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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 139 KB, 1024x768, mustanggt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10841290 No.10841290 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought a used 2017 Mustang GT for $23k. This is the best sports car for the money.

>> No.10841302

unironically, yes. nice get anon.

>> No.10841311

Good one anon, I'm happy for you.

>> No.10841326

Lol only illegal Mexicans without insurance drive mustangs.

>> No.10841331

Good price.

>> No.10841336

>buying american junk
lol good one op.

>> No.10841339

The car of Chads

>> No.10841341


'grats anon!

>> No.10841344

>Buys Grand tourer
>Thinks it's a sports car

Shoulda got a MIATA

Miata is always the answer

>> No.10841350

miatas are fucking nice

>> No.10841363

best value for price

>> No.10841381

>sport car
Pick one

But for that money it’s a fun car

>> No.10841400

Nice OP

But you should bought


Danke Hitler

>> No.10841403


It’s ‘Fix Or Repair Daily’ you fucking shitskin, at least get your boomer memes right before infiltrating our board.

>> No.10841434


Also why is everyone being so supportive this is like a bizarro biz thread

Ah fuck it; nice deal anon, glad you’re happy with it

>> No.10841436

Found On Road Dead. Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge.

>> No.10841442

Performance pack state is unironically the best bang for buck you can buy. Good buy anon.

>> No.10841445

fuck off. doesnt matter what it stands for still shit.

>> No.10841449

nice car

>> No.10841452

Any Mustang is not worth more than 5k. Just buy a shitty 2005 GT and you basically have the same shitty car just a bit slower. You fucked up.

>> No.10841455

Shoulda bought a Camaro you fucking queer

>> No.10841460

>fix or repair
same difference dipshit

>> No.10841467

Because it's actually a good deal. He also wasn't a weeb who went out and bought a brand new ride which loses 30% value in 1 week.

>> No.10841475

cool car good price

i also really like the toyota gt86

>> No.10841478


Found on Road Dead, bro. You must be the boomer.

>> No.10841490

No anon. You could have gotten a nice c5 z06 for a little less and had a much better sports car.

>> No.10841516
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This but unironically

>> No.10841529
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Shouldn't this be on /o/ ?
Anyways, I used to own a mustang GT, and I will say it's a complete waste of money. I got a Ranger afterwards and that little truck has been a far better investment in terms of efficiency, cheaper insurance, maintenance cost, and utility (ie being able to move furniture and other bulky items). It's not going to turn heads in town, but when you grow up you realize that there's more important things than have an expensive sports car.

>> No.10841531

It's cheap because it's trash, not even a sports car

>> No.10841568


Great buy OP great price.

Here for all you retards and faggots who don't even have a driver's license.


>ib4 10 year old car equal to new car of course they can compete. YES EXACTLY YOU COCK SUCKERS. you get for 23k today what 120k cost 10 years ago. Minus some german cow hide and etc.

>> No.10841717

I really do like the 2016 to 2017 mustang gt. They really goofed on the 2018 with it's eurotrash look. I would be tempted to buy one, but even in shitty areas, a $35k gt is really common.

>> No.10841776
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 282615F9-F2AC-436F-9D17-CFAB5876B8B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 67 convertible restomod is much less Mexican. Also classier.

>> No.10841814

Literally the car for faggots

>> No.10841871

Have a cobra and girls don’t care or think it’s nice. Have the shittiest old f150 and bitches say anon I love your old truck. Sports cars are a meme and I’m living it.

>> No.10841879

/o/ doesn't like any cars unless they're old beaters from the 1800s with millions of miles on the odometer and being held together with duck tape. This thread wouldn't fly with them.

>> No.10841881
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I had the money to buy one just 8 months ago. Now I can't even get a used mid 2000s Civic

>> No.10841884


>> No.10841891

How did you same fag so hard and generate different IDs?

>> No.10841907

Bread on hood or lies.

>> No.10841911

>implying there aren't a bunch of posters here who would flush $25k down the drain on a "sports" car

>> No.10841946

Driving around and using different wifi connections.

>> No.10841957
File: 94 KB, 470x560, mustang week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ford Mustang
Try not to slide into pedestrians OP

>> No.10842026


stupid design stupid engine

look into where your transmission comes from

look into why the cobra 350 R transmission is a piece of shit

look into why ford focus RS has a mjor problem with headgaskets.

> the reason why they stopped making the Ford Focus

>mustang is no different



your car is a piece of shit that will devalue so hard in 5 years you will come back and look for this thread to apologize.

get rid of it asap

seriusly why would you spend money on american engines and fake UK burger chassis

ford is in bed with germans and all they do is make the same trash. ford is made in china ford is now more trash than ever





hey biz buy a mustang


>> No.10842032

>doesn't drive a Japanese car
I have some bad news anon...

>> No.10842066

Cheapest one I could find in Norway right now....81,4k . ...............shoot me

>> No.10842070

right lol

and I have bad news for all of you



LEXUS LFA ($500k)

life is so easy

thank the Japanese culture

>muh 5.0

>> No.10842084

they are $80k USD in south america

peoples faces when they find out their trash is worth $10k

>> No.10842102

>doesnt buy a GTR

>> No.10842104

This is the typical "I'm cool" zoomer cheerleader car op. Enjoy getting laughed at

>> No.10842109
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Here you go.

