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10870702 No.10870702 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw parents are paying for 4 years of college for me (about 200k worth)
> ask them to just give me the money to invest in crypto and become a slumlord with
> they tell me no because it’s not a “respectable way to make a living”

>> No.10870724

Your parents know you're a shit trader lol

joking aside, get a degree that will allow you to learn more about financial markets. what you learn in school can apply to crypto and you will make serious money

>> No.10870747


Dont listen to this retarded faggot, a degree in finance wont teach you a single thing about trading crypto. Just go for engineering or accounting to fall back on when you inevitably fail day trading

>> No.10870765

Spoiled fucking brat

>> No.10870776

>OP majors in economics
yeah that won't help a single bit whatsoever

>> No.10870803
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Listen, you have to hustle for as many scholarships as possible. Seriously, go full tilt HWM (hand wringing mode) and get as much as you can, because that debt is for life.

>> No.10870835

It will help you understand valuing assets (mainly cash flow producing assets), but it won't magically turn you into a good day trader. t. BM/economics major.

>> No.10870865

>take the 200k
>go to a state school that costs 20k/year
>work part time and apply to a fuck ton of scholarships to cover at least half of that
>only spend 50k total at most
>invest the other 150k
>come out with a degree,no debt, and a small nest egg

>> No.10870872

Fucking kek. U think if the professors could make the same money some of us make on crypto they would still be teaching? You don't learn shit studying finance.

Real learning doesn't begin untill you start winning and losing actual money.

>> No.10870881


It wont, at all. The things taught in school revolve around large economies and stable investment vehicles. The volume of some nigger alt-coin has no revelance to that

>> No.10870883

engineer here. i wasnt trying to imply op would turn into a godly trader. I just wish I had more than one economic class in my major

point me to where i said "finance degree" you fucking mong

>> No.10870893

you will never make it

>> No.10870916

That being, 95%+ of day traders have a lower expected return than the market so OP would probably fail. Just get a usefull degree OP. If you're good enough at pattern recognition and math to become a pro day trader then just study something like applied math and become a quant.

>> No.10870957

Studying computer science at UMASS Amherst

Top 20 school I thinks, not top tier so I won’t get a Wall Street job but still could make some good $$

>> No.10870974

So if not finance, then you must be talking about economics. Again, either has very little in common with how the markets and asset pricing actually work. Unless you believe in TA, then best of luck to you

If OP wants to trade he needs to be around traders and read the books they wrote.

>> No.10871042

they want you to turn into a good provider for a woman one day to give them grandchildren.

>> No.10871092

>Let's his dumb parents talk him into the college meme instead of learning a real trade.
>Admit they are paying to float you for 4 years
>Most of your job income could go to crypto or investing
>You're complaining

Zoomers.... You have no appreciation, no foresight, no common sense, and you are choosy beggars. Work hard for the next 20 years, save everything you make, and by the time you're 40 and not a dumbass anymore (mayyybe), you will have all the money to do whatever the fuck you want for another 40+ years. Even if you only saved most of what you made for 10 years you could be rich if you did it right...

>> No.10871190

I agree that finance/economics isn't that useful for becoming a day trader (especially not crypto), but asset pricing of all traditional assets has everything to do with finance and economics. Finance does teach you how to value cash flows and commodities.
Even a lot of the short term volatility is a result of financial/statistical models.

tldr; studying finance/economics can (and will) make you a better investor, but it won't help you become a good day trader any more than studying CS, math, statistics etc. would.

>> No.10871340
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Good for you. Don't sell the skin before you've caught the bear. Unless you're 95%+ sure you can make it as a day trader then just stay in school and trade on the side. Fwiw I was in a similar situation 2 years ago. I've made close to $1MM from playing online poker and thought about dropping out to play full time. I'm happy I didn't drop out as there's no way of knowing if I still will be able to make 6-figures in a few years (games are drying up, it's getting more competitive every day etc.). The same could be said about day trading. Even if you're good enough now to beat the markets you might not be good enough in say 5 years.

Pic related is last 12 months just to prove I'm not larping..

>> No.10871380

econ major here. learned more actually trading than all of my econ classes combined