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10864835 No.10864835 [Reply] [Original]

>first day on the job
>compulsory diversity test

>> No.10864839

What does that mean?

>> No.10864849

It means fired for being a piece of racist garbage.

>> No.10864852

if you're not racist you're not paying attention

>> No.10864869

Just pull a Dolezal, then they can't fail you.

>> No.10864894
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>Mfw Tuesday is penis inspection day at my office

Fuck this existence.

>> No.10864895

You'll never be white.

>> No.10864936

It means if you aren't a democratic socialist, you will be fired and blackballed.

Conservative views are banned.

>> No.10865085

if you're white just pull the "diversity is more than skin color, it's life experience and perspective. then you can get indignant about how not all people of the same skin color have the same perspective"
t. worked in a corporate shithole for 8 years

>> No.10865185

Just hide your fashy ways, not that hard.
But tell us what they asked/wanted you to do

>> No.10865257

based redpilled and white

>> No.10865296

The unfortunate truth. I was pretty liberal until the left made it quite clear that /we/ are hated.

>> No.10865309


The left eats their own

>> No.10865366

Even my liberal mom is getting pushed right. She works for a municipal government agency that is more concerned with social justice than their actual objectives. She knows the struggle of growing up poor but all of her accomplishments are discredited because she is white. Disgusting. If I make it in crypto she is retiring early. Fuck that place.

>> No.10865379

back to /pol/ you farting larptard!

>> No.10865394

haha whitecucks btfo.
white race 100% in decline and being over taken on all fronts.

>> No.10865395
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>> No.10865403

kek... you're really retards xD
Talk business or GTFO

>> No.10865507

i am to roll over and die a broke, "privileged" white who doesn't even have the privilege of ever having my own space, around my own people who speak my language, anywhere in the world
because if you want those things, you're a "racist", and we are to assume that being a "racist" means that you necessarily wish harm on other races, rather than just wanting to be left alone

>> No.10865561

are you burgers really that retarded?
Human races are a sociological concept. If you think there are multiple races, you are a racist and just too stupid to study biology or anthropology.

Jesus Christ, is everyone in the US THAT dumb??

>> No.10865602

Stop whining, it's a power game nothing else.
The "white" populations in the west have become weak and now other social structures want to compete for more power and privileges.
It's simply a shifting of power, nothing fair or unfair about it.

>> No.10865718

what are you talking about?
Power game ... bullshit.
He doesn't want to be around niggers, chinks or others. He just wants to hang out with basedboys. Maybe out of insecurity or for a sense of belonging. It doesn't even matter.
THIS doesn't make him racist. You can probably argue that he's intolerant, worst case scenario.

Again - not wanting to hang around basedboys doesn't make a nigger racist.
If you think these are separate races,
THAT is racist as fuck.

>> No.10865731

lol, i forgot... 4chan really doesn't want white slur words. But niggers is OK?
Oh god, 4chan is truly full of white snowflakes... why am I here again?

>> No.10865788

Explain genetic differences like lactose tolerance in Europe or Malaria resistance in Africa. Face it, ethnic groups inherit different traits and different physical features. Stupid Eurocuck, I hope your native population gets outbred into extinction.

>> No.10865815

No idea what you want to convey, but you sound stupid.

>> No.10865864

>hurr durr you're stoopid!!!

nice argument retard

>> No.10865879

Fake it, til' you make it.

>> No.10865909

back to the street you pooing pajeet

>> No.10865923

marxism always fails because it builds nothing. once everything is "destroyed" everyone see it for the shitshow it is. only poorfags/victim-mentality-slaves like it because they think they get something for nothing. True fact: life isn't fair and it never will be. the sooner they learn this, the better off they will be. god helps those that help themselves.

>> No.10865934

>He posts some indecipherable mesh.
>Somehow i committed an argumentum ad hominem.

>> No.10865948

>completely different skull shapes equals same race
in birds, a minor beak difference equals different species. get rekt faggot

>> No.10866000

>it's just a concept
>skin color doesn't exist
b00ty bl4st3d r3t4rd alert
weeeoooo weeeeoooo weeeeoooo woooooooo

>> No.10866016

>dub trips confirm

>> No.10866024

Were not birds, idiot. We are homo sapians

>> No.10866029

>muh lactose intolerance

read up on epigenetics, retard

>> No.10866051


>> No.10866067

>biology is different among species
imagine being this retarded

>> No.10866071

Or are we dancer?

>> No.10866079

wahh I can't cause damage to my company's image without getting fired

>> No.10866083

>1 post by these IDs
shill wave to confuse the newfags when truth is posted. you faggots are so obvious.

>> No.10866098

two more

>> No.10866112

Here's post number 2 then fuckface

>> No.10866124


not everybody is a neet who has time to post 8 times in every thread we have jobs n sheit

>> No.10866128

shillfag is buttmad. congrats on this, seriously.

>> No.10866142
File: 40 KB, 128x128, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha very badly luck having to you my friend. forensics can tell race apart by skeleton my friend haha. better luck next lifetime my friend haha

>> No.10866144

There's no way that's a thing

>> No.10866145

i know. you're getting paid right now for that post.

>> No.10866161

>ethnic white
>invested in crypto
Not gonna make it, meine Freunde
wir werden nicht überleben
>none of /us/ are going to make it

>> No.10866166

no. you're the homo

>> No.10866174

Wtf am I shilling? Stay buttblasted kek. Also post 3

>> No.10866191

It's only unfair in that I can't kill the people who bother me without being kidnapped and put in a box with even more of the people that bother me
Society is fucking retarded

>> No.10866202

Hahahaha my friends, things will go badly instead of goodly for you my friends. I feel very sorry for you my friends. Maybe try better time next luck

>> No.10866206

wow, you're racking up today. i'll link my posts again so the newfriends will not be swayed by your derail posts. now, reset your IP and try again


>> No.10866282

move to a flyover state and buy some land outside of a chill small town. it's not that hard to avoid shitskins and liberals

>> No.10866300


He's not white. He's just jelly.

>> No.10866322
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>tfw passed penis inspection but failed prostate exam

>> No.10866384

I never agreed nor disagreed with you tho? Legit think you might be schizophrenic. Post 4

>> No.10866478

So epigentics explains why humans born elsewhere exhibit these traits? Of course it doesn't, because lactose tolerance is inherited you stupid normie faggot. Remove yourself from the genepool.

>> No.10866582

You cumskins are getting btfo and it makes me literally lmao.
Check your privilege, racists!

>> No.10866640

Cum is sterile
Shit is diseased

Im proud to be a cumskin.
Are you proud to be a shitskin?

>> No.10866648

>Cum is sterile
only possible if you're shooting blanks, and probably not even then

>> No.10866783

uh ejaculate is definitely not sterile. how the fuck do you think you get a sexually transmitted infection?

>> No.10866813

from precum

>> No.10866895


>He doesn't know about racial specific diseases

>> No.10866953

>hurr durr race is a social construct you dummies
>falling for (((boasian anthropology))) meme
typical 110 iq pleb who thinks hes smart

>> No.10867030

What kind of a job do you work at where they don't even ensure proper penis hygiene?

>> No.10867068

So what do they do? Ask you how you feel about the word “nigger” and then hold up pictures of minorities to see if they make you angry?

>> No.10867444

Fuck i hate niggers and jews and chinks as well. Aztec latinos also.

>> No.10867501

What the fuck? "Here take this retarded ass HR diversity meme test, oops you said there were 34 genders, there are actually 39, RACIST!"
kys you fucking faggot

>> No.10868019

This except the god part