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File: 143 KB, 960x640, GettyImages-494607942-nyc-58f120903df78cd3fc2759ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10816126 No.10816126 [Reply] [Original]

I come from a very powerful and important family. I can't say which but we have a legacy in New York. My father is extremely connected with very influential people and has been telling me things that he has been hearing amongst them.

Basically in short the mega rich are coming to cryptocurrency in 2019. They are beginning to learn about bitcoin and word is beginning to spread. Many of these rich people are about to drop 5% of their entire portfolio into bitcoin to use as a hedge for a store of value.

Once they do this the ball will start rolling and it will be too late to be able to buy bitcoin from your jobs. So I come to you guys today to tell you this info to prepare you for what is about to come. Make sure you have at least 1 btc or else you will not make it. 2019 Is going to be the biggest year for cryptocurrencies.

>> No.10816131

Are the eyes wide shut parties as cool as they seem or does it ever get too uncomfortable for even you?

>> No.10816156

Shutup dude. You're really bad at this.

>> No.10816165

If they're researching crypto, why THE fuck are they investing in Bitcoin and not better alts?

>> No.10816188
File: 11 KB, 250x240, 1533416139412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better alts

>> No.10816199

>Better transaction speeds
>Less expensive transaction fees
>More transactions per second
>Higher supply limit of coins
I could go on

>> No.10816206

Oh yeah we're really struggling to meet all this demand for crypto. Lel

>> No.10816215

Barron Trump?

>> No.10816229

That picture looks p amazing
until you realize it's filled with rats, kikes and homeless people

>> No.10816236
File: 314 KB, 757x1423, burst_ecocoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i missed bitcoin
i missed etherium
i wont missed burst. i allready invest 100$ in it.

>> No.10816240

>I could go on

>> No.10816242

Barron you are too young to use 4chan

>> No.10816245

problem is, if something cost nothing to produce it is easy to sell cheap, and this why burstcone is such a poor performer

>> No.10816248

>store of value

>> No.10816252

tel them about LINK

>> No.10816254

All of them are absolute shit, people don't bother reading behind how much TPS it can do and transactions fees ("free" transactions fees are actually bad, they just use it as a marketing tool, almost no one of the top coins care about this space really). If you take out ETH and maybe maybe ZIL/ADA/Dfinity you left with nothing.

>> No.10816264
File: 159 KB, 640x480, Eyes-Wide-Shut-nicole-kidman-5848095-640-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10816268

true, but in the long run its the better horse

it mainly cost hdd drives. Current its cheaper to buy the coins than to produce, becouse the roi is 5year+ when you invest in hdd drives. ( Not even considering rising difficulty) I think thats a good sign to invest now.

>> No.10816281

Actually, as those 4 things are just comparisons from alt coins, I will admit the only differences I have left are specific to the coin/comoany, such as where they are heading and what they hope to achieve, which I believe many have better goals and aspirations than BTC.

>inb4 hurr Durr I knew you didnt have anything more
Perhaps, but at least I would admit it and then give my opinions on what constitutes as better

>> No.10816289

t. newfag

those alts aren't tried and tested for 10 years now, and much easier to attack than btc is.

>> No.10816342

>Higher supply limit of coins
Why the fuck do you think this matters?

>> No.10816346

>doesn't show proof of any kind

>> No.10816358

>1 post by this id

>> No.10816409


open your phone and take a picture of your room right now, with a timestamp

do it or gtfo

>> No.10816437

he already went tfo after posting the OP

>> No.10816506
File: 5 KB, 190x265, download (28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10816760

no dude, just no
bad larp
the rich were in bitcoin in 2013
you 20 years old zoomers think just because you were in middle school at the time nothing you were aware of happened
but it did
bitcoin was on TV at the height of mtgox
accept you've been dumped on by 30 years old boomers who got their bitcoins for free while playing WoW, and move on

>> No.10816780

the absolute state of brainlets, everyone

>> No.10816837

Sorta went along with it until I read “or else you will not make it”
Hehe.. go to bed kid