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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10875040 No.10875040 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.10875049

That it will be adopted and that the maximum price for Link will be $5.

>> No.10875062

holy fuck, I didn't even know I had this fear..

>> No.10875072

that i sell at $3 and get left behind

>> No.10875086

yeah after the sell, link soar to 150$. should kys.

>> No.10875091

that i sell at $50 and actually see it going to $1000

>> No.10875092
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leaving my mom's basement someday

>> No.10875093

this basically

>> No.10875109

Sergey and team work their asses off, deliver an amazing product, then (as its open source) someone else just rips it off, which waters down potential profits

>> No.10875157

this wont happen cos the network effect relies on the adoption of LINK to work properly. thank fuck

>> No.10875159

I promised God/the universe that once LINK hits $1k I would redpill my oblivious friends and family on the grand deception, 9/11, the war on terror, false flag terrorists attacks, flat earth etc. Makes me nervous just thinking about it

>> No.10875163

that chainlink will never moon and I will have to start showering

>> No.10875164

That I die of laughter when in mid 2019 I see all the pink wojacks because the Link price dropped from $3500 to $2000

>> No.10875168

Offload the responsibility, point them to qanon. Do it now while the other shit is coming true, and the other shit will follow on

>> No.10875227

That somehow I lose my seed or someone steals my linkies somehow.
I'll seriously an hero, I'll just go walk in an investment bank or some place with lots of kikes and shoot everyone then off myself

>> No.10875249


Can you redpill me on this desu?

>> No.10875256

That LINK will see mass adoption and see a quick pump to $10 before very quickly dumping and settling at near $1, like some utility tokens before it.

>> No.10875267

but this also brings into question weather Utility Tokens could become a store of value like some smart contract platforms such as Ethereum and EOS.

>> No.10875273

The assblaster prediction... pump to 60 bucks then back to 5-10

>> No.10875277


Which utility tokens have seen mass adoption? None I know of

>> No.10875282

None, the market is too young.

>> No.10875295

Yes! There is the potential for link to become a centralized network of decentralized oracles. If all the data of the world flows through chainlink, then securing the network gains value so it becomes a store of value because everyone loses if the network goes down.
>skynet baby

>> No.10875297

same. however, i see my link investment as the financial arm of my increasingly schizophrenic cognition. if it moons, i will be more confident in those other beliefs simply because i use the intuitional process (as oxymoronic as that sounds) that brought me to chainlink to evaluate everything else that I believe (re: great deception etc.)
good luck anon, I think you will find it easier to express yourself when/if chainlink vindicates you.

>> No.10875329

>Can you redpill me on this desu?


>> No.10875451

I sell it at 5 k and see it actually go to 340k

>> No.10875462


>> No.10875464

You're a good man anon

>> No.10875546

I have this fear also
Try to diversify where you hold it
Keep like 10-15% on binance and then split up the rest depending on what you can afford. Maybe 25% on one or a few trezors, 25% on one or a few ledgers, some in a few paper wallets, and maybe keep a little on another exchange. I'd also keep at least one hardware wallet stashed in a bank safety deposit box and one hardware or paper wallet in a very trusted family's location if possible. This way if one exchange gets hacked or something you're still intact. Also try to make it so that if your phone is lost or somehow compromised you're okay. Or if your place is robbed. Etc. If you're robbed but you have 25% of your stack on exchanges and another 20% stashed away in a bank safety deposit box and at your parents house, you're not totally ruined. Good luck, fren

>> No.10875604

Having 10 million dollar yacht not a 20 million dollar yacht

>> No.10875611

Selling at the pseudo-top. Eth peaked at almost $400 and corrected. Many thought that was the top, and then it hit $1400 6 months later

>> No.10875677

You gotta do that swing bro, to hold a bigger stack for 2019-2020.

