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10828607 No.10828607 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else regret going to college?

I'm a fully fledged boomer (33) with a master's degree (graduated at 30) with a negative net worth due to student debt. Even after graduating I'm still working the same types of jobs that a high-school student could do (with the corresponding salary to match).

If instead of going to college, I started working at age 18, doing the same kind of work I do now, I would have been able to set aside 1500 dollars a month (I can live off next to nothing, I'm very frugal).

1,500 dollars a month for 15 years, including compounding interest, invested in 2-4 index funds (assuming 6-7% returns) = 478,000 dollars.

This makes me want to kill myself. Anyone else?


>> No.10828619

If hindsight being 20/20 makes you wanna kill yourself than you might as well fucking do it already because that will literally never change. Man up and succeed. You are the only one who is in total control of your life

>> No.10828628

>working for money

Don't be a pleb

>> No.10828635

I'm the exact opposite of you. Dropped out of high school, got a job very young and constantly worked, now operate a business and have enough money to be comfortable but I'm old as shit and regret not pursuing education. There was so much I fantisized about doing and discovering that won't ever happen now.

>> No.10828636

Try to find some investors for a crypto mining company, find like 100k, invest all into Innosilicon A9 and break it even in 150 days and take like a 50% share.
Then use that money and invest into proper GPUs because GPU mining will be a thing again, go from there...

Just gotta try some 50+ y/o that might be interested in crypto but doesnt know how to properly participate

Mining is the redpill

Then go from there and do other ventures if youve got any good ideas

>> No.10828657

What is your Masters in? Undergrad?

>> No.10828678

Also this. Everyone has missteps, and comparing yourself to the Larps of /biz/ is like saying you’re dissatisfied with your life because you didn’t turn out like Luke Skywalker

>> No.10828694

Foreign language (Major) and Philosophy (Minor). Graduate school.

Originally wanted to teach but got a whiff of it in a temp position and decided against it, because fuck teenagers and progressively worse cutbacks etc.

Currently freelancing some translation/linguistic revision for agencies, but planning on cutting out the middleman once I get some more experience under my wing. Hence the high-school tier jobs/temp jobs.

>> No.10828702

Eer, under my belt...derp. Brain not work good.

>> No.10828709

Ever considered going back to school at some point?

If you could get someone to "take care" of your business while you're studying, I mean.

>> No.10828718

Which language? And what’s your first language?

>> No.10828764

From Denmark, majored in English.

Problem is everyone here thinks they're flawless at English. I concede that most (young) people are pretty good, but they're not nearly as good as they think they are. So you're basically up against people in their 40s and 50s who can't see why they should pay "out the ass" for a professional. The sentiment I meet a lot is that they might as well hire "my friend's nephew. He got an A in high school and he'll do it for 5 bucks an hour!".

That's the thing with working with languages: Everyone thinks they're flawless and if you don't know that you make mistakes, how would would you able to appreciate the work a professional does? And once you actually point out some mistakes (I get this a lot when I proofread people's work) they almost get offended: "now you're just being pedantic!" Umm, yes, that's what you paid for?

>> No.10828777

Dinnae exactly proofread my own text there, oh wlel. Can't be arsed on 4chan.

>> No.10828806

I did a useful degree, so no
however most degrees can be learnt for free on the internet

>> No.10828832
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>mfw I will never know this feel since I am not an American and I never paid a dime for education

>> No.10828857
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Imagine being a country so great you live rent free in shitskins heads till their dead

>> No.10828905

Post read fine, better than most here desu. Have you considered going the other way? Like working for an Anglo firm trying to communicate in Danish? It seems to me like most Anglos would concede that they aren’t an authority on any other language. Also out of curiosity, is Danish a Germanic or Scandinavian language?

>> No.10828917

How did you get student debt when education is free in denmark? you took su-lån didn't you?

>> No.10828923
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>tfw 24 yo tradie
>Weekly checks

>> No.10828933

jelly. I fucking wish I didn't listen to my boomer parents.

