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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10863762 No.10863762 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10863906

You can make it an hourly reminder if you want, but no one's buying your shitcoin

>> No.10863921


>> No.10864649

were already holding looser ;)

>> No.10864674

Lots of people have. I have, for instance. It’s a comfy feel

>> No.10864726

daily reminder that this is a shitcoin

>> No.10864814
File: 31 KB, 382x400, go-be-a-nigger-somewhere-else_o_1074447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


your greatest problem in producing fake hype is that everyone can watch some real hype in a link (or to a smaller extend hot) thread. everyone knows that this board is full of poojeets spaming scamtokens like yours and that you are one of them.

>> No.10864815
File: 1.87 MB, 1964x2822, Distrabution of 0xBTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10864978


I don't need reminding, friend. :)


Yes, fuel the fire with FUD. It burns so well.

>> No.10864986
File: 104 KB, 400x400, Wirus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>zero proof that the biggest 10.000 wallets are not owned by one and the same currynigger.

>> No.10865006

>Link shills think anyone still goes in their threads.
>still shilling that boring shit for almost a year now.
>kys m8 srs kys

>> No.10865020

The onus is on you to prove that.

>implying link isn’t owned mainly by the devs who have OVER HALF THE TOTAL SUPPLY a joke. Lol kys

>> No.10865044
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-90% in 2 months kek. 2 months ago i had 19 btc, now i have 22. making steady gains by only trading between btc and usdt. meanwhile theere's people buying into fucking altcoins, what's the logic behind it? why buy an erc-20 token that tries to copy btc when you could just buy btc? this is some <80 iQ chess you're playing

>> No.10865073


higher risk, higher potential gains

though desu i definitely respect your approach if you shun altcoins altogether; big daddy btc is throwing the party, everyone else just brought booze

>> No.10865089

hey my friend judgefag im no pajeet i swear too god im german....whats your problem why u hate so much on 0xbtc

>> No.10865101

Bitcoin is finished. You’re going to wake up one day down 99%.

That day will be the day that Ethereum becomes number one cryptocurrency by market cap. And bitcoin will be number 2.

Because that’s all that bitcoin has, that number one spot, once that’s no longer the case bitcoin is worthless.

But. Ethereum will be the number one blockchain. And although ETH is a great investment, it’s inflationary nature makes it not a good store of value. Therefore you’ll need a mined store of value on the Ethereum blockchain and that is 0xBTC.

Low IQ brainlets struggle to understand the 8D chess being played in the game of speculation. Bitcoin is tulips. Cryptocurrency is agriculture. 0xBTC = gold.

>> No.10865109

lol this

>> No.10865111

Where did the pajeets meme come from with this coin? The project seems to all just be a bunch of white nerds

>> No.10865123

Haaaaaa I guess you don't know how to follow a transaction through Etherscan or a pool frontend. I feel bad for you. Also Why are you such a racist pile of shit?

>> No.10865138

People feel socially rewarded here when they post antisocial, racist crap. the funny thing is the 0xBtc community is really civil and tolerant. no wonder angry jerks don't like it

>> No.10865145

The irony is that the whitest nerdiest cryptocoin is trades mainly on the brownest curriest exchange straight from Calcutta - mercatox.

Retarded Americans can’t distinguish between an exchange and the coin that’s traded there

>> No.10865215

And they can't get listed on any real exchanges because that's expensive and they don't have any money because no ICO

This project is either headed straight to the shitcoin graveyeard, or they'll actually find some way to pull some funds together to get listed somewhere decent and then maybe it'll gain a little traction

>> No.10865230

It will get listed on it’s own merits. There’s no need to pay anyone to list it. I’m building my own DEX and I will have it as a main trading pair.

>> No.10865297
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Remember how I told you that if I was you I would stop mentioning that 0xSCAM is minable ERC20 token and then you suddenly decided to make it your main selling point? Everyone now sees how obnoxious you are and thinks that you are retarded for defending a useless feature that you cant even deliver proof for.

