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10880636 No.10880636 [Reply] [Original]

Bun edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Instant news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Embed] [Open] [Embed] [Embed]

Suggested books:

previous bread: >>10878169

>> No.10880640 [DELETED] 
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First for HEAR

Buy at the DIP

>> No.10880653
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first for FACE OFF, the classic action-packed 1997 thriller starring JOHN TRAVOLTA and NICOLAS CAGE

>> No.10880659


>> No.10880663

If TD ameritrade does commision per trade, why not just use their charts and then do the actual trading on RH?

>> No.10880666

lulu calls free money

long pussy and ass

>> No.10880671
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Fuck China

>> No.10880675
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First for dead anime girls

>> No.10880683

Based and redpilled

>> No.10880700

I heard you were streaming FACE OFF this Saturday. Thanks for doing that man, that 1007 movie is loved and beloved by the denizens of /smg/

>> No.10880709

Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask but what kind of Index fund is good atm?

Just came up on some inheritance and was looking to put it somewhere it will grow. I've been looking at:

> S&P 500
> Nasdaq top 100
> USAGX (not likely)

I'm hesitant though because S&P is at its ATH and I feel we are due for a correction. But then again, what the fuck do I know. Should I just pull the trigger?

>> No.10880712

no thats the Nico poster

>> No.10880727

best possible outcome is to FOMO into a US total market fund like VTSAX

>> No.10880733
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just buy all three nothing matters
none of this matters

>> No.10880738
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Heres a WILD idea
why dont you put half your money into the sp500 now, and hold half for the "correction" that wont happen for possibly 2 years

>> No.10880739
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accidentally posted in dead bread. repost.


Did great today.

Flipped IAN for 3% profit. Their financials were worse than expected yesterday so I market sold at open. It actually went up 10% today because weed sector is gonna be dumb in a bull market. I am satisfied with that trade anyway. I never ever hodl a shit stock on the shit exchange (CSE) when the financials indicate clear as day that they are burning money like it's so much kindling.

Flipped GTII for a very nice 23% profit. This one also trades on the "we don't allow stop loss" CSE shit exchange for shit and I did not want to hold overnight in these conditions. Their financials yesterday were fantastic though. This one could continue to rise despite overbought. It formed a red spinning top outside the upper bband today, also something I don't like holding.

Tomorrow will be a bunch of super low ball bids fishing for lows leading in to bounces.

>> No.10880741

3 americans indices?

Why not diversify a bit more?


>> No.10880749
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I know who Ratsu is

>> No.10880751

because they suck

>> No.10880755
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+0.36% today!


>> No.10880782
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>> No.10880805
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+2.37% today feels good friends.

>> No.10880806
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I did alright for a day when I didn't buy or sell

>> No.10880820


>> No.10880821
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>tfw this is the best day I've ever had on the stock market
>tfw have a stop limit equal to my average share price on my GALT, so I'll break even at worst

This is the smartest approach if you have a lot of capital, doing what I'm doing right now is a full retard approach in the long run

>> No.10880823
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>> No.10880839 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10880851

I'll be streaming "the big short" on the usual cy-tube at 9:30 MOUNTAIN TIME

>> No.10880854
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>> No.10880862
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if kraft heinz doesnt make an acquisition soon
we may never move from here

>> No.10880863


>> No.10880870
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I'll make sure not to buy HEAR specifically because of you

>> No.10880879 [DELETED] 

>not buying a stock because someone else says you should buy it instead of just buying a stock because it's a good stock
you not going to make it

>> No.10880902

Is pennystock an option if you're a poorfag?

I've been looking into online brokers and it seems they have minimums of 100 stocks per trade and ask commissions of around 30 bucks per trade.
Considering the capital I have that's not making much sense.

>> No.10880904

nigger your shitty stock dropped 17% this week.

>> No.10880910
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You can't make me, too salty

>> No.10880913

selling deep in the money options

>> No.10880916


I'm sorry, I should have clarified. The inheritance wasn't substantial (relatively of course), I've got $3500 to invest and the minimums initial for each of them is $3k. So, my options are either: FOMO now; wait for the correction; put it into a low risk-low yield mutual fund.

I'll look into that, thanks. What's the difference between a US total market fund and the S&P 500, if any?

Thanks, i'll give that a read. Unfortunately I only have enough to choose one at the moment, but i'm sure that info will come in handy relatively soon

>> No.10880928

what post-soviet state do you live in where this is the case?

>> No.10880940 [DELETED] 
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>buying at stock at it's hight

>> No.10880941

total market funds give you exposure to medium and small companies S&P500 is just 500 huge companies

>> No.10880945
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I am prepared to die on this hill.

honestly though I'm surprised there are this many buyers this high
I woulda thought the AMD exec leaving woulda pushed the stock outta overbought, motherfuckin' macroeconomics fucked me this week

>> No.10880962

Yeah you may as well gamble on penny stocks if your starting bankroll is really small. Be prepared to lose 80%. If that isn't acceptable, don't trade the pennies.

>minimums of 100 stocks per trade

Not an issue with penny stocks.

>and ask commissions of around 30 bucks per trade.

What the hell why?

>> No.10880973

unpopular opinion: s&p500 is all the exposure to tech you need

>> No.10880977

I have a simple job and have had a lot of unfortunate events in the last few years that I didn't have much of a hand in but cost me a lot.

>> No.10880984

unironically agree
but I have more exposure anyway because Jeff Bezos is just too based

>> No.10880991

>What the hell why?
That's just what I read, correct me if I'm wrong. It seemed the case on IB. If it's not, I still can't get past the minimum of 100 stocks if that means I have to trade 200-500 at a time.

>> No.10880995


Not that. Anon was asking about the 100 share minimum/30 buck fee.

>> No.10880998

I mean what post-soviet state do you live in where you have to pay $30 per trade and need to trade 1000 shares at a time? if you live in the US use Robinhood, its commission free and has no share limit

>> No.10881008
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It seems like a decent pick at this price, but I'm just not interested in buying it
I'm busy gambling on a spiking biotech company, but I'm not entirely sure what I'll invest my gains in once I'm done
Maybe I will if it's still a decent pick them

Use robinhood, assuming you're an American. No minimums and no comissions. Penny stocks are more volatile than other stocks, and therefore aren't a good way to figure out how most stocks work. How much money do you have?

>> No.10881025

Thank you whoever shilled GALT on here.
>tfw used my /weed/ gains to accumulate

>> No.10881035

It's just what I read/saw online. What's generally the minimum for Eurofags? Can't use Degiro because Belgium. Signed up for IB but not planning on starting to trade in the next few months. The money I'm capable and willing to put into this at the moment is around 1k.

>> No.10881053

I'm a firm AMD 40 eoy believer, but I'm still sad to see a fellow anon get tanked. Better luck next time.