>> No.10828940

>got a CS degree
>only made about as much as a good trade, but melted away my student debt
>now looking at a master's

>> No.10828976

The knowledge that underwrites ALL degrees can be learnt in other ways, but don’t expect anyone to care because you’re still not accredited by a recognized institution. All degrees are useful btw, but their usefulness may not go beyond understanding a certain subject. University is not a vocational school in a lot of cases and that’s fine as long as you understand that. Furthermore, OP’s specialty seems useful and just happens to be a niche that is hard to break into.

>> No.10829014

I was told trades will wreck my body..

>> No.10829029

Way to go, if you’re okay with that. I just finished my second degree with zero debt because I worked in the trades while going to school. Going to law school next month and will never look back at the trades as anything but part of my journey to a fulfilling life.

>> No.10829046
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>tfw my college is paid by grant scheme
>tfw will be graduated by 21
>tfw already have 10k saved up
>tfw live with my parents so I can continually save
>tfw only heavy expense is my girlfriend

heh, being a zoomer is great

>> No.10829049


No Regrets. I know what it is like to just work for a living with no degree, I worked 40-60 hour weeks from 18-24, then I went to college. Nobody will ever give you a chance for a promotion or good job when you are young unless you have a degree. I have lots of debt now but I also have a job that pays twice as much as I had when i was 21. Always get a degree in a skilled high demand field and things will work out.

>> No.10829085

If you have connections with prominent members of a union, and are the right combination of intelligent and hardworking you can get yourself into a foreman role relatively quickly and then you will get away with your body intact. Without connections it’s a crapshoot though

>> No.10829100
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Yeah, I'm doing that right now. One of the agencies I work with is based in the US (with several regional offices around the world as well).

They seem really eager to get me on board. I don't think they have that many Danish translators working for them (e.g. there isn't any style guide for Danish). I hope I get to become their go-to guy and be able to get a steady workflow from them.

Danish is a Germanic language, yeah. I didn't really study diachronic linguistics, however, so I'm not an authority on the matter.

Yep, I was a dumb-ass who wisened up

>> No.10829140

All of these. Hindsight is 20/20. Economy is shit so we have to kick and claw for any opportunity. Yeah it’s rough. But that’s the price we have to pay. Also networking is just as important as applying for jobs.

Also it seems that a lot of majors ifndrufied don’t corretlare to a prosperous future. There isn’t any set ticket to freedom now. It’s all over the place in terms of success

Congrats anon. That’s great. I wish I woulda done something similar, not take out many loans, for law school. Sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders, so you’ll do great. Some unsolicited advice: be careful with low tier schools.

When you go to law school- you must have a set plan on what type/s of law you will study. Have this done by your first year of law school. Network and bust your ass doing it. Friendships can go a real far away especially in law. Get as many internships you can. Good luck desu

>> No.10829200

Have you tried interpreting? I don't know how much demand there is in Denmark but it pays pretty good for my language pair.

>travel to cool places
>stay at luxury hotels
>learn cool stuff
>be a part of high-level government meetings

>> No.10829221

Where to cop mining rig for dummies

>> No.10829233

Getting ready for a morning jog.

>> No.10829273

Thanks for the kind words and advice anon! Are you practicing right now? And if so, what area? I’m pretty sure that I want to stay away from family law and lean towards corporate/litigation. Background is BA History with BCom Accounting afterdegree btw.

>> No.10829328

>Foreign language (Major) and Philosophy (Minor)
Why do people pay to waste years of their lives on hobbies? You fucked up big time.

>> No.10829340

Interpreting could be cool (I tried it while I was studying) but if you want to work for major institutions (e.g. EU/UN) you need to be certified. I graduated from uni but you need a degree from a business school to get certified, sadly. Furthermore, it would be really tough to become an interpreter in said institutions when you only have 1 language pair like I do. Most interpreters who can make living from it can usually speak 2-3 languages apart from their native language.

>> No.10829363

>waste years
I know this is /biz/ but there is more to life than making money.

>> No.10829385

Out of interest, what are you language pairs?

