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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 512x268, DE7D902D-F443-48B1-A56B-E224970C2FA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10888392 No.10888392 [Reply] [Original]


>”Using blockchain technology and the Stellar protocol, IBM Blockchain World Wire makes it possible for financial institutions to clear and settle cross-border payments in seconds.”

>> No.10888413

>Stellar protocol
Nothing to do with Stellar blockchain or XML tokens

>> No.10888427
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So it begins..

>> No.10888451

pretty sure this coin is premined like XRP

can anyone confirm

>> No.10888468
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everything to do silly rabbit!

>> No.10888470

steller protocol is stellar blockchain, mr. brainlet

>> No.10888474

You sell the news, retard

>> No.10888480
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>> No.10888493

What Oracle would stellar use or do they even need one?

>> No.10888498


>> No.10888583

The stellar protocol is fork what IBM use in their own blockchain

>> No.10888643

this. XLM holders JUST

>> No.10888650

The IBM product doesn’t even use XLM

>The absolute state

>> No.10889007


>> No.10889103

What's that smell guys?

>> No.10889114

mobius sirs

>> No.10889180

You are clueless

>> No.10889282

>IBM is run by literal boomers
>Still uses slang like stellar, far out, radical
>Stellar bagholders think its a reference to stellar crypto

>> No.10889302
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75k XLM will I make it?

>> No.10889628
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This is just unironically stupid.

>> No.10890236

Is 750k in a few years making it for you? If so, then yes. At least mortgage free, which is more than most wagecucks.

>> No.10891140

Not if the announcement was what, 9 months ago?
It will go back to $1 EOY, i guarantee it

>> No.10891155

I own XLM but I doubt it will ever reach 10$ per coin, maybe if we're lucky we reach 3 dollars

>> No.10892206 [DELETED] 

I want to worship her anus

>> No.10892224
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I want to worship her anus.

>> No.10893225

>this level of cope

>> No.10893372

>information that was priced in announced
>No movement on price
>Stellar fags go crazy for no reason


>> No.10893423

Stellar fags are going to get shafted by xrapid

>> No.10893458

>bear market

>> No.10893483

>Digital assets are issued on the Stellar network as a foreign exchange bridge to allow for near real time settlement.
they are going to issue fiat pegged tokens on the stellar network to avoid using xlm and exposing themselves to the volatility of xlm tokens
and all these partnerships are agreeing in using the fiat pegged cryptos to trade between each other

>> No.10893702

it will be a shafting unlike any shafting seen before

>> No.10893753

Literally, unironically mobius
>pissed stinker incoming
Hahahahahhahaha he fell for the shitlink meme while I was accumulating mobius hahahahahhahaha oh no no no no no you fags are gonna lose it all hahahahahaha

>> No.10893765

>He fell for the oracle meme

>> No.10894192


Fucking XLM is literally only for transferring white idiots money to black idiots

>> No.10894221

What's the Stellar protocol then? kek retard
It's pre-mined 100 billion with 1% inflation

>they're going to make tokens o the Stellar blockchain BUT NOT TOUCH XLM AT ALL!
You do know they need XLM to transfer between each other right?

>> No.10894239

They only burn tiny amounts of XLM as fees lmao

There’s no liquidity on this network it’s not even a settlement solution

Literally their concept is “if we could convince banks to accept fiat tokens as money then they wouldn’t need real money”

That’s your “settlement solution” yeah good luck with that lmfao

>> No.10894242

>ITT retarded cripple baghodlers not understanding Ripple software enough so they think they can judge Stellar with the same pre-text
top kek
Ripple software is a bunch of nice dandy projects designed to make money from banks while Stellar is designed to actually be the solution to Bitcoin and Cripple's problems

See you fags on the FOMO train

>> No.10894244

yeah, to pay for the fees, pennies of a cent each transaction

>> No.10894257

fractions of a cent*

>> No.10894266

Kek, your retarded FUD makes no sense

You want to talk about liquidity cripple baghodler? Imagine the moment the banks that IBM already has in its pocket start utilizing the Stellar Network
You will see a jump of over half a billion (that's their testing volume for now) on coinmarketcap

This isn't Cripple you stupid faggot :D

>> No.10894299

it's not fud when i'ts true

>> No.10894316

Who mentioned anything about XRP

Why is that the first place you stellar retards always go. Don’t look at my shoddy product look over here instead. You’re worse than used car salesmen.

