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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10849123 No.10849123 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anyone on /biz/ who's over like 22-23 years old and poor? I swear every single person here claims to be a millionaire with a 300k salary at 22 yo and it's ridiculous. I'm barely getting 50k at 25 and have little savings, but statistically speaking, I'm considered middle class. Yet I feel like a pauper here. Are you fags just LARPing or what?

>> No.10849128


>> No.10849134
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>> No.10849150

This place is full of sociopaths, autistics, liars, and the deranged.

Don't trust anyone here, basically.

>> No.10849174

I'm 34 and I'm going to try to land my first job this week. Worse fuckups out there, don't worry.

>> No.10849176

30k in my mid twenties. Want to die.

>> No.10849184

If only that were true. never be the smartest person in the room

>> No.10849186

Do note that people who are in the business of larping or inventing stories about success and people who are actually wealthy and feel the need to talk about it are the ones who are more likely to fill threads.

The silent majority of humbler means remain silent.

>> No.10849195

>0.024 BTC
>no job

>> No.10849216

27 and earning like 50k a year, more money than i know what to do with, I save 50%+, but I'm just naturally not a big spender I guess

>> No.10849269

Only slightly ahead of you OP, 70k at 25

Still don't feel like it's enough to buy a house in this market though

>> No.10849287

I'm 28 and make 34k a year with 6 k saved and 7k in crypto.

>> No.10849293

At 23
Middle class in shithole country
And yes most of this fags here are larps unpess amerifags who pay taxes eoy
If it woud be same here i woud have 30k/y
Oh and eurks not dollars so abit more in dolars

>> No.10849298

10k at 65. If you count my house it's 3m but I bought it for 30k.

Going to vegas. Thanks for all the money zoomers.

>> No.10849310

23 and getting 180k a year. Work like a dog though.

>> No.10849893

18k per year at age 27.

im going to kill myself soon.

>> No.10850137

>claims to be a millionaire with a 300k salary at 22 yo
You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies.

>> No.10850182
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>28 yo
>only 2k in savings spent the other half on crypto last winter and lost 70% of it
>stock shelves in grocery store
>have to take the bus to work
>make 10.50 an hour
>still live with parents
I just want it to end lads crypto was my last hope.

>> No.10850246
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22 y/o law student here. I’ll graduate and become an attorney when I’m 25... I’ll be in about ~25k worth of debt, but at least I’ll have a starting salary of 75k that maxes out at around 125k after 10 years of experience... right?

>> No.10850261

I hope when you are 50 you will be able to buy you soul back

>> No.10850326

youre not alone, im the same age and only make 20k/y. i feel a bit lucky though. my parents are nice enough to let me stay here if i throw them around $400 or so every month, so i've been able to save around 10k every year.

>> No.10850445

27 and earning 85k including benefits but I've got almost 40k in a penny stock. If it takes off (and I'm quietly confident that it will) then I could make anywhere from 500k to a million. Any Aus fags here trading on the ASX?

>> No.10850491

yea man care to share which penny stock?

>> No.10850503



Look it up. One of the directors just bought 300,000 stock on the market today. Could be a sign.

>> No.10850542
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Me, my dude. We simply woke up late while people were grinding in the job world soon after schools end. While its true that people here larps, its also true that I could easily have made 70k by now if I started working as soon as I could've done it.

>> No.10851173

This. Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.10851237
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An hour of my life is worth $9.00
Just knowing this makes me want to invest in a gun.

>> No.10851323

Around $100 an hour but its soulless work. No savings yet cos new job. 36. REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10851347

I'm 24 and make 1.3 million/yr welding in a low cost of living area

>> No.10851411

Someone is jealous

>> No.10851465

So it’s just like the real world? Neat!

>> No.10851619

Be me
> 22 years old
> make $450k / year profit from my /biz/ doing nothing
> $4.5 million in crypto (sold at $19k and bought back in at $5.8k)
> $27 million in trust fund
> 10/10 QT gf who makes $280k / year with her own biz
/ larp

t. Bought chainlink so will /make it/ in the future because /biz/ told me so.
/ delusion

>> No.10851639
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I'm 22 years old, 40k salary with no savings and 9k in crypto. We are the average anons. I don't usually post about my earnings because why

>> No.10851701

Are you me?!
Soma age, same investment loss, same everything!
Except I work front desk at a hotel. Still considered low class wagie

Where do you live m8 , w-we'll make it

>> No.10851729



This was such an underrated post. Anyone else catch it?

>> No.10851782

I make 26k/yr at 26 because I'm a grad student and I thought I was poor.

>> No.10851795

I'm 27 and make 34k a year.

>> No.10851810

26 years old making 60k a year.
No debt, no degree, no diploma, $200k in Bitcoin.

>> No.10851831

at 22 i was making 28k. (but that was 2009 and everything was FUCKED.)

now i'm 31 and i'm making 200k. take jobs that open doors. if your job isn't giving you something nice on your resume for your next job then why work there?

unless you plan on retiring there, i guess.

making 50k at 25 isn't the end of the world. jump jobs every 2-3 years. make salary gains. take smart jobs. you'll be fine.

>> No.10851852


>> No.10851893

30. I got laid off from my HVAC gig and ended up in the music industry and toured the world for a few years. Now I am trying to get back into HVAC because the music industry does not pay well at all. I hope to be meeting with a guy at my local union and if it goes well I should be able to start at about 30/hr. Wish me luck anons. I know you all will make it.