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10816546 No.10816546[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just got a female roommate. She works as a Starbucks Barista. She doesn't know what I do for work. I bought ethereum at $6 and have just been enjoying vidya for the past year or so. Turns out she doesn't have a boyfriend and is interested in watching good TV shows with me after work. We just started watching breaking bad as she has never seen it before.

I come to you guys today because you know how to handle pretty much every situation. I am a Virgin and she doesn't know this. The condominium we are renting together is split 50/50. How can I go about losing my virginity to her? When she goes out to work I go snooping through her dirty laundry and smell her panties. Do you guys have any advice?

>> No.10816559
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>> No.10816572

Make her life easier by using your time for little surprises for her. Like. A nice dinner, nothing too fancy.

She will then take your virginity. Even if you are socially retarded.

>> No.10816573
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Fuck Donald Trump.

The Big Blue Wave is coming.

>> No.10816575

Show her your bank account so she knows you're a high status man

>> No.10816578

>I am a Virgin and she doesn't know this
She knows.

>> No.10816581


>> No.10816582

>BTW I go snooping through your dirty laundry and smell you panties. Do you want to have sex with me? Please?


>> No.10816584

she knows

get drunk and do everything but nothing to her

make sure you record it all

that way she doesnt get crazy later

no means no

if she likes the D give it

>> No.10816636

>When she goes out to work I go snooping through her dirty laundry and smell her panties. Do you guys have any advice?
yeah, don't do that

>> No.10816653

Post pic of her panties

>> No.10816665

>is interested in watching good TV shows with me after work
That sounds so nice

>> No.10816670

Obvious larp

>> No.10816679

No fuck that. Keep watching the shows with her and try to connect with lots of taking.ALSO you have to also try to get close physically. Otherwise she'll think you're only her friend. Simple things, like sit right next to her.
And don't be a little pushover and "make her life easier." Women want an interesting man, not a servant man.

>> No.10816685

Best way

>> No.10816687

Combined with not acting like a friend.
If you wanna fuck, act like it.

>> No.10816688

You are pajeet shitting on street and she knows that you bought ethereum for 1300$ and voted for trump.

Level of delusional is way too high, mb kys you retarded noob bought XRP for 3,50$ how stupid are u? fucking sminem cant save u

Dump her for money and move away new job more important and u know its true.

chainlink sucks, long live ALUAH AKBAR REFUGEEE RAPE I O T A


>> No.10816695

buy some nice white wine and offer her a drink while watching tv. if she rejects the offer then just find somebody else desu

>> No.10816703

This desu. Pour yourself a glass and ask if she wants one. Fuck the making her dinner suggestion that’s not as alpha

>> No.10816714

Congrats anon you are now in a common law partnership

She owns half your ETH now

>> No.10816722

based and redpilled

>> No.10816724

Oh my gosh, Jimmy! Is that you?
Fernando, my gym partner, told me about this creepy website and saw a post that described me a little too well.
Stay the fuck away from my panties, you wierdo!
We're gonna have more than just a talk

>> No.10816756

Well you have the perfect setup, so it should not be hard.

Wait till friday/saturday night when she's in a good mood and relaxed. Get your hygiene right if need be. Moderate (not too much) amount of good fragrance etc. Get a bottle of wine and get her to drink 2-3 glasses (again, not too much). Watch a good tv show and have a laugh together, should be easy with a bit of wine.

At this, take her under your arm. Be very relaxed and smile about it, don't make your move yet. If she accepts your cuddle, then you're basically set. Wait a bit as she starts relaxing under your arm. Make her feel at ease by joking etc, keep smiling. When she seems absolutely relaxed, kiss her. Things will go from there.

>> No.10816770
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my advice is to smell her worn socks/shoes,feet are a patrician fetish

>> No.10816778

If you make a move and she doesn't respond you're fucked and living together would be awkward afterwards.
When living with a female roommate, in general, if she shows 0 interest, you have 0 chances.

However, one way to get her attention is to show that you have options, i.e. you are available to other women and other women show interest in you. Ofc, this is not true since you're sniffing her dirty underwear and watching shows with her which basically makes you an orbiter now. What you should've done is act distant from the very beginning and invite her to dinner out of the blue, you will know next time though...

>> No.10816788

Ahh no champ that's not how it works.

>> No.10816800


> I bought ethereum at $6
> I just got a female roommate

you share your home with someone? how much did you invest? $100?