You haven’t addressed the point:
1. There’s no liquidity on the market
2. This “settlement solution” doesn’t provide fiat settlement—which is the only type of settlement FIs need.
3. Other than a tiny burn of fees XLM is used nowhere in the process.

Literally this is smoke and mirrors and you’re sweating balls because this is ALL you have.

It’s over dude sell and get out while you can.

>> No.10894344

Yeah you can read that properly again you retard kek. If you don't understand it, just wait for December.

>Who mentioned anything about XRP

Wait till December because the guy even sourced it >>10894299
If you can't understand that then you aren't old enough to understand how things work at an Adult level.

>> No.10894373

One guy mentioned XRP 5 pages up in a negative light
>OMG CRIpPlE Hoddlers On mY tHReaD

You don’t have a counter argument to the fact that XLM is not used and this settlement solution provides no fiat settlement. All you have is ad hominem.

>> No.10894432
File: 266 KB, 1362x693, ibm_world_wire_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XLM is not used and this settlement solution
You not knowing how Stellar or XLM is used, is not my problem. You can learn yourself if you truly want to know how this works: stellar.org
>that XLM is not used and this settlement solution provides no fiat settlement
>provides no fiat settlement
now you're just retarded spamming questions when the answers have already been said. I mean for someone who doesn't even know how XLM or Stellar works, you sure are objective without learning how it works first kek

Here retard, we'll go to OP's link who made the thread, because clearly you cripple baghodlers can't read for shit

>Introducing IBM Blockchain World Wire, the new financial rail that can simultaneously clear and settle cross-border payments in near real-time
>The institutions use their existing payment systems – seamlessly connected to World Wire’s APIs – to convert the first fiat currency into the digital asset.
>first fiat currency into the digital asset.

Here I even gave u a pic retard

>> No.10894456
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no mention at all of xlm tokens

>> No.10894470

The only reason why I know you're all cripple baghodlers is you use the same pre-text to judge Stellar.
This isn't xCurrent, or xRapid, or whatever other bullshit they just make up.

The Stellar Network is one code, one software, and XLM is needed to be used for all of it.
The requirement is 1.5XLM

This isn't Cripple you faggots where the banks themselves don't even need to use XRP to utilize the speed in the software Cripple sells them

>> No.10894483
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>investing in a coin with 80% of the total supply owned by one guy

>> No.10894482

>The requirement is 1.5XLM

>> No.10894487

>not knowing that in order for the Central banks and other financial insitutions to make their tokens on the Stellar Network, they need XLM
No mention right? I mean why would they when IBM will be the middle man for 2 trillion dollars in 2020 right? Those banks don't need to know they're using XLM when realistically, XLM is only used in the background

>> No.10894490

You're being deliberately deceptive. But what's your end game? Everyone else already figured this out you're only fooling yourself.

Here's the text from their website:
"Two financial institutions transacting together [[[agree to use a stable coin, central bank digital currency or other digital asset as the bridge asset between any two fiat currencies.]]] The digital asset facilitates the trade and supplies important settlement instructions.*"

No mention of XLM. Why use XLM when they have to supply their own liquidity?

>> No.10894495

xrp is unironically dead
xrp is failing adoption with their core audience: commercial banks
xlm will have literally central banks opening ln channels using their asset

>> No.10894512

IBM can just release its own stable coin on the Stellar network and pick up those MM fees. Why do they want to convert backwards and forwards to an inflation prone nigger air-dropped SJW snow flake coin.

It makes no sense. You make no sense. XLM isn't used in this solution PERIOD.

>> No.10894518


>> No.10894527

just replace "the digital asset" with "XLM token" ya dingus

>> No.10894533

>You're being deliberately deceptive
No im not. You're just being retarded and procastinating the research. It's not my problem kek. When the central banks start using it you retards will suddenly understand why XLM is used

>No mention of XLM. Why use XLM when they have to supply their own liquidity?
Stellar protocol?

Do you cripple baghodlers even know what the Stellar protocol uses?

>> No.10894542

I don't hold either of these coins lmao.

You XLM fags are the desperate ones trying to read adoption desperately into any news.

Facts are facts. XLM is not used they never even mention XLM on the page. Their plan is to have central banks issue digital currencies on the Stellar network and then have banks swap those on the network. None of that involves XLM at all.

Deal with it.

