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File: 9 KB, 236x236, c86c407fb60cb8e0af88116ef681d664--frog-meme-sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10874727 No.10874727 [Reply] [Original]

>he missed out on pure teen love
>his partner has had previous sex partners
>virgin beyond age 23
>living with parents after 25
>driving a shitbox even tho a Boomer
>trapped wagecucking for life after age 28

>> No.10874740

this a story about you OP?

>> No.10874741

still in the race anon, thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.10874744

i made it. did you?


>> No.10874750

so much green, we all gonna make it.

>> No.10874751

>Projecting: the post

>> No.10874753
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ask for my cum and i will consider it

>> No.10875790
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Holy shit Anon, DELETE THIS!
>tfw no partner who had multiple sex partners, because no girl will ever want me.

I should off myself

>> No.10875854

Unlike you filthy americans, my parents let me stay at home rent free for as long as I needed. I made my first mil by 27 and then 15mil by 30. It would have not happened guaranteed if parents kicked me out and I was forced to wagecuck.

Why are american boomers so pathetic? Do they not stop their kids to succeed on purpose?

>> No.10875899
File: 22 KB, 236x232, E866ED98-9455-414B-A88B-15A76537F80E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed out on pure teen love
Yes I did miss out
>his partner has had previous sex partners
I never had a relationship and dont know any roast
>virgin beyond age 23
Touchless Virgin at 28
>living with parents after 25
yes I still live with parents
>driving a shitbox even tho a Boomer
I only drive my moms car, don‘t actually own one
>trapped wagecucking for life after age 28
I never had a job but I saved enough from gibs to afford 50k chainlink tokens

>> No.10875956

Sometimes I wonder if we're ever gonna make it.

>> No.10875966

Dumb pedo frog

>> No.10875989

Virgin the post

>> No.10876002
File: 50 KB, 768x384, 49C62D25-E3DE-409B-8C86-C52FE00F3031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been with beautiful tall, blonde, and skinny gf for 4 years
>we both met at age 18
>both of us only have had 3 other sexual partners
>tfw she’s now currently a PhD student in biochemistry

Life is great lads

>> No.10876025

Its not their fault OP, the Ashkenazis politicians have destroyed western morality.

>> No.10876094
File: 7 KB, 225x225, f522fe9a454f0bb8d08bd917057265d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bragging about his roastie used by Jamal, Tyrone and DeShawn

>> No.10876101

>he missed out on pure teen love
Definitely had this; lasted nearly 12 months before I moved schools..
>his partner has had previous sex partners
I don't currently have a partner, or friends, or health, or wealth, though my second "real" (older, longer term) girlfriend was a virgin, and we were together for close to 2 years.
>virgin beyond age 23
18, with a 15 year old whore who I decided I really liked/respected; things went somewhere, then nowhere, pretty quickly.
>living with parents after 25
Although I'm living with dad at the moment, previously I've lived on my own and with a long term partner.
>driving a shitbox even tho a Boomer
I've had a few cars; still, I love my HILUX.
>trapped wagecucking for life after age 28
Literally quit my perfect 9-5 in a perfect town 2 days after my 28th birthday; currently unemployed.

What were you saying OP?

>> No.10876107

How are those 2% LINK gains working out for you faggot?

>> No.10876109

I love this LARP

>> No.10876185

>he thinks all women are whores

I really feel bad for you.

The average person nowadays is less promiscous than the average person from the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s.

I think the average amount of sexual partners a person will have throughout their lifetime is somewhere around 5-7, but I’m too lazy to dig up the source right now.

>> No.10876189

but its no larp

>> No.10876260

>implying that matters
don't let the game play you

>> No.10876263

>6 past sexual relationships when she settles down
>capable of pair bonding

lolno, gtfo roastie

>> No.10876288

These are the most pathetic threads but I love them. Watching random jackasses around the world trying to trigger each other to satisfy their own sad existence and obtain a feeling of power. It just gets me rock hard.

>> No.10876312

dont cry for me anon i‘m already dead

>> No.10876313 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 447x437, 1534126664092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his partner has had previous sex partners
Quick fuck = ok
Marriage = kys

>> No.10876318
File: 84 KB, 666x692, 943C645D-229A-4D25-B785-1C4E85B5BC52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still capable, the chances of having a long term successful marriage are just significantly decreased.

