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10814024 No.10814024 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ does being a member of secret societies (i.e. the Masons) help with getting ahead and or getting rich? Not talking about anything unattainable like Illuminaughty or 1% tier, just slighty above normie tier. Any current or former members? Share funny stories.

>> No.10814032,1 [INTERNAL] 

Freemasons is waste of time

Better of trying to become friends with the Harvard Society, lmao

>> No.10814026


>> No.10814032

I've always thought it was all bullshit, but the older I get the more its starting to seem plausible

>> No.10814053

Got invited by the sister of some guy that was in it. Wanted me to ask her brother to start the application process. I just had a business fail and was going heavy into debt so I didnt go for it thinking when I discussed it theyd deny me.

I think its good in the sense you have a group of people willing to help each other out so you can probably get access to investors, discounts in random professions, etc.

>> No.10814054

Freemasons are the quintessential social-climber fraternity. You'll meet some prominent people, and some plebs. These organizations aren't necessarily better than just joining every club and organization you can. Attending an episcopal, catholic, or mormon church, being a mason, being an elk, joining a golf-course/country club, attending local republican/democrat meetings can all help you get connections.

But if you're trying to get a job in a specific field you should try LinkedIn before asking the illuminati for help.

>> No.10814060

>secret society

there is nothing secretive about the masons.


>> No.10814340

Can't be Catholic and a Freemason simultaneously. Fucks with the faction quests.

>> No.10814479

I seek the light, but not willing to sell my soul to do that.

>> No.10814861

Works for the Jews.

>> No.10814885 [DELETED] 


>> No.10814899

>there is nothing secretive about the masons.
wrong. there's plenty they don't divulge publicly. like the oath for example.

>> No.10814914
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>> No.10814929

yes. networking for getting good jobs, these people are usually decision makers or high achievers.

>> No.10815022
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Actually yes. I got a pretty cushy job this year. The other day I realized that literally everyone in the workplace, and other people we deal with, are all jews. I don't know why I didn't realize earlier, what with the menorahs on the desks and a map of Israel on the wall.
It landed on me that I only got the job 'cause they thought I was Jewish, because I have a jewish sounding last name, and because I came in with a recommendation from another jew.
All I need now is a good answer for when they eventually drop a "what are you doing for Hanuka" on me.

>> No.10815041

Just pretend to be jewish desu

>> No.10815213

Unironically this, It's a shame they disbanded. Just like all secret societies that want to change the world they couldn't agree on how to do it.

To be honest I did get some profit from their calls. You see only 2 people in there knew ta the rest of them were just larping either as lolbertarians or as keynesians.

Even if they were the ones who started pushing the boomer memes to slide link threads I don't think I will re-join again.

>> No.10815241
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Delphi is alive and well fren, alive and well.

>> No.10815308

>Hey /biz/ does being a member of secret societies (i.e. the Masons) help with getting ahead and or getting rich?
Dude being part of any community, be it an influential secret society like your city's local men's club or the Freemasons, or a organization like the chamber of commerce, or even your local church usually offers benefits for your career and upward mobility.

Always remember affinity scams that Madoff was a Jew who scammed Jews: think about that.
Kirk Kerkorian's early investors in his airline which he later sold to buy land in Vegas were Armenians from San Fran I believe.

There's also a really good interview with Partice O'Neal where he talks about being part of Spike Lee's entourage, it's kind of the same thing, you ride the coatails of someone more powerful - it means you can't do certain gigs - but your career is made if you play by your benefactor's rules.

>> No.10815381
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>> No.10815542


There is literally a freemason temple / lodge on the same street as my office. I park my car next to it daily and if I work late I see them going in.

Basically a bunch of 60+ year old boomers in faggot outfits probably all going to suck eachothers dicks. You are already part of a super secret society, except you don't have to LARP. You are an anon, and remember, you are here forever.

>> No.10815565 [DELETED] 

Big time
You have connections, everywhere, in the city

Apparently most of the small utility companies and/or service companies, seem to be involved in that 'get together' society type ordeal

>> No.10815956

You probably are a jew. Ask your mom

>> No.10816877
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>> No.10817193
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>> No.10817214
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I am in the Brazilian FreeMasonry
Am i gonna make it?

>> No.10817225

reveal the secrets of the pledge

>> No.10817259

>go to FreeMason barbecues
>help other members
>help charity institutions
>talk about how much of a snowflake you are for being a FreeMason
It's like a group for old people to feel special for being old.

>> No.10817723

Freemasonry is jewry for non jews. It is a way for international jewry to centralize power.

I've seen the most absurd alliances appear where masonry was involved.

>> No.10817831

But that was always that way?