>> No.10894548
File: 85 KB, 1222x623, stellar token distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that we know the stellar token is not being used at all by any bank (they are using fiat pegged tokens)
letme drop another nuke over here
pic related

>> No.10894549

>facts are facts anon! I typed it out without reading the factual evidence!!

>> No.10894570

Lol this FUD attempt is pretty pathetic desu
>let me drop another nuke over here from selfmade FUDster

It's hilarious how you cucks have to spend 5x more energy to FUD Stellar when all Stellar has to do is be adopted, which technically, by 2020 IBM will help the Stellar Network by a lot by looking at their UNIVERSAL PAYMENT SOLUTION

>> No.10894577
File: 184 KB, 482x347, xlmbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.10894592

>they didn't say XLM on the page
>see I proved you so!

kek, they said Stellar protocol tho
Do you know what Stellar protocol uses in it's software?
Here i'll give you a hint:
It starts with X and ends with a coinbase listing

>> No.10894596
File: 32 KB, 258x544, facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not FUD anon FACTS

>> No.10894609

Yeah it uses token routing the same as XRP Ledger. Two FIs can swap tokens without using XLM and in this case they definitely would because XLM has no liquidity

>> No.10894663

Thread continues here thanks

>> No.10894684

>yeah it uses the same tech as Cripple software
not exactly sparky. I'd suggest you research Stellar instead of listening to what some FUDster told you hears ago on /r/Cripple

>> No.10894700

FACTS are written here https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/solutions/world-wire
FUD is what you typed out here >>10894570

Get the difference? One is factual evidence. The other is you spamming your keyboard while coping with the fact that Cripple will never be used to the scale that Stellar will be

>> No.10894742

>they think cripple software is the same a Stellar software
kek do you cripple baghodlers even know why some of the things that Stellar has Cripple doesn't have?
It's because Stellar is the solution to Cripple

>> No.10894755

>no mention at all of xlm tokens

>> No.10894769
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The only time XLM would be used in routing a payment between two tokens is if that route had better liquidity resulting in lower value loss.

But since XLM has truly terrible liquidity and since no one needs it for anything and since these FIs are providing their own liquidity XLM will never be used in payment routing.

Consider you are a bank and you want to send $100m to another bank over this system. XLM liquidity is what $20m/24h. You have to provide your own liquidity by market making a fiat token for your fiat -- which banks won't want to do so they won't use it. Supposing they did want to do this, after providing their own liquidity at both ends WHY THEN WOULD THEY DELIBERATELY LOSE MONEY by transferring through an illiquid asset in the middle?

Absolute brainlets that shill XLM don't have a fucking clue about how financial markets or settlement actually works.

The value is in the liquidity. Any sufficiently liquid digital asset can be used for settlement. XLM is not a sufficiently liquid digital asset.

>> No.10894779

Both XLM and XRP are garbage tokens with no use. Both are centralized, both have a shit token distribution. You're arguing about whose rancid fart smells less bad. Anyone who invests in a token with no self-evident use case is a retard.

>> No.10894778

Why are you replying to me again?
I already answered your FUD

>> No.10894814
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>I already answered your FUD
Sorry I wasn't aware that 'answering FUD' came in the form of clownposting

>> No.10894815

Don't hyperventilate faggot
you are making a fool of yourself
you didnt answer shit

>> No.10894817

At least XRP has xRapid

Stellar retards don't even have that

>> No.10894838
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>banks won't even use xRapid

>> No.10894842

>this level of cope and damage control over FUD

XRP is a garbage token held by the owners of Ripple but you have no idea what XLM is.

>> No.10894853

I know perfectly well what XLM is. 80% of its total supply is held by Jed and another 50% of the circulating supply is held by the foundation. The token itself is useless and being used as charity for niggers. If banks were to ever use XLM they wouldn't use the Lumen.

>> No.10894864

This moron defending XLM like a rabid dog is making me second guess holding these bags.

>> No.10894880

>banks won't even use xRapid

Lol we'll see about that.

xRapid unlike this product actually uses the network native token for settlement.

XRP still has rubbish liquidity but it's better than XLM by an order of magnitude so it's at least conceivable xRapid might actually work.

>> No.10894885

>Both XLM and XRP are garbage tokens
>yet I use the argument XRP fudsters use like 80% supply held by Jed and all it is charity for niggers
Right... I think you lost your bluff cripple boi

Get off your phone and go back to your computer samefagging loser

>> No.10894905

I hope you sell your bags because Jed has 80% of total supply or it's going to niggers

>> No.10894926
File: 518 KB, 723x546, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically the SJW stated purpose of XLM is to "promote global financial access, literacy, and inclusion"

This is SJW code for give your money to niggers by diluting the supply.

