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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 863 KB, 2217x2955, 1526030715338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10854905 No.10854905 [Reply] [Original]

Is renting ever a good idea?

>> No.10854925

I have seen people get range banned for much less than this, but the mods refuse to do anything because they're all nigger lover newfags.

Saged, hidden and reported.

>> No.10854928
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Its better than living in a tent.

>> No.10854930
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>> No.10854933

yeah its a good idea when ur mortgage comes out to $4000/mo

>> No.10854946

when renting is cheaper monthly payments it is ok for short term

long term buying wins

depends on supply demand like everything else. if the area has a lot of renters then you probably can get a better deal buying. If its not popular rent location then renting will win

>> No.10854955
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>> No.10854957
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>> No.10854960

>he feels threaten by a nigger kissing a whore
the one that should be getting banned is you for being a complete and total pussy

>> No.10854974

You fucking reddit newfags go to any length to defend your subhuman posting. Go fucking run off a cliff you disgusting animal.

>> No.10854983

Beats getting a jewgage if you have a decent landlord, then you can at least attempt to save and actually buy a house

>> No.10854991

There is no fucking property tax when renting. All those fuckers are just trying to increase your debt by taking on loans like a faggot that has different varieties of vaseline. Renting is chad, owning is being a wagecuck

>> No.10854993

banned for what? what rule have i broken?

not my fault if you're a racist who gets triggered by seeing interracial couples. get used to it. you'll see a lot IRL.

thanks for the constructive answer. i'm actually thinking about taking out a mortgage atm.

>> No.10855002

Spamming/ flooding
Low quality threads
Should be ban evasion as well

Saged again. Kill yourself newfag.

>> No.10855003

>There is no fucking property tax when renting
Good point. Didn't think of that. Guess it depends on what property taxes are like where you live.

>> No.10855020

Let me break down everything wrong about this photo.

1. Places like this are NOT suitable habitats for this species of primate.
2. The handler is WAY too close and is forgetting something that animal caregivers often forget: just because you spend time and have a bond with an animal does not change the fact it is STILL a wild animal. Accidents DO happen.
3. Putting human clothes on primates is degrading, offensive and dangerous for the animal; not to mention uncomfortable. These clothes were not designed for animals and can sometimes be made of materials they find irritating and confusing.

>> No.10855021

Spamming what? This is the first time I've made this thread.

It's a perfectly acceptable topic to discuss. If you're not interested then fuck off.

>> No.10855038

Shut the fuck up. You say in the other thread "lol triggered white bois im going to start posting this now" and then two fucking subhuman cuck threads instantly after. You're a samefagging, spamming, newfag cuck piece of shit and I hope you fucking die.

>> No.10855048

literally what
>when cornered like a faggot he will call you a reddit fagg
holy fuck im glad school started. you fucking zoomers need to fuck off already

>> No.10855050

This is a low quality post desu. Reported. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.10855061


there is near no property tax in like half the states
but in those states there is much higher income tax

it all balances out basically which is why I don't really worry about it. If you work remotely you can take advantage but I do not

>> No.10855084


11 years I've been here and I've never seen as many newfag cuck posters as now. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.10855089

>he thinks being racist is a bad thing

>> No.10855094

If I ever saw a nigger like that in my neighborhood I'd immediately call the cops.

>> No.10855117
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Renting is a good idea when you're not ready to commit to a location or when the housing market is overvalued. Otherwise, you are paying someone else's mortgage and you will never have equity in your home.

>> No.10855124

Another low quality post. Please leave the thread if you have nothing to contribute to the discussion. The quality of posts on 4chan is of the utmost importance. Reported.

It's not "bad", it's just dumb.

You must be pretty dumb too if you think things are either "good" or "bad". Simple things amuse simple minds.