>> No.10876328
File: 127 KB, 823x1024, 1534093699317m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here. Ignore these fools. Pure teen love is EXACTLY like the meme implies.

All d storied are TRUE.

meanwhile these fools wine and dine shrewd women with 5 ex boyfriends and hundreds of fucks under their skirt and herpes

Also what i meant in op is that by age 30 you should have freed yourself from wage cucking

>> No.10876331

If your marrying used goods, then you better kill yourself. Not only have you failed yourself as a man. But you have also lost your pride. And a man without pride is no man.

>> No.10876346

Are we aware that a woman in a 2 year relationship had 3x the amount of sex that a middle class hooker in same period?

>> No.10876364

I actually think you're pretty funny, for what it's worth.

>> No.10876368

>The average person nowadays is less promiscous than the average person from the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s.
Where did you get this from?

>> No.10876378


>> No.10876418

Just start working out and shave ur head faggot its honestly the least of your worries.
Im a fucking heavy smoker for 10 years and i usually work out every day for 10 minutes. 4 minutes of warm up then 6 minutes of 60 pull ups and 60 dips. Then maybe some push ups and jumping jacks until my face turns red.
Fucking hell just do something its 2-3 hours a week that will get you ripped as fuck.

>> No.10876421

“Baby Boomers have picked up the pace, averaging about 11 partners. Generation X has nearly kept up with 10.”

And Millennials, generation of Tinder and "I'm just not looking for anything serious right now," can expect an average of just eight.“


>> No.10876456
File: 41 KB, 590x625, Sminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed out on pure teen love
Nope, lost my virginity at the age of 11 with a 15yo girl (I am brazilian, it's impossible to be a virgin here)
>his partner has had previous sex partners
I fucked a 15yo kissless virgin once, was awesome to be the first one!
>virgin beyond age 23
>living with parents after 25
I am 23 and in my culture we value living as close to parents as possible, we don't dispose of of our parents when they are old like americans do
>driving a shitbox even tho a Boomer
I will never buy a car that's not electric, it's 2018, not 1918.
>trapped wagecucking for life after age 28
I own my own business.

>> No.10876457

Do you honestly pay to read kike bullshit?

>> No.10876477

Yeah I'm not buying it, only one study I can access and it's about opinions.

>> No.10876521

>only have had 3 other sexual partners
wish I had a coping skills of yours

>> No.10876657


Western women are the worst of the worst. White, Asian, Black, Latinas it doesn't matter they fuck until their cunts become red thanks to Tinder.

>> No.10876890
File: 172 KB, 750x804, B91F2642-0BE1-4687-BE06-B5D0AF2D1A21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the people in this thread are virgin losers who are angry at women having more sex than them. I’m sure most of these same angry hypocritical virgins would LOVE to have 20+ sexual partners.

>> No.10876928


Actual research paper btw, with more than 33,000 respondents

>> No.10877105

>The average person nowadays is less promiscous than the average person from the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s.
Wow basically you're fucking stupid because the Jew wants to reduce fertility rates and the Jew does this by increasing promiscuity and reducing marriage rates

>> No.10877218

These are bad odds. Really bad odds. If I ever find a virgin, I'm dumping my gf immediately

>> No.10877380

and i had zero and so not even on that list

>> No.10877442
File: 23 KB, 300x300, Wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10877536

Pajeet 15 million rupees is like 10k in America we aren’t impressed that you got to live in your parents mud hut until you were 30.

>> No.10877574

>just 8


>> No.10877600

>heavy smoker for 10 years
So youre 23 then?

>> No.10877619


>> No.10877663
File: 436 KB, 866x711, Failing Knowledge but Passing Bluff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he missed out on pure teen love
>his partner has had previous sex partners
yes, over 20, MA is a shithole there are no wives to be had here
>virgin beyond age 23
>living with parents after 25
>driving a shitbox even tho a Boomer
yes, always buy used cars from trusted dealers in cash, it will drop the price by 40% if you know how to haggle. The salesman making $400 in difference that day is better than him making 4k in difference over 5 years.
>trapped wagecucking for life after age 28
absolutely, 80k salary beta race