XLM is an investment in the future of Africa at the expense of your own future anon.

>> No.10894935

you're close to 16 posts. I'd switch to another proxy if I was you

>> No.10894946
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Thanks I don't use proxies.

I'm aware that the one guy who shills XLM on here all day does

>> No.10894972

No one has to shill XLM kek

>> No.10894985

This isn't Cripple where they have to pay Clinton or Snoop dogg to impress normies

>> No.10894989
File: 79 KB, 1508x1025, 1535603060568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol this faggot is bumping his own FUD thread, it's so fucking pathetic.



Same loser every thread

>20-30 posts
>uses the same images and makes his own on ms paint
>bumps his own FUD threads that no one replies to
>ironically bumps stellar dailies and news threads
>calls everything and everyone a pajeet yet writing in broken engrish

>> No.10894990 [DELETED] 
File: 477 KB, 503x370, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one has to shill XLM kek
20 posts by this ID shilling XLM


>> No.10894996

>yet I use the argument XRP fudsters use like 80% supply held by Jed and all it is charity for niggers
That's not FUD, that's reality. Facts. If you deny it you are delusional

>> No.10895018

If my 20 posts you mean replying to your retarded crippleboi cope posts, then yes I have 20 posts

>That's not FUD, that's reality. Facts. If you deny it you are delusional
kek i'm surprised you can breathe with that logic

Am I shilling XLM?

>> No.10895027

>Am I shilling XLM?

>> No.10895040

lol i don't know what you are doing then

>> No.10895077


People posted things they didn't know about Stellar. I know a bit about Stellar that I can help you out with
How is that shilling you retards? This is a fucking forum to discuss finance and crypto.

You are the same retards spamming that Jed has 80% supply and niggercoin this niggercoin that. Kek you retard FUDsters are all the same no matter where you go in crypto.

If i'm supposed to be shilling, what does that make your retarded FUD posts with 0% actual knowledge about Stellar?

>> No.10895094

*you* don't know how stellar works fucking retard

>> No.10895101

>ripple haters

I will buy your souls

>> No.10895108

You are right. this website explains it better: stellar.org

Now back to your FUD posts >>10894769
You can go back to whatever hole you came from crippleboi

>> No.10895117

>cripple baghodler mentality

top kek you fags are worse than ethereum baghodlers

>> No.10895161

>25 posts by this ID
>96 Replies total
You seem a little insecure about your investment there pal.

>> No.10895169

Did you even read my comments?

>> No.10895194
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>> No.10895219

Nice argument then cripplefanboi

>> No.10895249

why are you calling me a cripplefanboi when I explicitly said that XRP is a shitcoin and the token has no use case just like XLM? Are you really as retarded as you come off?

>> No.10895260

>Both XLM and XRP are garbage tokens
>yet I use the argument XRP fudsters use like 80% supply held by Jed and all it is charity for niggers
Right... I think you lost your bluff cripple boi

If you're not a cripplefanboi then you're just a retarded normie spouting cripple FUD

>> No.10895281

>80% supply held by Jed and all it is charity for niggers
How is this an "argument". These are facts.

>> No.10895287
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>mfw there are literal schizophrenics on /biz/

>> No.10895293

If it was facts, then you'd clearly be able to prove it? Oh wait that's right, I did my research and you 2 cripplefanbois have no idea

Jed doesn't control the SDF and is never meant to even go to Jed's pocket so you saying 80% goes to Jed is more retarded the second 1 person reads the Stellar.org website

>> No.10895300

>Jed doesn't control the SDF
kek, retarded bagholders actually believe this

>> No.10895307
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>Jed doesn't control the SDF

the absolute state of stellar scam holders

>> No.10895316

kek you're retarded. Go read it up stellar.org

I encourage anyone with a brain to go to their website and read for yourself: stellar.org

>> No.10895323

At least you're bumping the IBM news. Thanks cripplefanbois

>> No.10895333


>> No.10895344
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>thinks XLM is used as a bridge currency in payment transactions
>doesn't understand liquidity

I encourage you to learn how financial markets AND stellar works

>> No.10895363

Even as a cripplebaghodler, I would assume you know what happens when the World wide protocol for IBM goes live?
You do know they have over 100 banks lined up to use their API right?

