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10866901 No.10866901 [Reply] [Original]

AKA the everything bubble
AKA the coming shoa
AKA Were all fucked

U.S. Household Wealth Is Experiencing An Unsustainable Bubble

>> No.10866936


>> No.10866941

kek makes sense. just step outside and count the number of porsche SUVs you see. people can't actually afford that shit.

>> No.10866945

I'd like to pop her bubble.

>> No.10866979

Stay poor&jelly mofo !
We golden bull now !

>> No.10866997
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Not to forget those shitty CLA Mercedes too and Porsche Macan

>> No.10867016

>everything is inflated
>but my bank account

Life is suffering

>> No.10867029

those cars are utter trash and useless debt traps.

>Finance now for $850/Month for 96 Months Zero Down


>> No.10867082

where is all this money coming from and how are people getting it all? are these the jobs you can't have unless youre 50+ with 20 years experience or something? How tf were we left with nothing growing up like our parents had all this and that and we don't. how will we get ahead of this? are we just waiting for the next crisis so we in Bitcoins can be the new jews on the block? someone please.

>> No.10867120

it's a debt based economy

>> No.10867135

Its all credit. The banks are too big to fail so they just hand out credit like candy. I keep getting increases on my limit and I pay my balance every month.

Bailing out the banksters was a mistake. QE was a mistake. Helicopter Ben was a mistake. 8 year auto loans are a mistake.

Firesale when?

>> No.10867147

Cool. I'll hedge, short, and buy in when it pops.

>> No.10867149

How to survive the coming onslaught? Guns, beans, bullets? Gold???

>> No.10867150

all your life you've been trained to believe that a job will get you the life you want. the truth is that if you work for someone else you will always be lacking. the only way to make it is to actually create something for yourself. that's it. the rest is just a lottery.

>> No.10867155

>oy vey the goyim still have too much money despite taxes, inflation and crumbling wages
>time to shut it down

>> No.10867164

Why would you want to survive? The survivors will be the worst off. At least the dead will have peace

>> No.10867166

Guns, beans, bullets, medical supplies if it gets ugly.
Bitcoin may help us avoid descending into complete chaos.

>> No.10867200
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I;m thinkin bout thos beans

>> No.10867310

I bought a house for about $300k last month.

How much will it be worth in a year? Two years?

Can’t do anything about it but wondering if I’m going to end up fucked.

>> No.10867324

If you believe it will become Somalia Tier breakdown, guns/ammo/food and survival skills (medical, mechanical) just think Mad Max.

If its Great Depression Tier then tangible assets likes bluechip crypto/land where you can homestead/gold/silver/ammo and basic serviceable skills (mechanical, welding, repair/re purposing, electrical, medical).

Good luck.

>> No.10867326

It’ll be worth 100k and you’ll be in bankruptcy court pleading to stop paying 300k loans

>> No.10867366

one year $350k
two years $150k
ten year $300k

>> No.10867412

it will likely be the latter, but i remember hearing a story that post financial crisis, they said that if the banks didnt get an injection that day(of the meeting) the world financial system would collapse and there would anarchy on the street.
NOW...it could have just been the bankers larping, but we are in a situation where even few banks own even more debt than last time
And the public DOES NOT have the stomach for another bailout, of which the consequence will be people voting in full on commies in an attempt to hit back at the rich

>> No.10867511

>people voting in full on commies
that would be glorious, and almost worth it

>> No.10867553

because true socialism hasnt been tried yet right?

>> No.10867554

lol I would illegally emigrate to another country when that happens

>> No.10867592
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Checked, I'll take 50 shares of beans pls

>> No.10867593

Jesus christ i can't imagine being in this scenario, i'd probably kms.

>> No.10867735

If you buy a house at the top of this bubble we call the housing market you deserve to get shit on

>> No.10867762

My dad just bought a house with a (((mortgage))) for "rental income", despite me telling me a financial crisis is right around the corner. He says doesnt matter because rental income. How fucked is he?

>> No.10867892

How long is he willing to weather through a storm and sit on the property?

>> No.10867906

>le hodl...

>> No.10867920

as long as he has stable income i guess? the issue is his work is heavily tied to the real estate market

>> No.10867953

I bought a rental property at the peak of the 2008 bubble. It lost value at the time but rents in the area didnt decrease so its expected month to month profit was the same. If I ever sell it, wont get a huge windfall Id imagine but thems the breaks.

>> No.10867978

You're the one who's delusional. You're most likely not a macro prodigy and you can't time the markets.

>> No.10867993

The bubble always comes and goes, It never ends

>> No.10868125

Literal retards browse /biz/?

>> No.10868141


It will be worth 260k within 6 months. Maybe 250k at the bottom. Then up to about 310-320k by next summer

>> No.10868162

how am I delusional? he bought a 1500 sqft house for $600k, how is that not at the very least slightly overpriced?

>> No.10868196
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mad houselets

>> No.10868212

Kek this bubble is just getting started the US economy is in fucll fucking throttle with no signs of slowing down

>> No.10868216
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>delusional debtwhale

>> No.10868233

>put 20k down
>it goes up by 60k

Someone aint gonna make it. *sips*

>> No.10868235
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The time has come.

>> No.10868332

What wealth bubble? I don't have any wealth.

>> No.10868398
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>bluechip crypto

>> No.10868487

I'm awaiting this sale on houses & cars :3

>> No.10868506

>bluechip crypto
this is how i know we're nowhere near the bottom

>> No.10868508
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eat your veggies first