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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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10814444 No.10814444 [Reply] [Original]

>mandatory workplace inclusion and diversity training

>> No.10814459

>he isn’t a blue collar worker
>he’s forced into diversity bullshit

>> No.10814460

chuckle checkd

>> No.10814472

>blue collar worker

yeeeeah, you won't have a job within 10 years time in my estimation

>> No.10814478

>he thinks automation will move that quickly
In 10 years electricians will still be around while McJobs are replaced by touchscreens

>> No.10814480

>Be nice to the low-IQ subhumans training
Why the fuck did white people allow this to happen? And they say nonwhites are incapable of thinking long-term. Kek.

>> No.10814504

>will move that quickly

if you haven't noticed, things are moving faster now than ever before. the transition will be ugly because fags like you actually believe you're safe from change

>> No.10814511

Yeah cause those self driving cars have really been successful
And crypto adoption is certainly high right?

>> No.10814566

you're like those morons saying the internet was a fad in the 90's. good luck with that

>> No.10814587

The internet caught on in the late 90s a few years after it wasn’t just a bunch of colleges talking to each other
Where is crypto after almost a decade? Still nothing
Self driving cars are barely viable and are moving slower than people expected

>> No.10814592

>menial hourly work
Sorry, we're talking about adult jobs, with salaries. Not this highschool dropout shit that will be automated in 30 years.

>> No.10814608

>adult jobs
>forced to do dumb diversity bullshit like Saturday morning cartoons taught you about when you were 7
>won’t own your own business ever
>be a peon to some big wig you’ll never meet forever

>> No.10814616
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>he thinks automation efficiency timescale is linear.

>> No.10814632
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With that logic then all jobs are gonna be automated

>> No.10814691

>late 90s
Early versions of the internet have been around since at least the 70s, brainlet.

>> No.10814699

And nobody used it
At all
It became known about in the 90s

>> No.10814709

Woah if you watch this through exactly 20 times he finally catches it with his mouth

>> No.10814738

>forced to do dumb diversity bullshit
>forced to do things at a job for money
yeah no shit, were you born yesterday or something? At least we're not forced to breathe in chemicals in a golf ball manufacturing plant or whatever lol

>won’t own your own business ever
Projection? Blue collar cucks are too low-IQ to do anything besides work in factories

>> No.10814739
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You just wasted 2 minutes of my life nigger.

>> No.10814775


>With that logic then all jobs are gonna be automated

That's the idea. We're making programs that can program. Anything a fleshbag can do, a machine can be trained to do more efficiently. The only constraint is time, which is in machines favor.

>> No.10814779

What makes you think the machines won't turn on you and enslave you, making you a wageslave once again while they have all the fun?

>> No.10814788

I'm feeling lucky >>10814777

>> No.10814798


>> No.10814799


Don't worry, there will still be jobs in the years to come. Unfortunately, the amount of jobs available will be dwarfed by the human labor supply. This means wages go down, and wealth inequality gap widens.

>> No.10814818


>machines enslaving people

People already enslave people. Machines are more efficient and would eliminate threats to their existence. People serve no purpose to machine when machines can make machines.

>> No.10814843

how about all the other fads that fucking die? you choose to believe crypto will be the 'next' big thing merely because you want free money and have no exposure to anything that hasn't actually gone fucking mainstream yet. it's like you have bought the dotcom ATH and actually expect to make money

>> No.10814872
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Diversity is strength, that's why it requires so much bureaucracy and legal intervention and social conditioning and policing. With great strength comes great responsibility.

>> No.10814873

Stfu. If you knew anything about any trade, you would realize that's impossible. Maybe just welding.

>> No.10814903

Wow, just like how no one uses crypto now!

>> No.10814943

I never once talked about crypto. This is why you faggot physical labours are fucked, you're just a bunch of drooling retards

That's cute, though have a look at what SoftBank is injecting money in atm. You faggots have no clue what's coming

>> No.10814950

enjoy making pennies while i make six figures with 1 yr experience

>> No.10814983

holy shit you are right anon, i need to get off this board

>> No.10815227

You're not getting me THIS time, anon.