>> No.10829391

Can you challenge accreditation by writing an exam or anything? Also, it seems like if you are proficient in two Germanic languages getting others under your belt wouldn’t be a huge stretch.

>> No.10829401


>> No.10829425

Unless you really know what the fuck you're doing and actually enjoy fixing shit you won't do well in trades.

>> No.10829463


>90% tax
>Never paid a dime

Communist economics is basically magic

>> No.10829465

Hobbies are for spare time, which, before you're at least 30, should be spent working.

>> No.10829471

Well if making money gives you all the fulfillment you need.... even if you said it does I wouldn’t believe you. Don’t get me wrong, it is fulfilling on some level and even better it’s practical. But if that’s all you have, it’s not going to end well for you. Also, calling it a hobby implies that it is a fulfilling endeavor aside from any practical financial consideration.

>> No.10829474

I might be able to, but I will have to pay for the course myself (last time I checked, I think a 1 year MBA is between 10-20,000 USD). I can't really afford that right now, but I'll definitely look into it more seriously once I get some more money and can afford it.

As for another language pair, yeah, but it would take a while (2-3 years to become proficient enough to be comfortable with translating professionally, I reckon). Would also cost me a pretty penny.

But who knows what the future will bring. I work part time for a major newspaper. Maybe there's a job opening there in a couple of years/months. I make all these intricate plans for my life, then 20-30 unplanned things happen and one year later, I'm in a completely different place than I thought I would be.

>> No.10829512

I’m sure you’re espousing that a good work ethic is, well.... good. I agree, but your post reads like “don’t do anything you like until your thirties.” Seems like a recipe for becoming a zombie and an heroing before your 40th birthday desu. I give a heartfelt ISHYGDDT

>> No.10829535

You got memed by boomers. College these days is a joke. only boomers think it's a good idea.

>> No.10829577

MBA is 100K/yr at some schools in the US. Factor in lost income and an MBA can cost 350-400K+.

>> No.10829660

You sound pretty ignorant. College certainly isn’t for everyone nor is it the only way to a better life. It is an integral piece of a puzzle to advancement if that is the path you choose. The problem is that a lot of boomers saw “educated people” on a higher rung of the social ladder and only saw a degree as the differentiator (which it most certainly is but there is more to it than that.) As flawed as this idea is, it is far better than the “cooolleddge is stooopid” bullshit that NEETs continuously repeat as a coping mechanism.

>> No.10829751


Got my MBA in accounting at a state school, saved a ton of money, 18k a year instead of 50k a year at a private school, fully qualified me for the CPA exam at less than half the cost, I recommend it.

>> No.10829802

>be me
>join military
>get free bachelors degree paid for
>get out
>get good job with bachelors degree and military experience
>have zero college debt
>laugh at retards with mounds of college debt and minimum wage jobs

>> No.10829852

>Masters of Accounting
You would have been better off doing an undergrad and then working at a firm while doing CPA PEP courses that they pay for. You essentially did the same thing except paid for mentors instead of being paid while being mentored, and came out with no work experience.
Good for you in any case and I’m sure you’ll end up being fine, but CPA>MBA and when all is said and done your MBA will be equal to your colleagues BCom. You’re giving bad advice.

>> No.10830066


Meh still got a job, either way I have side business doing internet marketing, still havent passed the CPA exam, i'll get it done when i get it done.

>> No.10830152

Market yourself to Asians looking to speak English, they’d actually appreciate it.

>> No.10830164

All law is contract in commerce have fun selling your soul

You'll be a privileged member of society though and your use of language will be masterful

>> No.10830178

You should cut that heavy expense and save?

>> No.10830249

How is a gf expensive?
Just don't take her for dinners and do not buy her shit.

>> No.10830341

>selling your soul
Believe it or not I have a moral compass, but this is a legit concern of mine because I’ll always be pressing the advantage. I don’t think that contracts are inherently immoral though. Nobody has to agree to anything if they don’t want to.

