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File: 203 KB, 505x505, derochallenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10835647 No.10835647 [Reply] [Original]

>retarded derolet, you can't get rid of double spends, I'm a dev so I know that it's philosophically impossible!
>"I'll give you $5,000 if you can prove double spends exist on the Dero BlockDAG"

A dev of Dero is literally BEGGING for you to prove that Dero's technology is a scam, yet instead of proving that it's a scam, all haters can do it yell "SCAM" over and over again without providing evidence and just spamming irrelevant FUD. Meanwhile, Dero continues to be the ONLY crypto project in existence to have a working BlockDAG. The closest competitor is DAGlabs which won't have its BlockDAG out until the end of Q1 2019, and, by that time, Dero will have a finished project having implemented its unique virtual machine and smart contracts. The Dero team keeps delivering time and time again, and the FUD is completely shut down as every technological advantage of Dero has not only been failed to be disproved but has been proved to be true by several separate cryptographers.

You want to know what the next Antshares is? It's not going to be for a crypto that has a $500M+ marketcap. You can still make gains on those, but Dero is at a sub-$2M marketcap right now. The gains for Dero will SURPASS those of Antshares once people outside of its small niche learn about it.

I'm not asking you to buy my or anyone's bags. If you haven't allocated all of your hashing power to mine Dero, you need to start and get as much of it as you can. Stop believing all the FUD you read on /biz/ and DYOR.

>> No.10835678

Main devs posting the equivalent of a bug bounty shows they do not have complete confidence in their code. The implication that double-spending is something they can't absolutely eliminate tells you that the platform is not CBC (Correct by Construction).

>> No.10835730

You do realize the acronym of CBC actually means Cipher Block Chaining and that anyone with a half decent knowledge of cryptography knows how full of dung you are, right? The reason he put out a large bounty is because he knows that he will never need it.

Dero has 100% ELIMINATED double spending. If you don't believe it, prove it wrong or shut your mouth filthy pajeet.

>> No.10835774

>thinks $5000 is a lot of money
>calls other people pajeets
Proving this shitcoin is a shitcoin isn't even worth my time, when the Dev already has.

>> No.10835923
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>I can't prove a single thing wrong about this coin but I'm going to call it a scam anyway and say it's not my time

>> No.10835951

>one single pool literally controlling 100% of the network

The absolute definition of shitcoin

>> No.10835952

It’s not free source. It’s a scam. You are investing in captain not dero. His word is law

>> No.10835999
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>refuse to answer the challenge in the opening post
>STILL whining about it being a "scam"
>STILL no proof of it being a scam
>meanwhile the project moves forward regardless

Dero has got to have the most buttblasted FUD of any project out there. You can literally verify in its source code that double spends are impossible and literally keep getting told over and over again you're calling it a scam with zero proof and then YOU PROCEED TO STILL KEEP CALLING IT A SCAM WITH ZERO PROOF

This is just...beyond words...

>> No.10836020

Read my post. My critique has nothing to do with double spend. It’s a scam because it’s not free to fork. Cap made an amazing piece of tech and is going to most likely kill it with his fucking chinkiness. Learn English pajeet

Oh yeah I bet I have 10x more dero than you. Doesn’t mean it’s not a scam

>> No.10836026

Shit if I knew how to read code I would give it a shot, I mean 5k is 5k, who would possibly not try and get the money, not like it's nothing and you could use it to buy Monero or Enigma or something if you're feeling lulzy.

>> No.10836053

So, you think that one single pool controlling the network isn't a complete tragedy? Well, I knew that Derofags were dumb, but apparently, they're complete brainlets.

>> No.10836068

>You are investing in captain
>Cap made an amazing piece of tech
>I have 10x more dero than you
>muh scam

>> No.10836077

how is this like 2% of enigma's marketcap

>> No.10836078

Why wouldn't that change once Dero becomes better known outside its tiny Discord community and this hellhole? Besides, the Dero BlockDAG has already proved resistant to 51% attacks.

>> No.10836099

>$5k volume

>> No.10836121

Captain doesn't make anything for that. Until then, probably that pool will have absolute power over the network for the next months, and will be able to do absolutely anything, because captain doesn't give a single fuck about the network being completely centralized.

>> No.10836125

Yep. I’ve made a killing on it. Bought it wayyyy back and dumped a pumo from 1.50-2 bucks. Bought it when it was even more sketchy and was willing to give it a shot. It’s proved to be a scam imo. If you want to buy a buck otc hit me up.

