list it for free, cause it can interact with Smart contracts like no other Token can and its fairly distributed through a thing called mining with GPU´s. Every new ICO will have it in its listing, cause Eth isnt used anymore for that than. CNBC and Cointelegraph will speak about it daily. Toast will become the new leader of 4chan, with Sergey on his side eating a burger. We´ll all gonna make it, cause fair distribution....say it with me...fair distribution...smart contracts

>> No.10890413

I don't mind the coin that much, but jesus fuck stop comparing it to utility tokens (which were never meant as "currency" in the first place) and calling it better because it is mined.

>> No.10890443

Compared to utility tokens it is better because it is mined

>> No.10890473
File: 175 KB, 1327x1327, 0xBitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Check out my pic

>> No.10890482


>> No.10890493

Will suck dick for 100 0xBTC

>> No.10890501
File: 25 KB, 1116x427, 1530645663019[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10890522

Pretty shit business model considering his FUD is weak as fuck and he’s obviously not white

>> No.10890676

Kek nice argument

>> No.10890704

Nice mass reply and wall of text, but there's only one thing you forgot - proof. Do you have any proof whatsoever that the creator mined thousands upon thousands of tokens while it was publicly declared on day 1 and absolutely anyone could mine?

>> No.10890883
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>> No.10890889
File: 84 KB, 637x650, 1528410411090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drink up

>> No.10890902

it is incredibly weak and i filter his trip code and name for a reason.

and thats precisely why his post is bullshit. 0xBitcoin was publicly announced from day one on bitcointalk forums. there was no secret mining phase. everything about this project once you look into it actually checks out. its one of the purest mined tokens there ever has been and most likely ever will be. also on the mike.rs pool you get triple the coins for the same price of mining 1 token. so 0xLitecoin and 0xGOLD at the same time mining 0xBTC. its a pretty good deal desu

>> No.10890954
File: 10 KB, 286x335, CczwJlHWoAAiY4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy your thread faggot

>The Pajeet fears nothing more than the truth and he tries hard to kill every last bit of it in his thread. But since he is nothing but an empty uniform he will be easily overwhelmed and once his thread becomes a little bit to honest he will just abandon it, let it slide to death and create another one.

>It does not matter if you post constructive criticism or racist jokes. In almost every instance the Pajeet will attack you using tree different IDs in his vicious hope to make you feel like an outsider for doubting his lies. Just look at those places from which these Pajeets are coming from and realize that he can never become a productive member of any society and that he has to attack you. His existence is dependent on stealing the white mans riches and he simply has to deny that there is anything wrong with his coin.

>Always remember that it is his job to prove that he is not a fraud and that his scamtoken is legitimate. You owe him nothing and it is always his obligation to prove that he is white.

>> No.10890957
File: 124 KB, 601x599, 611neva4get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can achieve the impossible!

>> No.10890981
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Don't be that guy asking for a handout.

>> No.10890983

You’re just making yourself look like a stupid pompous knob you cancerous tripfaggot

>> No.10891055
File: 37 KB, 720x480, Judge_Doom_Eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your avator is an Indian
Your logo is a rice corn
Your behavior is textbook pajeet

>The funny thing is that even if the Pajeet ends up being successful with his cryptofraud he will still end up being poor. Even if he were to win the lottery he will never escape his situation because he will never escape his own nature.

>Once he ends up having any money he will waste everything on frivolities and meaningless shit just because it is flashy or shiny. If he has a million he will never buy any tangible investments or plan for retirement. Instead he will buy every extra you can get for a Lambo even if he does not understands what it actually does. Just think of all the stupid shit those retarded Gangster Rappers purchase.

>Within 6 months there will be no money left. Within another 3 months he will have to sell his Lambo to pay the bills. Within another 3 months he will be back on /biz/ shilling the new fork of Bazingacoin.

>This is the nature of every Pajeet and his children and their children for all eternity. That lower creature is forever doomed to his misery and everything he touches will fall apart to ashes and dust. He will forever dream of being rich because he is too primitive to dream of becoming white.

You are so desperate shilling your coin I bet you are already on handouts from your goverment.

>> No.10891075

>he thinks it’s about post length not number of posts

Point at this FUD noob and laugh

Tldr bro

>> No.10891296

I dont care if its a scam as long as it makes me money

>> No.10891300

Don't worry, you're not missing out on anything meaningful