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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10860063 No.10860063 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone tell me why Holochain won't be massively successful? I'm just trying to open up a real discussion here without people saying "FEET" or "WEIRD HIPPY TEAM".

>> No.10860074

No one can. All they have is feet fud......

>> No.10860080

Feet tho

>> No.10860149
File: 196 KB, 850x492, Liars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will lie to hype their coin and misrepresent things to the max.

>> No.10860207

You could've smelled them

>> No.10860209

it sucks

>> No.10860235

I think that it will be massive, it may take some time for developers to realize that they can save on hosting to launch their shitty apps though.

luckily there are 1,000 dedicated nodes for them incase home hosters leave because it's not being used.

>> No.10860253

Centralized hosting is fast cheap and scalable. You can get a free VPS for a year on amazon web services right now. This is a solution in search of a problem. Will end up just like RLC.

>> No.10860274


They have a secret account that can print infinite money. They work together to keep the price suppressed to force hosts to the lowest electricity costs area creating high latency.

>> No.10860333
File: 716 KB, 2048x1536, Holo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wheelchair feminists
>not hiring white males unless they have to
>think rich people are evil
>don't want you to get rich from investing in holo because "it's not about money"
>lead dev and the other guy are both faggots(maybe even together?)
>lead dev was the head of occupy wall street, gave speeches etc there
>lead dev pimped out his 5 year old daugher just to make a point about capitalism or something(taking it a bit too far there mate?)
>the structure of the holochain is "feminine", not on purpose though feminine just turned out to be better and more robust according to lead dev
>use fancy buzzwords like "immune system" etc

>> No.10860429
File: 648 KB, 1080x1714, Screenshot_20180827-131640~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What The Fuck does Holo do that Freenet isn't or hasn't already done?

>> No.10860476

No incentivization model
No mobile features
No compute
No BFT to prevent government take over of majority of nodes
Doesn't work when sites are used too much do to not having neighborhoods

I could go on but you are a spammer too

I shit on you last thread but nice trips

>> No.10860497

And yet it works.
Which tells you what about your criteria?

>> No.10860541

this, /thread, feet, and kek

>> No.10860908

This is CNN level fud. Basically the best they have on Holo is twisting things around to create half truths while crying about "muh gays n trannys".

You can be just into Holo for the money you know? You don't have to like the people behind it. And saying some is "pimping" their 5 year old because they make a satirical piece... Truly CNN level "investigative journalism" you did there. Definitely not trying invoke hate for Holo team based on bullshit.



>> No.10860929

No it doesn't work, it can't have any active content or secured data or permissions so you are tech illiterate and go fuck yourself.

>> No.10860980

No response because the copypasta ran out, typical.

>> No.10861067


Dude we are trying to get people to sell

>> No.10861105

I think the worst thing they could have done was sell Holoports before even finishing developing them.

The product isn't finished. They expect to ship in October, but it's going to get delayed until November, then December, then Q1 2019, then before you know it the project changes and we have a REQ 2.0 that looks completely different from its white paper.

>> No.10861115

Fuck off with FUD, devs said it will ship and there will be no delays

>> No.10861217

They will ship in september, right?

>> No.10861248


Because holochain forgoes the primary innovation with blockchain technology, Triple Entry Bookkeeping.

Triple entry is what makes blockchain valuable. Decentralisation, immutability, scalability; these are all pieces that need to fit into the triple entry puzzle.

What a blockchain does is it requires consensus across the entire network.
What Holochain does is it requires consensus between two parties.
This means blockchain and holo both don't have a single point of failure.
This is because on blockchain you have to attack majority of the nodes at once.
On Holochain however, you just need to compromise two parties.

Holochain opted for network scalability in exchange for having a 'double' point of failure.

I still hold some for the inevitable pump, but i'm not holding this shit long term.

One counter argument is that blockchain is data centric whereas holochain is agent centric- meaning holochain would become the viewing glass for a blockchain based internet, but in this case, holochain just compliments blockchain and builds around it as additional infrastructure on another layer.
In terms of security though, nothing can replace blockchain in the foreseeable future (New cryptography is usually outdated, renewed or replaced every 30 or so years).

>> No.10861576

>Centralized hosting is fast cheap and scalable.
facebook spent $1 per user per month to deliver their product last year. That's almost a billion dollars a month. You call that cheap? When holochain could do the same for fractions less?

>> No.10861625

So with a huge network of hosts, only one of them needs to be compromised in order to get to one of the points of failure?

>> No.10861754

Why does this lady not appear in their website anymore ? Does she got fired ?

>> No.10861803

because despite biz fud she is not crucial to holochains development lmao

>> No.10862061

No, in a huge network on holo, you just need two parties to agree to be malicious to commit a double spend.

Blockchain stops this by protecting the network, economy and data.
Holochain instead opts to protect the end user from malicious scammers trying to cheat them (although stupidity is a weakness present in both systems)

>> No.10862266
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Oh look, it's another "neet debunks 10 years of work in 30 minutes" episode.

