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10850015 No.10850015 [Reply] [Original]

Every day you encouter people. On your way to work, at work, in your free time etc

Seriously most people, even people that are really smart, are completely delusional. They have no sense of reality, know nothing about themselves, just like npcs.

It is really seldom that I meet a person whom I feel that there is something behind. It is like most people have a lower consciousness. Like lower animals. But how is that possible if many are also smarter than me?

>> No.10850037
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>> No.10850039

>how is that possible
it means you have an inflated sense of your intelligence

>> No.10850046

I think this every single day but I also think this >>10850037 every single day too.

>> No.10850058

>inflated sense of intelligence
>recognize that others are smarter than me


>> No.10850061

People tend to rationalise thier views actions in this world. Its the only way to deal with the absurdity that is. When you try to attack thier worldview they will get defensive if not almost violent depending on how far you push. There's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.10850064

Like I said there are people I can connect with, but they are rare.

>> No.10850071

>he goes to work
portray yourself as you like, but you're an NPC as well

>> No.10850098

few people have the personality, intelligence and self awareness to think like that. munroe projected his high iq onto the unwashed masses with that one.

>> No.10850109

I am objectively the only sentient being surrounded by simulated inferior NPCs. Try and prove me wrong, machine filth.

>> No.10850120

>I can't form a meaningful connection
>it's their fault!
>it's because they are so self-absorbed

I can form a connection with anyone. Sounds like you are just a total chump locked in his own brain-cage.

>> No.10850125

Normies are simple people. You're not completely wrong. I interact with people on a daily basis between work and school. There are definitely people out there who are more self aware, but the average person doesn't care about much. Normies don't care much about anything other than their daily work, going home to watch netflix, and getting drunk/high each weekend. That's all they aspire to do in life.

>> No.10850132

I can also form superficial connections with everyone. But the feeling that there is a real person with an own thinking is what creates a deep connection.

>> No.10850135

No, intelligence is complex and not necessarily concrete. This is why idiot savants exist and what diseases like Alzheimer’s turn geniuses into babbling idiots. The brain is one of the most truly complicated things in the known universe, we still have very little understanding over how it works and what we do know tells us that we are far from understanding the nature of our reality.

The simple acceptance that we don’t know very much about reality and existence and beginning to think from a universal perspective vs a human one will change the way you interact with everything around you, and will make you feel more intelligent than others. This is a specific type of intelligence. They may be better at math than you, or a musical instrument, or working vigorously towards a goal, etc., but live blissfully unaware of how relatively meaningless all of that actually is. This is an example of what anon might be referring to in terms of having a lower level of consciousness - simply living from a small minded view, looking out from your personal and subjective location instead of looking down at yourself from outside.

When I share my thoughts about the nature of existence with others, one of the most common reactions I get is fear. People are often afraid to believe that everything they’re doing is relatively meaningless. They ask questions like “well then why do anything at all?”. That’s missing the larger point, it shows a core lack of understanding that simply being is a gift, meaning is an illusion, and there’s no reason to be depressed or scared or whatever because those things are merely chemical reactions in your brain. It’s nature. Atoms and molecules firing electrical impulses between the gaps in the super computer which is your brain. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.10850151

being "smart" has nothing to do with consciousness, they are orthogonal concepts. you were less smart as a child, but no less conscious, probably more. if you make an AI "smarter", i.e. improving its problem solving, it is not one step closer to gaining consciousness.

>> No.10850161

I guarantee your on LSD

>> No.10850166

I can already tell that your first problem is listening comprehension.
I diagnose that you should have been beaten up in middleschool but it didn't happen. It's like you grew up with crooked bones and no one helped set them right. Sorry bud.

>> No.10850170

npc spotted

>> No.10850188

haha you go to work you fucking wageslave and you really have the audacity to judge other wageslaves- yall suck including you OP

>> No.10850197

>But how is that possible if many are also smarter than me?
Computers are smart but they aren't conscious.

>> No.10850298

I bet you're a q'anon poltard aren't you?

>> No.10850372


this is op.

>> No.10850377
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>"meaningful connections"
what a faggot

>> No.10850392

I don't think the problem is with peoples intelligence or self-awareness or whatever, but more so that it's just extremely difficult to form close and open bonds/friendships with people.

I've known some people for 15-20 years and while I know them quite well, there is still some layer to them that I don't fully know, like I can't entirely trust their judgement or action in certain extreme situations. Fortunately I do have a couple friends who I'd trust with anything, I view them as actual brothers more than just friends.

The same for girls, you can date a girl, fuck her a thousand times, talk for hours each day, and even after years still feel like you don't fully know her, or she'll reveal some behavior that you would have never expected (usually a negative behavior like disloyalty or unfaithfulness)

I've thought about this for awhile now, musing on it for a couple years now: How do you truly, deeply get to know and trust someone? I can't exactly figure it out. Being intimate (with a woman for example, regular sex) doesn't seem to be the key. Being open and honest (telling secrets or deep personal opinions) can help, but doesn't seem to be the end-all, so I'm not really sure, but I think this is the key to what you're talking about with peoples apparent hollowness.

>> No.10850419



>> No.10850434

"firing electrical impulses between the gaps in the super computer which is your brain. Nothing more, nothing less."

you have no authority. you sound like a retard

>> No.10850454

Maybe its just your autism preventing you from feeling and listening to other people.


>> No.10850478

Over thinking it there bro. It just comes to shared expwriences mostly. Positive and negative.

>> No.10850483

This is true but I find the argument „Then why do anything?“ to be true as well.

If you look at your needs/ambitions from the outside, you realize how pointless they are and you start feeling like achieving them is meaningless.

>> No.10850500
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The fact that most people aren't fucking girls like that and never will because they weren't born Chad/aren't rich Hollywood starts and don't kill themselves proves how delusional people are.

>> No.10850507

imagine having so little empathy you genuinely believe people of all races, genders, cultures and intelligence levels think the exact same way as your 110iq anglosaxon dunning-kruger white ass

>> No.10850562
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your just having an existential crisis op. its quiet common.

>> No.10850590

we need more dumb money coming in

>> No.10850919
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>> No.10850949

Check em

>> No.10850979

I think I love you
Exactly the same feels I have
I even exposed this to my gf but she can't understand
Around me I see mediocrity sometimes I feel like I'm very different and brought to have something different to experience (I'm not saying I'm the smartest,coolest,alphast guy in the world)

>> No.10850990

i can't truly imagine having low iq but it could be a lot simpler existence i guess. maybe you could tell us all about it?

>> No.10851012

>thinks he is smart

wew lad, 10/10. almost had me

>> No.10851022

ITT: butthurt NPCs

OP: most people don't seem "real" because they don't constantly wonder and question everything, like we do

>> No.10851090

Because most people you meet aren't your friends or seeking any sort of deep connection with you, only interacting with you to the extent that is needed while being more or less on auto pilot.

Then you, being an autist, do not realize that you are only observing their surface rather than the entirety of their being, leading you to conclude that they are as shallow as they appear.

>> No.10851160

sure, sharing experiences is good, but i have friends who i've grown up with, we've done crazy shit together, been in scary situations together, etc. and i do trust them to an extent, but from time to time they'll still do something unexpected, they'll zig when I thought they were going to zag. Then I wonder if I actually really know the person as well as I thought.

Obviously there's no absolute answer here, and the fault could be in me being weak in reading people for example (although I don't believe it to be the case -- it is possible)

That lack of absolute connection saddens me somehow, like I'll never know another person on this planet as well as I know myself.