>muh minable erc20 scam leads to decentralization but I cant deliver any real proof for it
>muh feel comfy it will moon (LACK OF A FINAL BUYER IS NEVER MENTIONED)

The idea of a minable ERC20 shitcoin is the dumbest thing any monkey has ever invented. You cant even proof that it does what it is supposed to do. And without that whole pow electricity wase scheme it becomes just another generic shitcoin. Check out applecoin mcap is only 11$.

>i swear too god im german
even if you would swear on the soul of a cow I would not believe you

>> No.10865330


>just another pajeet pretending to be ignorant of his own scam and the design of this scamcoin that was specifically created to enable just that

>> No.10865334

I think no one actually cares about you. Get a life you faggot

>> No.10865365

God but I fucking hate linkfags. They lower the average IQ on this board 20 points minimum

>> No.10865475

you hate everyone and everything because everyone and everything is better than you.

>In the beginning he simply admired all higher minds and he continues to worship cows for their intelligence and the depth of their soul. But on /biz/ he quickly learns that those stronger brains are nothing but a source of pain for him. After fearing intelligent criticism he starts to become more and more fearful of intelligence itself. He thus quickly becomes first envious, then resentful, then hateful and finally cruel and embittered toward everything that is white and beautiful.

>You can see for yourself the true nature of his cruelty and hate when you watch those videos where Asian women wearing high heals slowly stomp cute little animals to death. And if you believe that these are just single exceptional cases then watch the food in a Korean seafood restaurant. Watch those families with their children enjoy the suffering of those mutilated but still alive animals who's flesh they are eating. Realize that this is all the compassion that you will ever receive from them and that they will treat you just the same if you let them.

>> No.10865510

kys subhuman tripfag

>> No.10866309

You’re an idiot who tries too hard. Kys m8 srs

>> No.10866612


This page is all you need for deciding where smart money is. A week ago you needed 5500 to be top 100 wallet. Today you need 6168. In the next few weeks keep watching to see those numbers go up. Smart money whales that recognize how easy it will be to make "Bitcoin on Ethereum" ubiquitous are stocking up.

>> No.10866841

agree, all you need to do is follow the top wallets

>> No.10867201

I sold my bags after looking at the code. They didn't even use the correct functions. Couldn't give a fuck if this moons, I'm not supporting devs this bad just out of principle.

>> No.10867286
File: 121 KB, 561x469, 0xbtc-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that biz only fuds this token so they can accumulate more.

>> No.10867317
File: 167 KB, 504x398, 1520628140494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeeeeeeah right

>> No.10867483

haha you funny ;) still holding my moonshot sir judge

>> No.10867503

u sure have no life sir fag

>> No.10867528
File: 231 KB, 498x559, Toasted_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTFO Judge Doom. Can't protect the ICO legacy forever. People will learn how come to realize how much shit they are actually worth.

>> No.10867535
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>shhh me accumulate

>> No.10867681
File: 98 KB, 1024x847, PSX_20180805_144229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still holding on to this shitcoin

>> No.10867721
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Pajeet look at my pic. It's going to happen soon.

>> No.10867737
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The how to save your funds guide.

>> No.10867751
File: 40 KB, 250x205, 1530479578725s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this logo here on my hand anon. I'm literally holding the next big thing!

>> No.10867763
File: 164 KB, 2096x700, r3aht8zq2r211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember 0xBitcoin has a way better distribution than Bitcoin.

>> No.10867775
File: 295 KB, 1000x258, 1531966562829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK bless thy with quads! Don't miss out bizraelis

>> No.10867831

Imagine being so exempt of critical thinking that you actually believe this pic is a bad thing.

>immune to death spiral due to high difficulty/low profitability.
>naturally curves the inflation even more

Maybe this coin ends up in the graveyard but yall act ignorant as fuck when it comes to the fud. I cant help but imagine you fall into the majority that used to call btc a joke 5+ yrs ago.

>> No.10868251
File: 12 KB, 443x332, images-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah miners bailing out because there was not the market demand they expected is super bullish .
Enjoy your 10 BTC daily volume ranjeesh .

>> No.10868456

Yeah miners seem to jump in and out.

>> No.10868581

>They didn't even use the correct functions
Could you point to a specific line in the code?