>> No.10881056

thanks m8

>> No.10881082
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No problem, lad
There's potential for massive upside here, think $10+

Upcoming catalysts: cancer data, phase 3 GD-MR-02 trials, a potential buyout (management is being incentivised to complete a deal before January 2019)

>> No.10881102

what do we think of the survey monkey ipo? if that shit goes to the moon i'ma laugh i used to do a lot of surveys for money hosted on their platform

>> No.10881142


Hmmm... now that I don't know. Do we have any eurofags on right now? Might be better to ask in about 12 hours when there are more people from your part of the world on.

>> No.10881166


>> No.10881171


>> No.10881175
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Maybe Micron'll have it's day eventually.

>> No.10881182
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no, we must help jeff bezos

t. AMZN shareholder

>> No.10881187
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try me.

>> No.10881190

>AMZN hits 2500
>they split down 10:1 to 250
>retail rush pumps the stock back up to 300

>> No.10881209

AMZN will reverse split 1:250 so they surpass Berkshire Hathaway

>> No.10881225
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Leave Bezos to me

>> No.10881236

I lost $1600 on the AMD bullshit run, after I could have made $1000 but missed my price by $.10

AMD will come down to earth, don't you worry. Mega selloff in September. The Suisse gonna fuck their shit up.

>> No.10881240

hopefully you bought SQQQ today

>> No.10881244
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>> No.10881257
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This isnt even my final form

>> No.10881269
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26 year old boomer here

I've got some funds saved up from wagecucking, around 2k, and when my pel-grant goes through around the end of September plus by income i'll have another 2k most likely.

I've been strongly considering getting into investing for quite some time, and I know the basics of how most of this stuff works. I'm not really in a position to day trade everyday, so if you guys have any tips for me they would be greatly appreciated.

I'm not really that interested in crypto either, it seems like a fools errand.

>> No.10881281
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>> No.10881293

Start investing once you've payed off student loans. Go to a community college to get your bachelors.

>> No.10881298
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>> No.10881303

made good 10% portfolio gainz on BILI Options today then prompty cut my gainz in half with GERN options.

Holding the October GERN options anyway till after the supposed Johnson & Johnson news in Sept. BULLISH on GERN in the 1-2 month time frame.

>> No.10881309
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We're not so diffrent, you and I. Two men, in the quest for ultimate power cross paths... only one of us will survive

I hope you're prepared

>> No.10881340

Don't FUCK with this Senator.

>> No.10881370


>> No.10881380
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*unsheathes quarterly earnings*

heh, nuthin personel

>> No.10881384

0.8% up today. How about you, gentlemen?

Celgene seems to be coming around, FINALLY.

>> No.10881392
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>> No.10881395
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I'm going back to community college right now, and plan on going through an accelerated bachelors degree in networking spring 2020

Previous loans from before I fucked my life up are paid down to 13,000 and are on hold currently because I'm a full time student.

I guess I'm just looking for some mutual funds or something like that for passive gains, or some sure things to play around with.

I'm really only planning on investing 500-1k initially. My rent is cheap and I pocket about $700 at the end of each month because my jobs not completely shit, and I don't really spend much on anything besides necessity's.

>> No.10881401

Looks like bioshits are getting pumped today
What does it mean ? Hedgies monthly rebalancing or what ?

>> No.10881429

Nasdaq too, my man. But that's hardly news anymore.

>> No.10881445
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>> No.10881446

Guys I got an investment plan (monthly payments to a fund) running for 3 topics being water, global index and a quant. Good idea y/n?

>> No.10881457

>still going up after hours
B-bulls won??

>> No.10881461

This is a joke, right? World funds are like 70% US stock anyway.

>> No.10881488

diversification is a meme. i'm not saying go in 1 stock but people who buy index funds deserve to get index returns

>> No.10881491

obviously bonds and non-freedom equities havent been going in the current market but eventually they will go up
or something, whatever

>> No.10881493

I don't have any business related thoughts on it, but it's still used in social science research despite there being better alternatives.

>> No.10881518

yeah that's my concern. it's old. may have some name advantage but there's nothing remarkable about them that can't just be done better

>> No.10881531
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What do I buy?

>> No.10881538

I'm also from belgium.
I use keytrade, their tarifs are pretty high for us stocks if you buy it in small quantiities. https://www.keytradebank.be/files/documentcenter/docsPricesTariff_nl.pdf

a cheaper alternative is lynx. it's better in small quantities but it gets more expensive when you buy large quantities ( i'm talking 40k+)

>> No.10881547

No. Refunds.

>> No.10881550
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American indices make up a good portion of the worlds's markets

and the 10 year return of non US makets is -0.8%
why would you want that?

>> No.10881553

The dip

>> No.10881562

You ever heard of HMNY or LCI.....

>> No.10881570
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Vanguard S&P 500.

>> No.10881581


Wait for the crash

>> No.10881582

>3% china
That's way too much exposure to chink land

>> No.10881585
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This fine gentleman's bags

>> No.10881591

Any suggestions?

>> No.10881600
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when to Fomo into CGC?

>> No.10881612

No need to fear it, you already missed out

>> No.10881615

Maybe the Nikkei isn't too bad?

>> No.10881632

Also the reason why you can't use Degiro or any alternatives from any other countries is because of our tax system. Every time you buy or sell you pay 0.35% in tax on the total amount traded. But the belgian brokers integrate this into the cost of your purchase.

>> No.10881634

Since it's after hours, can you help me think of any more organizations that work for Moloch?
7777.Wales <---web link to list

>> No.10881654

do your own research and then commit to your decision. i learned for a while and then thought about the future and kept hearing that the population was just going to keep getting older as a proportion of total over the next 20 years. so i dumped all my money in FSMEX a year ago and never looked back. it's up 30% ytd after today. obviously this was my own path and yours won't be the same but you need to do something not everyone else is doing (ie, just buying the S&P) if you want to beat the market

>> No.10881663

you dont actually believe this shit do you

>> No.10881665
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>Don't pick individual stocks they say
>be the market they say
>slow and steady win the race they say

Well, I guess it is true for non shit markets... which is pretty much the USA only

You gotta learn the way of Buffett-sama and invest in good and promising companies

>> No.10881676

Easy look at any publicly traded business that deals with children.

>> No.10881695


>> No.10881707
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you think a man would burn down his own house to proclaim innocence?
You have an awful lot of enemies for a man with so few frens.

wait what the hell, what the fuck this thing's been up since april, what the fuck compf

>> No.10881727
File: 485 KB, 1305x892, archon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remodeled autism incorporated into a skitzo art project
This is a good idea
Pic related

>> No.10881728

may i recommend german wind energy stocks, PNE3 ticker

>> No.10881753

CRON just got destroyed by CNBC

>> No.10881760
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Vanguard S&P 500.

