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10851834 No.10851834 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw "made it" so now I have money to fuck escorts every week
>tfw no point because I cum too fast
>tfw tried every meme advice including no fap, edging, kegels, reverse kegels, breathing techniques, fap before visiting escorts (do dumb), "do not matter about that cumming fast is masculine who cares about her lolol" and other copes

My only hope is the priligy pills. If that doesn't work it's over. I tried cialis and just gives me an headache.

>> No.10851919

>fap before visiting escorts
you need to visit escorts before you visit escorts

>> No.10851936

>cumming fast is masculine
I have never heard of this one before

>> No.10851960

Well you have now. Some fucktard was like "that's very healthy" and shit lmao.

>> No.10851961

Because you don't waste time pleasing women. You get what you want and that's it

>> No.10851972

lmao the coper is here

>> No.10851989

I don't fuck escorts, but I have the same problem. Last night I was fucking a Tinder girl and whenever I would go "hard" I could go for about 30 seconds before I felt like I was going to cum and I needed to switch positions or have her suck me off.

The best advice I've heard is "think about something that turns you off," like dead puppies or something. That only works sometimes though.

>> No.10852001

This is a zoomer problem

>> No.10852021

>be me in my 20s
>be a porn addict have grip of death
>can barely cum when having actual sex
>have to finish myself off or fake orgasms
>girls love it ("ohmagerd such stamina, much wow")
>be me in my 30s
>fall for the noporn nofap meme
>now literally cant last longer than 30 seconds
>instacum as soon as I put dick in pussy

>> No.10852032
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Take more, and like 1 day before you even need it. It works for a long time, it's surprising, and sometimes takes a longer time to take effect.

What is the evolutionary purpose of lasting long? Well okay, maybe bonding with your mate, but you need only the sperm to make children. You can last long when your penis is less sensitive, like drunk, is having a less sensitive penis manly?

>> No.10852043

I wish I had this problem. I unironically have delayed ejaculation. It sucks because it leaves me sexually frustrated in the long run and since my penis is bigger than average the girls get tired after pumping for hours and hours. At times I have broken their self esteem because they think they're not attractive, even if they're a bimbo. Consider cumming too fast a blessing.

>> No.10852060

Take opiates prior to sex.

>> No.10852091

huh I did the whole nofap shenanigans for 3 months and I still didn't recover despite the fact that i turned into an animal during sex

im fucked

>> No.10852104
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Do you even read? I already said I tried it, it gave me a fucking headache and my neck muscles were sore. I did notice easier erections tho, but it doesn't change how long you last, the urge to cum comes as quick.

Oh and I had to take as low as 1.25mg to not notice annoying side effects. The 5mg pill fucks my head up too much (max being 20mg so there)


>What is the evolutionary purpose of lasting long? Well okay, maybe bonding with your mate, but you need only the sperm to make children. You can last long when your penis is less sensitive, like drunk, is having a less sensitive penis manly?

The feel of making a girl tap out and give her eye drooling orgasms is actually masculine, not premature ejaculating like a virgin.

Chad is used to fucking 9/10's since high school he doesn't need to get drunk.

The problem is we subhumans aka sub8's don't get to experience at the fullest, so once we make money and can cope with escorts, you go with this 7/10 girl and you cum fast as fuck because you didn't grew up fucking hotties on the regular, which means i need DRUGS to mutate my brain to last longer.

>> No.10852111

this is pretty normal dude
everyone brags about lasting for hours, but controlled studies show the vast majority of people last between 4 and 7 minutes during actual intercourse

>> No.10852118

Numbing cream with viagra

>> No.10852125

not cumming is worse than cumming too fast
>escort sucking me off
>nut in her mouth in about 10 minutes
>she keeps sucking because I still have almost an hour with her
>can't cum at all and can't fuck her because dick is only semi hard the whole time
>send her off after 20 minutes

>> No.10852135

>>tfw no point because I cum too fast
learn to keep going. you should be able to cum at least a few times that night
>I tried cialis and just gives me an headache.
cialis isn't for cumming too fast. also you don't need 20mg just take 5 or 10.

the drug you are looking for is dapoxetine, an ssri for pre ejaculation. it can be found in a product called super p force. you might have to order from the UK.