>> No.10851324
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Hahaha jesus christ. See? I keep saying zoomers are a bunch of psuedo intellectuals and look what we have here. Hahaha oh my god where did you retards come from? These are the people giving you finnacial advice, ladies and gentlemen. I bet you smug motherfuckers thought your posts would be saved for future redpill threads. Congrats your posts DID get saved but for future CRINGE threads.

>I scare people with my KNAWLEDGE
>His post is literally "what's the point bro?"

>> No.10851362

Yeah man we're sooooo smart because we invest in internet funny money

>> No.10851367


Doubtful. You're probably some normie brainlet who thinks circlejerking about television and occasionally virtue signalling about some irrelevant crap nobody really believes in is a "connection". There is no connection, it's a meaninless concept, like most normie shit. We're just isolated atoms of conscious experience, nothing more.

>> No.10851393

>People tend to rationalise thier views actions in this world.

Of course they do; ask yourself, would you ever do anything if you knew it was the wrong or suboptimal choice? Probably not, you'll always do what's best for you or those you care about. So when you challenge someones views or actions you're basically telling them that they've been fucking up in life and making poor, suboptimal, incorrect choices and most people can't cope with that, most people can't just say "oh damn you're right, everything I've been doing is horribly wrong and I've made so many mistakes, thank you for pointing this out to me so I can get better!" instead they almost certainly take a defensive or aggressive stance, as if to say "who are you to question my path in life!?"

I was stuck on that for a bit but once I realized that we instinctively always do what we THINK is right for us and our loved ones it all makes sense.

>> No.10851407

aspie cope, no better than waggie cope

>> No.10851415

Smart =/= life experience
People who have lived life and experienced lots of things, feelings, situations have a greater sense of being. That tends to translate into that thing you’re talking about. When you meet someone like that, you can click.

The thing is, everyone experiences a lot of the same- death, heartbreak, school, working etc. But not all actually are introspective about it.

So it’s a combo of life experiences, introspection, intellect, that make people
more self aware. And even then, that’s all falling on some spectrum.

>> No.10851585

This board is actually tasteful

>> No.10851609

>instead they almost certainly take a defensive or aggressive stance, as if to say "who are you to question my path in life!?"

Pretty much anon. We've all received bad advice in some point of another. It's ok to admit you're wrong when someone smarter and with more experience than you tells you what mistakes you did in whatever subject you're striving to improve but it's also ok to deny any sort of advice from someone who is below you and doesn't know jack shit.

E.g An experience investor tells you what to invest in vs. some poor nigger that tells you what to do with your money OR A self made rich person giving you life advice vs. Some nigger who lives paycheck to paycheck giving you life advice

It seems shallow at first but it's really crucial to know where you're getting advice from. Hence the saying "your friends influence you."

The thing I have noticed is that close minded people do not really strive to improve because of part of what you and that anon said. It wouldn't surprise me that this is part of the reason why post modernism is popular nowadays. People don't want to know that they're shit because it's a blow to their self esteem. To cope they spout out that everything is "subjective". Are you a psychedelic user by any chance? You seem wise.

>> No.10851642

beep boop beep

>> No.10851656

a scientific materialist from 2009 appears

>> No.10851734

You can't. People aren't your friends - drugs are your friends

>> No.10851812

I don't think that's the case anon. I think everyone is like you describe in your post, even you, or me. Even the smartest people alive. We all sort of run on autopilot most of the day. When you go make your breakfast, you don't think about your existence. You likely don't think at all and sort of just make your breakfast and eat. Sure you might think what you want to eat, but we could argue that's just your brain determining what would be the best for it at that time.

I think even the normiest of normies occasionaly have moments of realisation, short moments in their life where they just for a little while realize how pointless all of this is, how existence is for nothing. But ultimately they stop thinking about it and return to their normal daily life. I think it's just the way we are wired. If all of us thought like that all the time, it wouldn't be long until everyone would commit suicide. It's just your brain limiting those thoughts to prevent you from killing yourself.

I think smarter people tend to have these thoughts more often, but everyone with at least average IQ occasionaly thinks about this stuff. And I get that it's easy to say that that one stupid normie at work who only ever talks about TV shows and appears dumb as a rock never could, but people generally don't think about stuff like this in front of other people, or when they are with friends. These are thoughts that you have only and only when you are alone, and even that dumb normie at your work likely thought about stuff like that in his life, even if briefly and only few times.

Ultimately all of us run on "autopilot" most of the day. Smarter people tend to break out of that autopilot more often while dumber people more rarely, the dumbest people likely never experience stuff like that. I also think that depressed or sad and introverted people are way more likely to think about stuff like this.

>> No.10851821

>psychedelic user
its always these druggies that think they know shit

>> No.10851856
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Even tho a shallow post ....its true.
Retired Chad here, now beta/normie tier

You guys sadly will never feel the glow in your body of being Chad. It's not the sex anons....its having the ability to turn heads of girls when you walk by and knowing itll happen before it does...
Nothing more fulfilling than that

>they think being a cs drone, or engineer beta with some money means making it

You do realize when you find out your used up Stacy was putting on an act of love the first few months while fucking Chad's while you were slaving away will make you feel like ending it right? And money isn't gonna help shit at that point itll be old news

>> No.10851861
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You know after hundreds of hours of thinking about everything I came to the conclusion that it doesn't matter. Although I have to say that making a good trade on BitMex makes me feel good so I'll just do that.

>> No.10851866

I used to think this was true, but try and redpill some people about what's going on in the worl and you'll see they are retarded worthless clueless pieces of shit. most people are fucking retarded and it's a fact.

>> No.10851896
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anybody know where the fucking ark of the covenant is? i've had that on my quest log for ages and want to get rid it.

>> No.10851914

go back to /r9k/ you underage faggots

>> No.10851920

Not really but most are afraid to do anything great and most people don’t think of doing shit like having a family and all of that in a serious way until their thirtiesZzz maybe.

>> No.10851966


Bruh look at this dude.

>> No.10852018

Redpilled, you are a LARP tho.

>> No.10852048

because getting your dick sucked by girls like OP is better than not

>> No.10852092


This is the death of god my friend. People are walking around soulless after being fed upon from, as alex jones calls them, psychic vampire pedophiles.

The schools, the work environment, the family. These people shove themselves into ill-fitting boxes because tv told them they should. If you present them with alternative realities, you are literally showing them a universe that they've tried hard to ignore.

Don't worry God is coming back with super ai. The individual is coming back with blockchain.

>> No.10852116

The problem with this guy is he hung out with such a huge idiot that he fooled himself into thinking he's waaaay smarter than he is

>> No.10852137

But what use is higher conscientiousness? I have come to believe most people have existential crises at some point in their life, myself included, but after a while you realize consciensenous is a burden and a curse (theologians have tackled this problem forever) , but in the meantime you still have to do the normal bullshittery of life to get by, still have to pay the bills, still getting old, still going to die...

I'm just waiting for death now, unfortunately I went over a certain precipice where I'm totally nihilistic and quite depressive actually. It wasn't worth it to ask and explore those big questions. I'd rather be living in blissful ignorance than being consciously aware of how fucked everything is, how much I have to climb out of the system to achieve 'freedom'.

>> No.10852196 [DELETED] 


The lower IQ's genuinely do think about inane things like gossip, drama, "does x like me". Utter nonsense.

But equally the high IQ neckbeard things about "Does god exist... what about this scientific theory". It's just as useless in day-to-day life.

