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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 400x400, linkpool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10855358 No.10855358 [Reply] [Original]

Give it to me straight /biz/ ... I fucked up by not participating in the linkpool crowdsale, didn't I?

>> No.10855379

People who bought in will say yes, people who didn't will say no, but there's literally no way to know until further down the track. If Chainlink releases a fucking awesome operator UI that is slick and user friendly then the people getting skimmed 25% will be justed. If Linkpool turns out to earn megabucks and hosting a node is beyond most people's capabilities then people who invested will be laughing. Only time will tell.

>> No.10855399

Burger here
Feels bad man

>> No.10855409
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Nah only If Chainlink will become a huge success.

>> No.10855427

I wish i coulda bought but I'm a burger.

>> No.10855489

Eh either way we are holding LINK so yea. Can't miss out much lol.

>> No.10855495

Sound reasoning. I can still stake my LINK using linkpool later, right? If I understand correctly, participating in their crowdsale wasn't arequirement to actually use their platform.

>> No.10855538

Will it be very difficult to run a profitable node as a solo operation with 50k Link?

>> No.10855567

It's all about the collateral you have for contracts
41mm should cover a couple contracts

>> No.10855581

If you have no expertise in that field, it will probably be near impossible. That's why you want to use linkpool.

>> No.10855590

Will it ever be available for americans?

>> No.10855598

Will it be possible for someone with 10k?

>> No.10855613

I don't know. But that's also not my problem since I'm a europoor.

>> No.10855617

I highly doubt Link will ever be worth $820 btw...

>> No.10855641

... because it will be $1k?

>> No.10855671

It should once it goes live.
Yuropoor myself and am absolutely astonished of how many restrictions you have in the land of the free..
Also you send cheques by mail.
Phisically by US Mail. With envelopes and stamps. Blows my mind.

>> No.10855713


>> No.10855748
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Fuck off pleb, you are never going to be part of the linkpool elite

>> No.10855838

We will see about that

>> No.10856048


>> No.10856111

Participating in the crowdsale or signing up very early were required to use the platform straightaway.. They are concerned that they will own too many nodes relative to everyone else so are not going to have as many nodes at launch as they plan on having as the network gets bigger. How long this takes and how long it takes for people who missed the beta sign up and crowdsale to start using LinkPool remains to be seen

>> No.10856161
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Top ten holder reporting in.

>> No.10856183

good to know

>> No.10856212

Crowdsale participants get priority staking. Jonny has said that if you aren't in the crowdsale or part of the beta signup it's going to be a while before you can stake in the pool. Their NaaS service will let you use their infrastructure to run a node under your own identity/reputation. The hardest part of running your own node outside of LinkPool's infrastructure is maintaining a full ETH node that is optimally configured. NaaS will give you failover protection on the ChainLink node itself, plus you'll tap into their optimized ETH nodes ensuring you don't lose reputation and penalties from poor ETH node performance. Their NaaS service will have at least 2 tiers, where you can pay a higher fee and also get access to all of their adaptors/datasourcres, preconfigured.

LinkPool owners shares are transferable. If you can find someone to sell you their shares, you could today, even if you're a burger. From this point on, I believe there are no restrictions on citizenship. From that infographic thats going around, it looks like the top 40 crowdsale participants own 80% of the LinkPool 'shares', so good luck trying to find someone to sell them to you.

Pool - small LINK amounts, brainlets, and people who don't want to do any work. Gonna be a while until you can get in.
NaaS - should be available at or near the start, for people that want to build their own reputation, want to pay a smaller fee, have bigger stacks, want to roll up their sleeves.

>> No.10856217

nice digits. nice to have someone informed in here.

>> No.10856239

Don't forget Node as a Service. This is the real Linkpool's goldmine

>> No.10856260

Linkpool IS available for burgers. You couldn't participate in the crowdsale due to SEC restrictions for securities. But you will be able to stake with them

>> No.10856264

One other thing. They just changed the contract, today, for the crowdsale owners shares/tokens to have similar functionality to ERC20/677. This means that in the future they will be able to be transferred in a trustless way, on a DEX.

>> No.10856300

Hi fellow top 10 contributor. Hope we greet each other from our respectives yatchs in 2021.

>> No.10856324
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>someone informed
I wish I was. I have read their whitepaper and all their medium posts at least twice each but there isn't all that much information available yet. I was jealous as fuck when I thought how rich these fags would be when they started doing Medium posts around last November and got pretty excited when they announced a crowdsale especially after they announced the Node as a Service feature but we are completely in the dark on this investment in my opinion. I am cautiously optimistic that this could vastly outperform Link as an investment but it also a vastly higher risk.

>> No.10856360

I genuinely believe at least half of the top 40 contributors are semi regular posters on /biz/ and I would be amazed if the devs haven't lurked here too.
If this gets as big as I think it could mat and johnny are going to be looking down on our yachts from their own private cruise liners.

>> No.10856387

Comparatively informed. Sounds like you've done as much research as you can.

