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10855090 No.10855090 [Reply] [Original]

State why is undervalued. Go!

>> No.10855106
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Muh oracle

>> No.10855114

- >>10000000
- fast af
- Ethfinex/Bitfinex community vote
- based putin

>> No.10855138
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link cause it's not top 3

>> No.10855170

Block array
Do your own research

>> No.10855176


>> No.10855863

Valued 1,5M fully distributed
Receives 50% of profit of instant exchange Flyp.me
Could start to rival changelly and shapeshift. These have probably 5-10 billion in yearly volume.
Having a 0.5% margin on such an exchange could generate a profit of 50 million a year.
25 mil goes to token holders.
If tokens get valued at a P/E of 120 (like amazon thats a 3 billion Mcap.
Needs to become as succesful as shapeshift though.

>> No.10856186

Undervalued because Jap advisor dumped after not being granted information for insider trading. Also Andre "the Cuck" Cronje gave their repo a terribly uninformed review causing a further dump.

>> No.10856203
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i hurt myself today

>> No.10856216

This is a 1000x and you can't see it ?
Ok. I have 2 million UTN and the development is steady and good progress is made.

>> No.10856223
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Cafepress using blockchain to record transactions and orders. You host your designs, they print and ship it. If you can't see the value then you're literally hopeless.

>> No.10856284


>> No.10856297


people went "it's mooning, yay why?"
"it's trash", without thinking of the implications despite the context.

>> No.10856301


3 million marketcap is laughable

>> No.10856349

Absolute pajeet shit

>> No.10856386

RLX because it is a real estate development company supported by billion-dollar established businesses, yet its market cap is currently only around 3.5-4mil

>> No.10856423
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kopeika coin.
Will moon when Putin and his friends finally die!

>> No.10856438

"pay off all debt"... t. eternal burger

>> No.10856442

FTT - because its a new ICO for pharmaceuticals and the FMD (falsified medicine directive) is going to fuck over pharmaceutical supply chain in europe next feb. Imagine having massive organisations needing to use your product so you dont get fined.

Sometimes people don't look at the real world news - they just go crypto

>> No.10856732
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>> No.10856749

What a pathetic ladder, are Amerimutts that poor?

>> No.10856794

>not starting a business before starting a family or owning a house

>> No.10857135

agreed. 2billion mc at least can be expected

>> No.10857238
File: 86 KB, 606x518, 1524506354734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin Cash

>> No.10857627

Ada, all military graade coding. Will take blockchain to the next level. Is down 95% from ath.

>> No.10857760


>> No.10857787

Verity Token

oracle, working alpha, non-pajeet

>> No.10857810


real use case
real banks
real partnerships

and will really be used this year to settle international money transfers

fake lawsuits and ancient FUD keep pulling this bad boy down

>> No.10857926
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XVG is shit when there are much better privacy coins out there... XMR,ZEC,ZEN

>> No.10857951

just buy NEO

>> No.10857952

I'm not telling you which one because it's supposed to be undervalued until it's not.

>> No.10857967

Can this go back to ATH?

>> No.10858174


>> No.10858181

obsidian because of the upcoming odin fork desu

>> No.10858192

1. ETH
2. XLM

>> No.10858198


200k market cap

>> No.10858203

Unironically, definitively DERO.

>> No.10858213

All I know is Pundi will go insane brehs

It's all overvalued because meme magic money tho

>> No.10858220
File: 135 KB, 512x512, enjin-coin-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real item ownership in gaming is going to be the next big leap in crypto adoption.
Indie games are signing up all the time. The unity SDK is coming out in a week or so.
The best wallet on the market that will soon support trading on multiple decentralized exchanges.
Once the first few games come out and demonstrate the concept, bigger studios are going to sign on and send this shit to the stratosphere.

>> No.10858635


>> No.10858681

MCO, Cards will be there in 7-14 years. They bought crypto.com ffs! And the coin is not complete useless compared to Tenx paytoken

>> No.10858714
File: 199 KB, 769x886, lunch time soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano, and for a single, simple reason.
It's programmed by white americans.