>in a huge network on holo, you just need two parties to agree to be malicious to commit a double spend.

except that's not how it works, fuckface. You colluding with some other guy to commit a double spend will just fork you and that other guy from the network.

>> No.10862341

The absolute state of this peruvian candle making forum.

>> No.10862680

there is no incentive for token holders, so its worthless. Biz shills can circlejerk all they want. Good tech, shit investment

>> No.10862692

And then other nodes detect the fraud and keep the fraudsters from committing in the future. That being said, it seems like they are very far away from having a real working product. I hope these idealists keep lying about Binance partenships and hype the Mozilla connection and pump this shit to 1 cent

>> No.10862713

look at these fudders feeling threatened by the blockchain killer

>> No.10862803

>they are very far away from having a real working product
literally launching network in a few months
literally have working websites and social media like twitter clone which you can visit

autism is strong in this one

>> No.10862875

that's what I'm saying, they're very late and a lot of things they haven't considered. Can you build a real world application on holochain in a couple of months? How's security? Connectivity?

>> No.10862878
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>very far away from having a real working product.

wtf are you talking about? You can build a holochain app right now if you want to. It won't be the best experience, but you literally have that option. There are working apps on Holochain too. Holo is just the bridging layer between Holochain apps and the web. At this point 90% of the work is already done.

>> No.10862891

How about the fact that there's just no room for it. It solves a problem nobody cares about, has no mover's advantage, and is filled with disgusting people with disgusting views. There's not much appealing about it.

BURST, for example, is a great technology, better than what Holo has done I think, but it's not going to get anywhere because nobody gives a shit. Unless it's truly revolutionary (e.g. ETH, LINK), it's going to get swallowed up in the mire of shitcoins. I honestly find it hard to believe any of you retards are accumulating this garbage.

Ever notice how there's zero autism investigating Holo? That's because we all figured out it was feminist diversity hire garbage a long time ago.

Inb4 fud.

>> No.10862912

It's just going to keep bouncing between 9 and 10 satoshis forever on Binance because there is no incentive for it to go up.

It goes up one satoshi, that's a 10% increase. Then they sell. Back and forth, forever. You'd have to be retarded to buy now.

>> No.10863226


Developer here. I'm well aware of it. Next app I make is a Holo app, just in time for mainnet. It'll actually make use of Ethereum as well, just for the ecosystem already in place, and use Holo as the "server".

>> No.10863257


Lies. Everything on Holo uses cryptographic validation - the malicious actors signatures won't validate, so they'll fork onto their own "chain" basically. Brainlet tier fud.

>> No.10863337

Do you have any idea how many layers of complex infrastructure and software are needed to run a web app that size? Wouldn't be even remotely possible on holochain.

>> No.10863380

actually it is possible, they managed to make a facebook clone and a twitter clone so fuck off

>> No.10863651

It's not actually a blockchain. It's basically just an inefficient shared database.

>> No.10863696


Yes it uses cryptographic validation, but you could commit a double spend, and keep an unusable wallet offline so it doesn't sync with the network.

It will still read as legitimate to any third party viewer and can be sold as though it's an already redeemed gift card.

>wallet A changes their DNA (lmao at this being the technical term they use) to match having received 100 Holo from Wallet B
>Wallet B is offline
>You now have Wallet A with transaction history of Wallet B sending it 100 Holo, with wallet B staying offline and not syncing with the network to confirm the trade or reject it
>Malicious anon then sells Wallet B OTC, effectively keeping his 100 Holo while selling a dud.

lmao 10 years of work led to this

>> No.10863816

you literally have no idea what youre talking about. these are complete lies and FUB

>> No.10863900
File: 59 KB, 992x558, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this anon gets it kek

sorry to destroy your dream anon, but it's no FUD if it's true. holofags will get JUSTed so hard if they can't fix this vulnerability. protip: there is no fix, it's a fundamental platform design issue

holochain is vulnerable to double-spends. period.

higher tx speeds come at the trade-off of reduced security, it's always like that newfag.

>> No.10864120

you morons are playing the game wrong. first you need to realize that you are playing a game. second you need to realize the score is the amount of bitcoin you hold. thirdly, you need to realize the way to accumulate more bitcoin is through getting into hyper alts at the earliest stage possible and selling when they hit the ceiling. holo's ceiling was around 200 vitaliks and it hit that long ago. holo wont ever be useed nor will any other alt. absolute brainlets. i love capitalism. smart people get rich while dumb people stay poor. i get mad pussy

>> No.10864140

> Holo's ceiling was 200vits

>> No.10864152

>Can anyone tell me why Holochain won't be massively successful?
Sure, because there is no reason it would be massively successful.

>> No.10864159

>200 vitalik ceiling
>currently at 260 vitaliks


>> No.10864194
File: 45 KB, 499x499, reeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you realize literally everyone on biz is trying to FUD everyone else

>> No.10864287
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>> No.10864486
File: 22 KB, 820x150, Screen Shot 2018-08-28 at 9.12.22 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screen cap this trolls

>> No.10864532

exactly what's needed for normies to adopt it