>> No.10852136

Dude you’re literally me (I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you post in previous PE threads here). I didn’t make it in crypto but I fucked hookers last year with crypto gains. Not really hot 10/10 ones which I still haven’t done (only 1). But I know where you come from. There’s no point fucking regular girls because they could never love a guy who prematurely ejaculates and although they will “love” you for what you provide, it’s not that deep down primal love. So rather than go through the humiliation, escorts are the way out.

I also have trouble getting wood without having to jerk myself up so it’s doubly bad for me.

My roommate had that but he never seemed to get bothered. He’d jerk off or take the rubber off but the problem is he would but inside and risk getting girl pregnant (which he did and they ended up taking plan B).

I dunno bro, atleast you could stop and the girl has the feeling like she got fucked You know. Fucked real good. Me or OP haven’t been able to give that feeling. The second my dick goes in I have to cum, so it’s like slow ass pumping until when I’m cumming I can pump them for like 10-15 seconds. You don’t want this problem.

>> No.10852139

Are you me? Shit is so fucking annoying.

>> No.10852148

*snri not ssri

>> No.10852152

Again, opiates.

Pop a couple Percocets, norcos, or even make poppy seed tea (with quality seeds) and even if you’re fucking a 10/10, you will have to fuck the shit out of her in order to nut.

>> No.10852159

learn to reach orgasm without ejaculating. then, you can go however long you want afterwards and bust insider her whenever you feel like it

>> No.10852162
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It's funny how same "porn will not allow you to ejaculate due death grip" and some say "porn will make you cum too fast".

Noporn and nofap is COPE. Chad faps and watches porn since he is like age 10, I did too back in the Kazaa days, imagine now with 4k porn in phones. But then the problem is, im not Chad so I didn't start having sex with 14 year old hotties since high school so I have no fucking experience at all. If I had been good looking, didn't wear an aspie haircut and didn't had a deformed chest, I could have had intimacy and good looking girls on my dick practicing blowjobs. But I was doomed.

Now I got the money, I can fuck some escorts weekly, the problem is, I lack the fucking experience, a blowjob feels too fucking good. And no, im not willing to fuck plain janes, I worked hard for this shit, I want hot girls on my dick only.

im 29, don't you call millenialls boomers here

I think you guys are cut aren't you? If your dick is dried since you were born it has less feeling. Wouldn't trade my fap sessions for that tho.

>> No.10852171

Im talking about cumming in seconds not 10 minutes you dumbass. Also you say you have difficulties on the second round which is normal. kys

>> No.10852175

Get a gf fuck 5 times every day. Your problem will be gone after some time.

>> No.10852182

OP try a low dose of DXM, too low to trip but more than one dose for coughs

>> No.10852188


>> No.10852192

How? Anywhere I should read about this?

>> No.10852195

There's no such thing as night. I only fuck escorts so I only got 1 hour, that's it, which means I need to maximize said hour with drugs.

I already said I took 5mg of cialis and gives me an headache. I had to lower it to 1.25 to get rid of the headache and muscle soreness and its still a bit noticeble. Erection impact is still noticeable, i get harder easier, however its not as strong as 5mg.

I will try viagra, maybe im lucky and i dont get sides with it but doubt it.

I know priligy is dapoxetine. I hope i can get it without a prescription. I was able to get cialis without a prescription. Lmao at buying underdosed bunk shit online from pajeetlab.

>> No.10852197

this. practice practice practice

>> No.10852211

Did you try it with success? what dose?

Can you mix it with cialis or viagra?

its a meme. if I clench hard enough I can have retrograde ejaculation, its not healthy and its just dumb.

>> No.10852212
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cocaine you faggot. you'll be pushing rope but it'll take you hours to cum faggot. you're a homosexual faggot

>> No.10852225

>get a gf
yeah i cant, I live with my mom, I dont have enough money to live on my own on a nice place etc, I would need to upgrade my online income and I would rather fuck escorts than a plain jane, its too late for me to get a gf, also i love being alone, i would hate the pressure of having someoen around all day

>> No.10852227

if cialis gave you a headache viagra definitely will. dapoxetine works well

>> No.10852239

there's nothing i read, i just started doing it when i was younger. basically, it's like edging but just a little more. at first you won't be able to do it, but you want to get just to the point of ejaculation and then hold it in. keep working and you will experience orgasm without ejaculation and you're still hard. then, you can go for longer and keep doing it or you can "not hold it in" and bust. after a while, it'll be easy and will give you a tremendous boost in willpower.