I sold last Friday hehehehe +60% master race.

Avoid the entire Cannabis market unless it crashes.

>> No.10881783

why didnt you tell us about this a week ago

>> No.10881794

Tavistock Institute
Pioneer Institute
Lucis Trust
Group of Thirty
Helena Group
Reza Negarestani and the cult of Akht
Anti-Anti Cave Twitter posters
CCRU splinter group (Plant apologists)
Initiates of Thanateros (post Ice war)
Grant Morrison misinterpreters
T.A.Z. advocates
The church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Loyolan beggars
Dragon Rouge
People who haven't been to the Mauve Zone but say they have
Guggenheim curators

>> No.10881801

i probably did actually, been shilling it for longer than that.

>> No.10881908

Only boomers watch that and boomers hate weed so would never invest anyway.

>> No.10881921










>> No.10881943

Which ones are Grant Morrison misinterpreters? You mean like Alan Moore?

>> No.10881944

stop trading friend. start investing

>> No.10881951

Me gonna go all in 100k with it soon

>> No.10881953


>> No.10881975





>> No.10881976

Based. Except for one :^)

>> No.10881983


>> No.10881995

> he picked the only weed stock in the red today

hahahahah. Who /Canopy/Aurora/Aphria/Supreme here?

>> No.10882002

aurora ganggangagnagnagangangangngangangangagn

>> No.10882004

All the other pot stocks are down after market and CRON is not in the red, it went back up to hit ATH.

>> No.10882012

Dude it's up 15% today, only down 2.5% after hours
How did you lose money?

>> No.10882022

so, you were one of the clown robinhood suckers

all the hedge funds thank you for your donation

>> No.10882025
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>Sold my 110 MSFT weeklies yesterday at close
I could have used that extra 300$

>> No.10882030
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EMMBF for life nigga! Fuck you to the guys saying its a pump and dump. shouldve bought at .84 cents. Niggas we /pharma/ now

>> No.10882036

PNE3 i think is going to 3 eur btw, pepper your angus.

>> No.10882044

Why is life so fucking gay guys?

I'll kms tomorrow I swear, I crumble under thousands of debts, I was just about to get out of the hole, and now I''ll crash because cannabis stocks can't sustain themselves even with good partnerships and expansion projects.

The statistics tell you that it will be further down in after hours.
I need to close the position first hour in the open, you can't possibly know how it will go during the first two hours and with a 10:1 margin, I'll be liquidated in no time.



>> No.10882051

get meme'd

>> No.10882054

Why did you open a position at it's ATH?
Just, why?

>> No.10882056
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Me tomorrow morning

>> No.10882075

Because it went up above it's daily average, I took a bet to open slightly below, and it did it rocket jump to near $13.

After hours it goes down 2% ???

This is such bullshit, I can't believe I fell for a pump & dump like this.

>> No.10882080

don't initiate positions after massive run ups in meme industries is a good start kid

literally the buy high sell low meme

>> No.10882089

get gambling help

>> No.10882100

Do I buy AMD?

>> No.10882103

Alan Moore interprets Morrison perfectly. Surprising given how petty and angry he seems most of the time kek
White Dragon Society
Interzone alumni
Forgotten Works inhabitants
Gamma Goblin mailing list members
Cicade 3301 "warning" message deliverers
Sola Busca sellers
Zero Books (unpublished works)
Cybele revivalists (see HRT manufacturers)
Althusser Analyzers
Dylan Louis Monroe backers
Africa Bambataa's Zulu Nation
All offices on the seventh floor of all buildings
Magic Flight Launch Box manufacturers
Taxil Hoaxers

>> No.10882107

yes......12 months ago at 9

>> No.10882120

No need to, I'll be dead by tomorrow morning if pre-market doesn't show a rise.

>> No.10882133

you only lose if you sell. HODL on.

>> No.10882147

No point in exiting early, you will die anyway one day.

>> No.10882171

I margined the trade, I'll be liquidated with no chance of coming back, even though it will go up in a couple of days.

>> No.10882186

don't an hero fag. go run away from your problems in costa rica or something. but if you do do it in a cool way

>> No.10882192

oh you trade, not buy stocks?
well let it be a good lesson, better to own a stock with mega fees then get crushed in a trade with margins.

but most here will call me a boomer or something.

>> No.10882198
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I'm not saying shoot a place up, but if you decide to, tell us what to short

>> No.10882201


Protect your profits, anon. Take a look at the chart and see what happened every time it mooned previously.

>> No.10882206
File: 152 KB, 640x720, genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to have been buying AMD since it was 1.80. Been averaging up ever since

>> No.10882207

Yes I trade, I don't know where you guys got all that money to "invest" you won't make any money investing a couple of thousands.

>> No.10882209

just get a job, eat cheap, wash cheap, cut your own hair, and just think long term.

>> No.10882226

you may not make much investing with 3 thousand dollars
but *you* won't be making money period; hahahahah

>> No.10882228

I have a job, all my wage goes in a month, I only put in a small bit to trading.

From $500 I reached 30k in 2 months, this is why trading is the only way to make it.

Investing is not a game for amateurs.

>> No.10882241

you have to use your mind.

>> No.10882245

>but *you* won't be making money period; hahahahah
Actually I already did.
I lost it on a bad guts, I should have followed my discpline and close for the day.

>> No.10882251

>investing is not a game for amateurs
whew i am laffin

>> No.10882257
File: 654 KB, 719x718, 20180826_195302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting my final summer engineering job check soon.

Going to put it in my Vanguard S&P 500 ETF.

>> No.10882264

>just one more game
>one more throw of the dice
>i can get it all back
>all i need is one more

>> No.10882271

>Investing is not a game for amateurs.

Ha! I would have a very hard time making decent profits if it weren't for amateur retail investors.

>> No.10882279

maybe i should post asian chicks for my PNE3 to 3 eur meme, nice marketing, funny that she holds apple the biggest hold of your etf lel. are those quarterly dividents actually worthwhile? how many cents?

>> No.10882285

you invest $5 per day ($1825 per year) in the S&P500 you'll have 300,000 in 30 years, not including reinvesting dividends.

Start early, invest in safe reliable growth stocks, auto DRIP any dividends and continue to invest (don't try to time the market) and you'll be able to retire by 65. Get a good job and invest more, you'll be able to retire early.

>> No.10882291
File: 557 KB, 720x708, 20180826_195139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

I'm fucking smart as fuck.

>> No.10882300

>300,000 in 30 years

wtf, you think this is big?

>> No.10882304
File: 143 KB, 650x400, basking paulie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled.
99% of people aren't gonna make it with their RH gains. Take the Boomer pill and don't look back.

>> No.10882309

Stop it, i'm now itching to invest in this etf.