>> No.10856414

When someone speculates regarding Jonny and Mat browsing/biz/ I always refer them to the pre crowdsale Medium article (written by Mat) and Ctrl + f the word "unfiltered". It's pretty obvious they lurked around, during a while.

>> No.10856516

Wait linkpool is just some pool for chainlink? And people put money into that? Holy shit linkies are next level delusional it's not even funny. I thought linkpool was a coin.

>> No.10856560
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They definitely know of /biz/ but the idea of anyone actually working with Link as their full time job browsing the more retarded threads here is hilarious.

>> No.10856564

have you messaged Jonny? they sent emails at the start inviting everyone into their slack and people pretty much ask him anything in there

>> No.10856596

If you thought linkpool was a coin, you are either a retard, or havent done enough research about chainlink to call linkies deluded.

>> No.10856633

Iv sent him a couple of emails and he gave helpful if somewhat vague answers and I think I lurked the slack a few months ago but didn't ask any questions because I didn't think he would answer anything there that he hadn't already decided to tell us via medium. Its unavoidable that we aren't going to know very much about this project until the Link mainnet goes up so i'v been trying not to think about it too much.

>> No.10856759

Jonny did an AMA of sorts here.

>> No.10856787

Damn, I missed that

>> No.10856803
File: 45 KB, 903x960, 16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't even make sense....

Can't believe someone put all those efforts in an infographic while the core information (why should you care about how many Asians invested) is missing.

So let's do a very positive assumption for Chainlink

Chainlink is worth 5 dollars
There is 60.000.000 staked.
Staking reward is 1%

You bought 1% (7 ethereum worth 3k) into the presale.

You will get 50 dollars a month.

600 dollars a year.

You need 5 years to earn your initial investment back!!

See my post from earlier for a more realistic scenario.


Haven't you done the calculations??
For Linkpool to make 1.000.000 revenue you need at least

>> No.10856813

I hope they sold their ETH asap. When their crowdsale started ETH was ~$500 and now close to half of that.

>> No.10856910

They said they would sell a lot of it straightaway
>We are looking to raise an amount of 1k Ethereum to support Jonny and myself full time, hire at least one more person, up front AWS costs and various other overheads as mentioned earlier for for 2–3 years. (Bearing in mind a large chunk will be converted into Fiat soon and capital gains tax paid on the converted amount).

>> No.10856913

>1m revenue in the api economy.

On a scale of 1 to potato, how fucking smart are you?

>> No.10856979
File: 209 KB, 500x357, 1516741881118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who use full stops instead of commas to separate non decimal figures are subhuman and not worth replying to.

>> No.10856993

how do you get $50 from this? we don't know how much traffic the linkpool nodes will get, doesn't it all kinda depend on that? "staking reward is 1%" - am I missing something or are you?

>> No.10857007

I know this is bait, but god, you are retarded and have all calculations wrong

>> No.10857127
File: 27 KB, 545x227, 1518647919166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your'e being very 723498 right now. Please tell me this is bait.

>> No.10857212
File: 23 KB, 211x330, Misato question mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Crowdsale participants shall get first staking priority on the nodes, should they wish to do so as well. In the future these shares in LinkPool will also benefit from future events such as airdrops and voting rights, something stakers will not receive.
Does anyone have any idea what they could mean by airdrops in the context of staking? This is clearly something big I think we overlooked and something that I have never really seen discussed here

>> No.10857345


>> No.10857457


Probably LINK token air drops.. Or, I know that the actual functionality of the linkpool shares are tokenized - maybe airdrop extra shares to holders in the future to marginally increase their cut? Also, this functionality makes it so that linkpool shares could technically be sold .

>> No.10857495

There is already a function in the smart contract to allow the selling of LinkPool shares but I don't know if its been tested yet. Apparently it will be easier when they have a working product.

>> No.10857599
File: 204 KB, 1440x730, Capture+_2018-08-27-19-08-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10857619

How much link should you stake?

>> No.10857625

It’s $2500 now

>> No.10857632

No someone did the math on this shit and by the time it is worth buying over LINK, LINK will be so successful you will probably have made it anyway if you have a significant LINK stack.

>> No.10857683
File: 79 KB, 1200x675, C6jMCKVUwAETOwb6706_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a man be so dumb and British looking and still make me think he is going to make me rich.

>> No.10857692

Everything you plan on holding for a significant amount of time

>> No.10858338

As I see it, there are two probable scenarios: Chainlink moons and I'm rich because I hold 50k Link or Chainlink remains stable between the 1-5$ range but it's widely adopted and its network is vastly used every day, which would mean that the NaaS will be useful for a lot of people willing to pay for someone to manage the technical aspect of their nodes with an optimized architecture downtimeproof.

I hold Link for the lambos if speculation wins.. I contributed in LinkPool's crowdsale for stability in case usage wins. If both, I'm set for good.

>> No.10858552

smart anon

i contributed 10eth coz im looking forward 8 -15 years into the future they will be my childrens inheritance. its a gamble but it doesnt cost much it cud be worth millions or i lose 4k