I had this problem once, broke the ice with an 'intellectual' at work in regards to consciousness, now we have nothing to talk about and it's so awkward... it's like, wow yeah, so we see eye to eye on this subject, now what? Do we just rehash the same topic again?

Socializing is such bullshit.

>> No.10852248

the way i did it is by realizing that the time has to pass anyway. so once you have all these realizations understand that if you aren't going to suicide, the time will pass regardless of if you do anything or not. and i'd rather do something, invest, build, have fun, whatever - than be a depressive faggot. if you choose to live and are using your time to be a depressive you're literally retarded. accept and internalize your mortality and meaninglessness, and then while still knowing the same things, it's actually possible to live life positively while not being ignorant of the truth

>> No.10852258


I just told you there is going to be super ai and you talk about the inevitability of death. You think a super ai cares can't figure out death?

Come on man, there's more at stake here than you all know.

>> No.10852271

>These are thoughts that you have only and only when you are alone

Btw, socializing and seeking out other people, or even compromising your position just to be in the presence of others, is an ancient coping mechanism because loneliness is very real, and very dangerous. Loneliness opens to room to existential thought that you can't abate unless you drown it out with video games/movies/anime etc.

I truly believe even a lonely rodent has the capability of thinking... What the hell am I doing here. Have you heard about the necessity of keeping Hamsters / Mice in pairs of 2 when keeping them as pet. Yes they can get *lonely*. It's a concept that I bet you haven't contemplated very deeply.

>> No.10852341


>> No.10852358

Most people can become 8/10s with enough effort.

>> No.10852388

No I agree with you. I do my best to get by, but it's quite deceptive. I'm seen as as happy, cheerful, motivating... people want to be around me and enjoy what I have to say, being positive is the only logical conclusion all things considered.

But truthfully when I'm alone, I feel a deadness, no passion, no fire. Nothing. I don't feel intellectually remarkable, or again by logical conclusion, I should be rich, an academic or satiated enough to ignore my crisis until my end of days.

I am paralyzed by the infinite choices I could've made, instead I'm average in all things. As they say, Jack of all trades, master of none. And to excel in a capitalist system, it's better to master a trade.

>> No.10852423

Yes yes and then you have to pay rent and taxes and food for your children which shows you that this thinking is totally useful and appropriate.

>> No.10852468

The keys to happiness and truly the keys to Heaven's gates open for those who seek truth and knowledge. The gates open for those who can bear witness to horrors and harrowing, uncomfortable truths and come out on the other side stronger mentally and emotionally.
Ignorance is evil.

>> No.10852471

you're only halfway there. you still think you're special

>> No.10852519

>you still think you're special

Not really. Just odd. But is it wrong to aspire to be 'special'?

To become a 'specialist'. Which requires ambition, motivation and other keywords to achieve.

Unles you mean 'special snowflake'... which, no. If society was homogenous and 'boring', I'd fit right in.

>> No.10852535

Maybe you're too self absorbed to look from inside to the outside. Consciousness is one thing, but connectedness is what you might actually be missing. This is assuming you feel negative about what you decribed in OP in the first place. Reality has to be lived not understood, I prefer being present to being conscious. This takes certain kind of wisdom that again has to be lived not learned. That being said I feel you brother, we're social animals and if you can't engage in the same shit everyone's up to you tend to be lonely. Independence is solitude, when feeling good about it it's possible to connect with people on the level where your beings overlap without feeling like there's something fundamental missing. But it's a struggle. Truth sets you free and there's no going back

>> No.10852548

this is a very buddhist way of thinking imo, meditation can nurture this type of thinking if anyone is interested in learning more about this

for example you can separate things that just 'are' and things that are judgements you form in your mind, such as :

>It is raining outside today
>Damn, it's raining, I hate this weather

This is just an example but if you practice 'mindfulness' (seems to be a meme nowadays but cut through the bullshit) and you will get less triggered and think far more analytically and objectively.

>> No.10852626


no in the way that you pretend to accept the "reality" of purposelessness but also believe you must achieve something or be "special" to be fulfilled. this is causing your cognitive dissonance which is causing your suffering. you missed the most important part of your post. the "dead, passionless" empty vessel is you. not all the things you think you should be, or that others demand you be. and guess what, that's the "real" everyone else too. when the most successful man in the world is alone he feels the same, because that's the truth. but you're missing the truth. you're pontificating around the truth, because the truth is too uncomfortable. but if you can accept the truth, your problems of feeling like you're missing out or are special or even should be special, whatever that means, will be gone

>> No.10852643

if you work you should just give up life

>> No.10852716


Is religion a big fat cope then? It's one of the questions I can't figure out. By religion I mean spirituality, the source, duality etc.

>> No.10852759

This is me pretty often I think

>> No.10852769
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>> No.10852780

all religions are based around explaining the same uncomfortable truth and making it more palatable and comforting for believers. it's just that buddhists are the most straightforward about the truth and the others have more layers but it's all the same. that's why buddhism can be seen as a spiritual or even mental health protocol and not just a religion like whatever flavor you want to choose (christianity, islam, etc). this is because it's the actual truth, and the other religions are all based on the truth but have too many layers in the way to be as truly useful as just knowing the bare truth without dressing

>> No.10852874

You can't now the truth though. You live in the truth. There's certain things you can get rid of, but thinking you're going to be left with the truth is a new paradigm for your delusion, you may live with it comfortably like some people with other paradigms. But there is no absolute truth. Everything transform all the time and the most beautiful form of transformation is death, that's something to get comfortable with too. You speak wise words anyhow anon, delivering this straightforward to provoke convo and thoughts

>> No.10852880

Anon, you're likely to benefit from reading "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind" by Julian Jaynes. It's on gen.lib.rus.ec.

Consciousness is not intelligence, as you seem to know. People can make complex calculations without ever making a decision about how to do so. Consciousness is more about self-awareness, seeing yourself from the outside, as a piece on a chessboard or a mark on a map or a point in time. Animals live second to second with no awareness; prehistoric man did too. Literacy may have been what created the abstract sense of self. The book I mentioned goes into much more detail.

Oh, and since we're on /biz/, buy/sell a shitcoin because it's good/bad.

>> No.10852904

It’s quite strange, anon. It’s why I do not take academia and learning so seriously. I was friends with a genius and I inevitably lost interest because he was so far removed from life. And a lot of other Ivy League tier minds I’ve encountered were just highly functional workers. Useful in what they were interested in, but totally lacked critical thinking of the world around them — as if they had no spirit. I’ve received endless amounts of odd compliments suggesting that I’m a highly spiritual being. I never confirm it to such people, but it’s interesting to me how they can see the light but cannot channel it themselves. Thus in my eyes they are of a lower consciousness. It’s a neutral thing you must accept. If it makes you feel better my presence deeply startles such people, and easily irritates the miserable npcs.

Spirit is the difference between you being an NPC or not.

>> No.10852910

This is why most people view true enlightment as resulting in a catatonic state - why eat, drink, speak, move, etc.? Wither away and die, it makes no difference. While a lot of buddhism aligns with scientific theory of the universe, I think ultimately it's a near impossible pill to swallow and NOT doing so IMO is proof that you are a victim of destiny. You can't stop your brain.
I feel you, my wife often gets angry with me when I start talking through these things, though sometimes she's very accepting. I think it's difficult for most people to appreciate there is an equal amount of meaning in meaninglessness as anything else. I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "mediocrity" but I would encourage you to think outside of "good/better, bad/worse" ideologies. I don't think I'm any better or any worse than another human, and I'm certainly not responsible for my differences as I was born this way and am a product of my genetics and environment. Nothing more.
I'm 35 years old and I read scientific journals daily which is mainly what has led me to these beliefs. Sorry for your anger.