Kek if only you knew how liquidity works

>> No.10895369
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>At least you're bumping the IBM news
the IBM news that IBM won't use XLM lol

>> No.10895384
File: 77 KB, 633x520, IBM_Stellar_protocol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stellar protocol == XLM

>> No.10895396 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10895398
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>I would assume you know what happens when the World wide protocol for IBM goes live?
yeah none of them will use XLM except the tiny amount needed to pay fees because XLM has no liquidity

how many times do I have to point this out lmao

your slippage is insane trying to move even tiny payments around on such an illiquid coin.

The banks if they want to use this product (which they won't, if anything they will use xRapid because they already use xCurrent in production) will have to provide their own liquidity. Which AGAIN means they will be producing and swapping their own tokens. Aside from the completely obvious point this is just the same as their current nostro setup -- why would they give away money by funneling those settlements through an illiquid shitcoin? They won't, they'll just do direct token swaps.

It's like stellarfags don't even know the first thing about banking, financial markets, settlement, fiat and digital assets. You're actually pajeet-level retarded.

>> No.10895413

>Stellar protocol == XLM

you don't understand how this network works


Stellar Protocol can be used to send ANY type of token/IOU to anyone else on the network WITHOUT GOING THROUGH XLM

This is what you don't get. You should do some research into your investment anon.

>> No.10895418

You're literally 1 guy who has 0 knowledge of Stellar shitting up this thread with your useless FUD

Do you actually think anyone is reading your garbage that you are spamming? Kek talk about cope

>they wont use Stellar theres no liqduiity
>they'll USE XRAPID
Well it's ironic you talk about xrapid now... Cripple shill need not spam Stellar threads k thanks

>> No.10895432

For someone who has no idea what Stellar is, I highly suggest you read this https://www.stellar.org/developers/guides/

>retarded pajeet spamming cripple shill
kek you are found out

>> No.10895454

>26 posts by this ID shilling Cripple

You cry about me 'shilling' XLM where you are shilling for Cripple in an XLM thread top kek

Talk about C O P E

>> No.10895461

just give up. he doesn't even know what liquidity is

his entire argument at this point is just "stellar protocol = XLM" which is moot since the article itself says theyll be using their own dollar-pegged token. which, like you are trying to point out, is only sensible

>> No.10895465


Read it yourself fucking idiots.

It's the same protocol as Ripple, it finds the cheapest path to route a payment. That will never be XLM because XLM has no liquidity.

>> No.10895473

sigh you're right based anon

>> No.10895476
File: 69 KB, 645x729, brainlettt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stellar protocol == XLM

>> No.10895498

>its happening
what is? you mean its continuing to dump in price, continuing to fall further from the top 5, continuing to underwhelm and disappoint? yes it sure is, normie

>> No.10895515

kek STR is XLM you retard. They're using XLM as the bridge asset

Stellar protocol == XLM you retard

>Stellar is an open-source, decentralized protocol for digital currency to fiat currency transfers which allows cross-border transactions between any pair of currencies.[1] The Stellar protocol is supported by a nonprofit, the Stellar Development Foundation.[2][3][4][5][6][7] The Stellar network has been used by companies such as IBM, KlickEx, Deloitte, Parkway Projects, Tempo, Wanxiang Labs and Stripe.[8]
Lumens (XLM) is the currency for the Stellar Network/Protocol
In order to use it, you need to have XLM because you cannot use the Network without a wallet and you can't use a wallet without having XLM

Are you retarded like the rest of the flock?

>> No.10895548

cripple intelligence and FUD posts by cripplefanbois need not apply past this post

>> No.10895572

more literal shitskins of the crypto world arguing amongst themselves while the rest of the world has no interest in moving from one central banking system to another (xrp/xlm)

>> No.10895582

Yeah they're going to use Bitcoin and Ethereum speeds
Gtfo you retarded idiot

>> No.10895588
File: 13 KB, 560x407, 1508298767507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stellar protocol == XLM you retard



if (cur.type() == ASSET_TYPE_NATIVE) // XLM
return true;

if (cur.type() == ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM4) //fiat token
if (cur.type() == ASSET_TYPE_CREDIT_ALPHANUM12) // fiat token

There is no code here that forces payments to be routed through XLM.

Show me the line of code that forces payments to be routed through XLM. Where is it anon?

