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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 608x352, chainlink-twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10835768 No.10835768 [Reply] [Original]

i will confess. i was paid daily in eth by chainlink to design meme's and copy pastas and post them on biz all day. we'd only target biz because other sites would remove our content. chainlink is vaporwear. it's just 1 philosophy major dev and a lot of paid shills. sergy needs to dump the rest of the uncirulating supply on you. hes got to shill it hard non stop 24/7 to keep the price at the same level as he sells. go ahead and kill him

>> No.10835784


>1 major dev.
shut the fuck up faggot. tired of this shitposting.

>> No.10835946

Call me crazy but I actually believe OP... Paid shills are the only logical explanation for the ungoldy amount of chainlink memes that have been made.

>> No.10835988
File: 39 KB, 788x699, 1533216254261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claiming that the most promising project in fintech & cryptocurrency is merely a social experiment by the most wealth-connected philosopher since king solomon
The FUDD is absolutely ELMER level; $1k eoy.

>> No.10836006

Ok yeah this is definitely of the discord organized fud days. You fuckers come out of the woodwork for a few days every now and then. Lurk biz enough and you'll see the trend. Kys

>> No.10836035

I WaS pAiD 2 MaKe MeMes plbthh
>by who your mom's vagina?

>> No.10836079
File: 110 KB, 586x440, 424966B4-D624-4F9C-87E4-4537AC91E8CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10836080

Yes, anon. Keep buying, $2,500 EOY.



>> No.10836090

Man, I'm glad others are finally coming forward with this. I seriously thought I was alone. Initially, when I started taking the money I could justify it, now I see all if the sad neets and I have come to feel guilty. Its strange, being a btard from the mid 90's, I've never felt guilt or shame. Thanks for coming forward, I hope others start to as well.

>> No.10836092

Based and Redpilled. Also Checked.

>> No.10836095

chainlink fud died down hard but is making a comeback

>> No.10836152

Because of the indian shills.

>> No.10836164


>> No.10836171

There's literally no more fud. You're just wasting your time at this point and looking like a cringey virgin zoomer. kys

>> No.10836182

>the New nike shoe

>> No.10836558

Its a meme 4chan is known as one of, if not the most trolling site in history. Look up " doing it for the lulz". This is a site infamous for ruining people's lives over trivial matters and always taking things to far.

This entire site is a congregation of people who love nothing but ruin and laughing at other people's failings. Its contrarian just to be contrarian, look at how people say this is one of the most racists sites on earth but yet every second thread is about BBC or black superiority.

The people here take great pride in doing the opposite of what other people are doing and then calling them normies. THESE PEOPLE LOVE CHAOS!

This applies to chainlink they took the most useless and worthless coin and spent countless hours making it the new " Ethereum" just so people who are new to crypto will lose all there money and not even look at better projects.

They are feeding off FOMO and telling people this is the new get rich quick scheme like BTC was a couple of years ago. They want you to lose money so they can laugh at the normal people who fell for memes

>> No.10836613

Based and Redpilled response.

my lk st su sy 1k ey

>> No.10836622

ChainLink is a good idea and is coming along nicely but as Vitalik said, there's no reason it should be worth 30 million, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars. People only expect it to increase because they're comparing it to other hugely inflated cryptocurrencies.

>> No.10836629
File: 6 KB, 226x250, 1531073954331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks sold 100k

>> No.10836638

Where/when Vitalik said that?

>> No.10836719

>Ok yeah this is definitely of the discord organized fud days. You fuckers come out of the woodwork for a few days every now and then. Lurk biz enough and you'll see the trend. Kys
this is pasta, the only obvious organized campaigns are shills.

>> No.10836731

>Where/when Vitalik said that?
on twitter. vitalik has 0 respect for a non coder low iq like surgery

>> No.10836759

I googled hard and the only think i could find was a picture of them in a conference 1 year before Ethereum was created.

>> No.10836773

kek stay poor brainlet, literally too stupid to google


>> No.10836794


Linkers butthurt in suicide watch on Vitalik

>> No.10836800

On Twitter

>> No.10836808

Literal newfag that hasn't seen the deleted tweet. Pathetic.

>> No.10836850

10/10 and checked.

>> No.10836854

You talk like i give a damn about Chainlink
I am here for the danke memes

>> No.10836861

Fuck u fudding POS. Justed swingtrader loser.

>> No.10836889

>he doesn't know that link is a scam

>> No.10838021

Same lol

>> No.10838279


>> No.10838291

Worse than paid shills and far more desperate: bagholders

>> No.10838352

Ouch, good think that this is now revealed. I instantly sold all my token.
The truth sets you free my friend

>> No.10838372

delete this, please

>> No.10838404

Some will say it's an organized discord pump and dump but it really is just that biz autists are bored. I'm a firm believer in chainlink and randomly post dumb fud or equally exaggerated shilling depending on my mood, just because I enjoy getting yous.

>> No.10838519

Anons let me share you my personal experience with chainlink. I'm a millennial almost done with my meme engineering degree, and it wasnt until I took a philosophy class that I understood the connect between philosophy and coding.

The professor gave a bunch of what-if statements and correlated to how ancient philosophers would think. He mentioned that many great coders were also philosophy students, or at least studied it. I checked my college's catalogue for the CS major requirements and a quarter of PHIL was highly recommended.

I have, without a doubt, the utmost confidence that Sergey is a genius. Vitalik knows this all too well and is fiercely intimidated. Did you watch the short debacle between the two?

The money skeleton fears the Chainlink King.

>> No.10838564

Hi I'm too from India and I like to shit in the street. But I'm alpha Indian since I have 35000 Links. I will buy a golden street where I can shit.

OP you are not going to make it

>> No.10838572

ey es cs

>> No.10838699


OP must be right, 30+ link threads at any given second in 2017.

99% of the volume generated from /biz/
Even today

>> No.10838725

>He fell for the Link is a scam is a scam scam

>> No.10839188

>philosophy major
Wait seriously? Ahahahhahahahha
Why are you so fucking stupid biz?

>> No.10839661

I am also a paid Link shill. And so is my wife.

>> No.10839666

Did your wife's boyfriend put you up to this?

>> No.10839678

My wife's bf and I were smoking weed when approached. *Ukulele-driven, upbeat advertisment music starts*

>> No.10839681
File: 45 KB, 635x600, 45435435435543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unpaid shill reporting, i merely want to cuck late adopters from ever making it

>> No.10839691

I’m black n my people is geniuses. We invented bitcoin befo the fuck azz crackuhz stole our technologicalizations. Anyway, these crackaz say “y’all should shill dis o’ boo shit azz ChainLink to dee white folk n get PAIIIIDDDD.”

Nah, a nigga like me gonna get paid irregardless by any means. But yuh, day pay me to make all dee smart sounding threads cause they know niggaz is genius and superior, but we juss oppressed. Nahm sayn?

>> No.10839763

>he fell for the Link is a scam is a scam scam scam

>> No.10840036
File: 98 KB, 309x310, IMG_0987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ya I forgot binance has the /biz/ volume tracker... good find

>> No.10840043

He’s a butthurt commie. Next.

>> No.10840069

checked. Never heard of chainlink outside of /biz/.