>> No.10852923

Is it just your punctuation or am I having an aneurysm?

>> No.10852967

>You can't now the truth though


the truth just is. doesn't matter if you know it/think about it or not. you're living it like you said regardless. but if you're suffering it is because you haven't accepted it and you continue to struggle against it

>> No.10852971

This pic is bluepilled and I cringe that I used to think otherwise. Do you really think most people are introspective?

>> No.10852990

I hate to be pretentious enough to think this

but as soon as someone starts singing >jew tunes around me

i honestly want to kill them

>> No.10852997

Read Evola if you haven't already done so.

>> No.10853014
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>Reading scientific journals makes me rlly smart
>Being 35 makes me rlly smart

Anyone can read scientific journals you fucking idiot!!! You really think that's an accomplishment? Wew lad go back to plebbit

>im 35 and i can read


>> No.10853032

When's the last time you felt alive? Or laughed out loud? Were you aware of your consciousness at that moment? Thinking and understanding are great tools for planning and preparing for the truth, but very clumsy pieces of shit for being in the moment. There are interesting and important things for constructing our hallucinations. But the reality and our lives must simply be lived.

>> No.10853080

personally I feel that I was far smarter but less conscious as a child. It wasn't until 23-24 that I really started feeling truly conscious.

>> No.10853089
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Sometimes I get depressed that even here on biz people are like unimaginative herd animals without personality. You guys love to shit on reddit, yet you guys usually are even more retarded. Still love you guys and all that.

>> No.10853098

perhaps we had a problem of communication which wouldn't be shocking given the format. this post shows me that we are saying the same thing. and you get it

>> No.10853119

But what is it that you accept? Isn't it a mental model of the made of concept of the truth? Or maybe you're talking about some more general practice of acceptance? Not defining the truth. But when we talk about the truth we're trying to communicate our hallucinations. The real uncomfortable truth may be there is no truth. We're all going to die

>> No.10853137

They're Trump supported...c'mon you have to be a complete idiot or have no empathy at all, but usually both. Btw, I'm not a Hillary or Bernie supported either but you are literally siding with a moron because of your inferior thinking capabilities

>> No.10853161

Big words like truth, but what does it even mean? I think it means different things to different people, ultimate truth is a hard concept. For example when you say that
> But when we talk about the truth we're trying to communicate our hallucinations.
Yet those are in a way truth because they exist, so they are true in a way.

>> No.10853164

Believing that everyone is secretly reading scientific journals is something only an insecure reddit user could believe.

It reminds me of when I was a left-wing teenager (it was a different time,) and I wanted to project my niche interests onto working class people, women, and minorities, basically because I felt like an underdog and hoped other underdogs were similar to me. It's juvenile.

>> No.10853176

We're on the same page anon! Felt good to share with you. Enjoy your day and don't give up on the road! Love you!

>> No.10853185

1) wtf I'm not american
2) did you answer to the right post, pal?

>> No.10853193

...Actually, now that I think about it, I hoped they were similar because I wanted them to take my side as much as I took theirs. That's the icing on the cake.

>> No.10853200

i mean more like what you said above. everything in this thread could be seen as getting distracted by the tool (intelligence, forethought), and not being able to enjoy life in the present, or truth (our empty, real self). like you said, when you're laughing, there is no you laughing and a you watching you laugh. there is one. just laughing. that's the truth but we get distracted by the tool and think it's real instead. no, the observer is merely a tool. there is no "you"

>> No.10853220

I agree. That's a good reminder anon. There's no truth, but all is truth. Form is content, content is form

>> No.10853228

i think he replied to the right post, it's just a redditors first day on chans
>reee they're all trump supporters

>> No.10853252

I agree brother! We're one. I'm going for a walk. I love you

>> No.10853261

love you too bro

>> No.10853284

Blow eachother

>> No.10853294

He's not a moron. It's genuinely possible that he is an NPC, though, meaning that he has diminished consciousness, but excellent instincts. A side effect of that is that he has no anxiety. Or empathy. Whether he's the automaton the US needs is another question; let's not get into that.

He reminds me of the descriptions of "bicameral" kings in the first part of "The Origin of Consciousness," the ones who DECLARED things, even in private letters to other kings, in a way that reflected no introspection whatsoever. Making references to their own thoughts and feelings, the personal tone, was a later development.

>> No.10853345
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That's interesting, because I've always viewed those that think of other people as "NPCs" or "zombies" as a step below in terms of realizing the world. Seems to be a really lazy way of dismissing others to further your self-absorbed "I am superior" theory.

People have different motives, different views of the world, different reasons for living. Claiming "They have no sense of reality" and dismissing their life as an "NPC" (which is a pathetic way of putting your own ego on a pedestal) is ignoring their reality and their life. It's lazy, self-absorbed, and in the end I think it puts YOU on a lower level of consciousness.

>> No.10853367

What the hell does this have to do with business

>> No.10853373

Did I say everyone is secretly reading scientific journals you nigger toucher? There is a difference between reading them and actually understanding them. You are a perfect example of the former. That anon didn't specify what studies he read. He only said "I read scientific studies." What fucking studies NIGGER? When I read that kind of shit I cringe so hard that my buttcheeks eat up my whole chair. Psuedo intellectuals are NOTORIOUS for saying stupid shit like "I study quantum mechanics and no one can understand me" or "Im sooo smart because I read x and x" but when one questions them they either go quiet or change the subject all together. As if reading scientific journals is an impression LOL

Anyways you're just as dumb as that anon for believing niggers care about muh working class

>> No.10853429

He's a moron because he LIES. His blind followers are guppies and ignore all facts once he proclaims "Fake news!" I understand what you mean when you say he has excellent instincts and he's also a great business man but that doesn't mean he should be a politician. Have you heard personal stories about Steve Jobs? He's the perfect example

>> No.10853470

low-IQ post

>> No.10853501

Sensitive one aren't you?

>> No.10853532

Sadly most of them are retarded tho, as the depth of those generic "insightful" musings attest.

>> No.10853551

I don't know when it happened, but at some point I started feeling much more comfortable around idiots. And I don't mean people pretending to be retarded, but actually simple people. With them I can chill and drop my guard, around smart people I constantly feel they're trying to manipulate me or others (I won't discount paranoia) and the moment someone falls from their graces I see them pouncing like hyenas. Tards are showing their sleeve constantly so to say, maybe too much but they just feel more genuine in their anger, their joy... around the smart I feel everybody is constantly posing and I feel forced to pose as well and I hate it.

>> No.10853589

Have you been thanked by some random from the crowd for defending their normie honour yet?
You're taking exception to someone considering themselves unusual, which is mob-think. I read in a magazine once that some people have attributes that they do not share with every other human being - I burnt the magazine immediately. I'm joking, of course. I have never read a magazine.

I'm pretty right wing, but I've lost most of my appetite for him. It's an ulcer-inducing shitstorm and I'm staying neutral, not reading the news, content that my old enemies are grinding their teeth at night. In the end I'm too selfish to be a political person.

I expect it's infuriating to oppose him. He's operating at a lower level of consciousness (as opposed to intelligence,) which means the status quo arguments all sound academic and bloodless by comparison.