>> No.10852244

it's not a meme you weak-willed faggot

>> No.10852251

Try pain pills or adderal, you goofy fuck

>> No.10852266

get drunk

>> No.10852276

Vicodin works great. Addys make erection impossible for me.

>> No.10852301

Dude, try some kratom, some of the white strains.
Turns you into a long-lasting animal.

>> No.10852303
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finally real PE bros here

I still havent made it thats why i said "made it". Im making like 500-1k a month from adsense and holding btc until im a millonaire but i must escorts from time to time to not go Katz

escorts are as you said a way to not get the social humilliation of a girl telling her friends you are shit in bed, its a way for us to practice

the problem is you must be rich to fuck 1 escort per day

lets see a quick math

150€ for a decent escort per hour

30 days = 4500€

so you need to be making 4.5k€ a month only to allocate into the escort daily hourly session FUCK!

i need to make 10k€ a month solid minimum, i need to x10 my fucking online income AFTER GETTING RAPED BY TAXES

dumb imo, might as well try priligy

>> No.10852338
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i already explained why its a meme

well ive heard some guy that said he had sides with cialis but not with viagra for some unknown reason, so will give it a try

what priligy dose did you use? its 30mg or 60mg pills in the market, i guess i need 60

>> No.10852359
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>dumb imo, might as well try priligy

i meant to reply this to these two:

>> No.10852392

Where can burgers get boner pills now?

>> No.10852431

the good for you, you know it all then. i provided first hand experience. good luck with your boner pills and shitty drugs. you haven't made shit if you can not control yourself. later, fag.

>> No.10852445

>he fell for the tantric sec meme

>> No.10852463

any brands on numbing cream ? where the fuck do i buy that? not online, thats embarrassing, if my mom sees the package, also when i open it she will ask what i bought, it has to be bought in a ophysical shop so i can hide it somewhere

i guess thats how cutcels feel sex like? i mean cumming fast sucks but recieving instructions by guys with a keratinized gland is hilarious, i really hope you guys aren't cut

>> No.10852494

> 3 thrusts and then orgasm is fun

lmao strong cope

>> No.10852512
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did she have a stroke? what's wrong with her left eye?

>> No.10852515

the chances of conception almost double if a woman climaxes during mans ejaculation.
so if you last longer there is a higher chance of her orgasming, and a higher chance of conceiving a child.
here's your evolutionary purpose.

>> No.10852523

i used 30mg pril + 50mg viagra. any higher amount of viagra gives me headache and blocked nose

>> No.10852539

literally any sex store for sex products.
if you're in europe you can buy all kinds of sex enhancing drugs without a prescription, not so in us.

>> No.10852543

Am I chad? I fucked a healthy diet of hotties when I was 14-16 and jerked it since I was 10

>> No.10852544




>> No.10852573

Use condoms

>> No.10852604

Eat some weed edibles. Get used to how they feel by doing them a few times before your next fuck session. Your body will be more relaxed, and slightly numb. Sex will feel 10000000x times better while edible stoned.

Also you can rey Gabapentin if you want to darknet it. I literally could not bust a nut on Gabapentin for like two hours, when I did it was fucking amazing.

So it seems you haven't explored drugs as a solution yet.

>> No.10852612

Hahahahahahahah is that you lemon man

>> No.10852705 [DELETED] 
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what is your default time until you feel the urge to cum compared to while on priligy?

oh I might also add that I no longer cum massive loads like I used to 10 years ago (im 29). Funny how when you "make it" you are too old to enjoy things anyway. Life is a scam.

>> No.10852738
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everyone in internet forums is a larp until proven otherwise



nice dubs

i already do, unfortunately with escorts i cant go raw

lmao imagine how quick i would cum if i went raw

for blowjobs i dont use condoms tho, it sucks due risk of std but whatever

i cum so fucking fast with bjs lol this kill me

one time i came while getting hard, it was not even hard it was a semi

>> No.10852744

well if it matters that much to you just get circumed or find other ways to desentize your dick. maybe you can throw bleach over it or something. might work . or acid.