>> No.10817873

You are part of /biz/ my friend. Don't underestimate our reach in society,

>> No.10817896

Some societies are really good and WILL make you more wealthy but You have to be directly invited somehow
Most societies are bullshit tho, but Masons actually can help You get some nice connections (depends on location)

>> No.10818076

Non boomer, under 30 German Freemason here:
Without the values of the brotherhood and the mind of humanism I would ICO Scam the shit out of crypto spheres.
Otherwise being a young Freemason give you so much self reflection and much more things you couldn’t buy with money.

>> No.10818133


>> No.10818174

Btw if i made some biz pins for anons to wear on their cuffs just lowkey, would there be an interest for it? Then you faggots can larp all you want and point fingers in the streets.

>> No.10818499

Well, at least you got that part on rejoining right. 1 out of 6, not bad for a sikh.

>> No.10819593

Depends on what lodge you join. But yeah there are plenty, Skull&Bones is a good example. Though I don't think you really want to be part of that group unless you're fucked in the head

>> No.10819636

My grandfather was a freemason and all he can show is a gold watch he was gifted and a secret handshake where you touch the other person's middle finger knuckle when you shake. Aside from that it's all bs IMO

>> No.10819645
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>You are an anon, and remember, you are here forever.

>> No.10819656

Can confirm. My uncle was a weirdo and joined the freemasons.
As far as I know, the only benefit it had on him was he avoided a speeding ticket because the police officer was part of the same lodge.

>> No.10819668

why is link mooning then?
weren't you the ones who were pushing the price down? Looks like you failed

>> No.10819685
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sounds like commie shit

>> No.10819715

Pretty much it, i am the >>10817214 >>10817225
and i confirm it
Just a jerkcicle

>> No.10819731


Fix'd quotes (I am not the >>10817225)

>> No.10820176

>be mason
>be poorer than you would be without masons

sounds like you got cucked
but being german you are probably happy about that

>> No.10820237

we don't mess with the price dummy.
PnD boogey man is a meme
do you believe everything you read on this Himalayan Sock Weaving Forum?

>> No.10820252

join a jewish cabal

>> No.10821493
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If you rely on others to better your situation, instead of looking inward, you are in for a disappointing future.

>> No.10821636


The rise of the internet and the decentralization of media in general forced them to maintain a "public" narrative. It's inner teachings are still a secret to the profane tho.

>> No.10821643

This movie made by French Nazis, explains secret societies:


>> No.10821655

Yeah it helps from a networking perspective

>> No.10821686

sure, if you wanted to trade your ass for money. also, all those societies are tiers of jewish mysticism. so, count on subversion and blackmail to keep you inline. also, your soul is fucked for many lifetimes. karma is very real. choose wisely.

>> No.10821913

This gay jew cabal bullshit sounds like christian propaganda.

>> No.10821998
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There are plenty of hidden records (on tape with audio), where Freemasons cut through a traitors neck with a hand saw, eat a child, drink its blood and swap their wives.

>> No.10822029

t. retard pretending to know only to cope with his meaningless life

>> No.10822062

>trying to warn people about propaganda networks is propaganda
I'll bet you think warning people about racism against whites is racist.

>> No.10822108

Who/what is delphi?

Fill me in yo

>> No.10822261

in eastern europe countries the masonry is just a bunch of literal bald fat boomers with money looking to cheat each other in business and meet up away from their old ass boomer wives, drink and fuck hookers. literally just that. that's why I never joined.

>> No.10822416

This, I remember the Denarius Society back at the beginning of biz but haven’t heard of Delphi

>> No.10823196

I have friends who became a member of the Masons. I'll just say he's comfy now and really moved up the ranks. I think these groups have more pull than you give them credit for.

>> No.10823297

Have friend who entered too.
He went from minimum wagecuck to VP of major media.
He has to parrot and shill ZOG agenda on social media and like all their BS posts.
Got shilled a link to join a lodge, but from the last year they have increased their prerequisites to be anti-white.

>> No.10824375
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Kike shills in this thread.

>> No.10824416

Why episcopal?
I was baptized Episcopalian but didn't think I would have connections because of it

>> No.10824472

Masons help masons, they have deep pockets and contribute to a lot of charities (some lodges have contributed to own members' charities and gotten in trouble)
I've considered joining but you have to believe in Intelligent Design to be considered for membership to real lodges
The most I ever learned about the masons was the Conspiracy Theories podcast about Freemasonry and the illuminati

>> No.10824521

Lol Delphi was just an idea about making a group of linkers that chilled together and learned together with properties they owned through the order then some people sperged over it and went all secret faggot
it was only supposed to be a linkers country club