This ties back to the old book I keep shilling, which talks about how old "bicameral" ideas have much more weight than the new ideas of the conscious mind. Something that comes to you in a dream is held to be much more important than the same though that you reasoned out consciously; consciousness is disrespected, considered thin stuff compared to the intuitions of ancient religion, prophecies, instinct, and in the case of Trump, the voice of the lowest common denominator.

>> No.10853680
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>> No.10853691

They think the same thing about you.

>> No.10853722

Been there. Came to the conclusion, realistically, that everything has a shelf life and with it, fleeting trust, bonds and relationships. You'll have peaks and valleys with every connection you make with something or someone. Even if you manage a mutual feeling with someone else, it's extremely unlikely that it's the same intensity- and if they intersect, they'll quickly change and become uneven with time. Think of the message of Billy Joel's "The Stranger".

It's a harsh and defeating reality for me to swallow. It causes a lot of turmoil. I imagine if you can find a way to really accept it, you'll be much better off.

>> No.10853731

You're of the rare breed of woke conservative

>> No.10853739

think you are "you" and an individual in a sea of consciousness is delusional.

>> No.10853744

You will always be locked in the cage you call your skull your whole life, anon.
I'm not trying to be gnostic or Alex Jones-y but life seems to be a term or sentence of some kind for all intelligences.
No matter how dumb or smart, I see plenty of conscious beings suffer in this life, with very few being rewarded as part of their existing. Animals especially, seem to want to live while having far less in terms of intelligence or comfort than us- they are conscious...but are they deluded in wanting to continue living despite suffering?
I wonder about these things often, but meh I have to literally go work at a factory in 30 minutes with my normie coworkers who are going to want to talk about football and celebrity thongs, so I guess I'm just a deluded goy for thinking about anything besides money (the small amount I am allowed to earn)

>> No.10853755

When you deal with strangers in public, you are often dealing with their masks.

It is all relative. They could be deep in thought yet conjure up some bs smalltalk. They could very well be stupid.

>> No.10853760

Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.10853776

That's pretty much me. I have social anxiety and am a very introverted person, so when I talk to people the best I can do is some smalltalk unless I talk to very close friends, which there is not many. I just can't open up to people unless I've known them for a while and trust them fully. So I probably appear pretty stupid/uninteresting to other people.

>> No.10853806

ill often times just spurt out some autistic shit like "hey what do you think happens when you die?" or "do you believe in aliens exist?". i used to talk politics with strangers, but nowadays thats asking to get shot in america.

>> No.10853830

This. Nothing matters, so I'll just gamble. Anyone bit some good shitcoins lately?

>> No.10853840
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>getting shot over your politics
>not being the one doing the shooting

Looks like you're on the wrong side, brother

>> No.10853873

well not really, id rather get shot than spend the rest of my years locked in a prison cell for shooting someone.

>> No.10853896

>I have social anxiety and am a very introverted person

allow yourself to ponder something for a moment. when did you begin to label yourself and attach to your anxiety and introversion as "who you are?" is it possible that if you stopped believing you are something, that you could drop the attachments and limiting beliefs that anxiety and introversion defines you completely? eventually you could be anything and nothing. introverted, extroverted, sometimes anxious, sometimes outgoing, but never so attached to any that you would define yourself, and therefore your potential life, by your labels

>> No.10853929

c'mon trudeau, dont you have better things to do than shitpost on /biz/?

>> No.10853949

i know that feel but i just don't have much in common with "idiots" other than working at the same place. i think it's mostly because many smart people grow up with more fake social graces that come with higher class society. i find a lot of people who went to university unpleasant to deal with because of the constant veneer of bullshit. agreeing with everyone else in their class of educated people because they're the "right opinions" without any discussion of actual base moral principles, ever. ask "but why?" and they look at you like you've said something offensive. at least with plebs i can talk about something more interesting than the latest cnn story about trump and have a real conversation instead of talking to a mask of what their peers want to hear

>> No.10853965

It's not something I just labeled myself. I had problems talking to people my whole life. I always assumed it was normal, but later in life I discovered that other people don't have such problems talking to others and that they don't feel massive anxiety even in normal, day-to-day scenarios. I'm pretty sure I'm introverted since I pretty much always enjoy spending time alone rather than being with other people or going to a party or something. I occasionaly hang out with close friends but those are people I've known for years and can open up to.

>> No.10853981

yep, the equality doctrine is fuckin evil man. It slowed me down so much when I expected other people to be like me

>> No.10853987
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It does astonish me the extent to which people can clearly be intelligent in a procedural fashion (eg, they can do advanced calculus, or learn multiple languages easily, or engineer aerospace components, or etc), but are completely clueless about basic facts of reality and will argue vociferously and incoherently if you try to show them the light (evolution is real, anthropogenic global warming is real, vaccines don't cause autism and even if they did they'd still be worth it, people's characters are firmly and predominantly rooted in genetics and biology, circumcision is institutionalized child sexual abuse, etc)

Actually on the rare occasions I try to have meaningful conversations with people I like to bring circumcision up immediately, as I've found a person's willingness to talk about something so a) socially taboo and b) obviously immoral is a great litmus test for whether there is any kind of reflective, individual thought going on behind the facade at all. I guess I risk coming off as an obsessed intactivist, but given the hard fact that we're torturing and permanently damaging the genitals of millions of babies every year, for no medically compelling reason, without so much as batting an eye about it, maybe it's fine to be called an intactivist. They're just NPCs who are doing the name-calling anyways.

>> No.10854033

>hows your summer going?
>wanna talk about circumcision?

>> No.10854065


You can only form that kind of connection with someone that has a strong character and integrity. Normies are typically too weak-willed in an ethical/moral sense for what you're looking for.

>> No.10854066

>vaccines don't cause autism

hahahahah, you are the problem mate. You are so far below real consciousness and real ability to debate or think logically

>> No.10854071

that is pretty much the perfect awareness test
normie NPCs will lash at you or stop talking to you if you try talking about any taboo social subject
intelligent people will try to at least understand your point and be able to talk about it with you

>> No.10854088

This makes perfect sense.

Society functions on a set of values that are accepted. Society only continues through time because the MAJORITY of people accept the values of that society. By accepting these values, they can live, work, raise a family, die, and everything in between.

You will never have a society of highly self aware people because as soon as that happens, the society will collapse - it probably all ready did before ever getting to that point.

Questioning values is good for society but question too many values too often leads to degradation and eventually collapse. Its like having too many creative people in a group. Groups stop function when there are more than 30% creatives in the group because they are questioning values too fast and not answering and replacing them.

>> No.10854102

Anon, I had like 10 different vaccines in my life. Just about every person in civilized world is vaccinated and with multiple vaccines. That's hundreds of millions of people. If vaccines caused autism, everyone would be autistic. But despite hundreds of millions of people being vaccinated, there is an extremely small amount of people with autism, and nearly all of them are already born with it. You should rethink your world view fren.

>> No.10854124

its just weird when there's a financial incentive for people to get sick. but ya they're probably safe

>> No.10854136

holy fuck you just described me to a T i can’t believe what i’m reading. it’s like you just picked my feelings right out of my brain. struggling for years now trying to find the way to fill this hole

>> No.10854140


Good point, but I think the current number of highly self aware people is far too little.

>> No.10854149

the amount of logical errors you made in a single post just confirms what I initially thought of you. What an absolute idiot you are.
Oh YOU had vaccines so it's safe because you are safe.
Oh "every" person had it and it was fine for them. Clearly you know this, intuitively I guess.
No if vaccines caused autism, not everyone would be autistic. Not everything is like a light switch, one day maybe you will understand more compelx realities than black and white.
Please dont mistake my response for a debate, I'm not gonna keep doing this

>> No.10854163

wow, says a lot about our society...