>> No.10836141

I have 25k still for sale btw. Will sell it all for 3.5 btc. Im gonna hold on to 1000 as insurance but I think it won’t work. Can use a discord mod for escrow if you like

>> No.10836148

2.5 btc I mean. Or make an offer. Put your money where your mouth is if it’s not a scam

>> No.10836267
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>Put your money where your mouth is if it’s not a scam
>Captain puts money where his mouth is
>people refuse to take his challenge
>call it a scam anyway

>> No.10836289

I said I have my reason why. You are focused on double spend. I’ve looked at the code and actually have a masters in cs. It’s good. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t have other problems. I didn’t see it working this way. Cap put time into a coin. His time is arguably worth very little. Keep buying dero. Idc. My offer still stands. If it’s worth 1000 a coin, you’re passing up the deal of the century

>> No.10836519

Why do you think the price dumped another 10% today? The Derp devs are exiting and dumping what's left of the premine. Kek.

>> No.10836542

You are right. One pools controls entire Dero mining.
Total Hash Rate: 197.68 MH/sec
dero.miner.rocks Hash Rate: 180.75 MH/sec

>> No.10836559

>I said I have my reason why
what reasons why? you havent even given any...

>> No.10836616

Wait are you for or against this project? I'm beyond confused at this point.

>> No.10836739

>Until then, probably that pool will have absolute power over the network for the next months
Yeah, probably, because if there's one thing you should know about Dero is that the Captain gives zero fucks about marketing, shoring up community confidence, or distributing the hashing power *until* it's time to launch the smart contracts platform. Capt has reiterated that he's aware of mining hardware not yet on the market that will spread hashing power more evenly at a price affordable to retail investors, which was one factor that lessened the consequences of abandoning the ASIC-resistant version of the protocol.
>will be able to do absolutely anything
No, Dero has already deflected attacks from entities controlling 70% of the hashing power. Why would that change?

>> No.10836819

This will be my 3rd fucking time saying it. It’s not free source. That means. If cap decides to do something unpopular, the community and holders must go along with it. They can’t fork the coin. If they do it’ll basically be dead in the water. Buying this coin isn’t investing in dero. It’s investing in captain. Whatever he says is the way the coin will go. No matter how unpopular it is. If it was forked, no decent exchange will ever list it. I bought hoping this wouldn’t happen. It did.

>> No.10836842

Meaning dero could:
1) add a huge dev tax
2) our in a back door if he was compromised
3) exit scam without repercussion
Etc. it defeats what crypto is built on

>> No.10836908
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>tfw nobody is going to ever disprove ANY of Dero's technology and will just keep spamming hypothetical "what ifs?" in every thread

What if Satoshi dumps all his Bitcoin?

What if Sergey dies in a car crash?

What if the SEC bans all cryptocurrencies in the US?


Give me a break.

>> No.10836983

You are delusional. Bitcoin has forked . Multiple times, most coins are either bitcoin ether or monero forks. These are very possible hypotheticals. As it is you can’t confirm that for months thebianaries weren’t CP nodes. Why would you expect the shadiness to stop now. After a massive pre-mine and mega autism from the dev. Clearly you like a strong man controlling you. Just go back to Stocks

>> No.10836992

Maybe you should look up what trustless means. And decentralized while you’re at it. Dero is neither of these

>> No.10837042
File: 64 KB, 593x491, 1490177800471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>STILL refusing to debate the technology

Maybe it's being kept under license because faggots would kill the project before it got started by forking the hell out of it and stealing its technology? You keep forgetting that Dero is the FIRST crypto that has a working BlockDAG. This means NO orphan blocks, NO double spends, and bulletproofs 10x faster than anything out there today. Do you honestly think serious investors are going to care about "muh asics" or "muh forkability"? Hell no. The second Ethereum forked into Ethereum and Ethereum Classic is the second "muh blockchain principles" died. Get over it.

>> No.10837056

You're right. Captain gives zero fucks about anything else too. Until then, most of the coins will be already issued, according to the emission curve (which captain refused to change), and few ASIC miners will have most of the total supply (don't forget that just one pool controls almost 100% of the network. It will be the most centralized privacy coin ever. And also, don't forget that the project ran as closed source for four months (this is completely unforgivable in crypto), with only the binaries being released by an anon dev.
There's also the premine thing. Captain literally has 10% of total supply unlocked and availible to spend anyway he wants, and he can't prove now that all those coins are still there.
Seriously, if you guys doesn't see all those very serious issues as a complete tragedy or doesn't care, so it's time to move far away from crypto and do something else.