>> No.10842144

Lmao my barometer for car enthusiasts is their opinion on miatas. People who truly appreciate automotive engineering always appreciate the mx-5, otherwise they say it's a car for fags. Not a dig against you, I'd probably agree too if I was going off looks alone

>> No.10842186

t. poorfag

>> No.10842315

I'm not poor, I just have enough common sense to not waste money on "sports" car that could be directed to other sound investments. That car will be worth half or less than it's current value in a decade.

>> No.10842359

I hope you bought the 6-speed manual.

>> No.10842381

Sure you did goy you paid 30k and you don't even know it you feable minded child

>> No.10842382

always. can't wait to get another arizona.

>> No.10842408

I have over $700k in investments atm. I didn't buy this as an investment, it was to enjoy some of my money I made from crypto last year before turning into a 25 year old boomer.

>> No.10842434

Plastic American piece of trash

>> No.10842438

I was going to buy one too, then I saw the crash test and decided to buy a Volvo.

>> No.10842475


>> No.10842603

Youre right it's a good car. But it's the official car of faggots it seems. Just pointing that out

>> No.10842695

Ok that counts! Nice car then, I do love the color. I made a noob mistake and bought my mustang in black. How’d you get it so cheap, base model? 5.0 engine is fun regardless

>> No.10842706

its also upside-down you gay nigger

>> No.10842710

lol, you'll spend that much in gas, insurance, and tires before you've had it two years. what a deal!

>> No.10842726

Because it is a good deal on a good car

>> No.10842728

Nice op

>> No.10842736
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Good choice OP

>> No.10842750
File: 734 KB, 786x456, m135i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i really like the look of your car but im aiming to get a BMW M135i (as per pic) once I replace my current car in a couple of years. Probably about the same cost used and a mechanic friend of mine believes there's a good chance they'll be considered classics 10 years down the line.

>> No.10842804


This. As a former mustang GT owner I can confirm. It's a moneypit.

>> No.10842883

Very nice car. I would rather kill myself than waste so much money on gas tho but i‘m not in the us. I know gas is more expensive here. My car needs like 5litres on 100km, very comfy. Not cool looking not fast tho

>> No.10842961


Oh look another douchebag in a McSportsCar.

>> No.10843194

fuck off pajeet

>> No.10843268
File: 21 KB, 700x700, DpQ9YJl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol I knew you guys would be faggots about the term. Fine it's a great "Performance oriented coupe" for the money then. But to normies, it's a fucking sports car.

I guess I made a noob mistake then because it is black, just the reflection makes it look gray in that picture. Yeah it is the base model but it has everything I need because it syncs with my phone and I don't give a shit about leather seats. It has about 29k miles on it. I got it from a Ford dealer and they said they marked it down a lot because they wanted to get it off the lot before winter. Every other 2015-2017 Mustang GT I looked at was around 25k-28k.

Nice, I wanted a BMW at first but the look of the Mustang won me over when I was looking at it in person. And there's not many 435 HP engines for $20-30k.

It burns gas quickly but it's not THAT bad. It gets 15 MPG city / 25 MPG highway. Gas is still under $3 a gallon here.

>> No.10843317
File: 320 KB, 411x500, 1528769818490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>backs car into spots at the gym
>full throttles in pedestrian areas
>obnoxious music emanating from speakers
>"hey let me show you how this exercise is done m'lady"

i can see your face already

>> No.10843361


Who keeps a car around for a decade unless it's a low number production car?

Also how many decades do you think you have? Are you immortal?
Fucking kids don't understand after 40 everything changes.


>> No.10843368

t. yuropoor

>> No.10843372

Tattooed 30yo roastie car

>> No.10843386


PS this was the car i was going to get before i went 90% down from DEC ATH.
It's the most reasonable bang for the buck out there BUT due to the car being so common and so many only holding on to them for one summer they will decline in price like CRAZY.
I think sub 20k USD by spring.

>> No.10843388

Fuck off, ausfag

>> No.10843411

>Also how many decades do you think you have? Are you immortal?
I plan to upload my consciousness to a machine when the singularity hits (circa 2045-ish), so yes, I plan to be immortal.

>> No.10843433


You are in for a surprise buddy.

>> No.10843454

You realize that was a joke?

>> No.10843529

Nice car, what do you think about 2017 dodge challengers? Thinking of getting either that or a jcw mini.

>> No.10843579
File: 3.15 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20180820_195819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought an 03 Z4 for $6,500 few weeks ago, really happy with my purchase thus far.

>> No.10843770

I've never driven them but they seem like absolute tanks at over 4000 lbs. And I don't think they've ever updated their look so it doesn't matter what model year you get.

>> No.10843791

A Mustand GT should unironically be on the mexican flag

>> No.10843825

pussy repellent

>> No.10843831

wow there's some salty mfkers in this thread lol

>> No.10843842
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>> No.10843872
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>> No.10843904

Who keeps a car around for a decade? People who are getting the best bang for their buck... every car I own will be kept for 10 years. Current car is 11...
Long ago decided would rather spend that money on investments/travel vs car. To each his own

>> No.10843969

This. About to replace my car which is just old enough to drink now.

>> No.10843978

WTF. I'm Mexican and I hate mustangs. Camaros and Civics are way more common down here.

>> No.10843998
File: 40 KB, 512x384, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have unironically been a 30 year old boomer for years before that meme cropped up

>> No.10844149

This. Very much this

>> No.10844154


And women

>> No.10844160

Found On Rednecks Driveway

>> No.10844177

You must own 3 then