>> No.10854174

if you work for someone else, you are a slave
if you don't you are a free man

it's that simple

>> No.10854190

The autism rate is about 1 out of 100 people
over 90% of people in the civilized world are vaccinated
Even IF vaccines cause autism, which there is no proof, they only cause it in 1% of the population, and that's including people that were already born autistic
You are exactly the type of NPC brainlet this thread is talking about fren, limited world view and refuses to listen or change opinions

>> No.10854197

if we were operating off that rule then we wouldn't have vaccines at all because it's more profitable to treat a sick person than to prevent their sickness.

>> No.10854200


>> No.10854218

nope, you are. Holy shit, 1% chance to be a vegetable for life and you think any sensible parent would do it?
what kind of lowlife worthless teenager are you? Clearly you cant be an adult with such a lack of self reflection

>> No.10854232

Maybe they are not smarter than you Anon. But i hear what you're saying. It's like how many people believe the holocaust actually happened when 6 million is an impossible number. People believe Oswald killed Kennedy amd acted alone, another impossibility if you know anything about guns. People believe muslims did 911 when all the evidence (((they))) have kept out of the (((news))) points to israel. I think people are dumb by choice. In the information age being stupid is a choice.

>> No.10854271

Autism doesn't make you a vegetable fren, it actually makes you way more intelligent than majority of the population, it just makes you a wreck in social situations and with some tasks

I get it you don't know how vaccines work because you would never think they cause autism. A vaccine is literally a weakened version of the disease you are getting vaccinated against. If you are getting a polio vaccine, they inject you with weakened polio that cannot harm you, but it's enough for your immune system to pick it up, learn it and next time you get the polio virus, your immune system knows what it is and gets rid of it. That's literally all vaccines are. They literally CANNOT cause autism.

>> No.10854303

I agree circumcision is really fucking strange, imagine if we cut off the right ear of every baby at birth without anaesthesia, and acted like that was totally normal. Like nobody ever talked about it and if you tried to bring it up, "hey why are we cutting off baby ears" everyone in the room just gets uncomfortably quiet and stares you down until you change the subject

Except it's even worse than that hypothetical because you can still hear without ears, and getting a prosthetic ear is pretty easy since the only point of ears is to funnel sound. But the entire point of the foreskin is to feel pleasure, so you can't exactly get a prosthesis for that.

Like if you're an adult and want to cut your own foreskin or ears off, more power to you. Weirdly enough not many uncircumcised guys get circumcised as adults since they don't see it as a great value proposition. Why the fuck do we do it to babies when most of them wouldn't even do it to themselves if they had the choice as grownups.

>> No.10854322

as suspected, you dont even know what you are talking about. You dont even know that there are different levels of autism. I mean what the fuck are you doing, trying to debate me?
You are so obviously and openly doing the exact thing that OP is talking about. Just another NPC talking out of his ass, posing, being a fuckwad.
Now you give me some reddit-tier explanation about how vaccines work? This is like a parody of idiocy right here. Just stop man, why cant you take 5min and google some hard cases of autism and then come back and apologize to me and the rest of the people here who actually took you seriously?

>> No.10854335

This is most peoples reality. We are fukt

>> No.10854339

honestly yes, if you are intelligent and intellectually curious then you wouldn't be turned off by non sequiturs like that. A reflective person would be intrigued by the change of topic and the controversy and would want to engage so they could learn something.

The only people who would be offended or upset by a pivot from small talk to deep talk like that are the fucking NPCs. So it's a great litmus test.

>> No.10854362

The only thing that truly matters is that women have an anus which is waiting to be licked. That's pretty much the only thing that I look forward to.

>> No.10854372

I base my opinions on experience. I was vaccinated, don't have autism. All my friends are vaccinated, they don't have autism either. All of my family were vaccinated and surprise, they don't have autism. You base your opinion out of your ass, since I doubt you know a single person that got autism after they got vaccinated. You are quite the definition of an NPC fren, if you are not trolling of course as I doubt somebody smart enough to be on 4chan could be so dumb at the same time.

>> No.10854379

Based and redpilled.

>> No.10854395

only someone hopelessly ignorant believes this.

>> No.10854439


>> No.10854446

I think it's just because it takes serious cognitive effort to even attempt to deal with all the variables and nuances of objective reality. There's little reward for doing so, and you have to fight your own nature (positive personal bias, psychological self-defense, wishful thinking). So the average and below people stand no chance to begin with, and smart people (who still have to deal with their own psychology) will still find it difficult.

It takes a special kind of smart, principled and masochistic person to pursue standards of logical and empirical consistency which 1) They can only strive for, not achieve 100% 2) will alienate them from most others 3) most others are incapable of understanding in the first place 4) will likely impede their own material success.

Most people who are capable will take the path of least resistance, assuming it ever even comes to a conscious decision.

>> No.10854472

>I base my opinions on experience. I was vaccinated, don't have autism. All my friends are vaccinated, they don't have autism either. All of my family were vaccinated and surprise, they don't have autism.

This has to be a parody now. So your immediate surroundings are enough to make you confident of objective worldwide truth. You are the definition of an animal, something that just experiences its immediate surroundings and nothing else - unable to comprehend that there might be a bigger truth out there that doesnt affect it. Like a dog you think the world is okay because you got a meal today. Amazing display of a typical peasant mentality.

> somebody smart enough to be on 4chan


>> No.10854555

completely missed his point, brainlet

>> No.10854569

It is high compared to the past but yes, its little. And you can see the affect of these people on society as more and more people become disillusioned

>> No.10854576

I mean you are basically just repeating what you said for the past 3 posts. I experienced nothing that would suggest vaccines cause autism. Everything seems to suggest contrary to that. I'm not sure how else are you supposed to make your opinion of the world if not by observation. I don't know fren, maybe you are some superhuman being capable of knowing the truth no matter what, but I doubt it. Just looking at statistics I can see with 100% confidence that a) vaccines do not cause autism
b) if they do somehow cause autism, which I saw no evidence of, they only cause it in less than 1% of the population
c) I was vaccinated and do not have autism
you seem to just repeat how everyone else is a sheep and an idiot for not sharing your world view, but at the same time all statistics and evidence goes against you

>> No.10854603

>I can see with 100% confidence

oh man, this is too much for me

>> No.10854621

Very true. Truthfinding usually directly conflicts with personal utility. Rationalizing your actions as good, enmeshing yourself inside a tribe/support network that echoes your feelings back at you for validation, and surrounding yourself with distractions is 100% more conducive to personal survival and obtaining a material advantage over others, vs. truthfinding and self-analysis. Unvarnished reality is a terrifying place to reside.

Honestly looking at nature/reality through a completely objective lens is not too dissimilar from encountering a shoggoth or other abomination from the cthulhu mythos. Completely alien, incomprehensible, inhospitable, and utterly indifferent to your individual concerns. We live on a torture chamber planet hurtling through a cold, abyssal void, with no evident maker or intention residing behind any of this mess. The misery of living creatures is an emergent, unguided process build upon totally indifferent principles of physics and chemistry playing out in an unsupervised sandbox universe.

>> No.10854648

Your strategy to invalidating my opinion is sort of just attacking me and repeating that over and over while showing no proof. Althrough at this point I'm convinced you're actually a troll and do not wish to waste my time with this conversation as I have to catch another episode of kardashians and drink a beer. Night fren.