>> No.10882314
File: 325 KB, 778x778, 1534984727683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le retail investor making millions and retiring a year after they start trading meme

>> No.10882315

already ahead of you


>> No.10882321

thats from investing less than 2k per year which anyone can do.

>> No.10882333
File: 34 KB, 800x600, fuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ok

>> No.10882335
File: 629 KB, 480x607, Subway-Ghouls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice non pleb/co/ opinion
You conspiracy guy? Have you read Providence?
Me am think of buy full version with trading gains (have read it)

You should read it if you notant!
Me was listening to holocaust survivor old lady and she told creept story that reminded me alot of Ghouls

>> No.10882345 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1080x824, 22344203_158552611399351_1969969153552941056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10881581 >>10881570 >>10881562 >>10881553 >>10881550
>>10881547 >>10881538 >>10881531 >>10881518 >>10881493 >>10881488 >>10881461 >>10881457 >>10881446
>>10881445 >>10881429 >>10881401 >>10881392 >>10881384
>>10881380 >>10881395
>>10881380 >>10881370 >>10881340 >>10880995 >>10880991 >>10880984 >>10880977 >>10880973 >>10880962 >>10880962 >>10880945 >>10880941

>> No.10882347

Me think me will

>> No.10882353

pls stop being such a nigger shitting up the threads like this.

>> No.10882370

Dude, that's the whole point of this.
You make it sound as if investing is better or safe, it's not, you can lose just as big as me and that's worse considering all the time you spent in earning all that small amount.

Trading to gain big is the whole point of the stock market.
There was a time where only professionals could access the market, you're simply competing against the rich and people whose job is to trade, you are irrelevant to the market, you don't even show up on the volume, in the tape you're a small bit of line that goes unnoticed, and you can get eaten by the bigger in a matter of day.

I would rather lose now and get on with it, than to wait years to realize I couldn't be able to make $300k...

>> No.10882372

Kek this happens more than you think but they usally blow it all on retard stuff then come back to trading then become hedgies
Listen to chat with traders

>> No.10882377
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>> No.10882385

Is HEAR the new /smg/ link?

>> No.10882390

no u

>> No.10882394

>you are irrelevant to the market, you don't even show up on the volume, in the tape you're a small bit of line that goes unnoticed, and you can get eaten by the bigger in a matter of day.
kinda like what happened to you today lmfao

>> No.10882401
File: 150 KB, 711x1057, I like comics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read providence but I don't remember a lot of it because I was having severe alcohol withdrawals kek. I do remember the mind slave rape scene, I bet you liked that. I'm much more of an occultist than a conspiracy theorist, but take both far enough and you draw the same conclusions.

>> No.10882413
File: 138 KB, 900x1200, 1526859769079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's extremely convenient.

And yes, APPL is about 5% of your holdings so that's nice. Bitches love APPL.

>> No.10882419

the point is, even as a middle class you have some weight in the market. sure you didnt come from the richest pussy in town, but that doesnt matter, you are willing to take a shot at it.

>> No.10882438

>kinda like what happened to you today lmfao

The point, is that this whole is not only gambling, it's a war, you fight to take money from other traders so that you can be bigger and earn more at some point.

Investing with a minimum wage, this is so miserable, just invest in yourself with that money now to learn a purposeful skill.

a dollar is worth more now than tomorrow it's that simple.

Making 300k in 30 years?
And you guys say that the stock market is not for me?

Come on, don't be fags.

>> No.10882450

The stock market is not for people who can't control their emotions.

>> No.10882453

>you will never be raped by yourself while inhibiting body of opposite sex
No one ever understood how much of GIFT the wizard was giving Black ! Omfggggg

>something both far enough and you draw the same conclusions.

>> No.10882457

I funded my robinhood :3

>> No.10882465
File: 1.51 MB, 3072x2304, G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMD has always been the /smg/ link
and the /g/ link come to think of it

except AMD is an actual good investment

>> No.10882466

>the point is, even as a middle class you have some weight in the market. sure you didnt come from the richest pussy in town, but that doesnt matter, you are willing to take a shot at it.

Not only you don't weight.
One asshole sitting behind 5 monitors can liquidate your whole investment by pushing one click.

Buying funds is investing.
Buying bonds is investing.
Stacking in gold or deemed safe commodities is investing.

There is no investing in stocks, you either buy or sell.
The proof to this matter is that if you really cared about one particular stock or firm and you decide to become a shareholder, no investment bank or the company itself is going to call you with a capital of $2000 a month...

The stock trading game has fooled you into thinking you can invest.

Traders laugh at you.
Investors (the real ones) laugh at you.

You guys are joke, you exist only to provide money to traders.

>> No.10882473

>Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

You should also mention that they have a minimum deposit of $10,000

>> No.10882475

Hell the 4 figures I lost, I probably got them from one of you faggots in the first place.

>> No.10882485
File: 607 KB, 800x792, pepe in the matrix.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys are joke, you exist only to provide money to traders.
cant do that if I never sell

>> No.10882491

"hmmmm... what's that? Anon has positioned his wagecuck salary into this stock thinking it would go up?"

"Here let me squeeze him out of it"

"Yep... give me your wage, you cuck".
And this was the story of anon, the stock market investor.

>> No.10882501

as long as you outtrade inflation and normal deposits, you're already doing better than 90% of the planet. But yeah, i understand what you mean, you want to be one of the big guys.

I agree with you though, invest in what you believe, after all the stock market represents reality.

>> No.10882504
File: 428 KB, 499x276, 1534531022851.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its a doggy dog world anon and your loss was a diamond dozen like all the other wage slaves. Thanks for playing

>> No.10882505

Sorry, the $2000* stock market investor.

>> No.10882510

>You guys are joke, you exist only to provide money to traders.
says the guy with the gambling addiction

>> No.10882516

we are all laffin @ u. stay poor bro.

>> No.10882517
File: 50 KB, 800x675, 1486352586681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Here let me squeeze him out of it"
cant get squeezed out if you have iron hands and hold

>> No.10882525

>One asshole sitting behind 5 monitors can liquidate your whole investment by pushing one click.

>implying non of us are these assholes

>> No.10882530

>says the guy with the gambling addiction

The stock market is fucking gambling you moron.
at least I'm not fooling myself, and I accept it and know that I'm a gambler.

Why do you think so many fags fell for cryptos here?
Because they care about blockchain?

/biz/ was a dead pool before the 2017 bullrun.

And they still haven't accepted all that money they put in December is lost.

>> No.10882548
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1527031911798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying non of us are these assholes

Shhhhhudup. Is secret.