>> No.10855125

>being so upset you unironically save and post the same exact interracial images over and over

>> No.10855182

>he spams interracial shit on 4chan every single fucking day with barely relevant, short and vague op titles to try and stay on topic
>calls anyone else low quality

You honestly deserve the worst. Youre either a little scrawny reddit newfag or a fat disgusting subhuman nigger newfag. Either way you should literally fucking kill yourself you dumb spamming fuck.

Tired of you faggots posting your disgusting shit on every single fucking board on this site trying to shift opinion away from "evil racism". You've not set a fucking toe here pre 2012 you little newfag rat.

>> No.10855183

>11 years I've been here
> You're not fooling anyone
you sure about that newfag? tell me, does it hurt your brain when a nigger kisses a washed up whore that noboddy wants ? i bet you would go to her rescue like a good little cuck

>> No.10855192 [DELETED] 

Stating you reported someone is a bannable offense in and of itself. Read the rules, dumbass.

>> No.10855199

He's a fucking kike. No point in engaging him, just report and hide

>> No.10855204

You redditors will try anything to shift opinion to make your subhuman shit acceptable won't you? who do you think you're tricking newfag? I've been here since y157 on /b/ was posted daily, you are a fucking little newfag pup who needs to be hung.

Stupid nigger spamming faggots.

>> No.10855212
File: 46 KB, 700x940, av7qdxd_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another post with no relevancy to the discussion at hand. Please keep it on topic guys.

>> No.10855215

>he spams interracial shit on 4chan every single fucking day with barely relevant
holy fuck you ARE a new fag. you should try visit /pol/ or /b/ you should fit in well but know that they have a lot more nigger/whore post

>> No.10855229

how much per month is too much for renting?

>> No.10855234

White boi tears giving me the giggles. Post more

>> No.10855235

Reporting won't matter. I've seen old tripfags I used to post with on /new/ range banned for so much less than this, mods won't lay a finger on their golden cuck spammers.

They have a lot more cuck posting because of faggots like you dumbass. You nigger loving idiots have been spamming your nasty shit non stop for the past couple of years.

>> No.10855245

>still calling others redditors like a newfag
god its as if youre not even trying to hide it anymore

>> No.10855268

last i checked this is a blue board, bestiality is not ok

>> No.10855269

>You nigger loving idiots have been spamming your nasty shit non stop for the past couple of years
how would you know ? you have been here for at least 2 weeks

>> No.10855276

holy fuck this guy is mad LMAO

>> No.10855279

Depends on where you buy your property. If you plan on buying a decent place, you will have made profit once you have lived there for about 30 years. Point is, if you plan to live there, actually settle, then buy, if not, don't.

>> No.10855286
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>Trying this hard to defend your discord organized nigger spammer brethren

You're fucking pathetic. Get aids and die.

>> No.10855288
File: 298 KB, 1200x1410, 9db2efee-7e1d-4d85-9beb-d66cd9a845ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice ID, FAg.

>> No.10855297

>he is at it again
how fucking mad are you right now cuck boy

>> No.10855300

Better a fag than a 65 IQ subhuman.

>> No.10855303

based and redpilled
Y2Wa on suicide watch
>inb4 i'm a proxy

>> No.10855306

>didnt think of that

>> No.10855317

>posts nigger cuck shit on multiple boards every single day because he doesn't work or do anything and is a useless sack of shit
>calls others cuck

>> No.10855364
File: 90 KB, 720x700, 1519204640885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got anger issues, FAg.

>> No.10855373

>suggesting that your landlord's property taxes aren't rolled into your rent payment

>> No.10855377

If not b8, kys

>> No.10855387

I hope my white daughter grows up to fuck many jamals to increase the athletic ability, i want my grandson to play in the nba

>> No.10855391

You literally spend all day posting your subhuman cuck fantasy garbage and cherry picked images on this sites multiple boards. I'll take anger, faggotry, or literally anything over what you are. You're the lowest life form on planet earth. I'd save a fucking rat from drowning before pissing on your head to douse a flame.

