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10856936 No.10856936 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in my mids 20s, I have a decent job with benefits, stable living situation, no debt, but I don't make very much CASH and my job is menial as fuck and I feel like a retarded faggot by wasting my time going in 5 days a week.

I'm looking for suggestions on possible career fields I could get into it, like I said earlier I'm fairly stable now so it doesn't have to be a quick cash thing, just looking for something to get into that could be a career.

>> No.10857134
File: 130 KB, 427x572, 0C07182B-408C-4F2E-BDC0-BB54992613E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean your room
What are your credentials

>> No.10857295

About 6 years of manual labor work experience and a high school diploma, so not really shit, going to a trade school or some type of certificate program is doable for me as is going back to school but community college seems like a total meme

>> No.10857360

first trim that beard and get a proper haircut, you look like a hobo.

>> No.10857402

could be worse you could be 30 working retail and not even a manager like me. just be grateful for what you have or change it and stop whining like a little faggot

>> No.10857406

CC is only a meme if you stop at an associate’s. I’m not sure how many offer bach’s now but if you’re going to go to CC go for the AS and transfer to a university so your debt is managable. Note AS because all arts degrees are memes.
>trade school
In your position I would recommend trade school particularly for HVAC or welding. I’m in the white collar world now but I did HVAC before (got certs in HS) it’s a good industry that at least provides new environments and challenges. In commercial HVAC, a little excitement if you’re into that. About $10,000 could get you through a two year school with certs and licenses. Don’t bother going to CC tech programs though, go to a vocational school. I worked for myself doing that stuff. In trades you can be unethical and make more money or you can be ethical and make less. Generally every big company you go to work for will be unethical. Something to consider.
Are you a NYer? You can go to school for free if you’re below a certain income. It’s called the excelsior program or something.

>> No.10857420


>> No.10857449

Also if you work as an internal maintenance guy there is no ethical dilemma. That applies to outside companies hired to do single jobs.
A co near me offers $21/hr entry for junior hvac techs with a HS diploma or equivalent. Not uncommon to get to $30-$50 at the senior level. Doable in maybe five years

>> No.10857471

OP I have a beard, had one for a long time.
It's even fairly long right now, but its trimmed.
Purposeful looking.
You look like a hobo you gon get hobo jobs.
Go to a good barber and get a proper beard trim and hair cut.
For your question, go into sales.
Car sales will hire just about anyone and you can make good money.

>> No.10857506

Pic isn't me, It's a fella named Nick Mullen who hosts a podcast called "Cumtown"

I'm not whining, I'm asking people for suggestions on a new direction to take my career, seems like someone has a case of the mondays amigo, and it's not me.

I'm in California, but it seems promising, I'll look into it, thank you hombre

>> No.10858043

don't listen to these sissy beardlets.
they jelly because they can't even grow a moustache.

>> No.10858055

If that picture is you, kys

>> No.10858168

Favorite episode?

>> No.10858223

111 is the best by far

>> No.10858272

>$50 in five years
why don't you stupid niggers just learn to code lmfao i do literally 4 hours of work a week, don't understand why anyone would learn a meme trade with today's technology available to them

>> No.10858310

Lambdaschool fren look it up. Was cleaning toilets 8 months ago now sitting comfy as jr Dev at 80k

>> No.10858458

this seems lie a scheme to me

>> No.10858573

>mountain 'man' hipsters trying to hide their weak jawlines
lol no

>> No.10858616

Shave your beard. You'll get weeks of anti-depression from it, seriously.

>> No.10858656

Nah.. u don't need to pay anything until u get 50k/yr DYOR

>> No.10858908

but you have to pay 17% of your income once you make 50k until you repay 30k. Why not get a regular degree instead? I'm not from the usa so I have no clue if thats enough for a degree, but it a lot of money for a bootcamp.

>> No.10859324

Is that fucking nick mullen?