But you, you may need more.
Nano is fast, it's free to transact, and all of it is in circulation.
It's been mooning, currently took a nice little dip to shake some hands, and now the chink boomer will be buying it en masse at lunch time.

>> No.10858782

already at the bottom

>> No.10859268

Dont cry when NPXS rips up 50%

>> No.10859278

Ast airswap. 17 mm market cap.

>> No.10859304

Selfkey [KEY]. Price - .01c Own your identity. Say no to identity theft and relying on centralized companies to store your sensitive information.

>> No.10859338

My fucking god. This board is going to be filled with so much poo when the bull run actually hits. I am unironically cringing just thinking about it

>> No.10859363

What does SelfKey do that Civic or TheKey can't offer?
Also have you seen the Selfkey team page? Holy shit what a MESS of Team NAMES
No FUD really, genuinely interested on the question.

>> No.10859386

Loopring Lrc

>> No.10859392

EOS is all of these things, plus it can do smart contracts, has a much bigger (and smarter) community, is more secure, is more scaleable (DAG sucks at scaling), has exponentially more money and big players invested in it, and hasn't been tainted by a scheming kike. The only reason anyone would buy Nano over EOS is low IQ fanboyism (i.e. redditers)

>> No.10859416

best crypto out there with best team.
about to literally take the fuck off and leave all the niggers and pajeets behind wishing their gay link and nano could take them where it is about to take me.
to fucking pluto

>> No.10859449

Different use case. My EOS account costs $5 and was difficult to setup. A NANO account is free and fiat conversion will be straight up in the app.

>> No.10859453

As a member of the millitary, "millitary grade" is a fucking meme. Although I'm hopeful for ADA

>> No.10859472

We're not using, we're investing.

>> No.10859478

I bought the low on this, still amazingly low if they can deliver. 4chan is alright, sometimes

>> No.10859489

I use what I buy. If it works well, I double down.

>> No.10859509
File: 16 KB, 212x320, 71JU-Yl+srL._AC_UL320_SR212,320_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#6 coin. #4 and #5 are shit.

>> No.10859510

>implying anyone actually uses Nano

>> No.10859534

I wish I could share my vision of the future with the unimaginative. It's so glorious as scarcity (all scarcity) is removed and all that remains is endless boundless potential unfurled forever.
It hinges only on AI continuing to advance. Everything else is meaningless in comparison.

>> No.10859556


11 mill market cap
Currently shit exchange
Closely tied to Binance and Neo
One of the founders of Neo leading project

>> No.10859557

Constellation (DAG) easy x2 at this point

>> No.10859558

NKN. Only on shit exchange with eth/usdt pairs. The VCs behind it and main devs that continuously update and meet roadmap deadlines. They have actually developed new tech to accomplish their goal, not just bullshit copy paste like you see everywhere in crypto, PoR, MOCA consensus. Building a 2nd layer on top of the current network seems like the obvious next step and they are building the that 2nd additional network and putting it in the hands of anyone and everyone. This is going to be top 20 in marketcap in a year.

>> No.10859583

Nano has no future. There are like 50 EOS-based shitcoins and more to come that do exactly what Nano does, except they benefit from a better coin distribution, the ability to interact with smart contracts (this is huge for gambling and retailers), and being attached to a larger ecosystem so that you don't have to fuck around with different wallets and nodes to support them all. I used to think like you until I realized all of this, and then I flipped my Nano for EOS and haven't looked back. Best decision I ever made.

>> No.10859604

I have both. Bought nano at $0.11 off bitgrail (withdrew) and bought eos at $0.81.
1k EOS = 21 BTC
133 NANO = 21 BTC
Might as well have both.

>> No.10859615

Those are fighting words bitch

>> No.10859863

What's the point of making money if you don't have something to IMMEDIATELY spend it on?

>> No.10859875

yes and well beyond

>> No.10859898
File: 155 KB, 1652x498, スクリーンショット 2018-08-28 11.07.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its coming