>> No.10816811

What's up with these dinner suggestions? You really think OP would impress anyone with his charm and wits?

He has the opportunity to get close to her and get her tipsy in his own home. Dinner is a waste of time and money. You guys are making things way too hard here.

>> No.10816831

Because food makes them happy. It's unironically one of the best ways to please a woman

>> No.10816842

Its an uphill battle but if you're a virgin. If you really want to bang her and not just anybody, the best way is for her to hear you banging someone else in your room. That will get the wheels turning in her head. None of this will work if you are a neckbeard that smells a little cheesy though.

>> No.10816850

It’s not about making them happy by serving them you cuck. By making her dinner OP will expose himself as a beta orbitter. OP the wine suggestion is way better. Women love wine and you can’t fuck it up like you could with dinner

>> No.10816856

Not only that. Inviting a woman over dinner really means something for them in the sense that you make them feel "special" and not just trying to fuck her which is the ultimate goal of course but you have to conceal it. You know it, she knows it but everything has to be concealed (like a tip of an iceberg). Every woman I have slept with, first of all I took out for dinner and every single one of them told me that they really like that.

>> No.10816873

Take her underwear and wrap it around your hand like a glove and then jerk off.

>> No.10816876

Depends on what kind of girl she is. Him having sex with another girl could make her think “oh okay, he’s not interested in me I guess”.

>> No.10816880

Also buy a semi automatic assault rifle and show it to her.

>> No.10816891
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>> No.10816902

No, no and no
Non of that “i pretend to be a nice guy to get into your panty stuff”
Keep it simple and just go for it after some glasses of wine or something
Either she is into it or she is not and youll have your answer
She has already made up her mind if you are a potential fuck or not
Basically nothing will change that
Alcohol will help to loosen her up a bit and to give you some ne courage thats all

>> No.10816917

Break the ice by telling her you sniff her used panties.

>> No.10816923

OP you sound like a 3/10. If true dont even bother unless shes a 2/10. And you dont want to fuck your only roommate anyway. Useless drama etc. Especially if you are a virgin..

>> No.10816937


This isn't fucking /biz/ related you autistic faggot

>> No.10816943

God damn, you know this all of this girl's friends were like "You probably shouldn't live alone with a random guy, you don't know what he's like" and she thought "He's clearly a nerd/beta, he wouldn't hurt a fly". Now OP is gonna put the moves on her, fail HORRIBLY, and then have to deal with the fiasco of her moving out immediately afterwards. Guarantee there's a reddit post from her about the situation in ~2 days. Also guarantee she comes back after 2 days with a large male friend to move her stuff and OP gets meany mugged. Little does she know half of her panties are missing and the others have crusty white bits and little brown skid marks.

>> No.10816944

If you really want to do it be prepared for drama if she is not interested or it gets super awkward. Ok so do this, put slot candles and some nice music to set the mood before she gets home from work. As she walks in you should be laying naked on the sofa. If your dick is small have a boner ready

>> No.10816946

>I go snooping through her dirty laundry and smell her panties.
stop doing that.......

>> No.10816949

literally this

>> No.10816962

yeah! this!
its called naked man move!
u r chat chating with a girl at her place, and ask her if she can make a tea for ya, she leaves the room, u go full naked, and wait for her laying on her bad with sexy pose, its good if u have a french type mustache that u can twist with fingers and be seing like: ouuu, mon cheriii, cest bien ouiii?? le sex du fromageeee

>> No.10816963


>Eternal cuck

Just by your writing I know you are white

>> No.10816966

Never shit where you eat OP. If you really did buy some cheap ETH sell it before $100 EOY take the money and fuck a quality hooker. A virgin gaymer like yourself has little chance of pulling this off without spaghetti everywhere. Thank me later.

>> No.10816988

i never understand why virgins dont go fuck hookers, i mean.. not like an aids affected one, but gather 100-200$ and just go for a decent one.. of course u never no..
i didnt fuck from like 4 months, but will i ne next one as my friend is coming back from aus. but personally i would go fuck any whore as it disgust me at its finest as i did had regular love sex. but what is difference than jerking off to gamma class chicks, the ugly ones.. and fuckin w hooker..

>> No.10816998

Hope you enjoy living in a disgusting pig sty OP. Women are terrible roommates.