>> No.10882551

You already gave them your money dumbass

>> No.10882562

Reminder to do your own world class research

>> No.10882568
File: 54 KB, 640x640, Deadpool-Bulbasaur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead pool

>> No.10882575
File: 1.76 MB, 1652x3056, 1481385850143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you think so many fags fell for cryptos here?
where do you think you are?
>/biz/ was a dead pool before the 2017 bullrun.
no, if anything the 2017 bullrun killed biz

>> No.10882578

First of all there's a big difference when I go all in on my deuce seven offsuit and my bluff gets called, I walk away busted 99% of the time. When I go all in on bitcoin and it dips for 5 years I could become a millionaire. But even with your failing to grasp that concept, I can still accept that my funds are pretty much fucked.

But what you can't accept is that other people can use the stock market in a different way, rather than something you'd get done quicker (and probably safer odds) at the roulette wheel

>> No.10882593

Weed stocks are in bubble mode currently Dec 2017 to crypto is Aug 2018 to pot

>> No.10882603
File: 1.98 MB, 1165x1060, 1526854293799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't sell his WEED last Friday

>> No.10882604
File: 158 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180829-185904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I take money

>First rule of fundraising:
>Don't give nothin' to nobody

>> No.10882615
File: 112 KB, 750x719, 1531780759965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just transfered 10k into etrade account.
Was thinking about putting it all into canadian pot stocks.
Any tips?

>> No.10882627


>> No.10882645

dont buy the ATHs


buy stocks that are undervalued but will for sure make money in the near future.

Radient Tech
Emblem Corp

i would steer clear of anything else. CGC is great and all but overvalued right now.

If you want to speculate, look into biopharma weed stocks

Tetra bio pharma
Inmed pharma
Nemus Bio <--- my personal favorite

>> No.10882647
File: 60 KB, 564x705, 5618c5afe5c59e73123c38390e4bf630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is rkg an asian girl? oWo

No, see >>10882603
Buy a Vanguard S&P 500 ETF.

>> No.10882676
File: 1.11 MB, 1348x1798, rkg in bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na, just a tranny larper (F2M)

>> No.10882677
File: 40 KB, 400x388, 1535452368247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, looks like I won't be dead tomorrow after all.

Cron just went up.

>> No.10882723
File: 74 KB, 680x777, vomit-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad times x.x

>> No.10882734

Why is weed gonna crash hard when legalization is right around the corner? i realize it's overbought but still

>> No.10882739


>> No.10882745

50 yr old obese man from Iowa

>> No.10882753
File: 680 KB, 1600x1200, rkg average day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was either that or a pic with some timestamp on it

>> No.10882759

i guess neo /biz is an emotional support feels hedgefund. we distribute feels.

>> No.10882784
File: 25 KB, 300x276, 1514523774153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why all the hate? who hurt you anon?
tell anon your story

>> No.10882791
File: 47 KB, 564x705, APPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disgusting, i was going to play out fantasies in my head of her being my avg azn gf.

They had 340 million in goodwill on their balance sheet last quarter, and then their stock price increased 60%. Market cap is the size of a small Caribbean country rn.

Bought and sold WEED for +55% in a month. Would boomers make moves like that? huh huh ? wanna fight?

>> No.10882799

no hurt man, just observing this board is for sure the sweetest.

>> No.10882806

AMZN at 2000?
why not 3000
why not 4000

why not 10000

nothing fucking matters anymore its all just numbers

>> No.10882812

it has to correct. of course, it very well could not and just keep going up. its done it before. I just think it will correct, probably to low 30s? but I'm usually wrong, so dont listen to me too much

>> No.10882814

boomers own the weed companies. Whil trash is getting stoned, yo

>> No.10882824


>> No.10882833
File: 15 KB, 675x601, 1529684939239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do both

>> No.10882835
File: 218 KB, 656x680, 60fbb2f5c5ffd0809b32ab429c5a58bf8125842f15f739018bd3346866c6f817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please read the /smg/-hedgefund prospectus for more details about how feels are distributed (Article 5, Section 3).
/smg/-hedgefund public forums are not a grounds in which its users are giving investment advice, it is merely here for informational purposes.

All opinions and facts that are secretly opinions in the form of facts are owned by the original posters (Nicknames for these Original Posters ("O.P.'s") can be found in Article 3 Addendums)
Please invest responsibly. Don't act dumb.

>> No.10882849

im not in CGC im in Aurora ACBFF

>> No.10882859

ur ganna get JUSTed

acb is overleveraged. borrowing too much money. shit green house grows with no additional lighting, shit quality weed. not to say CGC is better but at least they'll be able to monopolize

>> No.10882861
File: 772 KB, 1910x1000, 1531578664391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports into your portfolio*

>> No.10882866

NO DONT!!!!!

>> No.10882868

alright lain. giving some feels do gives dividents sometimes. Karmic divident yields.

>> No.10882890

Eh /biz/ classic was mainly a place to test your homemade spam-bots

With the occasional time-stamped CEOs shit posting (Martin shkreli, and Mr McAfee himself, and various broker firm quants)

Hi baggy

>> No.10882894
File: 74 KB, 1080x1080, 1527456288195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit... ...

>> No.10882903

I was saying rkg was a 50 yr old obese man from Iowa larping as a gril, sorry I didn't clarify

>> No.10882904

Fuck me guys, if I'm lucky enough tomorrow will show a good pre-market and I won't have to kill myself, not only that but I can close this 3 figures trade with PROFITS.

>> No.10882907

>Weed stocks are in bubble mode currently Dec 2017 to crypto is Aug 2018 to pot

Weed was similarly crazy bullish in November 2017 through first week of January 2018. In fact there are many companies in the sector that have not yet reached their record high from that time period. It's easy enough to see where the current run is headed. When Jeff Sessions said he wanted to go after weed growers in legal states it started a volatile period followed by eight month bear market.

>> No.10882909

whats the most comfy dividend stock?

im looking at Constellation brands, MSFT, IBM, some defense stocks..

>> No.10882911

but when will i get JUSTd how much longer could i possibly hodl

>> No.10882932

>It's easy enough to see where the current run is headed.

Where is it headed then sir? I predict a hype peak in october followed by a crash

>> No.10882936

the future is uncertain

oh i also apologize in that case friendo

>> No.10882939

accepted bud carry on

>> No.10882947

I'm in both ACB and CGC, may dump both tomorrow to pick up some APH.TO and OGRMF as well as a monthly dividend stock or two.

Any suggestions for a good dividend stock?

>> No.10882949

this is what i think, i dont think the JUSTing is right around the corner, i think the wave can ride until legalization

>> No.10882967
File: 8 KB, 390x308, 20140718_dividend-stocks-outperform-nonpayers[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


honorable mention: GE

>> No.10882971
File: 539 KB, 1840x884, HMMJ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the sector ETF, daily chart, August 2017 to present. Interpret as you will.

>> No.10882970

my apologies bongripper.