>> No.10895596

Well this thread didn’t workout the way you wanted it to. Lmao.

>> No.10895608

stellar is a payments protocol that can use xlm (token) or any other issued assets in the protocol (also tokens)
xlm tokens are not needed in the stellar protocol other than for paying 0.00001xlm each transaction
xlm is a token in the stellar protocol
in this case ibm is using the stellar protocol but their own token (that they issue) instead of xlm

>> No.10895620

Yes this is exactly correct

Obviously the average /biz/raeli gets it. XLM fags btfo.

>> No.10895626

Kek you trying to act smart with a bunch of code?

Answer this small question kiddo, how do create a Stellar wallet?

>> No.10895641

>other than for paying 0.00001xlm each transaction
Calling him a /biz/raeli for such a low IQ post is actually an insult to the rest of /biz/. Don't to that you subhuman retard.

Answer this small question kiddo, how do create a Stellar wallet?

>> No.10895661

what this faggot is doing is actually trying to get us to teach people about stellar and bumping his thread, he doesn't care about all the painful truths about xlm, he wants stellar to get atention

>> No.10895667


>> No.10895672



>> No.10895674

>how do create a Stellar wallet?
Do you want to know the actual steps to do this in the physical sense?

Generate an secp256k1 EC keypair in literally any software you want or by hand if you want using pen and paper for all I care.

Run a series of hashes over the public key and append a checksum value.

Base58 encode it with the stellar alpahbet.

Send the reserve to the address to activate it.

Or you could use their javascript library or have a stellar node do it for you.

Any more stupid questions?

You're speaking to someone who actually builds blockchain projects many of which are in production btw.

>> No.10895684

now i've answered your questions answer mine faggot

>> No.10895689

>Send the reserve to the address to activate it.
waowaoawh smart guy
What reserve?

>You're speaking to someone who actually builds blockchain projects many of which are in production btw.
oh shit i should sit up? top kek
You don't make shit but spam /biz/ all day with FUD against stellar top kek, admit it

>> No.10895700
File: 15 KB, 363x338, 1478219906602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FUD against stellar

Facts against stellar.

Show me the line of code that forces Stellar payments to use XLM you faggot.

Line of code now or shut up forever.

>> No.10895703

don't answer him bud

>> No.10895711

>You're speaking to someone who actually builds blockchain projects many of which are in production btw.
I screencapped that btw, i'll see you in the next thread for that big cripple baghodler 'blockchain' pro kek

see >>10895689

>> No.10895728

>ignoring the Reserve question

>> No.10895734
File: 61 KB, 728x640, millionkeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't provide the line of code because it doesn't exist.

45 Posts by this ID and you got absolute BTFO in this thread kid.

See you next thread when you're done crying long enough to look up what liquidity is.

>> No.10895744

>Show me the line of code that forces Stellar payments to use XLM
It's on their website blockchain pro

>each account must have a minimum balance of 1 lumen (lumens are the built-in currency of the Stellar network).[2] Since you don’t yet have any lumens, though, you can’t pay for an account. In the real world, you’ll usually pay an exchange that sells lumens in order to create a new account


>> No.10895751

Account creation is the same as a payment now?

My god the absolute state.

Ok I'm out kids have fun with your nigger coin and Jed diluting the value and IBM not using it at all.

>> No.10895772

but before you go, you never answered my question blockchain pro >>10895626

>how do create a Stellar wallet?

>> No.10895781

>blockchain cripplefanbois think you can use the Stellar network/protocol and make tokens without having a wallet/xlm in your wallet

top kek
The FOMO train is going to be real boys

>> No.10895784

literally 2 pajeets fighting for the last couple hours in this thread
the STATE of india

>> No.10895798

Your 'blockchain' pro couldn't save you with your FUD, BUD.

>> No.10895801

1.5 xlm per wallet
lets check the math
1.5 x 1 wallet
yep ibm will have to buy 1.5 xlm

>> No.10895813

But who's going to use their token? You do realize you need to have someone else with a wallet too right?

>> No.10895833

>But who's going to use their token?
that's the thing, nobody is going to use their token because they can print billions out ot thin air, thats why the whole partnership thing is a scam
nobody is going to use it anyways

>> No.10895837


>35 posts by this ID
>wahhh stellar bad
>he does it for feee


>> No.10895840

I don't know how you put your clothes on by yourself in the morning with that brain of yours

>> No.10895860

Nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.10896029

Nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.10896508

bump because IBM news gets cripplefags triggered

>> No.10896824

Post yfw LINK tokens are used on the Stellar blockchain.