>> No.10816999

i wouldn't* as i dont have anything to lose, i fucked so i dont need to "finally do it, at least once"

>> No.10817003

Still better than /biz/ financial advice

>> No.10817004


give her ethereum as a gift then kys and cry in hell as your mom begs your roommate for the return of your shitcoins just like that retardo plebbitor did

>> No.10817013

Ok, this is epic.

>> No.10817016


I wish I was you OP! Your life sounds amazing!

>> No.10817025

its 50/50 move, if the girl is open minded and funny u will kill it with this move, and if she will be like stacy "YUUUUUCKKK": pack ur bagz and move on to the next house

>> No.10817037

Dont listen to any of these fags. Shes your roommate. This wont end well. Especially your autistic virgin ass will fuck it up. Women can smell that shit on you

>> No.10817089

who gives a fuck?
if she doesnt like she can move out.
it will be awkward but who gives a fuck?
if he bangz her profit, if he doesnt? fuck that. at least he tried. the only other option is that she might be a proxy gateway to her normie female friends and count to bang one of them.

>> No.10817179

It's the Wolf's duty to show the teeth to the sheep.

>> No.10817186

>The condominium we are renting together
About the closest thing to a condom you'll ever share together

>> No.10817187

i don't think this wolf has any teeth

>> No.10817237
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How does a virgin end up sharing a condo with a girl? Srs, all of the virgins here ended up the way they did because their last interaction with a girl their age was when girls bullied them in kindergarten. An answer to this question might actually help us figure out how to help YOU, opie...
P.S. Buy fabric token

>> No.10817240


>> No.10817276
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>> No.10817288

Next time you watch TV shows together just rest your head on her lap like it was a pillow.

>> No.10817309

I would suggest having her catch you sniffing her panties on purpose. Like "oh ... You weren't supposed to see this" then turn towards her and drop her crusty thong back on the floor.

If she doesn't jump you right then and there I really don't know women anymore.

>> No.10817316

>t. virgin

>> No.10817372

>i fucked so i dont need to "finally do it, at least once"
You do know sex isn't a video game achievement you only do once but more like a daily quest. Fucking austists man, if you don't understand the videogame metaphor then there is nothing I can do for you?

>> No.10817413


>> No.10817419

Just make a move you giant pussy.

>> No.10817434

>I have never seen a vagina

>> No.10817445

She will never fuck you If you come as fucking creep sitting in his room 24/7, because this is like you described your life. Do sports, volunteer or start your business and get a seperate place as a office if you are not a poorfag. If you the girl just comes home from work everyday and you allways there at home you can forget it. You need to develop some kind of absence and that you are not always there.

>> No.10817473

Wait til she comes home drunk, then she'll fuck you.

>> No.10817515

losers like you should have all their belongings confiscated

>> No.10817543

Top tier faggotry. This cuckoldry is only allowed if you are making food for yourself and let her eat some.

Don't make dinner for her.

>> No.10817569


Fuck wine just buy a bottle and chug that shit in front of her. Offer some but act like you don't give a fuck. Don't do dinner you sound too retarded to hold a conversation with the bitches.

Take a couple shots and play some Astro World before she even gets home. You're thinking too hard about this. Tell her she looks nice. You're "drunk" so she can just write it off as that if it doesn't work

>> No.10817588

be cool
like not a sperg

>> No.10817617


Oh but it actually is

>> No.10817653

>breaking bad
>good TV show
Pick one you room temperature IQ.

>> No.10817795

T. Salty virgin

>> No.10817798
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you forgot to post a fresco meme to really drive that point home, meme-r! Don't forget: Media Matters, Fresco gets Fatter!

>> No.10817909

Instead of sniffing her panties like some loser beta fag, go and try to get closer to her.
Judging by your situation, I'd say she's already quite comfortable with your presence, so it is much easier to make the moves on her. Just keep tightening your relationship, make her laugh and all that shit, and then after a few days/weeks just go for the big prize, if you don't act like an autist, she won't care that you are a virgin.

>> No.10817910



i wouldnt recommend hitting on your roommate, if things get weird it will be so awkward since you both live together, of she has hot friends, shoot for them instead...

read "the flow" by dan bacon

his youtube channel has pretty good content too

best of luck anon

>> No.10818037

>Depends on what kind of girl she is.