>> No.10882982

I like Realty Income and Main Street Capital. Financially they're similar plays but they're not part of the same baskets.

I am not a huge fan of dividend investing due to the tax implications (my personal situation) and low-yield environment. Growth has been crushing value for a while now. If you are looking for an income source that isn't being re-invested I would be buying dividend aristocrat or REIT funds. My reasoning is that if you want the cash, you should stick with funds rather than individual stocks for stability and security.

>> No.10882990

Harvest in mid october when the market becomes oversaturated

>> No.10883020

I suck at TA. I see higher volume and increasing prices, so its ganna go up I guess?

My prediction is that there will be a shortage at first, which will cause a bubble to form. Then, as more and more LPs enter the market and supply starts matching demand, all of a sudden were ganna be seeing hugeass vaults of weed that no one will know what to do with. So there will be a supply clut causing a huge JUSTing. many companies will die at this point. When? I dont know exactly though

Eventually those companies will sell their cheap schwag to companies like RTI and EMC, who will make value-added products. then there will be a cannabis golden age of streamlined medical products for boomers to help them wane off their opioid addictions. Prove me wrong

>> No.10883106


try and FUDpill me
pro tip: you can't

>> No.10883110

>I suck at TA. I see higher volume and increasing prices, so its ganna go up I guess?

Perhaps. However, you're looking at a significant retrace soon. 30%+. After that it may or may not resume upwards trajectory. Keep in mind the December/January pump was not based on anything material. It was all hype speculation, same as current run. You're making an assumption about market strength holding until legalization, and while I can understand that theory as it seems to make some kind of sense, the market does not play that game in a rational way. What you're seeing now IS the pre-legalization pump. It could end this week or it could end October, nobody knows.

One thing I am sure of is there will be a bear market after rec sales start which will not reverse until such time as first quarter financials justify the high share prices. It won't be a speculative bubble anymore. From legal sales onward these are agriculture stocks. However, US companies are a different story. Those could (will) have their own hype run, especially if some candidates in upcoming elections run on a platform of federal legalization.

>> No.10883133

crazy stuff. thanks anon. All I know is a lot of smaller companies are ganna get REKT. but some will live on. well see what happens. what are you hodling?

>> No.10883141

For individuals, the minimum is 2k.

>> No.10883152

>what are you hodling?

Nothing. I swing trade. Waiting for dip in to bull trap or bullish continuation.

>> No.10883160

>then there will be a cannabis golden age of streamlined medical products for boomers to help them wane off their opioid addictions

no pharmacological solution will ever solve addiction (or obesity for that matter)

t. neuroscientist who mostly does addiction research

People will sure fall for the meme though and it's probably a good investment.

>> No.10883189

>For individuals, the minimum is 2k.
LMAO, for losers you mean.

>> No.10883215
File: 246 KB, 960x666, Nemus-Pipeline-April-2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not banking on addiction cures, I was mostly poking fun at boomers who pop an oxy every time they get back pain

a lot of stuff is coming out as an alternative to that. itll have virtually no side effects, that is the main benefit

theres a lot of compounds in marijuana, a lot of stuff that we can use that we dont know about yet. theres stuff in the works to cure glaucoma, even staph virus. interesting things in development

>> No.10883224


Oh, I forgot to mention cannabis derivative biopharma. That plays it's own game with a different set of catalysts. There are clinical trials due to complete this fall that may be successful for their primary indicators. Those will have some hype too. Your GW Pharma, Tetra BioPharma, Emblem Corp, Nemus Biosci, Radient Technologies, and so on. Tetra is the one I'm most bullish on as they are attempting to other cannabis derivative alternative to opioids for cancer related pain. Cannabis won't replace opioids for that indicator but, if it is proven effective as something to try first for less severe pain management, that's really good for Tetra.

>> No.10883263

Dude, I lost 6k just last Monday. Do I need to post the pick again?

>> No.10883285
File: 92 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180823-231302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I almost hit 40k.
Thanks $LCI.

>> No.10883290

Yeah look at Emerald as well.

I like Nemus because of their Ol Miss partnership, also seem to be further along their pipeline than Inmed. Unfortunately stocks been dead and not much news though, I think they're waiting on CBD reclassification or some shit?

>> No.10883293
File: 55 KB, 910x879, 303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SJM smuckers will make you rich

>> No.10883300


>> No.10883309
File: 4 KB, 294x172, rkg7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah it's definitely m2f, pic related

>> No.10883315

What's so great about dividends? Most big and safe stocks which pay them give between 2-3%, so you'd need several hundred thousand invested just to cover rent.

>> No.10883322
File: 243 KB, 469x409, 1491713581117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image name

>> No.10883323

>I think they're waiting on CBD reclassification or some shit?

As GW Pharma's Epidiolex got FDA approval, CBD should be taken off Schedule I in some form soon. Epidiolex is just purified CBD. Thing i'm not clear on is whether that means only Epidiolex formulation gets exemption from Schedule I or CBD entirely gets taken off.

>> No.10883324

>a lot of stuff is coming out as an alternative to that.

good point

>itll have virtually no side effects, that is the main benefit

I'd be weary of no side effects. And the neuropathic pain research, can't imagine it being any more effective or with less issues than classic L-Ca channel blockers.

Wonder if any pharma companies are examining it for GI motility disorders, that is something I could see it being effective in that depending on the kind, either don't have established pharmacotherapies or the available ones are hot garbage

>> No.10883334

nothing. invest in a growth mutual fund or the like and reinvest the distributions and you'll beat the fuck out of dividends easily. boomers just like them because they're comfy and easy to understand and "safe"

>> No.10883339

Fucking hell.
Is this grim going noose posting again?

I felt pretty witty too.
I was thinking of a chick at work that I'm really into.
I believe Warren Buffett has a good quote on leverage "with leverage, you'll feel smart and you may impress your wife, but people rarely reduce it after they start using it"
Yeah, I was thinking of impressing a chick by selling a fuck ton of puts. Had no idea what my real risk exposure was.

>> No.10883351

>id Jam

>> No.10883358
File: 864 KB, 500x215, ive dealt with your shit for too long.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10883365
File: 1.66 MB, 600x450, 1428264086017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CRON is going down again


>> No.10883367

they grow them over time so in 10 years youll be yielding 10% instead of 3%, which is really good

>> No.10883374

we obviously need more research, but the fucking Jew government keeps cock blocking everything. I swear the cannabinoid research industry and the entire US cannabis market is like rock hard cock thats been edging for years now, its ready to explode but the fucking jew pharma kikes and indoctrinated boomers under their wing wont let it go FFS

>> No.10883380


oh ffs anon just set a stop loss if you don't want to sell.

>> No.10883389
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>> No.10883404

Could you explain what you mean? Do stocks give higher dividends the longer I hold them?

