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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10875679 No.10875679 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10875694

Wait until you see their faces once we hit 10 USD/MIOTA

Say it with me

In. Evitable.

>> No.10875707

10 ????
Fujitsu and VW are balls deep in IOTA. They are not doing shit in vacuum.

IOTA will hit 25$ earlier than u think.

>> No.10875890
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> Muh centralised hub

>> No.10875898

itsall bout them dags yo

>> No.10875910

I guess math wasnt your strongest in school retard.

25$ puts IOTA more valuable that BTC at 7000$ KEK. Yeah IOTA is going to destroy BTC and ETH end of year amirite?

>> No.10875915
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>> No.10875917

BTC and ETH are obviously growing as well, kys you worthless neet

>> No.10875951

You see retard i wont say why or how i found my solution, but it really makes you awe your retard levels. Let me give you a small hint.


Nothing more, anyways i like you being delusional with you 25$. Good luck mate!

>> No.10875999

You are amazingly retarded.

Do you have any idea about the market size as soon as autonomous driving and the other use cases become reality?

Fucking kill yourself you will stay poor forever fucktard.

>> No.10876097
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Iota doesn't fucking scale.

From the whitepaper:

> To avoid spamming and other attack styles, it is assumed that no entity can generate an abundance of transactions with “acceptable” weights in a short period of time

Basically they assume there aren't going to be attacks.

And a centralized coordinator which they'll never get around to removing decides what is spam.

>> No.10876139

you are fucking retarded kill yourself pls

>> No.10876161

Great arguments! Really got him there.
I dumped this shit and after their latest leak I'm not going to buy in again. The idea is good, it just has terrible execution and tokenomics.

>> No.10876182
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