>> No.10875810
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>he doesnt enough link to make it before 5$

>> No.10875907

You are a MANIAC

>> No.10875927

That's dumb... don't hold any on an exchange, all in ledgers. Trezors are laughable for hipster cucks. Just get a ledger, have it somewhere safe (I keep mine on my body all the time) and store the paper safely. Just don't talk about your investments and noone will bother to steal a piece of paper.

>> No.10876054

that im too dumb to get my linkies from my ledger nano S

>> No.10876089

Having to share my LINK success and future /biz/ meetups with pajeets and other shitskins. East Asians are okay but the rest of you turd worlders better fuck off!

>> No.10876093


>> No.10876115

This. The thing I hate most about crypto and this global space is constantly seeing shit eaters from the 3rd world

>> No.10876235

that 20k isn't enough to make it

>> No.10876243

Just wait longer

>> No.10876247

It's completely unrelated to link, but I'm constantly afraid of being left behind.
I don't want to get left out of social events, I don't want to get left behind everybody else in my career etc.

It's really hard, but I'll be rich one day.

>> No.10876324

Is $5 even possible? I’ve bought

>> No.10876332

I guess my biggest fear is that it never reaches $7

>> No.10876387
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My biggest fear is that im not going to find enough rowers for my galley

>> No.10876388

My biggest fear is that the code for reputation / aggregation turns out Shit and that they drop Main net and a glaring flaw / fundamental hole is found which ruins the project.

Another fear is that this web of NDAs and secret partnerships was all a farce - it was always overblown due to my overconfidence bias. There’s just no way so many prominent community members either 1. Don’t know chainlink exist. 2. Knowingly don’t follow the project to raise suspicion.

This leads me to believe SWIFT is so in tune with our community that they strong arm anyone / lecture them the potential of what this imageboard has at our hands for disseminating information. The best argument as to the successs of my investment is the whole concept behind social memetics, it simply has to happen due to this community filtering the shit ideas and pushing the good ones to the top - I’ve spent too much research on this project for it not to succeed(once again a bias)

It’s truly a mindfuck - let’s hope it’s another case of “a bunch of nerds got rich” , I try to shill it to my friends but simply get blank stares they don’t seem to understand smart contracts , derivatives , bond markets etc - knowing you understand the future is both a bless and a curse.

t. One of the first chainlink shills on the board since the beginning of the summer last year (posted the first interview)

>> No.10876408

To add on. It’s weird to know you were one of the first to create such a mind virus. I can’t wait to host chainlink events where we all meet and enjoy the spoils of our patience (smart contract entry only granted if conditions of HOLD were met) let’s believe the universe blesses the patient. Positive thoughts are always rewarded.

>> No.10876493

Meh, this is gonna be my ticket to not worry about that stuff anymore. I'm just gonna sit on my porch in a solidly constructed rocking chair and look out upon my land in serenity.

>> No.10876660


cant save idiots

though we should definitely create a group like the illuminati or the bilderberg and call it the "stinkies" and spread bigmac symbolism

>> No.10876676
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your rewards will be great anon

>> No.10876700
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I try to sell and move money to my bank account, but the banks and jews won't let me, seize all my assets, and throw me in jail

>> No.10876735

Checked im losing faith too.
If someone bought a million dollars worth right now. The price would probably quadruple. But everyone would dump it below it's current price by selling bags. How are we all supposed to become millionaires?
Also the volume is scary low. ~100 btc. Essentially 700k usd.
Thats nothing

>> No.10876775

I'm afraid of blowing money on an exotic car. I don't want to go back to being a poorfag if LINK takes off and I know it will be hard to stay focused.

Also, I'm afraid the singularity hits and binance goes down permanently the next day. I don't have everything on binance, but still.

>> No.10876829

That we are inadequate beyond measure.

>> No.10876836

that i'm too poor to buy more link and it will actually be everything I think it could be

>> No.10876851

if you're poor then why the fuck are you already thinking about cars? grow the fuck up, faggot

>> No.10876861


>> No.10876872

You aren't going to buy any expensive toys when the singularity hits?