>> No.10883405

>we obviously need more research, but the fucking Jew government keeps cock blocking everything

Correct. That is why Canada going federally legal is so important for cannabis pharma. Research and clinicals are/will be much easier to do in Canada now. US on a slippery slope to eventual legalization helps too.

>> No.10883407
File: 982 KB, 477x360, 1489694477164(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As in
>I wish I could jam my cock down your throat after strangling you with your own shoelaces, you fucking semen demon <3

>> No.10883414
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>> No.10883422

don't listen to this guy>>10883367
you'll be yielding 10% on whatever you paid for the original shares, not 10% of your total capital so it's a total meaningless stat. if you have a long time frame go with growth and either sell to create your own "dividend" or let a growth mutual fund do it for you. they will both compound much faster than dividend stocks no matter how long you hold them

>> No.10883426

Most stocks, called dividend aristcrats increase their dividend each year
The starting yield isnt important, only the dividend growth, so your yield on cost increases rapidly year after year

>> No.10883431

give it time, the boomers will die out eventually, I regularly convince my undergrads that the DEA should be abolished

this too

though some clinicians have done clever experiments in legal states where it's kinda advertised in a manner that encourages you coming in stoned so they can take blood samples

>> No.10883438
File: 361 KB, 431x696, 1481301606515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands off, shes my imaginary sloot

>> No.10883442
File: 1.93 MB, 2004x2290, 1527397366636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does every human being on the planet think their random jumbled mess of random stocks will out perform the market?

>> No.10883447

No because you are constantly reallocating your dividend to new stocks on sale

also: having to sell your stock to make profit
imao, thats not passive income

>> No.10883459

>No because you are constantly reallocating your dividend to new stocks on sale

no. you may be doing that. but that isn't dividend investing as most people define it. they reinvest the dividend automatically back into the company from whence it came. whatever you're doing is autistic and i can respect it but it's still likely slower and harder to do, and also not drip

>> No.10883461
File: 16 KB, 656x405, g12[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because odds are, picking a bunch of random stocks (and holding them) will outperform the market

it is a statistical fact, there is no debate

>> No.10883471

Invest big in SPEL and GRAM. Anything left go long in HMNY.

>> No.10883478
File: 1.29 MB, 1417x2518, 1533780224831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fite me, fgt
I'll beat you hardr than I beat my dick.
And I have no mercy for that poor appendage.

>> No.10883506
File: 18 KB, 403x405, ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because odds are, picking a bunch of random stocks (and holding them) will outperform the market

WHAAAT? now you been reading some really shady sources. by market do you mean index?

>> No.10883517
File: 69 KB, 960x948, catalon gal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should mention that the black line in this chart is the SP500 returns

you sound like a bitch nigger who has never even fucked a girl so hard she loses consciousness

>> No.10883521

RKG is right. It doesn't matter. Just put your entire life savings into an S&P etf or something.

They're pumping this shit like a Turkey during Thanksgiving.

The golden bull is real, literally free money.

>> No.10883531
File: 13 KB, 600x450, saupload_rebal.random.aa_.2016-04-07[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just google it (random walk investing)

there are many many sources that support the theory, not to mention hard mathematical probability

>> No.10883537

I'm 50% Facebook. Robinhood just allowed me to buy Tencent... thinking about it. Thoughts?

>> No.10883542
File: 27 KB, 752x701, 1381446865694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude it keeps going down even after hours!!!!

>> No.10883543

by random picking, the fewer stocks you pick the hicher chanses outperform is (not risk adjusted) and more you pick the closer you get index returns

>> No.10883551

timestamp and tits pls

>> No.10883567

Fucking hell, grim.
You better be around for when I finally get the drive to do regular live streams or start a hedge fund.
And stop using so much fucking leverage. If you regularly set yourself up for easy liquidation opportunities, of course you're going to get liquidated. That's not investing; it's gambling.

>> No.10883576

nigger that isnt grim

>> No.10883583
File: 820 KB, 275x207, 1530202537577.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Catalon girl

>> No.10883589

also the
>total market index excluding the sp500
beats the sp500

>> No.10883602

Thoughts on a possible Uber IPO?

>> No.10883607

worth buying if you think they can build self driving after waymo

>> No.10883624
File: 11 KB, 656x405, g21[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually the sweet spot is 50-100 stocks (pic related)

but since its a probability distribution that has a median higher than SP500 returns, there is a real chance that you can do worse
there is also a real chance that you could do insanely well too though

beating the sp500 is not a grand achievement, its like bragging because you can beat up a toddler

>> No.10883637

>weed stocks
>"wage cuck job"
>threatening suicide
Shit's close, right? Maybe he's pulling a teh profit and rage posting without his tripcode?
Otherwise, there's a greater abundance of suicidal, weed-smoking "wage cucks" than I give credit for.

>> No.10883660

grim doesnt throw tantrums

Actually he said he bought SQQQ yesterday so he probably got justed too

>> No.10883665

the real mind blower is that it actually doesn't even matter what company, sector, or product/service you invest in. none of that matters. all that matters is did you buy it when it was underperforming the total market or outperforming. you can beat the market buying anything as long as it is on a relative dip. then holding it and not continuing to add to it until it has another pullback. and you can literally do that with any sector or stock, you don't even have to know what it is or how it works. you can pick a stock or sector that you will add to for the rest of your life and only buy that and as long as you follow those principles you will beat the market handily

>> No.10883678

>beating the sp500 is not a grand achievement, its like bragging because you can beat up a toddler
Most hedge funds fail to beat the sp500 in the long-term

>> No.10883696


That one sad line on the bottom tho. :(

>> No.10883698
File: 1.99 MB, 340x340, best baseball pitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where you the one who autistically scoured the internet for the source of that pic?

>> No.10883700
File: 122 KB, 859x760, Photo Jun 30, 4 09 12 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there home slice, got any more of catalon girl or anything like it?

>> No.10883702

are you talking about this


this is stock balancing strategy. totally different. i highly disagree with that 50-100 stocks picking notion. does not make any sense and would cost you vs. index holding in terms of transaction cost. that is not a real "trading" strategy can not recommend

>> No.10883713
File: 52 KB, 564x693, 4cf0079c17a4943510b13fbc93abb98b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"oh wow I beat the S&P 500 by 2% in 10 years"
>"that was totally worth the insane increase in risk"
>"not to mention the increased transactions fees and constant upkeep required to manage 10-50 stocks and keep them balanced year after year"


>> No.10883727
File: 22 KB, 530x530, 1534911378502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I ever did, but I want to.

>> No.10883744

its not about the money, its about being right

>> No.10883751

I don't think id be into it. Uber has lost on self driving so now they talk bullshit about being at the forefront of flying cars, give me a break.

