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File: 136 KB, 1250x938, PeakOilSlide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10830485 No.10830485 [Reply] [Original]

How are you preparing for peak oil? Can crypto propel my car?

>> No.10830511

When I get rich off crypto I'll build an energy-efficient home with solar panels and homestead off of it. Self-reliance is more stable than fiat or crypto.

>> No.10830538

Thanks for sharing, but what will society do?

>> No.10830546

the sun will
>use solar energy to turn water and nitrogen to ammonia the car will use a catalyst and oxygen to convert it to N2 and H2O
the future will smell a lot like piss

>> No.10830556

>becoming dependent on a limited resource
I'm sure it will be fine God will make more. :)

>> No.10830559

the free market will unironically fix it

>> No.10830562

peak oil is an already outdated myth that was pushed by leftists, our extraction methods have changed and so has our available supply

>> No.10830569

Switch to a mix of solar/nuclear/wind/coal or collapse

>> No.10830584

google solar-ammonia chain completely sustainable practically forever. can replace traditional fuel. we will never run out of sun.

>> No.10830838

Is this 2007 again?

>> No.10830985

Has something changed since then? Pretty sure it's still a finite resource.

>> No.10831011

>getting better at extracting a finite resource turns it into an infinite resource

>> No.10831135


Mostly extraction technology (shale, fracking, discovery, horizontal drilling, water injection).

We are at a point in the economic cycle where supply is relatively high because capacity came on strong in the last 10-15 years to take advantage of high prices. All the technology used to increase extraction increased capital and labor costs. A more succinct description of the situation is that the cheap oil is now mostly gone. Meanwhile, the world economy has surged ahead and is now burning 33% more than 10 years ago. So demand will continue to rise to meet supply, and eventually squeeze it creating higher prices.

Politically it will become harder and harder to justify as the consequences of carbonizing the oceans and atmosphere become more and more apparent. Carbon taxes, credits and other things will increase the cost.

Officially, experts assume efficiency will probably be balanced by increased demand and competition by non-carbon sources acting to moderate the price in relation to supply and demand. Eventually the internal combustion engine will become obsolete and not cost-competitive with other energy systems for its dominant use as transportation fuel.

When the costs of waste carbon exceed some threshold in the future there will probably be a period of war in which states with advanced technology use force to decarbonize states that refuse to limit their emissions. Venezuela might keep failing for another century if their oil becomes just another stranded asset and the government refuses to evolve

>> No.10831268

Extraction technology is not the same as supply. There is only so much oil, no matter how you get it.

>> No.10831487
File: 84 KB, 591x572, 1515611867044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak oil is an already outdated myth that was pushed by leftists
Based and redpilled my fellow kekistani! Have an upvote! XXDDDD

edit: RIP my inbox XD

edit2: thanks for the gold!!

>> No.10831502

Prove to me oil is biogenic first.

I bet you've never even researched the massive volumes of methane hydrates found literally all over the world

>> No.10831517
File: 123 KB, 645x773, Sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is no one worried about oil depletion? There is a finite amount of it on the planet and no alternative exists to power the 95+% of the world dependent on petroleum.

This could lead to a great portion of humanity dying from starvation or total economic collapse

>> No.10831552

I guess you guys don't understand that finite oil is a lie. It's a natural resource produced from the Earth, it's not from fossils. Fossil fuel is a lie.

>> No.10831572
File: 48 KB, 346x346, 1526925436536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, so we just have to wait for another earthlike planet to form in our solar system and then we can extract its oil.

>> No.10831604

Tell me this.
Is it possible to run out of any form of water on this planet unless the sun burns it all off?
Same for oil.

>> No.10831630

>t. doesn't understand thermodynamics

>> No.10831643

still not infinite

What the fuck are you saying? The sun doesn't burn off water...

>> No.10831644


Anon, I'd like for you to explain how you take the by-product of burning petroleum and somehow refix them to produce petroleum again

>> No.10831645

What the fuck do you think is this whole entire thread and the hundreds of "scientists" claiming "peak oil" for a century now?

>> No.10831649
File: 459 KB, 956x631, 92c19c8ba0bde4431318546bae9c43bfb9d552ae23afb878470c1cb50eeea875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't just go around saying things like this without providing some explanation

>> No.10831678


>implying the layman gives a shit when scientists have predicted the "when" wrong over and over

The average person does not even want to think about these things. They just say to themselves "Scientists got the time frame wrong so it will never happen"

>> No.10831690


It doesn't, getting better/changing extraction methods improves extraction efficiency and it is a leftist fallacy to believe we have discovered all the available oil on/in the planet.

It is much likelier there is far more oil we haven't discovered than believing we have discovered or know of all petroleum in Earth.

>> No.10831709

its not that there is not enough oil, but that it will reach a point where it costs more energy to extract than the energy it gives per barrel. The solution is either new cost effective extraction methods or we move to renewables and use public transportation until the infrastructure is set

>> No.10831720

Ever ask yourself why there are hydrocarbons in space and on other planets?