>> No.10830364

I feel you OP.
>Had 30k saved up from wage cucking over 4 years
>Mom tells me to go to college
>”You can’t just sit here a do nothing”
>Threatens to kick me out if I don’t
>I go to college first semester, have a mental breakdown, shit grades
>”You just weren’t focused, try harder”
>Second semester went even worse
>Ended up paying 9k in fees alone, that doesn’t even account the federal loans she took out for me
Her response?
>You better get your shit together, or else

>> No.10830372
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>Foreign language (Major) and Philosophy (Minor). Graduate school.
>1,500 dollars a month for 15 years
>student debt.

>> No.10830381

You need 30 months of qualifying accounting experience to write the CFE no? Not negging btw, you should soldier on it’ll work out if you do. Just hope your job is relevant to your end goal. If it isn’t you should bust your ass trying to get a firm job.

>> No.10830396

Because of this>>10829660

>> No.10830405

Graduated 10 years ago, still 50k in debt. Not one employer (development industry) ever asked about my degree

>> No.10830420

I went 15 years ago.

I would never go today. The good information can be learned at home online. The rest is just a bunch of Chads and Staceys pretending school makes you smarter and partying with government money.

Apparently they have communist indoctrination now too. Which doesn't really surprise me because the 'core curriculum' and most of the fields were complete garbage.

>> No.10830454


It's because IQ tests can predict long term success and they don't use it.

Those people aren't successful because college. College is just the lie that anyone can be smart so that the masses don't feel bad. It's not true, it's about 95% genetic.

>> No.10830481

So you claim to have a master's degree and are flipping hamburgers?

>> No.10830486

no i started working at 18 i'm 30 now and have 300k

>> No.10830495

I want to go to university but the prices nowadays imo are ridiculous. Its only worth it if your company helps you through university.

>> No.10830518

I did a master (free in my country) and I am now 28 with $100K salary and $100K saved in liquidity and stocks. I still consider myself a failure because I failed an interview that could have gotten me $200K.

A master degree in itself does not mean shit. What is important is the name of your univ, your major, your gpa and the connections you made there that will land you a good job.

If you re going to study gender in a no name university for $30000, yeah you would better do trades, cop or something.

>> No.10830646


Life is long, there is always plenty of time to get the working hours requirements in.The most important thing is just getting more experience, and in different industries for different types of accounting, makes you more valuable.

>> No.10830683


This is mostly true. Skills and connections matter the most, always go to meetups and networking events if you can, do work on the side, keep updating your skills and you will never be poor.

>> No.10830746

You're making a basic mistake so many people make in thinking "if only I'd done this and that." No shit, hindsight is 20/20. Stop trying to live life backwards. You can go back even a second in time. Set some goals for your FUTURE and work on those. Forget about the past, put it behind you. Appreciate the good times you may have had. If you look back on anything look back on the good things that happened.

>> No.10830817

>95% genetic
There are lies, damned lies,and statistics. Now you’re adding an even lower level: statistics you pull out of your ass.

The problem is that, although IQ is correlated with success. When you remove outliers on the low end, like mental disability (which will always lower IQ) and on the high end, I.e. rare occurrences of genius (which will raise IQ as long as other factors are met) genetics are not correlated with IQ. It’s nurture rather than nature.

>> No.10830853

my father died when i was 14 and most of my friends were drug addicts by the time we could drive



>> No.10830881

And how are you doing now?

>> No.10830936

i worked in landscaping and farmwork for many years, went to college, worked off my morbid obesity to become a pretty jacked guy with muay thai skills

i worked overseas for several years tax free after i got my ba (which is what OP should do) and invested those gains from working in crypto

i never had any college debt

all my friends have their jobs from someone they know or a familial connection because my dad died i was the only one who had to strike out on his own

but that made me stronger

if i can do it you can to but the first thing you must realize is life is a chess game

we all start off as a certain class but
a pawn can become a queen, the most powerful piece in the game, but in the end all the pieces go back in the same bag

i think john stuart mill said something like that

i hope you find your way but i'll tell you without jesus i wouldn't have been able to do it

>> No.10830938

>have bachelor’s
>10,000 debt
>univ mostly paid for because of 529 fund
>in grad school
>tuition paid because of trump
>studying data science
>might go for the big bucks at a mass data farming/advertising company, or follow my passions in AI
It feels great to be a Zoomer

>> No.10830953

No. I majored in accounting and have a master's degree in tax. I work at a Big 4 firm and hope to leave in a couple of years and be a manager at a company's tax department.

