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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10883379 No.10883379 [Reply] [Original]


starting a new thread with this info as the op.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfH1B85YyFU [Embed]

sergey mentions a foundation in this video at 27:00. go to about 26:30 for context.

payments for api calls will go to node operators and then a small percentage will go to a company that sergey is describing as a foundation. what is the nature of this foundation? is it just smartcontract.com? is it a foundation akin to the ethereum enterprise alliance?


>The EEA’s world-class Enterprise Ethereum Client Specification and forth-coming testing and certification programs will ensure interoperability, multiple vendors of choice, and lower costs for its members - the world’s largest enterprises and most innovative startups.

members of the ethereum enterprise alliance pay membership fees to participate. in the chainlink foundation's case, it seems like fees are to some extent coming from users of the network itself.


>Special Interest Groups are vertical industry-centric groups where members in a specific industry segment collaboration, exchange information, share use cases, and ensure that the EEA technical spec supports their specific industry market requirements.

>Technical Working Groups collaborate to develop open, standards based-specifications to accelerate the acceptance and deployment of Ethereum blockchain solutions within the global marketplace.

seems like the chainlink foundation would be used to refine reputation contracts, aggression methods, and define best practices within the chainlink network by users if it's anything like the ethereum enterprise alliance.

help me out here guys. this isn't something anyone's really looked into and every other thread on /biz/ sucks dick right now. whoa elon musk called some thai lady boy cave diver a pedo. who gives a shit? let's get to work fellas.

>> No.10883467
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>it's crashing

>> No.10883525
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From what I've been seeing and hearing, LINK and /biz/ is the most surreal thing to ever happen. This will be on the level of Hillary talking about Pepe. What do I mean by that? Most financial firms are completely aware that 99% of blockchain tech right now is a joke, the only reason Wall Street is pumping corporations involving blockchain is too dupe boomers. The important people, the experts, all know that most of the shit coming is useless vapourware and the incessant decentralisation/tokenisation of everything is ridiculous. One of my coworkers was even laughing about Ripple the other day calling it a glorified SMS service.

The difference is ChainLINK is supposed to be the FIRST in the new wave of true utility function tokens, following Ethereum. Ethereum took the big guys by surprise, that has a real use case, but ChainLINK is an industry token from the ground up.

One of the weirdest thing was that these institutions didn't even want to do an ICO, but then they realised they had to because the whole POINT of LINK is to be a true industry built blockchain but if it doesn't have even a slight claim to decentralisation then it doesn't really meet its goal. So paradoxically these banks and insurance companies HAVE to let you guys in on their cash cow, that's why they are desperately trying NOT to market it. Because they DO NOT WANT YOU in their club. But 4chan being the turbo autists that you are, you found and bought this shit right up. Kudos.

In other words ChainLINK isn't just the most promising blockchain coming out, it's going to lead the charge and be the industry standard for blockchain tech. The days of blockchains that tweet out memes targeting millennials are coming to an end, the corporate blockchain is coming.

>> No.10883669

Bumping this useful thread. No more slide comments.

>> No.10883710

After a lot of time contemplating and reading many 'lovely' comments about trans women from cis guys on this board I've come to the conclusion they're just not worth it.

Trans men are, for several reasons better
-they won't objectify me and see me as more than an actual sex object
-they can actually emphatize with what dysphoria and depression feels like
-they won't make me question my womanhood despite me being trans
-they'll be more likely to be okay with my neo vag and not make fun of it or call it an "axe wound"
-they're generally not as douchy as all the cis guys here
-at the same time they're more handsome

The only problem is what they've down there, but I don't care. I mean they probably don't like it either. And people with functional dicks are dicks themselves for the most part anyways.
Inb4: 't.larping ftm',
I'm mtf and cis guys just suck and everyone should avoid dating them if they can, I'd actually become prison transbian if trans guys wouldn't exist
Inb4 "lol ftm are women"
they're more masculine than any of you will ever be

>> No.10883720

God damn you are pathetic. I hope you figure your shit out and find happiness someday.

>> No.10883723

its that time of year again,

since october and by association halloween is right around the corner let's post halloween themed papercraft, origami and costume ideas/tips so we can help our fellow /po/lite friends

please no arguing this board is too slow for that shit

ill start with this wolf head i found in my folder and a question on whether i should do something like this or a helmet from skyrim

>> No.10883774


About me, huh? Where shall I start...?

I took several cooking classes in high school, I have had multiple relationships, I know how to treat women right, I know how to cook, I know how to grade diamonds, I know how to manage servers, both gaming servers and official website forums, and I know how to play MLG on various games and across multiple platforms. I can kick anyones ass in battlefield, I build elaborate structures and designs in Minecraft, I unofficially run a multi-national business by the name of MNRC Inc, my father's rich, I'm rich, I graduated High School, I DJ during my off time, I create philosophical points of views, I debate politics with my friends, I laughed at r/gore, I tolerated r/spacedicks, and I have a private limo. I am drug free, STD free, ink free, cigerette free, and I am a nonalcoholic. I drink fine Italian wine, I am Irish, Italian and Jewish, I had a dog and have a cat, and I have an above average IQ.

Me, my brother and my cousin were the first people to reach wave 100 on blackops Nazi Zombies on KinoDerToten, I have two scars, one on my leg and the other on my wrist, in the past month alone, I've lost more weight than I care to count, I'm so far mature than most of the people my age, that I don't even care to think about sex or partying, I have dated women in their mid to late twenties, me and my older brother have reached wave 139 on COD WaW Zombies, I have more stress than what is needed, and I have an iPhone. I was the first to own an offical Apple iPad, yet the first to bash the new MacBookPro, I Co-Founded one of the most deadliest clans known to Battlefield, I was the first to come up with the "Bang-A-Rang" tactic for BF3, and I was the first to snipe a guy out of the cockpit of a jet on BF3.

Is that enough, or do you need call me so I can formally kick your ass and tell you how boss I am?

>> No.10883808

Are there any other shows where the protagonists use mechas from an ancient/lost/previous civilization?

I guess its a popular Tokusatsu trope (Ultraman Tiga, Heisei Gamera, Tekkoki Mikazuki), but havent seen many anime bout this topic (besides The Big O).

>> No.10883825

Don’t stop I’m almost there.

>> No.10883835
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I looked into it
Infos don't match but it doesn't mean anything
There's an unofficial shill website called chainlink.news also uses an unusual domain pattern, and it was registered 2018 06, before the chain.link domain was registered. Could be the same guy who bought foundation in which case it would be another unofficial site or maybe someone buying potential domain names so he could sell them later? I know the thought of buying domain names about smart contracts has crossed my mind when you realize how huge this is gonna be.

>> No.10883844

Are there any other shows where the protagonists use mechas from an ancient/lost/previous civilization?

I guess its a popular Tokusatsu trope (Ultraman Tiga, Heisei Gamera, Tekkoki Mikazuki), but havent seen many anime bout this topic (besides The Big O).

>> No.10883854

I mean before the foundation domain was registered, not the official website *

>> No.10883962

Also in that video he talks about node operators being the technical foundation as in the basis of the infrastructure, not about a lobby / organization like eea, foundation has multiple meanings... I can never tell if linkies are geniuses or retards.

>> No.10883973

If a bunch of Chinese people just moved into America and claimed it was theirs then 499 years later everyone decided that it’s okay to make you illegal because you’re not Chinese would that make it okay?


No it would not