>> No.10883758


>> No.10883759

buy the salesforce dip & dropbox is a gift right now

>> No.10883780

comfy shilling TQQQ is making me uneasy.
I think I'll dump my entire portfolio and put it into bonds

>> No.10883782
File: 288 KB, 300x191, Qmm82Zl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10883790

Okay you buy TQQQ, and I'll buy VFV (VOO) and sleep at night.

>> No.10883796
File: 31 KB, 480x487, Клaccичecкий (никaкoй).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most hedge funds fail to beat the sp500 in the long-term
yes, because almost all strategies are worse off than random chance
thats half the fun of the stock market, and kind of the entire reason why people began investigating the phenomena in the first place
the biggest meme job in the world is "professional" stock broker firms, since their returns are actually incredibly easy to beat if you know what you are doing (zero research gets better returns most of the time than the most knowledgeable researched stock in the world, most of the time)

the stock market is paradoxical, the only thing you need to do to make money is buy low and sell high

everything else is just fugazi


must have been comfey

your belief is irrelivant, it is already a proven fact
just because it works for most doesnt garuntee it will work for you though
learn to read a normal distribution

>> No.10883799

I dumped a lot of tech shit today if that makes you feel any better.

Also, here was a link that was my original intent to come here and post:
I meant to see what people thought of it, then got distracted by the noose poster

>> No.10883804

I'm unironically fighting a meme war right now
I'm going to prove to you all that I CAN and WILL crash this market

>> No.10883807

Daytrading is the most profitable way to trade stocks

>> No.10883819
File: 6 KB, 231x250, 1506131200305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASDQA, DJIA, SPX all green
>red as fuck all day
I'm about to kick MU to the curb.

>> No.10883851
File: 75 KB, 540x658, 8ae6b2d7f32c2e91ee976f83fe4b26f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a A+ in probability and statistics last year

also you're a great troll, have another (you)

>> No.10883861

cant wait for that new thread comfy

>> No.10883873
File: 75 KB, 738x738, 1507332770444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

investing is the most profitable way to make money with stocks

>> No.10883894
File: 175 KB, 800x741, theres more to life than math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probability and statistics
you are like baby

but thank you

t. senior year of Mechanical Engineering undergrad

>> No.10883899

>everything else is just fugazi
What if randomly invested in companies within a certain P/E ratio threshold?
I like your approach to this, but it's kind of the whole reason why I keep meming this idea of an ML model. It'll determine what's signal and what's noise thanks to things like GINI and entropy being used for decision tree branching.
Backtest -- does it beat the index? Is it better? No? More data.
Stick to the index until definitively beating the market through backtests.

Well? Is it a chick you know?
Can you dump it on /b/ or something like that and link here?
>must have been comfey
Probably. I don't have time for that shit kek

>> No.10883906

you are a nothing more than a child

t. degree in physics

>> No.10883918

you are but an amoeba

t. graduate of prototype

>> No.10883936

is Toyota stock good :3?

>> No.10883939


(Y / N)

>> No.10883942

yes, they will beat waymo to self driving

>> No.10883947

That's what you hope to do with any trade of stocks, duh

>> No.10883966

>t. senior year of Mechanical Engineering undergrad

t. former TA of software engineering students that has taken graduate coursework on machine learning

>> No.10883975
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>> No.10883976

>tfw you realize /smg/ is literally 200+ IQ folks and Comfey
wheres the new thread

>> No.10883992

nice, why doesn't /biz/ shill it?

>> No.10883993
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>> No.10883997
File: 84 KB, 475x299, The-two-slit-experiment-first-carried-out-with-multiple-photons-or-electrons-and-later[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neet, applied, subatomic, or theoretical?

ive always been facinated with subatomic (nuclear reactions and decay-chains) myself
but ME has more job opportunities than NE

is it true that pic related can be used to explain all quantum phenomena?

also, thoughts on the pole(ladder) and barn paradox? who is the "correct" observer?

>> No.10884002
File: 678 KB, 807x1014, 1523206685392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wheres the new thread

>> No.10884007


>> No.10884015

one day somebody will make a version of this with PO second class uniform and nuclear explosions in the background

>> No.10884018

>double slit

>> No.10884022
File: 50 KB, 680x350, pepe_bear_crash_market_yn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y...to pic related

>> No.10884052

theoretical but I left academia

>is it true that pic related can be used to explain all quantum phenomena?
no obviously, that's just one aspect of quantum stuff

>also, thoughts on the pole(ladder) and barn paradox? who is the "correct" observer?
relativity of simultaneity. to the fast-moving ladder, the doors do not open and close simultaneously and instead the front door closes before the second. there are no "correct" observers, all reference frames are equally valid.

>> No.10884057
File: 139 KB, 501x503, 32408443_1486775194759775_79261259215667200_n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>software engineering
you poor soul
at least they are better than civil engineers


how is proof of light's duality as both a particle and/or a wave a meme?

>> No.10884061

>he isn't part of the 0.0006%
>he calls himself smart

>> No.10884064

Why two slits? I only need one. Some say a 3-way is good idea. To them, I say, "I have but merely one ding dong? What am I going to do with this extra slit if I have but one ding dong to fill them with?"

>> No.10884077

>how is proof of light's duality as both a particle and/or a wave a meme?
the camera fucked up the experiment

>> No.10884129
File: 75 KB, 750x766, 32557351_1486764701427491_2142931459407609856_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when is the new thread going to be baked?

>all reference frames are equally valid.
nice, someone who isnt larping

>theoretical but I left academia
job opportunity, or unsatisfied?


>> No.10884134

>theoretical but I left academia
You made the correct decision. The golden handcuffs are not something to be so bashful about.

Well, civil engineering certainly is shit, but as you can see from above, I possibly think this for a different reason than you do -- over 20% of the current NASDAQ composite consists of a single software company.

>> No.10884150
File: 147 KB, 512x336, 31946276_1480531505384144_2642474033248993280_n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 20% of the current NASDAQ composite consists of a single software company.

doesnt mean software engineering any better

>> No.10884153
File: 823 KB, 914x1288, Screen Shot 2018-08-19 at 03.16.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you have faith in the software you run your shit off of

>> No.10884158



>> No.10884164

both I guess but mostly unsatisfied. I didnt want to do research
sometimes I wish I stayed but I'm enjoying industry pretty well. and the cash is great

>> No.10884172

Depends on the metric.
As a /biz/raeli, I think we both know the correct metric here :^)
>penis length

>> No.10884357
File: 581 KB, 768x960, 20882708_1242677342502896_8647570031431904156_n[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10884392

physicst: can become engineer and often does
engineer: too low IQ to succeed in physics

>> No.10884411
File: 74 KB, 960x707, 18485526_1164107710359860_8067291854897569954_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the kind of engineer

ive met a few EE's that switched over to subatomic physics