>> No.10830991

Straight up, I went to get a masters am 85k in debt my brother works at JC Penney and his parents give him some sweet deal where he just does chores and pays no rent now has 30k in a stock account that rose to 37K, STILL NOT PAYING RENT HAHAHAHA

What the fuck...

>> No.10831005

>tuition paid because Trump
Care to elaborate?

>> No.10831022

>my brother
>his parents
What the fuck indeed

>> No.10831209

If boomer parents honestly believed that then they should take out loans under their own name. Let’s see them push this college meme when they’re the ones putting their money up They don’t care because their kids foot the bill.

>> No.10831278

I'm 30 with an undergrad degree I don't use, going to college was a massive mistake and I resent all of the boomers who talked me into it even though my gut told me to not fuck with it. Now I'll be debt for ages, kek. Oh well, the one thing I learned from my college experience is to never, ever, take advice from boomers - about anything.

>> No.10831323

>I started working at age 18, doing the same kind of work I do now, I would have been able to set aside 1500 dollars a month (I can live off next to nothing)

thinking too small about your life, you will never make it

>> No.10831436

Stock market skyrocketed so his (((college))) funds were safu.

>> No.10831461

So essentially tuition paid because the market trends upward over time. Gotcha

>> No.10831492
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>not getting proficient at hobby which many executives/management people enjoy, such as golf, hunting, fishing etc.

Anon plz, certain hobbies can lead to excellent networking opportunities. Example: Trading fishing/hunting stories with your manager, VP of the company etc. who may invite you to go out on their boat or go hunting with them on their land.

>> No.10831496

If you would be more flexible where you live and work, there are programs that work lol forgive you student loans like working for a nonprofit or in a distressed region in education, health, etc.

>> No.10831547


Start sucking dick. $50 a dick, $1500 a month for 15 years, 1 dick a day, including compounding interest, invested in 2-4 index funds (assuming 6-7% returns) = 478,000 dollars

>> No.10831599

I aalwaays lul aat fags that get shit degrees and act surprised when this happens.

>> No.10831606
File: 121 KB, 680x497, feels good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying data science
Fackin noice m8, I'll be finishing my undergrad in economics/statistics within a year and will be applying for MS programs, either in business analytics or statistics.

>tfw when I think I'm finally gonna make it as long as I don't fuck something up royally

>> No.10831627

dude not .a terrible path but you should reconsider the grad degree , land a job in tech and dont lookk back

>> No.10831650

just move away from murica

>> No.10831711

how old is he? if he's under 23 stop whining nigger

>> No.10831740

Lol im 18 and worth 348k USD get fucked boomer nigger

>> No.10831776

The one I'm looking at (MS in Business Analytics) is only 10 months at my uni, and for certain classes they send you to work on projects with companies such as IBM, Deloitte, and Amazon, who will most likely hire you upon completion of the program given you don't fuck up royally. Starting salary on average is $84k (the people who go into sports analytics bring down the average a bit) with 99% job placement. These are actual stats from the department, I'm not pulling these figures out of my ass.

I figure that I could get to the same salary level with about 2-3 years of work experience, or I could spend 10 months skipping that part. It's a fairly rigorous program, but worth it in the end IMO.

>> No.10831779

is the thing you fantasized about teen pussy?
because otherwise I call bullshit, I can't imagine anyone on 4chan being over 50 and if you're still 50 you can pretty much do anything non sexual.

>> No.10832568

>investing in ASICs
>living anywhere other than China

>> No.10832593

inheritance doesnt count

>> No.10833020

Kind of. I would regret it more though if my grandfather didn't die and leave me enough money to pay off my loan.