>> No.10852754
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>cialis and shit arent drug

I will try priligy, which is actually approved to last longer. Im not willing to waste BTC on pajeet selling shit on darknet desu.

If priligy dont work its probably over for me.

>> No.10852777

This. Cocaine is effective at delaying orgasm as well

>> No.10852776
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>if ur hand itches cut ur hand

no thanks, i enjoy edging a lot with porn, i can have mini orgasms of sorts without even touching, of course this is useless in real sex

i will try 60mg of priligy and if it still doesnt work i guess i will try some of these numb creams + viagra or cialis and fuck with an headache

oh well

>> No.10852786

im not doing fucking cocaine lmao kys

>> No.10852792

op ignored the previous suggestion for cocaine, but it's probably the oldest well known and well tested thing that works to help with PE.

>> No.10852807

>yeah i cant, I live with my mom, I dont have enough money to live on my own on a nice place etc
>OP says "finally 'made it'"
>living at home cant afford to move out
>having trouble with escorts
>made it

fuck you

>> No.10852851


I think it's mostly about stress levels. Your body thinks you're in a stressful situation where you don't have time to waste on fucking. I don't know how to fix that though except maybe try sleeping more?

>> No.10852852

it's also another toy/game to play during sex, doing blow off each other's bodies and using it to numb the back of her throat, etc. honestly (((OP))) is just trying to shill some experimental synthetic here, watch as your spam box starts filling up with priligy ads

>> No.10852884

it works. enjoy using up your full hour.

>> No.10852984

Where should I go to find one?

>> No.10853664

OP, stop posting these nigger culture webms, you fucking pajeet. Absolutely disgusting roasties.

>> No.10853679

Take an antidepressant. Takes me like 20 minutes to cum

>> No.10853699

This girl is 16 years old

>> No.10853797

You don't find any other animal taking a half hour to cum, I'd say cumming fast is good for survival and human sex is unnatural in its current state

>> No.10853811
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Nice blogpost cucklord.

>> No.10853865

Just give them a bonus to make you cum five times. I'm sure the fourth and fifth you will last longer.

>> No.10853893



>> No.10853907

What people don't understand about kegals is you're supposed to use that muscle while you're having sex, not just before you blow your load.

>> No.10853921


>> No.10854073
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sometimes you cum fast sometimes you cum slow OP. Main thing is don’t let it consume your life.

>> No.10854544

I have this exact same thing. Lost count of the number of times I've heard 'why can't you cum? Don't you find me attractive?' followed by the girl being a mardy cunt.

>> No.10854585

>not doing it multiple times

First time I cum super fast, then I last way longer, then way longer again. I just fuck 5 times in a row where's the problem?
Get your dick sucked and cum in her mouth the first time, give it 2 3 min drink some water and I'm ready to fuck again. Fucking for an hour like this is fucking great.

>> No.10854673

Have you thought about locking your dick up in chastity and paying a girl to hold onto the key?

>> No.10854940

now you understand why Viagra is one of the greatest pharma success stories. so glad i bought this stock when it was first emerging.

>The current price for 10 100-milligram tablets of Viagra at AccessRx.com is $711.45, or about $71.15 per 100-milligram dose, or $35.58 per 50-milligram dose. That's $15 to $20 more expensive than CVS and Walmart, respectively, and almost $10 cheaper than Walgreens.

>> No.10855566

Get an endurance training flashlight and a barrel of lube. You will be fine

>> No.10855962

Only uncut cucks know that feel

>> No.10855987

Trust me, better to cum too fast than dont cum at all

>> No.10856001


find one that charges by the minute

>> No.10856021

try horny goat weed

>> No.10856038

low dose paxil will do it

>> No.10856530
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>tfw Pau yuen tong

Shut literally works.

Don't put too much on as you can't get a boner, but just enough desensitises you enough that it's almost impossible to cum.

Not sure if it permanently desensitises with use though, as I don't need it anymore. Maybe it just fixed the psychology barrier though ... Which I think is the real problem.

I can have sex for 30 minutes straight without cumming now, not even joking

>> No.10856644

Noporn isn't cope, it's healthy. Nofap on the other hand (lol upvote 4 pun XD) is BULLSHIT.

>> No.10856857

Sauce? Is there more?

>> No.10856947

You put it on then a rubber right? What if you want to fuck raw, won't it make her pussy numb too?