Its true you retarded newfag. If you didn't get here post 2015 you'd know that.

>> No.10855401

Now that is just cute

>> No.10855426
File: 35 KB, 533x800, tumblr_mh2ljwHZsY1s1qnino1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think renting is so bad given how many hidden costs come with home ownership. plus homes need constant maintenance.

>> No.10855437
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>he hates nigger/whore threads so he has the itching need to click on one
>his curiosity quickly turns into an erection while he questions his own beliefs
>he looks for his 3incher between his fat rolls and start jacking it while furiously bumping the thread with his comments
>he continues bumping the nigger/whore thread each time jacking it faster at the imagine of the white whore taking nigger dick
>he finally cums and calls everyone a redditor while opening a reddit tab and closing the thread

>> No.10855454


the number doesnt matter, what matters is the comparison to buying

take 120k house for example. at 4% interest for 30 years you have 477$ monthly payment with 20k downpayment

if renting the same place is cheaper than 500/mo then its probably better to rent. In my area it would be about 1200$ to rent a 120k property. so for long term its clearly better for buying, but what if you only live there for 5 years?

5 years is 60 months
20k divided by 60 equals 333.33$ a month
477+333= about 800/mo
then we have sellers fees (~6% of property value) = 7200$
7200 divided by 60 months = 120$
800+120= $920/per month

there is also taxes and maintenance that i wont account for because I cannot quantify them accurately. other factors that could affect the bottom line would be changes in value of the house. if the market goes up 10% then you reap the benefits of the extra equity( or costs if it drops 10%)

so for 5 year stay its cheaper to buy in this scenario(not counting for market changes,maintenance, or tax). the less time you live there the more attractive renting becomes

>> No.10855455
File: 138 KB, 634x846, 47439CC900000578-5172721-image-a-36_1513115023383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your id is fag lmao

>> No.10855471

>projecting his subhuman cuckold fantasies on others
>reddit frog fag

what a surprise. Your little newfag greentext isn't funny or original either. Reddit cringe fag.

>> No.10855509

Did you catch your mommy taking nigger dick in all holes, faggot?

>> No.10855516



Renting is not as bad as some make believe. If you buy, buy something pretty new and with good materials so you don't have to change/renovate a lot within 15 years atleast. Else renting might be a better option IF you can save while renting and don't throw your saving money away with buy stupid shit like a nice car every 5 years or such.

>> No.10855519

youre the one calling others cuck,FAg. youre the one that took the time out of your day to bump this thread. you are the one that took an interest in this thread, clicked on it, probably even saved the picture, and now you wont acecpt the fact that youre the biggest faggot cuck in here. why do this to yourself? its not healthy.

>> No.10855533

You and your discord reddit buddies literally spend all day posting and defending this shit all over 4chan. Fucking kill yourself you spamming newfag.

>> No.10855542
File: 12 KB, 326x287, b92d6d587d9351e402ff34d1d8e0539e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAg please just leave. You've been utterly humiliated and you've contributed nothing to the discussion.

>> No.10855556

Humiliated by faggot subhumans who like to spam cuckold porn? I don't think so reddit fag.

>> No.10855587

>the discord and reddit excuse
when will you stop this, newfag ? the delusion in your comments is next level. WHY go to such lengths to hide that you're an actual cuck since you took the time of the day to bumb this cuck thread 12 fucking times by yourself. just stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.10855593
File: 516 KB, 500x500, Need bbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every post I don't like is a newfag redditor
>t. FAg

>> No.10855597

>there is near no property tax in like half the states
property tax is a local thing, usually 0.5%-2% of the assessed value every year. There isn't any land in the us that won't have property tax owed on it.

>> No.10855607

It is the truth you dumb fuck. Anyone who's been here over 5 years knows you little fags get together and organize these shit post parades of nigger shit. We've seen the proof multiple times over and you do it on EVERY FUCKING BOARD.