>> No.10831723

>50y ago
OIL is running out in 50years
OIL is running out in 50years, falling for the peak oil meme

>> No.10831739
File: 30 KB, 294x297, newface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks oil is an infinite resource

>> No.10831765

>What is abiotic oil

>> No.10831772

THere's no peak oil. You seriously think that after ~200 years of oil usage the supplies are dry?

>> No.10831782

>It will run out soon, 50 years from now. Believe me.

>> No.10831790

also one more thing to consider turns out we can easily make cheap biodiesel. almost all fuels in the stations have some bio-diesel mixed into them now.

>> No.10831805

its not running out brainlets, it costs more energy to extract than the energy output, thats peak oil. Why the fuck would you extract a barrel of oil with X energy output if it costs X+Y energy to extract?

>> No.10831822
File: 5 KB, 250x174, crpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes in peak oil

>> No.10831832

peak oil predictions were made about specific types of source and all panned out. It's the media that misrepresented the research as a global peak oil.

>> No.10831865

Peak oil has been happening since the 80s. Kinda like how Florida was going to be underwater by 2016, back in the 80s.

Getting tired of hearing about it.

>> No.10831914

Then claim that as your talking point and not pretend that oil is finite.

>> No.10831919

Even BP isn't backing that shit anymore:

>> No.10831920

like it matters why the supply drops sharp... like we are extremely dependent on it technologically.
meh... peak oil true or false doesn't matter is my point in this thread. we will adapt to anything we already have the technology.

>> No.10831960

They never did

They never did

>Peak oil is the theorized point in time when the maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline.[1] Peak oil theory is based on the observed rise, peak, fall, and depletion of aggregate production rate in oil fields over time. It is often confused with oil depletion; however, whereas depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply, peak oil refers to peak, before terminal depletion occurs.

>maximum rate of extraction of petroleum is reached, after which it is expected to enter terminal decline
says nothing about running out of oil, just rate of extraction lowering

>It is often confused with oil depletion;
which is what you people are confusing with peak oil. Oil depletion is the term for running out of oil

>> No.10831997

everybody assumed oil demand will keep on rising i guess. but it turns out we don't really need more and more of it.

>> No.10832032

That's what it says about peak oil in a dictionary.
We are using peak oil here as a normal human/ urban dictionary term

>> No.10832074

the normal human/urban dictionary term is what media hyped up and you brainlets picked up, cause you never picked up a science book

>> No.10832120

quiet frankly you don't seem so intelligent based on your posts either as you probably believe. also having a peak in oil production clearly indicates there would be a runout if consumption is kept at the same level. that's what "peak oil" is all about. of course it's not a big deal but a few years back that was not evident.

>> No.10832126

And it's the correct term usage.
The one you imply is flat out wrong.
Words mean what people want them to mean not what a book says.

>> No.10832298

what about the minerals used to construct the solar panels ? There is still asteroid mining though so not too much worries about that

>> No.10832391

Isn't it odd how we just keep finding more and more hydrocarbons despite people screaming peak oil since the dawn of the industry

>> No.10832434

i'm not sure on the solar panels recycle ability but we should be able to do it in time.

>> No.10832491

Despite everything you said, oil is a finite resource. If we continue using oil, there WILL be peak oil, that is indisputable. It might be in 20 years, might be 200 years. But we will hit it eventually.

Trying to argue your way out of it by saying "it won't happen in my lifetime" is naive and irresponsible.

>> No.10832501
File: 6 KB, 300x303, 700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a used hybrid vehicle off lease with low mileage. Uses literally half the gas my old car used. Gas prices spiked this year and normies are all butthurt about it, feels good man

>> No.10832503

oil is not an element it's a chemical made by plants. guess we just gonna have to make sure the plants stay alive...

>> No.10832513
File: 47 KB, 620x428, overpopulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nightmare mode: Will we reach peak nigger before we reach peak oil?

>> No.10832718

Once again.
If we continue to drink water will we run out of it?
Will we run out of oil?

>> No.10832731

when the jews lost israel

>> No.10832768

What the actual fuck, you brainlet

>> No.10832789

i work for the largest publicly traded oil company in the world and i can happily tell you that this is retarded my nigga

about the oil and car thing: electricity grids around the world do not have the infrastructure to allow oil fuelled vehicles to stop any time before 2040, and vehicles like delivery vans and cargo vehicles have no scope to go electric en masse any time soon

>> No.10832871

>t. security guard for employee parking lot

>> No.10832921


>> No.10832947

peak oil is a myth you neets need to stay in your lane and leave the big boy things to professionals
t. o&g business owner

>> No.10833044

>lol ur gay
not an argument

>> No.10833132

have you heard of natural gas brainlet why you think the US is still a super power

>> No.10833726
File: 322 KB, 700x888, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, actually. It's an easy argument that mining bitcoin is a reasonably efficient way of storing electricity.

>> No.10833808


Prove oil is a finite resource.