>> No.10837080

I never said those were my issues, my issue is with how it’s being run. The code is good. I’m a serious investor. You indicated that you are a linky, so im going to assume you have less than 10 Bitcoin. If He tech is good it can stand on it’s own. Notice how btc forks are dying? Because they are not the original legitimate bitcoin. Notice how etc became a coinbase cash grab? If it’s good it will stand on its own and doesn’t need legal enforcement to do so.

If things change I’ll buy back in. At this point in time I see dero as essentially dead.

>> No.10837091

Thank you. All these newfags don’t get what makes crypto good.

>> No.10837159

Yes, but consider that serious game-changing tech from now on won't adhere to the same open-source principles that defined the early successes in crypto. Just because things were done a certain way during the first 8 years, doesn't mean it'll continue like that indefinitely. I'm sure most of the best tech will be tightly guarded trade secrets, Hashgraph would be another example of a centralized project diverging from the original open-source principles.
Anyways, Dero released its BlockDAG many months ahead of the scheduled date, and probably has an extremely compelling interest in keeping its tech closed source until it's finished building the product, and can cement a first-mover advantage over competitors who would be keen on stealing Captain's code.

>> No.10837202

We’ll see how hashgraph works. They are also not aimed at p2p so I think it’s disingenious to compare the two. There are plenty of good ground breaking projects that aren’t so damn private about their code and copyright. If cardano can get their shit together do you think it’ll be so sketchy? No. Monero isn’t 8 years old and has always been open and free source.

What’s even the point if it’s not publicly auditable? Why not just use visa? You’re undermining a core principle of crypto.

I’m not gonna take away from what dero has done. It’s impressive. But sometimes a great idea is killed by its leadership.

>> No.10837210

Btw they aren’t closed source. You can look at deros code. Same with hashgraph. You just can’t use it outside of educational purposes

>> No.10837221

Crypto adoption depends on trustness (much more than tech). And after all those issues, nobody will ever trust this anymore. Why is it so hard for you Dero blind believers to understant that part?

>> No.10837336

>And after all those issues, nobody will ever trust this anymore.

You're implying Dero is already a worldwide entity that pulled a Bitconnect-level exit scam. You do realize outside of 4chan and its small userbase, NOBODY has even heard of the thing, right? There are highly educated people giving lectures to this day still talking about the theoretical possibility of a BlockDAG while Dero has already been using one for months.

People keep saying "Captain can use his premine to do anything," but if Captain has already cashed out most of his premine and is going to use it all to advertise Dero everywhere, do you think any Dero hodlers would be complaining in the slightest?

Crypto popularity isn't about trustness. It's 100% timing with the market and advertising. You can have complete empty vaporware scam tokens reach a $1B marketcap in weeks with the right advertising and market. However, if you do that same thing but actually have a working product that no other competitor has, do you honestly think Dero will sit at a sub-$2M marketcap for the next 5 years?

I fail to grasp why so many not only cannot see this but FUD it endlessly while /biz/ is filled to the brim with Chainlink threads.

>> No.10837461

Ok, so Dero IS open-source, but copyrighted. How is that so damning to you that you think it will fail? Most important innovations are legally protected IP, and as I stated earlier it's my belief that the most successful crypto-related projects in the future will run on a more corporatized model because of the sheer number of competitors who would rip off the tech. Frankly, it would be the death knell of Dero if it allowed other dev teams with far bigger communities, user bases, and PR machines to integrate aspects of its code into their own protocols.
The more persuasive line of attack is the argument that Captain has so carefully guarded the code because he's ultimately an untrustworthy and incompetent figure, who could, as you've pointed out is your biggest concern, destroy the coin without anybody else being able to fork it. But honestly, how big of a risk is that? All of the dozens of forks of Monero, Bitcoin and Ethereum by devs purporting to have insurmountable disagreements with the founding vision for those coins have utterly failed. So assuming Captain is as competent as the devs of those coins, and I think the tech proves he is, there's no point even subjecting the coin to scammy, "community"-led forks.
If that were the case, Dero would've already been forked off into a half dozen utter shitcoins by now given how often the Captain's unilateral decisions (ditching anti-Asic protocol, premine bullshit, whatever else) has triggered people following the coin. I am putting my trust in him, just as I would in the original instantiations of Monero, Ethereum, and Bitcoin.