>> No.10854651

Dude, just stop posting. You're just digging your hole deeper.

>> No.10854654

rationality is cold as fuck

>> No.10854680
File: 199 KB, 1640x1025, __patchouli_knowledge_and_remilia_scarlet_touhou_drawn_by_terimayo__56cf58807f87f766496dd2a934c9f60b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice thread OP, even if I don't really like the pic.

I used to argue about stuff more before, but I don't truly know anymore what is right and what is wrong. Even seemingly good things can bring more suffering in the long run, for example, providing food for starving people can provide short them relief but then cause the people to multiply and hence increasing the suffering even more. If you think about the bigger picture, how can you even begin to realize how a thing could be good or bad?

Like they say that war is bad, but without that war, there could be even more bloodier one coming later, or people would suffer more in the long run because of bad conditions that the war is trying to fix. For example, would it be good to liberate North Korean death camp inmates before they have nukes, it becomes undoable, and they have to suffer 100 years more in quiet, or would that cause some instability that would lead to ww3? Or maybe it would be good to have ww3 now before weapons become even more deadlier if it is inevitable.

No one wants to suffer today for tomorrows children tho. That's why we are trash and don't deserve good things.

>> No.10854756


Self awareness leads to ruin>>10852271

Syrian hamsters kill each other in pairs

>> No.10854763

It's like 1984 has come all real like, and King George is coming for our guns and corn liquor. My grampappy had polio, he didn't need no fancy autism!

Autism is a catch-all term for a group of related neurological traits. There would be a "Truculent Prole" syndrome too, and there practically was in the 1890s when criminality was considered a mental disorder, but for now city slickers with notepads are smiling on you with benevolent welfare bucks.

If Truculent Prole syndrome were discovered in 2010, there would be a very rapid year-on-year increase of "TP" cases from 2010 to 2018 - surely an epidemic, get the shotguns! Increased diagnosis? No, it's them city slickers with their dee-grees their vaxxamazeens.

>> No.10854796

One: the full intelligence/depth of a person does not necessarily come across in casual encounters. People will often seem a lot dumber and simpler than they are. Think about how autistic and retarded so many smart people can seem on the outside, especially in casual encounters.

Two: Many, many people are hiding their power levels intentionally.

Three: your "depth" and intelligence and perception that you prize so much may be uncommon, but it is NOT rare. There are tens of millions of people just like you, and millions more to whom YOU are the braindead normie. You are not special.

>> No.10854799

...Let me put it this way, you contemptible toe-rag:
The quacks in modern neurology couldn't engineer a single autistic trait if they spent their lives working on it. They have no fucking idea how the brain works.

>> No.10854811

right and I have tried to grapple with this my entire life and unfortunately for me I refused to accept it. Life works according to a certain set of rules, you might be dead tomorrow, everything you do might be entirely and completely pointless, my consistent backpain might never ever go away and continue to get much worse as I get older.. and yet I must accept it, work and deal with it. It's a form of slavery to be frank. I feel like a slave. I see how the world works and how I must act to get success but I feel like a train on rails. Yet it's the only way.
With these circumstances, who can blame me for shutting my brain down into a low-energy mode? I've been running in debug mode for all my life, figuring things out, being logical etc.

>> No.10854833

>uses racial slurrs
>simplifies a complex human
>says closed minded people are other people


>> No.10854866

This NPC psy op is being pushed hard lately. People are just severely brainwashed from movies and government propaganda on top on constant chemical attacks on all food and water. These are the effects.

>> No.10854890

Delete this thread and start as planned Elliott.

>> No.10854897
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You know plebbits favourite cartoon, rick and morty? I'ts main theme is about how your life is meaningless because in that universe there are endless copies of you, endless civilizations, etc, so you are small.

But that is only a matter of perspective, they look outside but they don't look inside. The outside only matters because of the inside, the inside looks outside, sees all those wonders and thinks that it should be miserable because there is so much outside. That is insane. Everyone has a small world in themselves, something that only they truly have, and they can make them as they see fit. People really have forgotten to look inside and they only look outside for validation to their life. The characters in that show struggle with this, and many of the watchers feel those things too, but when you realize what it is about, the theme about that you should feel insignificant because universe is large feels just weird, you are always important inside.

>> No.10854947

>one npc keeps repeating the same thing in every post
>a second npc just attacks the poster without addressing any of the arguments and making fun for trying to debate

You two are a perfect example of two NPCs having a fight

>> No.10854971

> NPC responds with no arguments, rattling off his NPC response that nobody has arguments

>> No.10854990

>implying the use of racial slurs on 4chan indicates actual prejudice

>> No.10854997

> NPC responds with no arguments, rattling off his NPC response that nobody has arguments

>> No.10855004


thats LITERALLY the low end of consciousness. are you white? cuz white people have the lowest knowledge of the higher conciousnesses.

>thinks being passionate is 'high conciousness'

lol, literally only the third level.

1.inertia (neet)
2.base gratification, i.e. sex, food, drugs (chads)
3.passion and purpose - career and a calling


4.love and compassion - having a deep connection to life - having a loving connection between the different elements of ones psychology
5.truth - this is where you start to search for truth in earnest. meaning it is the number one thing - not a side thing. and achievement is experiencing consciousness from this perspective
6.awareness (third eye) - power to see through your psychology and figure what is real and what is a illusion
7.nirvana - achievement of the totality of the psyche - Self with a capital S. Becoming aware from the perspective of the ENTIRE ORGANISM

THOUGH - all levels are simultaneously present in the present. the only difference is which is the dominate mode with which you orient yourself in relation to reality

ITT bunch of racists thinking they are enlightened LOL

>> No.10855045
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>Me busy. Leave me alone!!
>No time for play.
>Me not that kind of orc!

>> No.10855088


>> No.10855102


the present situation of people is like a flashlight looking for the light

>> No.10855113

Please tell me more about the first inertia level, I think maybe my friend might be there, lol.

>> No.10855179


A random dindunofing can prove you wrong via putting a bullet your head

>> No.10855244

Yes and no, it's just everyone has a completely subjective experience from their life so the things they think about are gonna be completely different. There are more perspectives than you can possibly imagine. There are going to be lots of things that other people will think you're a retard about because you don't think about them.

But overall I actually agree with you, almost everyone I meet has really stupid beliefs and waste lots of money buying into products that are complete rip offs and overall seem like they're actually brainwashed or something. I can show them critical points of whatever they're talking about and they have no way to refute it but they still don't change their belief and don't change anything. 99% of people you meet are going to be completeley stupid in one way or another but you just need to accept it.

>> No.10855263

Interesting point anon

>> No.10855314
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>well then why do anything at all?”

Why does the bee pollinates flowers? Because it must by its design.
So do the people. Essentially we don't have much of choice governing our desires

>> No.10855350

Stupid point
An hero

>> No.10855371

We can choose to fight evolution and turn everything upside down. Monks and spiritual people have done this. You could say that they break the laws of this word. There is always a choice, but it is not an easy one.

>> No.10855385

>How do you truly, deeply get to know and trust someone?

Can you fully trust even youself? If no, how you dare to ask that from other people?

>> No.10855386

I don't get what you mean.

>> No.10855403


It was an interesting point. I enjoyed it. This anon is just a faggot. Don't worry.

>> No.10855413

>It is really seldom that I meet a person whom I feel that there is something behind. It is like most people have a lower consciousness. Like lower animals. But how is that possible if many are also smarter than me?
most people present a generic, politically-correct version of themselves to fit in.
basically, you're shit at conversation and can't get people to open up.