You little fucks have only been around a few years posting this disgusting shit but you no life fucking cuckold "anti racists" are so dedicated you do nothing but post this shit on every board, every single fucking day.

>> No.10855616

only if it's an investment that increases your bottom line like when relocating for higher pay

>> No.10855630

i'm more disgusted by you pathetic cuck groupies than anything else
obnoxiously sexualizing everything and shoving your fetishes down everyone's throat
your sexualization of everything gives off the same sort of cringeworthy, irritating vibes as sóyface
for real—take your ugly porn to one of the many landfill sites specifically made for your specific kind of degeneracy, full of other pathetic, snivelling rubbery cucks just like you; stop spilling your sewage across an anonymous imageboard for the discussion of business in search of your dead-end, hideous, low-test boyfriends, and go to one of them instead

>> No.10855656

Hahahahaha this is gold

>> No.10855674
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You sound upset.

>> No.10855737


pretty much the same interracial couples through time, though. as in, once she's been sullied nobody else wants to touch her and her value goes down drastically.

therefore the number of interracial relationships doesn't really increase.

>> No.10855750

>Annyone who's been here over 5 years knows
1)see thats your problem. you have not been here for 5 years, let alone a month. we already got that covered thought and proved it thought your cuck comments.
>ou little fags get together and organize these shit post parades of nigger shit
how fucking mad are you right now faggot? youre actually so deluded into thinking that EVERYONE that disagrees with your cuck whore mouth is a discord reddit fag ? for the love of shit how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.10855758

I wonder if he was prepared for any hostility when he decided to wear that armband in public

>> No.10855763

>if you don't like cuck spam you're a cuck

You people are so fucking deluded and pathetic. Literally below even vermin.

11 years fag. You didnt even understand my reference earlier. You're a fucking newfag.

>> No.10855803

Fuck Anon!
Can't you make a longer post!?
I barely started to beat my meat to your hanger, how 'm I supose to culminate!?
Please, do continue.
And may I ask you a favor?
Could you add some greentext?
I really would likz some geentext <3

>> No.10855812

holy shit
cucks utterly BTFO by FAg
imagine being so buttblasted you swarm a topic to try and fail to troll one lone anon

>> No.10855821

>i hate nigger/whore threads so much that i have the itching sensation to click on one while i beat the fuck out of my dick while typing how much i hate nigger/whore and constantly telling others that ive been here 11 years even though ive been here only for a couple of weeks WHILE calling them all redditors

>> No.10855840

>daring to go against cuck spammers means you're a cuck fetishist

Do you even read what you're typing? This is honestly if you don't like fags you're a fag tier but even worse.

You still didn't acknowledge the fact you had no clue what I referenced earlier, proving you're a newfag. Typical nigger subhuman deflection tactic.

>> No.10855851

delusional, a mortgage is basically renting but at least you don't have to bend over for your landlord if he says he wants to enter your property.
you have literally no sense of privacy as someone renting

>> No.10855913

but we both know that not what youre doing. if you where a sane non cuck nigger loving faggot that doesn't loves to see nigger dick twice a day or else you would go in into withdrawal you would have not bumped this thread, AT ALL.
in know for a fact youre a new fag since you got so fucking mad at the fact of a nigger kissing a whore, when this site is covered with it in every single board.
nice try though

>> No.10855959

I'm not bumping it, yet you are you dumb fag. I'm not defending it either, yet you are.

You aren't even complacent, you're actively defending the cuck spamming niggers. Why? Because you are one. Any idiot can tell all of you are apart of the same group.

You've been btfo this entire thread and you still don't get the reference and you keep ignoring it. I think saying you're two years old at this point would be too generous.

>this site is covered with it in every single board

That's what a newfag would say. You never once saw this shit around 2007 or 08, not that you'd know, but you and all your discord reddit buddied are seeing to it that you can't go anywhere to escape cuck shit.