This, jesus christ people. Some girls you can just say "I want to fuck you" and that's it. Some like bullshit fancy dinners or whatever. OP has not given a description of her aside from she likes watching tv so there isn't much to go on here

>> No.10818054

or you risk it and try to bang her, knowing its the wrong thing to do it will feel that much better

>> No.10818081


>You really think OP would impress anyone with his charm and wits?

Fucking rookies. Disregard her and when you want to watch tv, watch tv with her. Go about your business otherwise. Dont fucking hover like a beta. When you get home from not fucking sitting in the house, bring fucking dinner or something to cook or a fucking chocolate bar so you show you are thoughtful and worthy of acutally spawning children with. Holy fuck.

>> No.10818098

>fucking sminem cant save u
nice try bog

>> No.10818102

t. faggot cuck servant who makes dinner for his wife and her bull

>> No.10818112

I know this is bait but think about this sentence right here
>How can I go about losing my virginity to her?
>How can I go about losing
With that mindset you will never win

>> No.10818229


Best advice imo

Sell her used undies online for profit and just shrug when she asks where is it

>> No.10818274

You even sounded kinda cute until last two sentences.
Creep and weird

>> No.10818278

When she gets home, be in the common living area with your pants down jerking off and have your headphones on to pretend like you couldn’t hear anything. If she’s impressed by your shrimp dick then it’s on like donkey kong. If not, welp, you didn’t hear her come in and she’ll probably scream at the top of her lungs. Act like it was an accident and she’ll get over it

>> No.10818285

Honestly OP I'd listen to the normie tier advice. The ppl that are saying redpill shit are 99% of the time larping as chads when they're in reality neets echoing what other redpillers said

>> No.10818290


>When she goes out to work I go snooping through her dirty laundry and smell her panties

You’re already in the wrong mindset, your creepiness will seep out as soon as you start talking

Also girls don’t want to fuck NEETs so you need to get active doing something, join your local historic landmark commission, do something

>> No.10818580

>Buy her dinner and chocolate


>> No.10818654

Based y rojopilled

>> No.10818673

Build a healthy relationship, also if you are going to have sex with her. Just tell her that you're a virgin, you won't be able to hide it I promise you.
(you will likely ejaculate prematurely)

>> No.10818719


>> No.10818734

it sounds like you're already doing just fine, anon. don't think about losing your virginity to her and instead fostering a meaningful relationship.

>> No.10819101


>so broke and beta he cant throw a bitch a snickers for some sex

B-b-b-b-beta. Full stop.

>> No.10819254


>> No.10819298

it depends on your height OP

>> No.10819358

Be friendly with her and make it fun when you guys spend time together. If this does not work, it's never going to work out. Simple as that.

>> No.10819384

Best sex I've ever had was with my female best friend, who ended up becoming my GF the past decade.

>> No.10819440

What the fuck kind of advice is this?

>> No.10819684

I like these type of threads because it makes the board look like a cult

>> No.10819733

>making dinner for a woman you're not dating
fucking SHIT 'advice'

>> No.10819951
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You guys are all retarded.
The only way this will work, and I do mean the ONLY way, is if OP makes up a back story for why he needs to occassionally rest with his between boobs and breastfed. Say your mom or mommy gf died or something and your body needs the warmth and nourishment.
It's the only way.

>> No.10819988

yeah something like this might work. To be honest, it should be really easy to fuck her if you're socially adept at all (a wholesome single girl probably wouldn't have a male roommate so i'm gonna assume she'd be relatively dtf).

just be chill and focus on having fun, and include her in the fun. be a little bit bossy sometimes (ask her to grab you some water or something idk). Don't do anything romantic. just do fun stuff. if you want a FWB sorta deal, being romantic will scare her off unless she already wants you, but just being fun and low key/no strings will make her more likely to fuck you, especially if she's horny and wants a release.

I would avoid doing hugs or kisses becuase that's romantic. I'm not sure how to initiate sex without kissing shit though. It might be best to wait and see if she'll make the fist move, which is where drinking wine with her could be a good idea.

and DON'T fucking tell her about your money. if she asks just say you have some passive income from an ecommerce site or something.

>> No.10820080
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Are you white? Is she white?
If so, get her preggers.

Otherwise kys.

>> No.10820354

>look up top rothschild net worths
>they're actually only a few billion each and wouldn't make any list
Ebin meme, anon.

>> No.10821141
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>Coming to a theater near you...
>Bad Decisions
>starring OP