>> No.10855438

ill give u that

>> No.10855459
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Thanks kind anon, it makes me happy that someone has enjoyed reading it!

>> No.10855458

think of it like a flashlight.

the first level.

the flashlight doesnt work. its 'light' (conciousness) doesnt light any object (desire). So it remains in a state of darkness.

>> No.10855461

Most people dont think like that btw
Most people dont think at all

>> No.10855502

>I'm 35 years old and I read scientific journals daily

>> No.10855539

the thing that people dont get is that the only thing that matters in this universe is love

if you dont love then youre dead, simple. if you have some sort of shit job, shit bitch, shit friends, and shit beer on shit weekends, and have no passion, than you're pretty much not a man

you need a calling, a mission, a destination

I know its very hard to accept this but its the truth

it doesnt have to be anything spectacular. one can love videogames, or you can love soccer, or you can love bitches

the thing is if you love something than your life will revolve around it. if you love videogames, it doesnt matter if you have a shitjob for shitpay, because the WILL will eventually put you in an environment where you will experience your passion, for example vidya development

it can be anything really

>> No.10855579

OP here.

See this is what I mean.

All these comments, and a few of them I would consider to have the consciousness that would make me feel connected to them. And many others who think they have that consciousness, but they lack the consciousness to see that they lack the consciousness kek

They talk about all kind of things, try to connect dots but they just cant seem to be able to see the core of everything.

>> No.10855650
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Then surely this all mighty OP will cure our ignorance and bring this core to the light in front us unworthy animals, right?

>> No.10855749
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This. Although he does have a point where you can sense some are on auto pilot and others have the spark in their eye.
After a while you just begin to sense this energy in people.

>> No.10855759
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I can't wait to shitpost from my bedroom this holiday season in between working from home.

>> No.10855789

the only redpilled guy ITT

>> No.10855806


Do you have a choice of getting the same pleasure you have when you fuck a gorgeous chick out of... for example mowing a lawn? No. Yes, sometimes you can cheat your BIOS, but usually within really limited boundaries.

>> No.10855836

fun fact, did you faggots know that the Q in LGBTQ stands for questioning?

its ok, anon. everything will be alright I promise

>> No.10855886
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KEK do you suck your own dick too?

>> No.10855888

Eh, not everyone values pleasure so highly. You are speaking of a world view where pleasure is a most important thing (hedonist, kek)

>> No.10855910

not sure if this has been posted in this thread but this is a related video you might find interesting: (i'm up to 45 minutes) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgnMyF-o0sQ

>> No.10855927

your brain values dopamine and pair bonding chemicals whether you like it or not. meditation and ideology doesn't change your brain or the amount of uptake/receptors for said chemicals (as far as i know)

>> No.10855931


This. You can't choose what you like, what motivates you, what you find pleasurable, your personality, your IQ, your height.....

It's really all just random luck of the draw.

That's the real redpill.

>> No.10855935


I am talking about the full control of your proclivities, sources of motivation, positive and negative reinforcement. The ability to fully reshape your personality by your own choice.

>> No.10855945

no the real redpill is that you can choose everything

fucking brainlet kek

>> No.10855971

Yea, that's why its hard, but not impossible. People can attain different kind of consciousness that is not so much concerned of such things.

>It's really all just random luck of the draw.
Yet in existence literally nothing is random and everything has a reason, kek.

>> No.10856058
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I like it how he is saying that some people don't have consciousness like some uncontacted tribes for example. In a roundabout way that is almost literally calling some niggers as animals, lol. Makes you wonder that the truth does not matter, but how you present it.

>> No.10856143

Actually yes, one can learn to appreciate even something as simple as drawing a breath if practiced correctly. To think that the pleasures of the flesh can out-weigh the pleasures of the soul is literally nigger-tier incel bullshit. With practice, one can attain mastery over the mind however they desire.

>> No.10856164

Spotted the nigger

>> No.10856283

now THIS is delusion.

>> No.10856292

>the pleasures of the flesh can out-weigh the pleasures of the soul
>mastery over the mind

such a teenage bullshit. You are an animal cursed with some abstract thinking in order to make you more adaptable and breed better. The fact that you can apply this tool to yourself does not changes the fact that you have little or no power on your desires and attractions

>> No.10856296

Bump. "Are people NPCs?" generates more butthurt and damage control from sheeple normie cucks than even Flat Earth exposed threads. Pretty lol.

>> No.10856390

I think your thoughts flew over a lot of anon's heads in this thread, but you are right. Being fundamentally separate and never experiencing true closeness with others is one of the harshest realities of the human condition.

Still, we form bonds and share fleeting moments of warmth.
To live is to struggle, even if in vain.

>> No.10856602


>> No.10856640


>> No.10857616

Yes there is quite literally a universe inside us, an infinity... I cannot describe it in words the sheer extent of our thought.

For example, conceptualize the universe, the stars, the galaxies, from one end of the milky way to another... now visualize the bustling streets of Ancient Rome surrounded by filth and wonder... now visualize the infinitesimal duality of atoms in a grain of dust, interacting between positive and negative charges.

Practically anyone reading this can traverse 3 grandiose conceptual events, in the space of what
- a minute? Even a low IQ person can do this, they simply may not have the verbal comprehension to entirely describe the universe unravel in their mind.

>> No.10857652

>ITT bunch of racists thinking they are enlightened LOL

Stop projecting. Noone has claimed enlightment here, we are all at different stages of the journey.

>> No.10857848
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Thats a fun thought experiment, but personally I don't really like to think about that much about physical things. Milky way, atoms... They are just stuff.

The realization of the inner world goes beyond any "stuff". For the external to have ANY value, there have to be the internal. In a sense, even the value of the greatest painting is only in the eye of the beholder, its beauty can only be appreciated if the beholder has a beauty in itself.

It my theory that the physical is shaped by a form of concepts similar to that of a mind, not the other way around. First there is a concept, the physical takes its form, hence the "stuff" in a sense is inferior, merely a representation of an idea.

I see it in a sense that it does not so much matter of what physical components an eye is made of, it is a mere representation of the archetype or idea, and it could be made in many ways. In the end it gives you the ability to see, to reduce an eye to its bare physical components and just call it that is injustice, the experience of seeing that it enables is not found in its physical components.

>> No.10858421

What the fuck does this thread have to do with LINK

>> No.10858489

Beep boop he is catching on brothers.

>> No.10858522


>> No.10858849

Most pathetic post I’ve seen in a very long time

>> No.10859639
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I just made this because of this thread anons.

>> No.10859732

quiet common.
I see what you did there.


>> No.10859772

this is known as super-edgey-conciousness

>> No.10859809
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close... but not quite

being a programmer isn't shit.
it's the easiest way to control anything,
unless you mean being a programmer of the populations.
which again, isn't difficult if you've got the resources.

nothing in life is shit. everything is just concentrations of time, focus & position

nothing is actually that impressive

>> No.10859832

>He hasn't figured it out yet

>> No.10860018
File: 104 KB, 900x850, 3ED7237E-3937-426F-BE23-C00F075D63A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomer pajeets getting into existentialism: the thread
If you act superior, you become superior than any of the NPCs. Any notion of defending some form of intellectual egalitarianism falls flat on the ground. Why? Because we were never made equal to begin with. And Im not talking about this New Age memetics common among zoomer-folk— superiority comes from
Power. And power is gained from
Heck i understand now why you guys are degenerate pump chasing fags. Really.

>> No.10860038
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Fixed it properly.