Kill yourself painfully you newfag nigger rat.

>> No.10855980
File: 251 KB, 601x601, 1532924850597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you actually think that you're fooling anyone you're braindead

>tries to force a lifestyle of degeneracy on others on a SFW board for the discussion of business and finance
>everyone hates him because he's a prick
>he laughs about it and continues to force it
>not exaggeration to say that he evades ban after ban after ban after ban after ban after ban after ban after ban after ban after ban just to keep posting the same thing over and over again
you're an aggressive petty sociopath who needs to be straightened out
shit—there are people who like the exact same things that you like, who are able to contain their revolting shit to boards that are made specifically for their revolting shit
the fuck
do it

>> No.10855990

>I'm not bumping it, yet you are you dumb fag.
i stopped right there you deluded faggot. you cucks need to get your shit together or just kill yourselves. look for a therapist, maybe they can help you with your nigger cock problem that you have been having lately.

>> No.10855994

yes obviously

>> No.10856009

>doesn't know what sage is

Imagine being this much of a fucking newfag.

>> No.10856041

>sage is a magic word that automatically deletes the thread and doesn't bump it
>ignoring the thread and let it die absolutely doesn't work at all. i must take the higher ground and comment on how much i hate this thread

>> No.10856045
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>Any idiot can tell all of you are apart of the same group
>its a conspiracy

>> No.10856053

You literally don't know what sage does holy shit you fucking newfag kill yourself.

>> No.10856081

>he doesnt get the point
jesus christ now we have a fucking brain dead idiot here

>> No.10856096
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>> No.10856126

lmao the butthurt by skinny white teenagers in this thread is glorious.

well done OP

>> No.10856163

You don't get that sage doesn't bump the thread. Fucking newfag shoot yourself.

>> No.10856365

>one hour and 55 minutes ago
>OP part of obvious ONGOING trolling campaign designed to dilute the board's focus on business topics, opened the thread with a fucking one-liner comment (not out of simplicity, but out of laziness and ambiguity) and had NO intention of discussing what it was about
holy fuck mods, this thread demonstrates an abject failure of the current staff's ability to moderate based on the needs of the users of this board—and for that matter, ANY board that isn't /b/
the number of shit disturbers in this thread is just insane
the pic in >>10856096 raises the question of whether or not these constant threads may be the work of a group who is simply trying to draw interest to their (entirely /biz/-unrelated, mind you) discord server—and, given the sheer consistency of these threads, this raises the question of whether or not this is financially motivated, or a strange form of advertising
in any case, at the very least this is ALL a form of trolling outside of /b/, the quality of these posts tend to be extremely low, and the users are all very clearly evading bans

is there any way i can still apply to be a janitor? i would keep this place clean, i swear to christ

>> No.10856408

can you turn a blind eye to the nootropics threads if you do become a janitor?

>> No.10856459

Renting is dead money.

If you can buy it's better.

>> No.10856971

the bottom line is yes, i would allow such threads—and even argue for their existence
even with a dedicated /health/ board or whatever, it'd be of great convenience to /biz/ users whose only business on such a board would be to visit it to discuss nootropics to improve trading/business conduct

and at that, too, i'd do what i could to advocate for the creation of a board for the discussion of supplements, pharmaceuticals, aromatics (such as incense/essential oil diffusers)—but, again, would stand for the argument that having a nootropics thread on /biz/ is beneficial to both /biz/ users who only necessarily wish to discuss supplements/consumables to improve their business-related traits, and to potential /health/ users who don't necessarily want to have their board crowded with discussions on crypto/stocks/trading/other strictly business-related intricacies.

>> No.10857018
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>is renting ever a good idea

>> No.10857087

fucking based

>> No.10857094
File: 6 KB, 333x293, meldyva-1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there is also taxes and maintenance which i wont account for

>> No.10857528

there is a disease within you, and it is growing. there is nothing you can do. there are warlocks on /biz/.