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10883421 No.10883421 [Reply] [Original]

Are the Jews trying to keep us sleep literally don’t we only need 8 hours per two days ?!? Why are humans so comfy doesn’t make sense

>> No.10883493

You're blaming the Jews for the fact that animals and humans sleep every day? Do you see how delusional that is?

>> No.10883504

Do you understand humor? holy shit you are dense.

>> No.10883535

Do you understand humor? Holy shit you’re dense

>> No.10883563

Human beings, biologically, are not supposed to be up as long as we are. The advent of electricity has totally screwed us up.

>> No.10883600

Do you dense? Holy shit are you understand?

>> No.10883631

Good try time Jew humans only need 4 hours a night prove me wrong you can’t stop trying to rationalize SLEEPING half the day LAZY SCUM BTFO

>> No.10883688

Yes, we do not actually need sleep for recovery, it's just a myth constructed by those sleep tricksters so they can earn twice as much as us.
>still falling for the sleep meme

>> No.10883718
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>he actually closes his eyes and does nothing for 8 hours
lmfao. only an absolute brainlet would fall for this shit meme

>> No.10884320

red and basedpilled

>> No.10884340

Just go on the uberman sleep cycle

>> No.10884363

No goy, noseberg wants you awake as much as possible so you can make him more shekels. Now take these pills like a good little wageslave and work 24/7

>> No.10884407

i tried this for about a week one summer off, the hardest part was waking up at the naps around 2 and 6 am. It was fucking torturous, but the dreams you have are insane, like better than drugs.

>> No.10884435

>Are the Jews trying to keep us sleep

AHAHAHAHAHAHAH back to /pol/ you putz

>> No.10884590

I sleep 6 hours a day and I always feel fucking cash

>> No.10885095
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This thread should give pause to anyone who comes here for investment advice