>> No.10837517

Sorry, I prefer legit and well executed projects by good teams with not shady devs. Those are the ones that succeed in crypto at long term.

>> No.10837618

I don’t even know where to begin. I hope it works out well. You moon boys are everything wrong with crypto and are the reason ICOs are dying the the streets.
Captain has by his own actions plummeted the value of the coin. Dero is worth a fraction of what it was. The fact that you don’t see this means you are either gullible and willing to trust anyone online. Or don’t care about a coin actually succeeding and just wanna make a quick buck, a strategy that is much riskier and tends to fail.

>> No.10837657
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Release the memes

>> No.10837678

News flash: Nearly all altcoins are down 70-95% right now. The plummet has nothing to do "Dero failing." It has everything to do with whales manipulating the market to do whatever the hell they want to. If you're one of those people that believe the crypto market is completely uncentralized and fair for everywhere, then I have no way to help you.

And for the whole "anonymous dev" thing, a great lot of us already have narrowed down the possibilities to who Captain might be. You can literally count the number of people who know how BlockDAG technologies works on one hand. If you think some random street pajeet is just going to create a new crypto paradigm out of nowhere, then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10837749

Give up. They'll never understand.

>> No.10837885

Yeah, you're right. I'll never understand how a crypto project with technology ahead of everyone else is a complete and total scam.

>> No.10837907


>>10837885 -> See? I told you. Just let them keep deluded.

>> No.10837920

>don't respond to anything said
>"See? I told you."


>> No.10837952

Wow you really are dumb. They should teach sock puppets to read before they shill. This is honestly pathetic

>> No.10837957

>don't respond to anything said
>"Wow you really are dumb."


>> No.10837982

I already did like 8 times. You can’t read nigger.

>> No.10837999

The perfect sign of an deliberate FUDDER:

When asked the question "What could Dero to to make you think it's not a scam?", his response is "Nothing."

There are some people in here being rational and saying "maybe if they did a dev reveal I would care" or "if the foundation happens, I'll reinvest." Then you have those that say "No matter what happens, no matter who is involved, no matter the technology, no matter WHAT, Dero is a SCAM and you should invest in THIS instead oh and by the way I'll get the last word in even if I have to sage this thread on page 10"

And that's how you tell the ones who are legitimately concerned from the faggots.

I don't even know why I post these threads on /biz/ anymore. 99% of /biz/ is just Chainlink, frog threads, and /r9k/ garbage anyway, so what's even the point anymore?

>> No.10838014
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>many reasons and arguments already listed above
Brainlets really deserve to be scammed and lose.

>> No.10838202 [DELETED] 


>> No.10838211

i hodl monero and hate dero and even i think you're a faget

>> No.10838241
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>> No.10838831


That the purpose of Open Source : you can read or participate but don't steal it for your personal interest.

> Open Source != Free Software

If I understand correctly Crypto isn't about tech ? Are you dumb ?

Only one explication why for now Dero is so low in Price : They are no Use Case for now.

Imagine now what happen if Open Market will be ported on Dero ? 10 sec confirmation scalability better than LN... Do you understand what it will happen, when Smart Contract will be out ?

>> No.10839046

kek another desperate attempt by the captain to legitimize his project

> closed source
> precompiled binaries
> private hosted git
> 99 premine
> 100% line for line golang implementation of CN (xrm, trtl, etc)

why does this double spend even have to be tested if it's a CN copy. We all know it works


>> No.10839112
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>> No.10839138

Just in time... To become financially destitute!

>> No.10839146

Do you notice how Dero does not follow the other coin patterns? It's on same algorithm as MONERO. It's a fork... The other coins all are on their own unique algorithms... Also there is the 100% premine I'm worried about

>> No.10839180
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> That smell.

>> No.10839246

I'm waiting for a dumb Monerocuck to post another one of those Dero Scamlantis threads. Those things were the best in how over the top the FUD was.

>> No.10839605

I'm down like 80% on this but still holding. It can't really get any worse unless it turns out to be a scam and goes to 1 sat. I believe in the tech and it could potentially be one of the biggest gainers of 2018.

>> No.10839607

Is Dero just some highly obfuscated, advanced reverse psychology Monero shilling?