>> No.10896845

Nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.10896875

>two assblasted cripple posters spent hours in here rage cope posting
Jesus Christ. Coinbase denial was nail in the coffin.

>> No.10896948

Nice trajectory stellar snake

>> No.10897060

Can someone please explain, yes im a brainlet, what the fucking purpose of actually holding the token is? Seriously, holding ETH actually means something since you need to spend it to use the network. What does XRP/XLM actually do besides transferring it to someone else? Wouldn't something like Tether be better for this since its price is stable?

>> No.10897274

Tether is essentially a pegged token for USD.
XLM is a currency for the Stellar Network.

IBM is USING the Stellar Network to make Tether pegged tokens for their banking clientele.

>> No.10897870


>> No.10897887

56 posts by this ID

Anon I-I don't think anyone wants to buy your shitcoin

>> No.10897938

>36 post by this ID with FUD
Oh hai marge

>> No.10898101


>> No.10898190
File: 1.39 MB, 1296x810, 1535439382365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stellar thread
>150+ posts
>pajeet cripples btfo

I like this

>> No.10898341

s a m e

>> No.10898516

lmao. i'm actually cringing. daily stellar shiller btfo big time! ahahahahaha!

>> No.10898579

kek he didn't do anything but dodge the real question and leave right before he gets caught in hot water
Pathetic really.

>> No.10898640


>> No.10898730

Ripplefags and linkfags sure are a salty bunch

>> No.10898754
File: 37 KB, 480x438, F393E7D0-1973-4BBC-818D-76BBEE4855CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all the faggots fudding stellar, aren’t you mad you didn’t buy when it was less than a cent and aren’t living off of the weekly inflation? I get a few hundred bucks a week of xlm

>> No.10898784 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 2732x2048, 48CAA97F-DAB1-4C24-9EC9-93A0ED2EEF70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me

>> No.10898799 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 391x391, FDEF284B-8BC2-4992-9DD5-E17F8D815078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i was at YMCA swimming pool and me and this girl are good friends. So outside she was saying like we should go to family change room. I was wondering why, but i didnt question her. So when we entered i went to the change room, and she said she will stay outside at the lockers and change. Because nobody was there. And after i changed into my swimming trunks i jumped out of the changing booth and bam~ she was standing there exposing her but. Then she turned around to get something out of her swimming bag. and i saw her front body parts. It was my first time seeing a naked girl in real life, and i was shocked that her vagina had hair on it, and i didnt have any hair since im a late bloomer. She screamed at me and i ran out and said sorry on msn. And she wont even talk to me anymore! how do i get her to be my friend again...i dont want our friendship to be broken just cuz i saw her with fully naked??

>> No.10898813

>I get a few hundred bucks a week of xlm
That would mean you have over 2.5million XLM kek
How does it feel to be a multi-millionaire in 6 months?

>> No.10898828
File: 225 KB, 1527x2042, 9881B9AD-E9B6-485C-B27C-D66988469C69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is me.

>> No.10898832

Eh I don’t really need the money, I plan on selling most of it in 10 years to retire in Hawaii

>> No.10898847

You're supposed to timestamp on 4chan

>> No.10898856
File: 228 KB, 1526x2047, 04532A6A-2BAF-446B-A0BC-2683F7172394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, if I’m found out that this really is me, my child mining cobalt op could be compromised.

>> No.10898863

> if I’m found out that this really is me
But you just doxxed yourself by posting yourself on the internet...

>> No.10898872
File: 316 KB, 2100x1420, 59D4CCF1-B654-494C-B714-A430890E36F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been paying my workers in sand and telling them that it’s actually moon dust and that it is worth thousands in China

>> No.10898884

Nah, ill just say someone impersonated me with no time stamp

>> No.10898892

>IBM working with Stellar on cross-border payments

This was news in October 2017.

>> No.10898913

That was a cross-border payment project with a bunch of banks in SE Asia and Europe.

This is the grand jewel for IBM to get Central banks on-board

>> No.10898930
File: 2.68 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20180519_171641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in Kenya anon? If you are then am happy to know there is other Kenyans larping on biz

>> No.10898934
File: 18 KB, 240x240, B4243CAE-156E-40AF-B434-ED3E25202C34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw its gonna be Mobius

>> No.10899747

Literal nigger coin